Recent Classifieds

  • July 24, 2024 - posted by Jesus E.
    • Location Benidorm [map]
    Anyone going to Funtastic 2024? Traveling there from California solo, anyone want to meet up?
  • March 31, 2024 - posted by Darren
    100+ Releases on the Trash Wax label, 1000's of records in stock, Cheapest international shipping on the Planet. Cramps, Monsters, Nomads, Phantom Chords, Messer Chups, Sting Rays, C.Kings, Vice Barons, Gun Club, Dead Moon, Marcel Bontempi, Lyres, and much, much more...Compilations, Rare stuff, New...
  • May 23, 2019 - posted by Sheep Dog
    Looking to #DJ some #CarShows in The #Ohio Area with great #Oldies & current #Rockabilly tracks if any one has a lead hit me up. Prices will vary depending on clients needs
  • May 7, 2019 - posted by vikbot
    • Location Boston, MA [map]
    Garage Punk band The Mess Me Ups, needs a drummer to play a couple of gigs in June, go into the studio, and make a the kind you can eat off of, or listen to the songs with a pencil and paper cone.   Songs are on Mess Me Ups facebook page..please imagine a better recording, and if...

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Female (or thereabouts) Bassist needed

  • Hey-up, peeps,

    London, UK band Gore-Dinah is in search if a new, preferably female bassist.

    We deliver propah, no-nonsense sweary, high energy, super fun Punk-Rock but, sadly, broke our old bass player.

    We are ideally looking for a girl to keep an even boys/girls ratio on stage.

    The whole of our material is original. Some of our influences are Hole, The Pixies, The Muffs, The Clash, Jack White, The Kills, The HeadCoats (and HeadCoatees!), The Primitives, Green Day, Daisy Chainsaw and many, many others... 

    Because of the nature of the act, we will always privilege attitude over musical abilities, although we're looking for an adult woman with enough technique to be able to remember and play 10 or so tunes in a row in tempo without falling over. 

    Also, an ability to remember simple tunes and lyrics and to sing them relatively in tune is a definite advantage, so is a fondness for basic, repetitive, loud punk tunes! 

    The ideal candidate will be able to pick up a song and make it her own. 

    First and foremost, we're super nice and need other super nice people to play with! 
    Douchebags, divas, and egomaniacs are a definite no go. Sad as it may sound, please also refrain from applying if you have alcohol, drugs or violence related issues. 

    Please also note that most of the material performed contains explicit lyrics, a constant use of swearwords and regular references to sex, drugs and violence. 
    For that reason, applicants of a sensitive disposition and/or under 18 years of age need not apply. 

    On the other hand, we do not discriminate on age, (Hell, the old one must have been a 100, for all I know!) colour, haircut, number of tattoos or any such bollocks. We are firm believers that Punk is about freedom, rebellion and wild abandon. Also, how you want to express that is up to you! 

    We will be playing live in March and so would like to be able to do 1/2 rehearsals a week to start off with. 

    You can listen to some of our incredibly poorly recorded tunes here:

    or here:

    You can also find us on facebook here:

    If this sounds like you, please PM us and we'll reply immediately!