Check out this month's show, feauring a tribute to the late Roky Erikson
Check out this month's show, feauring a tribute to the late Roky Erikson
Radio What Wave Playlist June 28/2019
Thanx for all the messages, emails, phone calls, Heys etc!!! That’s what makes it all worthwhile!!
Back again next week….with some Dave Bartholomew who passed away this week.
Radio What Wave Playlist June 14/2019
Back on the airwaves, dedicated this show to my Mother, Dr John and Roky Erickson. And the second half of the show is a Roky special as we’ve been fans for way too many years!
Ran outta time at this point, but had a number of Roky songs I really wanted to play….Bloody Hammer was all cued up and ready to go!!
Thanx for all the crazy phone calls and requests for the next show. And Thanx for all the emails, texts, FB messages and Heys!!
Back in 2 weeks as next Friday is National Aboriginal Day in Canada and there will be a day of special programming to celebrate! And CHRW has a fundraiser at the London Brewing Co-op on Sunday from 11 till 3PM. Fuse is also involved and there will be food vendors, DJ’s, beverages and local record store Odyssey onsite.
Radio What Wave Playlist May 31/2019
Huge Thanx for all the crazy phone calls, emails, FB messages and Heys!!!
Next week we’ll be doing at least part of the show on Roky and the major influence his work has had on so many others!
Radio What Wave Playlist May 24/2019
Thanx Tons for all the crazy phone calls, emails, messages, and Heys!! And Thanx to Reverb Syndicate for taking the time while stuck in traffic to yammer about their big show at the Richmond last night….they’re in Sarnia tonite!
Back again next week, already have requests for Stooges (with Ron) and Long Day Journey….
You can catch the show live every Friday from 4 till 6PM EST.
Radio What Wave Playlist May 17/2019
Big Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, FB messages and HEYS!!! That’s what makes it all worthwhile!! Back again next week for more noise to annoy.
Radio What Wave Playlist May 10/2019
Huge Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, FB messages and Heys!!! Got a stack of requests for next week that I’ll dig out of the archives! And Thanx to all that said HEY at last week’s London Music Week! Catch you next week as we usher in the long weekend!!!
Radio What Wave Playlist May 3/2019
Big Thanx to Richard Beland for taking the time to yammer on the phone and we had no idea about the Legend Killers connection!
Back again next week and Thanx to all that came out for London Music Week!!! So much overlooked talent in this city!
Radio What Wave Playlist April19/2019
Big Thanx to Randall Pee Coltrane for taking the time to phone us today!
Next week, we’re live from the London Music Hall Of Fame! Feel free to drop by the Museum and say Hey! Or just check out the museum as we’ve got some really cool stuff housed away!
Radio What Wave Playlist April 5/2019
Out of time but certainly never out of tunes to play! This edition was dedicated to The Big Dog who would have been 89 on the day this was aired!
Back again next week with more stuff!!
Playlist 06-15-19
Troggs - I Can Only Give You Everything
Nomads - I'm Five Years Ahead of My Time
Other Half - Mr. Pharmacist
Love - 7 and 7 Is
Jonny Manak and the Depressives - Sick of Feeling Sick
Lucy and The Rats - Stick To You
Ultra Sect - Stolen Lands
Briefs - Dumb City
Dirty Fences - Goodbye Love
Cowboys - Some Things Never Change
Los Pepes - Let Me Tell You Something
Descendents - Marriage
Cretins - Haven’t Got Clue
99ers - Girl Eyes
Duncan Reid and the Big Heads - Pretty Little Rachel
Dead Frequency - I Don't Wanna Know
SLRB - Fight Fight Fight
Suck - Basement Buzz
Beggar Belief - All Our Know Devices
Dick Dastardly's - All My Friends
Night Times - Watch Your Step
Serpent Power - In Her Mind I Am Me
Les Bof! - Fin De Monde
Jonny Magus & The Bursting Bubbles - Intergalactic Superlove
Fadeaways - Nowhere To Hide
Les Breastfeeders - Ma Mort Davant Ma Mort
Bad Beats - What You Trying To Say
Schizophonics - Streets of Heaven and Hell
Wipes - In the Park
Slow Faction - UDI
Klammer - Being Boiled
Jet Buzz - Mr Eugene
Big Eyes - When Midnight comes
Constant Mongrel - Action
Lane - Winnepeg
Dirt Byrds - Look Me In The Eyes
Badass Motherfuzzers - I Can't See
Godfathers - If I Only Had Time
Godfathers - Gone To Texas
The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be bursting at the seams with new punk and garage tunes for your listening pleasure. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at from Noon-2:00PM EST.
