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  • Killed By Porn #9

    Host: Duke Eastwood After smoking Cuban cigars in Panama, hitting swingers clubs in Argentina, and narrowly escaping a kidnapping charge in Columbia, Duke Eastwood is back in the dirty desert wasteland of Denver, Colorado to bring you another not-ready-for-primetime podcast. Not all podcasts have a...
  • Killed By Porn #8

    Host: Duke Eastwood Duke’s currently on safari, filming a slasher movie or something in some far-off, exotic country and neglected to submit an intro description for this show, but listen to it anyway. Ya know ya wanna… DOWNLOAD|SUBSCRIBE
  • Killed By Porn #7

    Host: Duke Eastwood Like being left alone with your dad’s creepy best friend… here’s Killed By Porn, episode number 7. Duke’s got enough alcohol to kill a rhinocerous, and enough wild-ass rock’n'roll to wipe out an entire civilization of squares. Check it out for yourself… [Squares and rhinos bewar...
  • Killed By Porn #6

    Host: Spook bEastwood ‘Tis the season for this blood-soaked wet dream known as Killed By Porn #6. Not only does this Halloween episode feature the usual sexy seconds to every minute; but also a little treat for your tricking. Contained in this file are three “red box” tones that when used correctly...
  • Killed By Porn #5

    Host: Duke Eastwood What sort of person listens to Killed By Porn? They move to a town based on the availability of low-cost, high-speed Internet; and knowledge that the government secretly puts birth control into the city’s drinking water. If appearing on Room Raiders, a UV light looking for inc...
  • Killed By Porn #4

    Host: Duke Eastwood A new coat of filth for your iPod. Don’t let it slip out of your hand; lay it down softly, turn it on and push its buttons like only you know how. Get to Rocking and Rolling for about 60 sweaty minutes. When it’s over light a smoke, roll your iPod over and go to sleep. Then, of ...
  • Killed By Porn #3

    Host: Duke Eastwood Here are Duke Eastwood’s listening tips for this podcast: 1. Pretend you’re at a swimming pool with this show playing through the pool’s speakers. 2. Imagine you go up to the prettiest girl there and ask her, “If I kiss you, will you scream?” 3. Taste of the Taste, Taste First P...
  • Killed By Porn #2

    Host: Duke Eastwood Another misadventure in mono; Duke Eastwood brings you another podcast to get your Tokyo-Drift on to. Pay close attention and see if you can catch the theme of this show; it’s something you’ll do a lot of when you explain to the repair man that your computer was KILLED BY PORN. ...
  • Killed By Porn #1

    Host: Duke Eastwood If the term “Rock and Roll” is an old euphemism for sexual intercourse, then what new term would be given to explain classic punk rock being PODCAST? Let’s consider it the equivalent of your computer being so clogged with smut viruses that the hard drive won’t ever work again; c...
  • Interview with New Canadian Modern

    It's not quite, exactly what I said verbatim like it should be, but fuck it, I was the first person interviewed for this blog, which was actually because I wasn't interviewed for the blog, but for a fanzine out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada that went under and the interview was salvaged. http://newca...