Posted by
Kogar the swinging ape December 17, 2008 -
"bigger than the beatles and the rolling stones!"
Back in the day, Pittsburgh record chain N.R.M., put out a series of LP's called MAD MIKE MOLDIES (check out the covers over at the Mad Mike Myspace page). These LP's are highly sought after collector items. They feature tracks hand picked by Mike himself. One of them featured GOO GOO MUCK by RONNIE COOK AND THE GAYLADS.
This is where Lux and Ivy first heard this song (and a few others) and the rest, as they say, is history.
Anyway, the week one of these LP's hit the stands, it out sold the beatles record that came out the same day! Kids in Pittsburgh really knew where it was at!
Mike even seemed to be more popular than the Stones at this time as well. The Rolling Stones played a show in Pittsburgh and around 250 people turned out for the show. Kind of a disappointing turnout for any big touring band...
Later that night? Mad Mike's dance had over a 1000 people turn up! No live band, just a guy playing scratchy 45's!
That's it for the fun facts. Like I've been saying, this is only the tip of the proverbial ice burg. The liner notes on the Norton releases read like a novel! Read about how Mike brought the great northwest's SONICS to Pittsburgh, and how he made HANKY PANKY a bona fide hit, and all other sorts of craziness!
Tomorrow starts part one of MORE MAD MIKE MADNESS! Don't miss it!