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    • November 2, 2008 10:41 AM CST
    • C'est l'évènement de l'automne à la Mécanique Ondulatoire ! Les FUZZTONES, instigateurs et chefs de file du garage revival des 80's seront dans les murs du club rock de la Bastille le jeudi 6 novembre pour un concert parisien exceptionnel ! Un nouvel album "Horny As Hell" sera disponible (lp & cd) en exclusivité à cette occasion... Ils seront également renforcés pour cette tournée par CRAIG MOORE, leader du lègendaire garage-band 60's GONN (Voir "Black Out Of Gretely" sur la fameuse compilation Nuggets), influence majeure des Fuzztones... Enfin, la première partie sera assurée par le nouveau band de KEPI, ancienne tête des GROOVIE GHOULIES, personnage lunaire (que ne renierait pas Tim Burton) de la scène punk rock californienne ! http:// Entrée: 14 E Billets disponibles dorénavant aux endroits suivants: LA MECANIQUE ONDULATOIRE: 8, passage Thiéré - Paris 11ème (18 h - 2h, tlj) BORN BAD - 17, rue Keller - Paris 11ème (12 h - 20 h, sauf dimanche) LE SILENCE DE LA RUE - 39, rue Faidherbe - Paris 11ème (11h - 19 h 30, sauf dimanche) Rappel: La Mécanique ne peut accueillir plus de 150 personnes, il est donc prudent de réserver.

    • October 29, 2008 12:18 AM CDT
    • Just got back last night from three amazing weeks in Spain. Thee Bat, Armitage Shanks and the Mummies in Valencia, DJ Wheelie Bag at Pinball in Valencia too, the Tornado Club in Granada, the Phantom Keys live in Madrid, the Barbara Ann and Las Guindes bars in Barcelona. Drinking Mahou, Estrella, Alhambra 1925, Cruzcampo, and Moritz beers and Licor de Herba, and Jerez. Eating Jamon Serrano, Manchego curado, pescaitos, tortillas, empanadas de atun, and chorizo. Not to mention all the usual historical sites in between all the other distracting fun things to do. We are exhausted. As for the Mummies, incredible in my opinion. I only saw them twice during their original run, and I think they sounded better at the festival than I remember from before. Not too many gigs anymore that I'm willing to be beat to a sweaty pulp up front for the whole set. This was one of them. And, incredibly, when we left at what must of been 5:30 in the morning there must have still been 500 people still there dancing and drinking their asses off. Hope we can afford to make it back some day not too far off in the future.

    • October 25, 2008 9:32 AM CDT
    • Does anyone have any pictures or video of the event? Especially of the Mummies? I would love to join in on a conversation about the sanctitiy of sound quality at a garage rock show but alas I wasn't there.... But seriously a video of the Mummies would help last through the winter.

    • October 16, 2008 12:07 PM CDT
    • Paloma - Here's some facts to make you smile. Some bands can be wrong too! Throwing a pissy because a monitor isn't working is NOT Rock and Roll. Bands - Your hired to play so play! Fuck it I've played in venues where all you can here on stage is a drum kit, we still put on a show and didn't kill the soundman afterwards!
      OK so the sound could have been better on stage, but except for the heavy bass drum it was all cool out front ( it sounded better in different parts of the hall too).
      For crying out load we got to have a fucking great weekend with all our friends and new friends. We got to see the one remaing band we all wanted to see and this was all down to Paloma and the Funtastic Dracular team.
      Just read between the lines on all this and you can tell everyone enjoyed themselves! :-)

    • October 16, 2008 11:50 AM CDT
    • rpd3 said:

      paloma- i realize my initial post may have been a bit harsh. i was just incredibly frustrated that apparently nothing was being done when there was obviously a problem. the sound guy didn't give a shit and no one was around to fix it.

      thursday night was great. thee bat fucking rocked and i was expecting everything else to live up to that level. i only caught kk&bbq, the band that played prior to them (meh), and the mummies. i didn't attend sat. night, so perhaps that would have made my overall experience better and why i may be in the minority.

      either way, good job on putting together the event. hopefully you get a different sound guy next year.
      No worries, my friend!! As you said, "apparently" nothing was being done. But belive me, something was being done, even if you could not see it. Unfortunately, there was not time enough to fix it while KK and BBQ show, but if you can swear The Mummies sound was bad, maybe you have a problem on your ears, or you were so frustrated at that time that you could not apreciate the reality. Your sadness it's my sadness too.. all the best and hope we meet sometime somewhere!! congratulations on your wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    • October 16, 2008 4:24 AM CDT
    • must say I had a marvelous time too - great festival!

