Posted by
Kogar the swinging ape December 16, 2008 -
"crazy 'bout them rekkids"
Mad Mike was famous for doing whatever it took to find a cool record. He drove all over the country, and even traveled the world (when he was in the service) to find cool tunes to play on his show and at the various dances in Pittsburgh.
There are some great tales in the liner notes to the Norton releases. I'm not going to spill all of them (you need to go buy em!), but one of them was a neat story about a Moonglows record he found at a record warehouse.
While doing some research for this compilation, I came across an audio snippet of Mike himself telling the story on one of his shows. I wanted to include it on the comp (don't worry, there's plenty of Mad Mike himself on the upcoming comp!), but I didn't have the space! The cd will be busting to the seams with tunes and banter from Mad Mike.
Here's the story...cut and paste it into your browser...
Tomorrow will be the last fun fact, then on Thursday, the first 5 songs!