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    • April 3, 2019 12:56 PM CDT

      Hi all! I'm doing a blog called Rocking The Garage - It's primarily for raw music such as garage punk, punk, garage rock, surf rock, psych, rockabilly, and R&B. There you will find different styles of punk, lots of hardcore (not much pop-punk) and of course garage punk. The blog is supplemented with surf rock, rockabilly and to a lesser extent even a bit of wild R&B/blues. I post a lot of new music/artists (both from YouTube & Bandcamp). You can check out the Rocking The Garage blog from this link:

    • April 1, 2019 12:29 PM CDT

      Here's an hour's worth of the best:



    • March 23, 2019 3:56 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist March 23/2019. Special Guest Steven R Stunning.


      1. The Dice….Crisis Landr…brand new recording and we will have 2 of the 3 members of The Dice on next week’s show. The Dice were a late 70’s to mid 80’s trio that released a couple of records, played The Cedar Lounge here in London a couple of times. They even had Mick Jagger singing backup on a song on their last album. We’ll get the details next week.
      2. Jasmine Minks….Step By Step…brand new arrival in the station from this Scottish powerpop combo.
      3. Coaching For Sara….Receive….from their latest recordings and from London/Walkerton. We’ve had them on air a couple of times for live to airs.
      4. Andy Butler…You Go Girl….from the recent Garage Heartbreak download and Andy is the leader of the 905’s who have played London a few times over the years.
      5. Paris Street Rebels….I Don’t Wanna Die Young….from a recent Dirty Water release we have at the station.
      6. Andre Williams….Cadillac Jack….from a live recording at Call The Office 10/5/2000 and was sparsely attended. Andre still put on an amazing show and one of my all time fave Call The Office shows! Andre thanked each and every one of us and invited us all up to the dressing room after the show! A true gentleman! The Strap was the backup band for this tour.
      7. Andre Williams….Raise Hell…as above. Left a few of Andre’s comments about the size of the crowd for all to hear.
      8. Andre Williams….Detroit Michigan….from the Bait And Switch LP on Norton Records from 2001. Andre worked with just about everyone in his career and this record is certainly no exception; Matt Verta-Ray, A Bones, Robert Quine, The Four Dollars, The Mighty Hannibal and so many more!
      9. Andre Williams…The Hold Up….from the Aphrodisiac LP from 2007 and this one features The Diplomats Of Solid Sound.
      10. Andre Williams….The Greasy Chicken….late 50’s single on Fortune Records out of Detroit.
      11. Andre Williams…Bacon Fat…as above. Andre had a career that spanned over 60 years and this little set is a very very short overview….Huge influence to The Cramps!  RIP Andre!
      12. Dick Dale….Miserlou….from a Greatest Hits comp and RIP to Dick, one of the originators of the surf guitar sound and certainly one that raised the bar for that genre. Touring was the only thing keeping Dick alive the last couple of years and he got to do it right up till the end.
      13. Dick Dale….Mr Eliminator…. As above.
      14. Dick Dale….The Wedge…. As above.
      15. 63 Monroe…..Drums Beat In The Background….from the brand new Faded Glory LP. This was the world radio premier for this release, and we had lead singer Steven R Stunning in the studio to talk about this record and the Record Release Party happening tonight at Call The Office.
      16. 63 Monroe…I Just Can’t Wait…. As above.
      17. 63 Monroe…Outside Of The Rat Race…as above.   Somewhere around here, we got Steven to explain the whole process of making a record and what’s involved. Hopefully some youngsters were listening and learning as Steven went through a couple of tricks to make things sound better.
      18. 63 Monroe….Faded Glory…. As above.
      19. 63 Monroe…Hot Mess… as above.
      20. 63 Monroe….Love Gets Messy… as above.
      21. 63 Monroe….Cold Crank….as above. Around here, Steven talked about a show he booked at Call The Office for Dee Dee Ramone and some of the obstacles he ran into.
      22. 63 Monroe….WWIII…. as above. Huge Thanx to Steven R Stunning for taking the time to drop by and let us spin his latest record! The record will be available at Speed City Records shortly.
      23. 63 Monroe….Punk Rock Goalie….from the Jeff LP.


