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Rockin Rod October 27, 2009 -
I made a 24 hour trip to San Francisco this last weekend (October 24th, 2009) just to see the Mummies play what may be their last US show (they actually played twice that night but that second show at Thee Parkside was packed of people who couldn't get into the show at Bottom of the Hill, so packed that people at the first show couldn't get in). You can call me crazy but it was worth the trip down from Seattle. They were just liked I remembered. The songs mostly consisted of selections from Never Been Caught and early singles that eventually were compiled for Play Their Own Records and a few covers that never were recorded. Only one song from Party at Steve's House and that was Zip-I-Dee-Doo-Da. Plus In and Out and I'm Gonna Kill My Baby Tonight from the Runnin' on Empty comps. They did a bubblegum/soul number but I couldn't understand the lyrics so I really don't know which one they did. I just remember the sound of it. They also did a great rendition of He's Waiting.
They tried freaking out the audience after 6 numbers saying that they were going to finish up as they had to go down the block to do another show. Alot of "WHA!?" and booing, but we should have know better. They actually played about another hour. The first three bands (one of those being the Brentwoods. Cool) did really short sets so the Mummies were done by 12:30 or so before moving on down to Thee Parkside.
Believe me...this show was fun. They should really do one more album and a tour of the States before finally calling it quits forever.