Posted by
Andy Motor Sounds November 14, 2007 -
I'm a pretty simple type of fella, I like to try new things, often. For example this weekend I'm going sea fishing, I may not like it but how will I know otherwise. I find life is best lived with new experiences to fire the soul, to reinvigorate, in my past I have been
*a Sailor
*a Chef (I was good at that)
*an Aircraft Engineer
*a Builder
*a Barman (I was good at that too, 7 years man and boy)
*a Storeman
*a Shop owner (I was crap at that)
*a waiter
*farm labourer
*Guitar tutor (still do a bit of that)
I've been homeless in The Netherlands (that was exactly zero fun), I've been a Cyclist, I've been a Judo champion, I've been shot at and nearly blew up, I've been strip searched in public on a cold night (wee willie winkie), I've had many accidents (mostly due to either, getting over excited or being drunk).
My greatest achievement thus far is giving up smoking, a wonderful past time (and I should know, I've tried all of 'em) with only one drawback....death. That said, its a habit I intend to take up again when I get naturally closer to the grave. It can usher me towards my demise with less of price to be paid on my part. By then I reckon I'll fancy taking up the pipe and I may grow a beard to go with it.
But its all led me to where I am now, I'm married to the lovely Janie and we have two beautiful wee girls. I play in The Bonevilles and run Motor Sounds Records, I say "run"
more kind of hope and pray for either a lottery win to ease the amazing waste of money or a stroke.
Theres loads more but I'm bored now, don't blame me its the governments fault.....its TV thats to blame.....McDonalds its them bastards, they put shit in the food, no they do, actual shit.......I need a drink.!!!!
Ta Ta
Andy Motor Sounds