      Thanx for all the emails, phone calls, messages, texts and Heys!!! And BIG Thanx to Steven R Stunning for dropping by and yammering on the radio.

      Back again next week, special guests The Dice.

    • March 11, 2019 5:14 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist March 8/2019. International Women’s Day.


      1. Tami Neilson….Holy Moses….from her Don’t Be Afraid release from last year.
      2. The Rizdales…Honky Tonk Honeymoon….from their recent Lucky Enough release and mentions The Richmond Tavern.
      3. Catl….Superfly Lady…from their recent Bide My Time Till I Die release. Catl and Bloodshot Bill are at Call The Office on Sunday for an early show.
      4. Justin and The Unclean…..Margaritas and Second Hand Smoke…from the brand new RumBar compilation from the Boston area.
      5. Krista D…..Land Mine…from the Look At Me I’m…..release.
      6. Jill Porter….You Made Yourself Clear…from her self titled release.
      7. Neverbetters…..Alone….from their recent release at the station and from London.
      8. The Johnnys….Music Loverman…from their I Like It A Lot release from 2007
      9. Cordcalling….Ransomed Felon….from their recent Simplify release and from London Ontario.
      10. Geraldine Fibbers….California Tuffy….live recording and a request.
      11. Copper Crown….Child’s Play…from their recent Walk With Fire release.
      12. Barrymores….Our Ocean…from a 2003 Winnipeg ska compilation called All You Can Eat 2 and from our pal The Invisible Man whom we had on about a year or so ago.
      13. 10 Too Many….The End Of You…. As above and Winnipeg has a big ska scene.
      14. Rhoda w/Special AKA…The Boiler….from a Best Of 2 Tone compilation.   Right around this time, Fabienne Shine and Ross The Boss phoned in to talk about the big Shakin’ Street show happening at Call The Office tonight! To paraphrase Ross, they’re gonna blow the place up!!!
      15. Julia Lee….My Man Stands Out….from a compilation called Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll and a request.
      16. Little Esther….I’m A Bad Bad Girl…. As above.
      17. Big Maybelle….One Monkey Don’t Stop The Show….from an Okeh compilation of her tracks and by request.
      18. The Hellcats…Get Off The Road….from Swamp Surfing In Memphis compilation.
      19. Jesse Mae Hemphill…..She Wolf…from a compilation called It Came From Memphis.
      20. The Dahlmanns….American Heartbeat….from a recent 7”
      21. Tiger Bombs….Baby Come On….from their brand new release on Dionysus Records.
      22. Nikki and the Stingrays….Lipstick Letters….from their Back To Detroit release.
      23. Maow….Woman’s Scorn….from The Unforgiving Sounds Of…. release on Mint Records from 1996.
      24. Dex Romweber Duo…..Weird…from their Images 13 release and goes out to drummer Sara Romweber who passed away earlier this week. We had Dex and Sara live on the radio the last and only time they were through London. Sara was a major force on the drum kit and when she played here, all you could see were sticks and hair flying.
      25. The Zellots….On The Dole…from their flexi of unreleased Vancouver recordings.
      26. The Zellots….Social Elite…from their 1981 demos from London Ontario.
      27. Vancouger….Termporary Teamwork….from their Losin’ It release.
      28. The Stolen Minks….Violet Desmond….from their High Kicks release.
      29. Now Time Delegation….Hangin’ Tree….from their only release from 2001.
      30. Shangri-Las….Sophisticated Boom Boom….from a Greatest Hits compilation and we had to fade this one out.


      Huge Thanx to Ross the Boss and Fabienne Shine of Shakin’ Street for taking the time to yammer on the phone with us about their big show tonight at Call The Office. Boy From Nowhere opens!


