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  • The Nomads ~ Be Nice (1966)

    The Nomads ~ Be Nice (1966)
  • Purchased a (cheap) CD

    Various Artists                 Rig Rock Truck Stop Another Collection of DIESEL ONLY records (1993) 1Euro50
  • Banjo

    The banjo is a four-, five- or six-stringed instrument with a piece of animal skin or plastic stretched over a circular frame. Simpler forms of the instrument were fashioned by Africans in Colonial America, adapted from several African instruments of similar design.   Dock Boggs (February 7, 1898 – ...
  • About Garage rock

    Garage rock is a raw form of rock and roll that was first popular in the United States and Canada from about 1963 to 1967. During the 1960s, it was not recognized as a separate music genre and had no specific name. In the late 1970s, some rock critics retroactively identified it as an early incarnat...
  • Garage (Last FM)

    In the wake of Beatlemania and the British invasion, American teenagers from coast to coast strapped on guitars, cobbled together drum sets, and set up in the garages provided by the country’s newfound suburban sprawl.
  • Soundcloud: The best of 2012 Pt 1

    The best of 2012 Pt 1 1. Ty Segall & White Fence - Crybaby 2 . Cosmonauts - Emerald Green 3. Gentleman Jesse - I´m A Mess 4. Fantasmage - Huesos 5. The Hussy - Undefined 6. Ty Segall Band - I Bought My Eyes 7. Fidlar - No Ass 8. Mujeres - Salvaje 9. Rayon Beach - Jacuzzi Limo Explosion 1...
  • Soundcloud: Podcast Garage 60´s Vol. 1 Soundcloud: Podcast Garage 60´s Vol. 1 No toques mas Sam about 1 year ago ======================== 1. Legends - I´ll Come Again  2. Love - 7 and 7 Is  3. The Warlords - Real Fine Lady  4. The Omens - Searching  5. Count Five - Psychotic R...
  • Stoffer & Bentz Boogie Nights & Atoomjukebox

    Stoffer & Bentz Boogie Nights & Atoomjukebox de avonden (the evenings) ->->Stoffer & Bentz Boogie Nights & Atoomjukebox Stoffer & Bentz Boogie Nights & Atoomjukebox  
  • Art sep '12

  • Waarschuwing KNMI: zware windstoten en onweer

    maandag 24 september 2012 12:28 Het KNMI waarschuwt maandag voor kans op zware windstoten en mogelijke zuidwesterstorm. De windstoten kunnen zich vanaf maandagmiddag tot in de avond in het hele land voordoen.           Er trekken onweersbuien over het land      Een gebied met onweersbuien bereikt ro...