Playlist 06-01-19
13th Floor Elevators - You're Gonna Miss Me
Roky Erickson - Creature With The Atom Brain
Roky Erickson - Cold Night For Alligators
Roky Erickson - Don't Slander Me
Ultra Sect - Modern Nights
Beggar Belief - Burn It All Dwon
Alements - This Is Eden
Bad Beats - Ain't No Friend of Mine
Big Eyes - Young Dumb & Bored
Los Pepes - Anyway
Suck - The Catfish
Meat Tray - Meat Lover
Gorilla - Stuck On You
Clash - I'm So Bored With The USA
99ers - Sweet Strawberries
Radio Birdman - Aloha Steve & Danno
Constant Mongrel - Action
Lane - Dirty Liar
Klammer - Being Boiled
Psychedelic Furs - Flowers
Wipes - Way Too Slow
Slow Faction - U.D.I.
Jet Buzz - Mr. Eugene
Cowboys - Red-Headed Girlfriend
Les Bof! - Liberes Moi
Les Breastfeeders - Hey Petite Fille
Mongrelettes - You'll Never Fall
Rod Hamdallah - Think About It
Bee Bee Sea - Be Bop Palooza
Jonny Magus & The Bursting Bubbles - The Night of A Thousand Stars
False Positives - Eyes Wide Open
Julian Cope - World Shut Your Mouth
Dirt Byrds - I Ain't Thick It's A Trick
Dick Dastardly's - Overthinking
Hospital Food - Burning City
Priorities - Keep On Fighting
Woggles - Luminol Test
Blotto - I Wanna Be A Lifeguard
Godfathers - Gone To Texas
The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday June 1st from Noon -2:00PM. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at
R.I.P. Roky Erickson.
Playlist 05-18-19
Ultra Sect - Violent Acquisition
Alements - This Is Eden
Slow Faction - U.D.I.
Beggar Belief - Next Stop Outta Here
Klammer - Being Boiled
Jonny Magus & The Bursting Bubbles - Intergalactic Superlove
Bee Bee Sea - Be Bop Palooza
Rod Hamdullah - Carry You Home
Jet Buzz - Mr. Eugene
Hospital Food - You're Not PC
Lane - Stand
Wipes - Why'd You Run
Cowboys - Pie In My Eye
99ers - Girl Eyes
False Positives - Eyes Wide Open
Les Breastfeeders - Ma Mort Davant Ma Mort
Les Bof! - Jezebel
Yeah You Rights - What I Say
Tracys - Wendy-O
Los Pepes - Ain't Life Easy
Dick Dastardly's - Nuclear Korean Girl
Suck - The Death Machine
Sourpuss - I Wanna Be Loved
Dirt Byrds - Gone Daddy Gone
Meat Tray - Meat Lover
Toxenes - Redux
Priorities - Weekend Warriors You Say
Richard and the Young Lions - Action Woman
Mongrelettes - Never Come My Way
Bad Beats - Don't Mean Nothin
Cynics - Now I'm Alone
MC5 - Rambling Rose
Cult - Love Removal Machine
Redd Kross - Play My Song
Lemonheads - Two Weeks in Another Town
Cramps - Psychotic Reaction
Pandoras - Hot Generation
Screaming Trees - Wish Bringer
Devo - The Day My Baby Gave Me A Surprise
Godfathers - Gone To Texas
Playlist 05-04-19
Giuda - Here Comes Saturday Night
New York Dolls - Trash
Rezillos - Destination Venus
Plastic Bertrand - Pogo Pogo
Cowboys - Some Things Never Change
Bad Beats - What You Trying To Say
Damned - Billy Bad Breaks
Cayman Kings - Pink & Blue
Dickies - Nights in White Satin
Zeros - They Say That (Everything's Alright)
Bad Religion - Land of Competition
Rhino 39 - J Alfred
Jonny Magus & The Bursting Bubbles - The Night of A Thousand Stars
Richard and the Young Lions - Warning
Les Breastfeeders - Hey Petite Fille
Fadeaways - Nowhere To Hide
99ers - Sweet Strawberries
Wild Zeros - Nobody Can Tell Us
Psychotic Reaction - Dying On the Vine
Les Lulllies - What You're Doing
Lane - Winnipeg
Los Pepes - Let Me Tell You Something
Wipes - Always Melow
Djävulen Möblerar Om - Mot allt som du ar for
Beggar Belief - All Our Known Devices
Suck - El Cucuy
Tracys - Wendy-O
Hospital Food - Punx Not Dead
Slow Faction - Haters Hate
Snide - Disorder
Aerosol Burns - Afraid of the Phone
Priorities - For My Mates
Bedpan Fight - Piece of Mind
Scaners - UFO Crash
Dick Dastardly's - Watch Me Go
Cassette Apes - Wind Your Neck In
Galileo 7 - Too Late
Mongrelettes - I Never Told You
Tiger Bomb - Can't Stop
Buzzcocks - Nostalgia
Rich Kids - Rich Kids
Jam - In The City
Godfathers - Gone To Texas
The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday May 4th from Noon-2:00PM EST. Just tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at
Playlist 04-20-19
Dictators - Faster & Louder
Stimulators - Loud Fast Rules
D Generation - Degenerated
Circle Jerks - Parade of the Horribles
Los Pepes - Action
Suck - #You'redead
Djävulen Möblerar Om - Fem dagar kvar
Beserkerz - River Deep Action High
Dick Dastardly's - All My Friends
Les Lullies - You're Doing Wrong
Nave Nodriza - Muérete
Priorities - Weekend Warriors You Say?