      Big Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, texts, messages and Heys!! It was fun doing an all female show for International Women’s Day!

      Back next week with members of 63 Monroe who are releasing a brand new album next Friday!

    • March 3, 2019 7:30 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist March 1/2019


      1. Pack AD….Paper Bag….from the recently re-ished Tintype and the Pack AD are presently on tour in Europe.
      2. Shoobies….Girl Or Gator….from the Never Mind The Hardcore release and Shoobies were playing at the Isolation Party Record release yesterday at Call The Office.
      3. 3 O’Clock Train….It’s Not Worth It….from the recent Cua Tro De Los Angeles EP and they are coming to London on Wednesday March 6th at Fitzrays.
      4. 3 O’Clock Train….Train Of Dreams…from the Wig Wam Beach release.
      5. Mack MacKenzie….The Devil Likes Me….from a live to air 6/16/2017 on Radio WW. Mack is the leader of 3 O’Clock Train and Wednesday is a rare chance to see the band live here in London.
      6. Hiroshima Hearts…Spend Your Money….from the Bone EP and HH were at Rumrunners last night.
      7. Twin Fin…..Jungle Room…from the Wine Whiskey Wine and Venom Love release and they are at the Richmond today from 4PM.
      8. Black Frame Spectacle…..Bust Out The Boogie…from the Grady Sessions release and they were playing at Rumrunners last night with Hiroshima Hearts.
      9. Dustbin Flowers….Perfect Machine….from the Made To Last release and they are at Fitzrays tonight.
      10. The Monkees….Let’s Dance On….from their first LP and a song covered by UIC many times. This is part of our set dedicated to Peter Tork who passed away last week.
      11. The Monkees….She…from their More Of The Monkees release.
      12. The Monkees….Sweet Young Thing….from their first LP and this one was always a fave of mine when I bought this record over 50 years ago! The Monkees were a HUGE influence on myself and many of the same age group as we saw them on television every week and being a rock star sure looked like the life!
      13. The Monkees….Steppin’ Stone….from the More Of The Monkees release and way before this song became a staple of garage and punk combos.
      14. Catl….Baby You All Wrong…from the Bide My Time Till I Die release and they are coming to town Sunday March 10th at Call The Office with Bloodshot Bill. And then again Friday March 15th with 63 Monroe at the Richmond.
      15. Snakerattlers…Lose My Mind…from their recent Heads Will Roll release on Dirty Water Records and a 2 piece with the same arrangement as catl.
      16. A Bunch Of Jerks….70’s Euro Minge….from the brand new Rum Bar compilation release out of Boston. Proving once again, Boston has a major music scene and always has. We’ll be playing many more tracks from this release in upcoming shows.
      17. Frankie and the WitchFingers….Pleasure….from the recent ZAM release we received at the station.
      18. Corpse Grinders….Mental Moron…..from a Fan Club release back in the mid 80’s and this features Rick Rivetts, who passed last week. Rick was in the combo Actress before it became the New York Dolls and then played in a very early version of the band.
