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    • June 29, 2011 2:06 PM CDT
    • Hey Dave – That sounds great.  We’re thinking we want to come out in the fall because – if all goes as planned – we’ll have our album out by that time.  So let us know how the venue works out.  With any luck we may make the long trek out from the Toronto to see your show.  Hopefully by then we’ll know who the top secret band of the nite is…     

      whatwave dave said:
      Since my name is getting tossed around here, i'm gonna pop in...I'm trying a new venue for the next show, the venue is called Brennan's Beer Bistro. Similar deal to the Black Shire in that you get the door but have to work it, there is a PA, but no sound guy. Bands have to set up the sound the way they like it. This venue is set up WAY better than Black Shire, has a large outdoor patio, visible site lines everywhere in the club, dance floor etc...If this show i'm doing on Aug 5th works out, this is where all of my shows will be...and plug plug, my next show is: Lonesome Ghost, The Cut Outs, The Hook Up and the return 80's combo that can't be revealed at this time as it's too cool to mention, too old to.....(there's clues in there for you detectives of 80's Cangarage)

    • June 28, 2011 10:40 PM CDT
    • And dave, Weirdonia will do whatever you want Weirdonia to do, we are your bitch.

      Seriously though, when you test the waters let us know of your next great promotion!!!!

    • June 28, 2011 12:31 PM CDT
    • February for me, next july for my bandmate. But any age is legal if you don't get caught!

    • June 28, 2011 12:05 PM CDT
    • Cool.  Let us work some stuff out and we'll get back to you.


      When will you be turning the age in which the cops won't go nuts if you taste beer? :)

    • June 28, 2011 12:00 PM CDT
    • Since my name is getting tossed around here, i'm gonna pop in...I'm trying a new venue for the next show, the venue is called Brennan's Beer Bistro. Similar deal to the Black Shire in that you get the door but have to work it, there is a PA, but no sound guy. Bands have to set up the sound the way they like it. This venue is set up WAY better than Black Shire, has a large outdoor patio, visible site lines everywhere in the club, dance floor etc...If this show i'm doing on Aug 5th works out, this is where all of my shows will be...and plug plug, my next show is: Lonesome Ghost, The Cut Outs, The Hook Up and the return 80's combo that can't be revealed at this time as it's too cool to mention, too old to.....(there's clues in there for you detectives of 80's Cangarage)

    • June 27, 2011 8:40 PM CDT
    • there is good sir! im sure the phog lounge would fit our needs nicely, miesha and the spanks played their recently actually! But I dunno if we'd be able to stay to watch you fellows since we're 18...
      oh and the august/september thing? it works great as long as it isnt labor day weekend or august 20th!

    • June 27, 2011 11:39 AM CDT
    • Yeah.  It would be if WWD was involved.  We’re thinking towards the end of August/ early September.  How does that work for you guys? 


      Are there any good places to play in Windsor?

    • June 25, 2011 9:27 PM CDT
    • Dude the black shire pub sounds like a great idea! I'm sure whatwave dave wouldn't mind helping promote the show! He always does that sort of thing and he's London's Garage enthusiast!

    • June 23, 2011 6:36 PM CDT
    • We played Black shire Pub before in London had some fun!!!  Let us know ... we are always looking for people to play with in Ontario!

    • June 23, 2011 7:59 AM CDT
    • Hey guys – That sounds great.  We got an album coming out soon (in a couple months if all goes s planned) so we’re going to want to get out that way.  You guys have anything in mind in terms of venues and promoters?

    • June 16, 2011 11:55 AM CDT
    • Hello fellow Garage Punkers!

      Weirdonia would really like to expand from the dank town with a struggling music scene that is Windsor Ontario, and play some shows with some of London's finest! Or like I stated in the title, the surrounding area as well!

      We'd play with anyone really, we just really wanna expand and network with the area!

      Here's some of our music !

      You can download our music there as well, or just listen to the same stuff on our GPH page ;D

      Thanks again everyone!

      -Alex CAM

    • June 28, 2011 8:09 PM CDT
    • hello garagepunk friends! we are Dead Berlin, an alternative psychedelic rock duo from Buenos Aires, Argentina!. (guitar+drums) this 2011 we'll be touring Europe from september 26th till november 10th more less, and we are looking for shows!!! if any of you has a band and would like to share a venue with us we'll be extremely glad!!! also if you can recommend us venues, clubs, or any place where we can play, would be great for us. thankyou guys! if you want to listen our music check or mail:

    • June 28, 2011 12:29 PM CDT
    • Thanks for your suggestions! That record store seems cool (it's good to know that I'll have something to waste my money on...) Also, I've listened to your music and it sounds good so I'll try to catch one of your shows when I'm in Edinburgh.