Galileo 7 - Too Late
Cayman Kings - Mercy Kill
Lyres - How Do You Know
Les Breastfeeders - Ma Mort D'Avant Ma Mort
Real Kids - All Kinds of Girls
Radio Birdman - What Gives
Stooges - TV Eye
Mudhoney - Revolution
Wipes - In The Park
Lane - Stand
Sons & Daughters - Rebel With the Ghost
Flesh Eaters - She's Like Heroin To Me
Mad Daddys - Stoned For The Rest of My Life
Cassette Apes - Wind Your Neck In
Chuck Norris Experiment - The Truth (Sticking To My Guns)
Manager - Lower Companion
Slow Faction - Haters Hate
Beggar Belief - Burn It All Down
Tio Rico - Unfledged
Hospital Food - Burning City
Richard and the Young Lions - Open Up Your Door
Mal Thursday Quintet - The Other Side of This Life
Tiger Bomb - Here He Comes
Wild Zeros - She Knows
Black Mambas - Up All Night
Yeah You Rights - I Gotta Right
Mono Men - Your Eyes
Johnny Thunders - Leave Me Alone
Godfathers - Gone To Texas
To get your fix of songs that are loud and fast, listen to the Jeff of the Future Radio Show. The fun runs from Noon-2:00PM on Saturday April 20th. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at
Playlist 04-06-19
Richard and the Young Lions - Action Woman
Bob Mould - Send Me A Postcard
Palmyra Delran - Come Spy With Me
Tiger Bomb - One Thing's For Sure
Nave Nodriza - Destruyete
Djävulen Möblerar Om - Against All That You Are For
Swipes - Watergate Scandal
Les Lullies - What You're Doing
Wipes - In Your Mind
Lane - Free Man
Trophy Jump - Comfort Zone
Cassette Apes - Wind Your Neck In
Flash House - Die Alone
Slack Alices - LeBomb
Scaners - No Place In Space
Hospital Food - You're Not PC
Beggar Belief - Next Stop Outta Here
Suck - Flip Cup
No More Idols - Dalje
Priorities - For My Mates
Innocent - Nothing At All
Wild Zeros - Teenage Lifestyle
S.F.B. - Dying Breed
Sybil - I Wanna Forget You (Just The Way You Are)
Galileo 7 - Too Late
Embrooks - Going But Not Gone
Cayman Kings - I Wish I Had More Time
Mal Thursday Quintet - Don't Want You Either
Screaming Dead - Pretty-Mess
Healthy Junkies - This Is Not A Suicide
SLRB - Cheap
Tio Rico - Unfledged
Flesh Eaters - The Wedding Dice
1.4.5. - Your Own World
Va Va Voodoos - The Crusher
Yeah You Rights - Unvulgar
Vista Blue - My Bat, My Glove and You
Godfathers - Gone To Texas
The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday April 6th from Noon-2:00PM EST. There will be loads of new punk and garage tunes for your listening pleasure. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at
Sure thing , Steve. Wish you could have met this guy , Wally. He was a record vendor at the old flea market in Uptown Chicago. REAL Hillbilly guy , had about three teeth , greasy hair and sideburns, nicotine stains on his fingers. I used to buy all these Country and R'n'B 45s and 78s from him , usually at a buck a pop. He still had an 8 Track PLAYER SET UP in his booth in The 90's . He told me he had all of Jimmie Rogers' 78s but one , and he put them all on a cassette tape, THEN he asked if I wanted to hear it ! HELL , YES !! It was one of those fucking K-MART tapes , the kind that'd break in five playes or less....But , it was so cool.
Thanks, John.
Bop on!
The Mott The Hoople '74 show did not disappoint , except that they did'nt do "Moon Upstairs" , and "Violence " was reduced to a blip on the radar (Just like on the live album). They sounded great , and that bitch , Ian Hunter , got NO damned business looking as good as he does at 80 !