    • October 15, 2008 6:01 PM CDT
    • Thank you Paloma and everyone else that helped you put this together (whom I don't know). It was fucking magnificent!! It was the first time on the festival for my girlfriend and me. To me the Mummies was the best band I have ever seen! King Khan & BBQ was great as always, Thee Vicars were great and Thee Bat was a really good surprise for us, no expectations, but a fucking good show!!

    • October 15, 2008 2:22 PM CDT
    • paloma- i realize my initial post may have been a bit harsh. i was just incredibly frustrated that apparently nothing was being done when there was obviously a problem. the sound guy didn't give a shit and no one was around to fix it.

      thursday night was great. thee bat fucking rocked and i was expecting everything else to live up to that level. i only caught kk&bbq, the band that played prior to them (meh), and the mummies. i didn't attend sat. night, so perhaps that would have made my overall experience better and why i may be in the minority.

      either way, good job on putting together the event. hopefully you get a different sound guy next year.

    • October 15, 2008 1:18 PM CDT
    • Hola Paloma,

      Say it in Spanish. I speak Spanish and I'm sure there are others here who also speak Spanish.

      I, for one, am VERY jealous that I didn't get to see this amazing event... I'm sure it was loads of fun as the others have been (from what I've heard).

      Siguele y no pares!! Suerte amiga!

    • October 15, 2008 1:06 PM CDT
    • Thanks to everybody who attended the festival!!
      We had tons, I mean TONS, of emails of people ( including Mummies, Untamed Youth, and the rest of the bands) saying they had a great time.
      It's been a hard work for us, I'm sorry if it disapointed you rpd3...Not everything can be perfect, which is a real pitty..Maybe is the reason because most of the pople stay at home talking shit instead of try to do something for the music and the fun.. 1000 good things and one bad, and the people only talk about the bad ones, making you feel like an idiot.
      I would like to explain you the reasons why I think the sound for KK and BBQ was not very good, but it's difficult for me to do it in English, and I guess you don´t speak any other language, so I can´t do it. I'm sorry!!

      I don´t know who are you, but probably are one of the 800 party people who was dancing mad with bands and Dj's until 7 in the morning with a big smile in their faces.
      If you are not one of them, I'm sorry.. travel from so far and just seeing the bad part....
      Thanks for coming, anyway....rpd3 and all the rest of funtastic maniacs who are just counting the days to come back to our festival from everywhere in the world.

    • October 15, 2008 8:52 AM CDT
    • your response explains a lot. you clearly weren't paying attention to their set so of course you didn't hear kk's multiple complaints about not hearing shit in the monitors, kicking them, nor cutting their set short. they however were one of the bands I was very interested in seeing. and that was all stuff THEY WERE DOING ONSTAGE, which you say you pay attention to. i did. and that's exactly what i'm talking about. so a band i very much want to see cuts their set short due to poor attentiveness of the sound guy and managers of this festival and i shouldn't be upset? bullshit. ...and i wasn't at soundcheck. i was outside talking with kk and he was bitching more about the sound and he mentioned that the mummies complained about it during their soundcheck. i told him that it appeared the guy didn't speak english and did not understand, however there was a spanish speaking dude there that said he talked to him but he didn't give a shit. again, to each their own, but i know i'm not the only one that was pissed about it. hopefully a better job is done next year. delafuzz said:

      Talk about professionality. To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less about KK & BBQ. Not my cup of tea. I'd rather see them with The Shrines and Sexareenos. All the whole one man band ruckus only works if you have any talent for it, in my opinion. Many seem to think that it is a free for all. That said, they managed to grab my attention for a while during their performance. They were not that bad. And you know, what belongs to the soundcheck stays at the soundcheck. Being a part of the audience, I am only concerned about what performers do during stage time. Should I care about what happened to them at rehearsals or how they were paid or fled or fed? NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Which makes me think, how come you be at the soundcheck?

    • October 15, 2008 3:09 AM CDT
    • Well..I remember being next to the sound engineer while KK & BBQ were playing and Khan was trying to talk to him really upset with the monitor thing and the sound engineer even was hearing because was talking with a woman..

    • October 15, 2008 2:15 AM CDT
    • rpd3 said:

      @victor & delafuzz-
      that is why they were pissed off. that is why they cut their set short. that is why kk immediately went to the sound guy following their set and bitched at the sound guy, to no avail or comprehension. that is why he was out front bitching about how the sound guy shouldn't get paid.
      Talk about professionality. To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less about KK & BBQ. Not my cup of tea. I'd rather see them with The Shrines and Sexareenos. All the whole one man band ruckus only works if you have any talent for it, in my opinion. Many seem to think that it is a free for all. That said, they managed to grab my attention for a while during their performance. They were not that bad. And you know, what belongs to the soundcheck stays at the soundcheck. Being a part of the audience, I am only concerned about what performers do during stage time. Should I care about what happened to them at rehearsals or how they were paid or fled or fed? NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Which makes me think, how come you be at the soundcheck?