      19. The Brats….First Rock Star On The Moon….from the Max’s Kansas City release from 1977 and this was another of Rick Rivetts combos. Killer powerpop and easily my fave song on this compilation.
      20. Andy Butler….Gonna Be Your Man…from the recent Garage Heartbreak release. Andy goes garagepunk for a release…who knows what Andy has up his sleeve for his next release!
      21. UIC….You Drive Me Mad….from the recent re-ish of Our Garage and UIC have a live show coming up March 23rd in Toronto.
      22. Jackie Shane….Standup Straight and Tall….from the double LP release from last year, and Jackie passed away a little over a week ago. Elaine Banks (who did the Jackie Shane documentary on CBC Radio several years back) was finally able to interview Jackie for the first and only time a couple weeks ago. That interview is archived on the CBC site.
      23. Jackie Shane…Shot Gun….as above. And Jackie’s double LP did not win a Grammy unfortunately.
      24. Jackie Shane….New Way Of Love….as above.
      25. Washington Squares…..D Train….from their debut LP from 1987 and this goes out to Tom Goodkind who passed away this week. We got to see them twice here in London, once at Kiplings and then later at Call The Office.
      26. Washington Squares….You Can’t Kill Me… as above. This first release got a TON of airplay at WW HQ’s when it first came out and is still a fave to this day!
      27. Tina Peel…Knocking Down Guard Rails….from the 30 Seconds Over DC compilation from 1977. This set goes out to Skip Groff, one of the early pioneers getting the  Washington DC area up and going musically with the punk/new wave explosion. Skip had a record label (Limp, which is what this release is), did college radios, took pics, ran a record store for decades and kickstarted the scene. Huge Thanx to guys like Skip who work tirelessly behind the scenes!
      28. Jeff Dahl….Get Up And Dance….from the same release as above and it appears Jeff spend some time on the east coast prior to going west.
      29. Slickee Boys….Put A Bullet Through The Jukebox….from their compilation on Line Records out of Germany and another band that benefitted from Skip Groff’s hard work behind the scenes.
      30. Slickee Boys….When I Go To The Beach….from their Cybernetic Dreams Of Pi release and a fave song as well as band. Slickees were one of the first to embrace the 60’s garage/pop ethics way back in the late 60’s and paved the way for many. Found my Slickee Boys Fan Club card hidden in this record….I was number 199.
      31. Bob Bryden and Long Day Journey….What’s Your Bag….from the recent Abandoned Songs and Living Room Jams release. Bob was in Reign Ghost back in the late 60’s and also ran Star Records in Hamilton for many years.  Bob was the guy that helped get the Forgotten Rebels on Star Records and was producer (and aural genius behind the scenes) for their first long player.
      32. Long Day Journey…Balloon Ride…from the recent Music From A Bubble release and from Hamilton.
      33. Long Day Journey….Suburban Family Bein….as above.