      Acid Fascists said:

      We're based in Edinburgh.

      Henry's Cellar Bar can be pretty good - especially when we're playing there!

      There's a record shop called Elvis Shakespeare which is great - loads of vinyl and frequent instore gigs. Billy Childish played an instore there about a year or so ago but it's mostly Scottish (mainly local) bands.

      You'll also only be an hour away from Glasgow.

      Friend us on facebook and get in touch with us closer to the time...


    • June 27, 2011 3:48 PM CDT
    • We're based in Edinburgh.

      Henry's Cellar Bar can be pretty good - especially when we're playing there!

      There's a record shop called Elvis Shakespeare which is great - loads of vinyl and frequent instore gigs. Billy Childish played an instore there about a year or so ago but it's mostly Scottish (mainly local) bands.

      You'll also only be an hour away from Glasgow.

      Friend us on facebook and get in touch with us closer to the time...


    • June 27, 2011 3:23 PM CDT
    • Hi everyone


      I'm moving to Edinburgh in September and I was wondering if there is a good rock'n'roll scene there. Does anybody know of any decent clubs/events/record stores around the area? I will be living with other foreigners who don't know the city either so any information would be very helpful.


    • June 28, 2011 2:43 AM CDT
    • Thanks for that Pat ! Will try the restaurant , the Park and the guards when visiting Le Chateau.

      By the way , nous diffusons les Cavaliers dans l'emission (EP  et LP) .



      Pat said:

      i went there 4days, last year , but in winter , beautiful city.

      Didn't seen any shows but here's some cool stuffs /places :

      this restaurant is nice , Trilobit:


      You have to try pork knee if you eat meat. I tasted it in an other restaurant, a big and loud restaurant in the center, don't remember the name or adress.


      The park with the giant metronome was beautiful with the snow but i guess it's the same in summer. Nice view of the town.

      You have to see the changing of guards at noon in front of the castle, At noon there's the orchestra playing . The song reminds me  the Star Wars theme !

    • June 27, 2011 8:33 AM CDT
    • i went there 4days, last year , but in winter , beautiful city.

      Didn't seen any shows but here's some cool stuffs /places :

      this restaurant is nice , Trilobit:


      You have to try pork knee if you eat meat. I tasted it in an other restaurant, a big and loud restaurant in the center, don't remember the name or adress.


      The park with the giant metronome was beautiful with the snow but i guess it's the same in summer. Nice view of the town.

      You have to see the changing of guards at noon in front of the castle, At noon there's the orchestra playing . The song reminds me  the Star Wars theme !

    • June 22, 2011 8:24 AM CDT
    • I guess there is no offence to up the post .
      I'll be there in 15 days , so if anybody has some informations to share .....

    • June 27, 2011 5:29 AM CDT
    • OK it got no replies but incase anyone is interested, the weekend was fucking awesome. I know there's quite a few Germans on here and yeah there was a 60s weekend in Cologne about the same time I would well recommend Ruhrpott Rodeo. The Misfits were at best mediocre, but they were a bit crappy. The Damned put on a brilliant show, and the Addicts really showed how to put a show on. They go the whole hog on campy glam punk.


      Jello Biafra played a few Dead Kennedys songs and some of his recent stuff and also puts on a cool show. The Dwarves were OK but nothing to write home about. A band that I hadn't heard of before was The Movement from Britain, they do a mod ska mix thats really cool. Jaya the Cat were also a cool band when the sun's shining as they do the reggae/ska thing.


      Some of the German bands were OK but Döddlehai and Die Kassierer weren't really my thing, I imagine you have to be German to enjoy their humour. Troopers in my opinion should have stayed wherever they were. But all in all an awesome festival, small and fun with none of the crappy advertising you get at the mainstream festivals. I went to Hurrican the week later and it felt like I'd landed in a money grabbing advert with bands playing in the background.

    • June 4, 2011 12:06 PM CDT
    • Anyone going along to this German punk fest next weekend?


      It looks fucking awesome, I have my tickets ready and itching to get out.

    • June 25, 2011 10:22 AM CDT
    • what a shame we'll be playing in Brighton that night - have a ball!!

    • June 7, 2011 8:46 PM CDT
    • FRIDAY, June 10

      Mr. Esgar DJ set

      @ Plano B - Porto, Portugal