    • October 14, 2008 10:25 PM CDT
    • @victor & delafuzz-
      i think both of you understand english about as well as the sound guy. did you not see the king kahn & bbq set? you must not have, b/c he was repeatedly complaining about having no sound in the monitors. that is why they were pissed off. that is why they cut their set short. that is why kk immediately went to the sound guy following their set and bitched at the sound guy, to no avail or comprehension. that is why he was out front bitching about how the sound guy shouldn't get paid.

      where exactly did i say they sounded bad? i think they sounded good, but their visible frustration and constant complaint with no action left a bad taste in my mouth. hey, you enjoyed yourself, that's great. to each their own. i just think both artists were done an incredible disservice. i don't think you'll find either the mummies or kk&bbq gloating about how wonderful this festival was.

      yeah, great acts were put together and a lot of people probably had a great time and didn't notice. maybe i'm too particular, but stand by my words.

    • October 14, 2008 5:44 PM CDT
    • Wow. Big words. Whoever the hell organized this did the awful job of bringing The Mummies out of their caskets for you to see. Whoever the hell organized this have previously provided first time European appearances for The Trashmen, Nathaniel Mayer, Betty Harris amongst others. They have also brought to Spain many other superb performers that everyone else refused to fly here as they are not 'profitable' - they don't give a shit about putting their money on the bands they love. They have been around for a while - and believe me, they do not work with high school friends. If you do not know who the sound guy was, you should have stayed until the end and read the credits. Sorry to hear that you did not like how KK&BBQ or The Mummies sounded, but rest assured that hundreds of others did - You know, this was supposed to be fun, no hifi. And really sorry if this sad state of affairs spoilt your honeymoon in any way. I, for myself, had the time of my life. By the way, check this. Do these guys look upset? Good night you all, ---Pablo de la Cruz rpd3 said:

      whoever the hell organized this did an awful job. hire professionals that know what the fuck they're doing and not your fucking high school friends. the sound guy didn't give a fuck even when kk was in his ears bitching about the sound. if he didn't speak english, someone running this gig surely should have made sure the shit was fixed.

    • October 14, 2008 5:11 PM CDT
    • It looks like we were at different festivals! I'm not a sound geek, but to me the whole thing sounded more than decently. I can't speak from a musician's position but I didn't hear complaints about the sound, and I talked to a lot of people with different opinions about the bands. Rpd3, I don't know what bands you liked, but hey, we're talking about a Rock and Roll show (and I've seen some in the last 25+ years), not the friggin' Yngwie whatsisname. When do you get the Mummies, Untamed Youth, Palookaville, Thee Vicars, Muck & The Mires and KK & BBQ on the same bill plus excellent disc jockeys? I enjoyed them all, I liked some better than other, and of course there are always things to improve as in EVERY festival. The organization did a great job in having people getting fun. For me they succeeded on that. I'll be there next year. rpd3 said:

      i'm glad i was there for my honeymoon and didn't fly all the way out for just this show (like the mummies, king kahn, etc.). kk&bbq cut their set short after complaining multiple times about the monitors not working (they couldn't hear shit). five songs- that's what we got. the mummies were visibly upset and complained about it as well (and complained about the sound during their check).
      whoever the hell organized this did an awful job. hire professionals that know what the fuck they're doing and not your fucking high school friends. the sound guy didn't give a fuck even when kk was in his ears bitching about the sound. if he didn't speak english, someone running this gig surely should have made sure the shit was fixed. it was great to see the mummies back on stage, but they were let down. this show was bullshit.

    • October 14, 2008 9:36 AM CDT
    • i'm glad i was there for my honeymoon and didn't fly all the way out for just this show (like the mummies, king kahn, etc.). kk&bbq cut their set short after complaining multiple times about the monitors not working (they couldn't hear shit). five songs- that's what we got. the mummies were visibly upset and complained about it as well (and complained about the sound during their check).

      whoever the hell organized this did an awful job. hire professionals that know what the fuck they're doing and not your fucking high school friends. the sound guy didn't give a fuck even when kk was in his ears bitching about the sound. if he didn't speak english, someone running this gig surely should have made sure the shit was fixed.

      it was great to see the mummies back on stage, but they were let down. this show was bullshit.