      Ran out of time but never tunes! Big Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, facebook messages, Heys etc!!!

      Guess we had some signal issues toward the end of the show…as far as we could tell, there were no issues with the board and the issue may have been at the transmitter tower. Thanx to everyone for letting us know!

      Next week it’s International Women’s Day so an all female show next week.

    • February 24, 2019 7:42 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist February 22/2019. All Black Show as this is Black History Month


      1. Screaming Jay Hawkins….I Put A Spell On You….started with Screaming Jay’s best known song to get things rolling. From 1954!
      2. Rance Allen….Lying On The Truth….from a Stax Profiles release which came out in 1982, but this track is live and probably from the Wattstax Concert 1973.
      3. Rufus Thomas….Memphis Train….1967 release and from a Best Of Stax compilation.
      4. Sam And Dave….I Take What I Want….from the Stax Years compilation.
      5. Otis Redding….Shake….from 1965 and on the double LP of Otis’ Greatest Hits that came out in the early 70’s.
      6. Eddie Floyd…Raise Your Hand….a 1967 release and this and the above 4 songs were all released on Stax Records out of Memphis.
      7. Titus Turner….Build A Bridge Not A Wall….1961 recording and on his Sound Off release and should be played during these times.
      8. Nina Simone….Mississippi Goddam….from 1964 and on a Greatest Hits compilation.
      9. John Lee Hooker….Motor City Is Burning….1967 recording and on a Chess Greatest Hits compilation.
      10. Stevie Wonder….Living In The City….from the Innervisions release from 1973 and we played the full album length version.
      11. Last Poets….New York New York….from their 1970 self titled release and one of the first rap releases.
      12. Curtis Mayfield….If There’s A Hell Below….from a Curtis Greatest Hits and the album full length version.
      13. Bell Rays….Hole In The World…from their Let It Blast release from 1998.
      14. Gil Scott-Heron….The Revolution Will Not Be Televised….from the release of the same name and from 1971.
      15. The Impressions….Choice Of Colors…..from the Young Mods Forgotten Story from 1969.
      16. Marvin Gaye….What’s Going On?...from his Anthology release and from 1971.
      17. Cleo Page…..California Prison Farm….from a compilation called Going To California on JSP and this song was released in 1979.  Searching for more Cleo Page if anyone can help.
      18. Blind Willie Johnson….Dark Was The Night….from a release of the same name and from 1928. This song, along with many others were launched into space several years back. The idea being that if aliens find this and can listen to this they will get an idea what our music is like….
      19. Sister Rosetta Tharpe….I Shall Know Him….from her 1956 Gospel Train release and wasn’t the song I intended to play….if there were no screwups, it wouldn’t be a Radio WW!
      20. Phillips Specials….I’m A Soldier….a 1976 release on the compilation Fire In My Bones, an excellent compilation of gospel from 1944-2007. It’s on the Tompkins Square label and came out in 2009.
      21. Reverend Charlie Jackson….God’s Got It….from the Crypt release of the same name and recorded back in 1973.
      22. Muddy Waters….Tomcat….from Muddy’s least favourite release, 1968’s Electric Mud. Way different than any of Muddy’s other work, but a fave of mine.
      23. The Temptations….Psychedelic Shack…..from the Psychedelic Soul compilation and this is the album length version of the track from 1969.
      24. Bo Diddley….Elephant Man….1970 recording on the Drive By release.
      25. Death…..Freakin’ Out….from the For The Whole World release that came out in 2009 and introduced the world to Death. Originally recorded in 1975.
      26. Tarig Abubakar and the Afro Nubians….Hobey Laik….from the release of the same name from 1997 and these guys used to play Sunfest fairly regularly. Their live shows here were incredible and none of their releases have captured that intensity. Tarig went home to Sudan and ended up dying in a traffic accident.
      27. Andre Williams….Psycho….from his 1999 Red Dirt release featuring The Sadies as his backup band.
      28. Pat Hare….I’m Gonna Murder My Baby….Sun recording from the early 50’s but what makes it scary is that Pat went out and did just that. He ended up spending the rest of his life in prison. Alcohol and Pat did not mix well.
      29. Howlin’ Wolf….Highway Man….another early Sun recording and it might be Pat Hare playing the guitar on this track.


      Out of time, certainly not tunes. Back again next week with tribs to Rick Rivets, Peter Tork and Jackie Shane and a ton of new releases!


      It’s always a load of fun doing these specials and if you have anything you’d like to hear a special on, don’t hesitated to drop a line.

      Thanx Tons for all the phone calls, emails, messages and Heys!!

    • February 9, 2019 4:38 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist February 8/2019