    • October 27, 2008 12:24 AM CDT
    • Brazilian RRRRRRROCK band AUTORAMAS in their 3rd european tour! Check it out October 30 - Lisboa, Portugal, Cabaret Maxime, 21:00 October 31 - Leiria, Portugal, Bar Alfa, 21:00 November 01 - Porto, Portugal, PlanoB, 22:00 November 02 - Braga, Portugal, Fnac, 17:00 November 03 - Porto, Portugal, Fnac Santa Catarina, 17:00 November 03 - Porto, Portugal, Fnac Norte Shopping, 22:00 November 04 - Coimbra, Portugal, Fnac, 22:00 November 06 - Madrid, España, Gruta77, 22:00 November 07 - Sant Carles De La Rápita, España, Sala La Dutxa, 23:00 November 08 - Castellón, España, Bar D'Nit, 23:00 November 09 - Tarragona, España, La Traviesa, 20:00 November 10 - Annecy, France, Festival Cinezic MJC de Novel, 20:00 November 13 - Bordeaux, France, Medieval, 20:00 November 14 - London, UK, Dirty Water, 20:00 November 15 - Nantes, France, Blockhaus DY10, 20:00 November 16- Le Mans, France, Le Café Noir, 20:00 November 18 - London, UK, JungleDrums Magazine 6th Anniversary Party, 20:00 November 19 - La Louvíère, Belgie, La Taverne du Théâtre, 20:00 November 22 - Oberhausen, Deutschland, Druckluft, 20:00 November 23 - Berlin, Deutschland, Cortina Bob, 20:00 November 24 - Chemnitz, Deutschland, Bunker, 20:00 November 25 - Kassel, Deutschland, Haus, 20:00 November 28 - Maastricht, Nederland, Cafe Zondag, 20:00 November 29 - Liege, Belgie, La Zone, 20:00

    • October 25, 2008 9:23 AM CDT
    • Thanks for posting (both comments)! I checked this before I left the States. We were in Berlin for a couple days in October. Wowsville was awesome. The fella who runs the music section was apparently on vacation in Spain or something (so said the guy who runs the nutty goth gear and head shop in the other half of the space), so I didn't get to meet him.

      We tried to see a show at Wild At Heart, but it was so packed we couldn't move or get to the bar even before the first band started. We stayed at the Wombats hostel right off the Rosa Luxemburg U-Bahn, so White Trash was about a block away. Stopped in for one drink. They weren't having a band that night, but it seemed like a pretty ok place. Cute chick from Texas running the door, so that was a bonus.

      Also, (albeit off topic) Hamburg was a blast! Caught Suspect Parts (members of The Briefs and Clorox Girls) at Beat Club. Great little rock n roll bar just around the corner (literally) from the happening red light district.

    • October 13, 2008 5:36 AM CDT
    • BORN BAD - 17 rue Keller - 75011 Paris
      ROCKET RECORDS - 1ter rue Lacharrière - 75011 Paris (rockabilly, psycho, country ... )
      LENOX RECORDS - 38 rue Legendre - 75017 Paris (rockabilly...)

    • October 12, 2008 4:44 AM CDT
    • Sounds that swing in camden, on Inverness street is just about the finest i've been to... I don't live in London tho'... But the Dirty Water club in Tuffnell park is where I generaly go when I'm in town... PJ on this here board is the Guvnor...

    • October 7, 2008 4:58 PM CDT
    • Thanks Jacob, I'm booked into Cabinn.

      Will probably see you at the Gaolers gig.

    • October 7, 2008 5:23 AM CDT
    • RADIO BAM! is finally on air!!
      Every monday night 9pm - 10pm on Radio Onda D'urto
      99.600 Mhz / 99.700 Mhz / Streaming

      Playlist 06/10/08 - "45 or 33RPM ?!"

      :: Download the Episode on Mp3 ::
      Langhorne Slim - Spinning Compass (Kemado LP)
      Goodnight Loving - Up North Girl (Bancroft 7'')
      Mojomatics - Don't Believe Me When i'm High (preview! Bad Afro 7'')
      Hex Dispensers - My Love is a Bat (Alien Snatch 7'')
      Japanther - Not at War (Bachelor 7'')
      M.O.T.O. - I Like Fucking (preview! Surfin' KI 7'')
      Hunx - Good Kisser (Bachelor 7'')
      Chinese Telephones - Back to You Again (It's Alive CD)
      Tough & Lovely - The Lover's Curse (Spoonfull 7'')
      Radio Days - Brand New Day (Insubordination CD)
      Paul Collins' Beat - You Won't be Happy (LP)
      M.O.T.O. - Street Where Love Lives (Aarght! CD)
      Smart Cops - Quel Dubbioso Manganella Rosa (Sorry State 7'')
      Contaminators - Minimal Minds (Menotropic 7'')
      Elektras - Punk Boy (Squoodge 7'')
      Hipbone Slim - The Sheik Said Shake (Voodoo Rythmn CD)
      Screeching Weasel - I Wanna be an Homosexual (Fat Wreck CD)