      1. Chain and the Gang….Why Not…from the Best Of Crime Rock from a couple years ago. This wasn’t the track I had intended to start the show with, but it’s a good one anyways.
      2. The Rizdales….Honky Tonk Honeymoon….from their recent Lucky Enough release and has a mention of the Richmond, which is where they are playing today.
      3. 3 O’Clock Train….Bluer Than You….from the recent Cua Tro De Los Angeles release and the Train is scheduled at Fitzrays on March 6th.
      4. Flamin’ Groovies….City Lights….from their 1971 Teenage Head release and keeps us in a kind of country vibe for this set. As most of you know, this release was where Hamilton’s Teenage Head got their name.
      5. Sheesham and Lotus and Son…..Ida Red….from their 2018 Clear The Table Release. Sheesham is scheduled to play the Cuckoo’s Nest on Sunday, here in London.
      6. Delta Stone and the Wardogs….Ain’t Got The Blues….from their Cajun Queen release from last year and they are playing a benefit tonight at Winks here in London.
      7. Weird Omens…..Highway…..from their recent release on Dirty Water Records out of the UK.
      8. Snake Rattlers…..Aither’s Theme….from their brand new All Heads Will Roll release on Dirty Water Records. This is a husband wife duo with a primal roots rock attack and are from the UK.
      9. The Reply….There Shall Come A Time…..from their Downtown Soul release from 2013 and they were based in Toronto. Played London a coupla times and were an amazing live act! Former Londoner James Bond plays keys and sometimes lead vocals.
      10. King Khan and the Shrines….On A Brass Bed….from their 2004 Mr Supernatural release. Around the time of this release, they played here at Call The Office and there were almost as many people on stage as in the sparse crowd. It was their first date of a North American tour and they absolutely floored me that night and made a fan for life!
      11. Jackie Shane…..Sticks and Stones….from her Any Other Way release from last year. This release is nominated for a Grammy in the historical release category. Also there’s an interview with Jackie on the CBC website, first interview in probably 50 years as Jackie went into seclusion after her star days in the Toronto soul scene. Similar to the Betty Page story in which she’s finally found after many decades of hiding.
      12. Jackie Shane….Any Other Way…. As above.
      13. Deadly Snakes….So Young And So Cruel….from their Porcella release from 2005. The only time I ever saw this combo, was at Call The Office and Greg Cartwright was in the band as he appeared on their 2001 release, I’m Not Your Soldier Anymore.
      14. Stance….Sweet Tooth….from their I Left Love Behind A Long Time Ago release from 2009. The band is from Halifax and did play a couple of shows here in London and we even had them as guests right here on Radio WW many years back.
      15. Andy Butler….Oh Heartbreak….from Andy’s brand new Garage Heartbreak release and a bit of a change from his usual guitar powerpop sounds. But as always, great sounding material and you’ll be hearing more of this one on Radio WW.
      16. Coaching For Sara….Receive….from their brand new download and from right here in London via Walkerton.
      17. Paris Street Rebels….I Don’t Wanna Die Young….brand new release at the station from this Scottish combo.
      18. Bleeter…..Cocaine….download from this local combo of veterans that play out every now and again.
      19. TVD….I’d Kiss You Honey But You’re Standing On My Bottom Lip….from their Salvation Through Distraction release from 2016 and they were playing the evening this show aired.
      20. Bloodshot Bill and Shannon….True….from a recent 7” and Bloodshot Bill plays Call The Office on March 10th with usual headliners catl opening up. This one’s gonna be amazing!!
      21. Nina Simone….Buck….from her Sings The Blues release from 1967.
      22. Dashboard Rattle…Fla Blues….from their brand new self titled release and from right here in London Ontario. They sold out the London Music Club at their CD release party last weekend and the CD will be in stores momentarily.
      23. Evan Johns and the H Bombs….Vacation….from their 1982 Rollin’ Through The Night release on Alternative Tentacles as label head Jello Biafra was a big fan of this combo. We got to see them a few times, Oshawa and Hamilton, but they never did get here to play.
      24. Randall Pee Coltrane….Fort Likkerdale….from their recent Fort Likkerdale release.
      25. Headless Horsemen…..Bitter Heart….from their 1987 Can’t Help But Shake release and they played here in London at Key West prior to the release of this one. They’ve just released an outtakes LP and there’s a blog called Shake Some Action that has several HH entries including one with some pics taken right here when they played Key West.
      26. The Midways….Little GT…from their 2003 Pay More and Get A Good Seat release and they were from Toronto.
      27. Thee Headcoatees…..Louis Riel…from their Have Love Will Travel and it’s always cool when a UK combo sings about a significant historical event that happened here in Canada.
      28. The Minstrels….Rock’n’Roll Star….from their 1997 West Coast Time Trippers release. Originally from Quebec City, this combo moved around a fair bit and had their first release on What Wave Records back in 1989.
      29. The Bell Rays….Blues For Godzilla….from their 1993  Let It Blast release.
      30. American Flamewhip….Gasoline….from their Fingertight release from 2006 and features J-Rod on vocals and guitar. She went on to the Angry Dragons, one of the best garage combos to ever come out of Winnipeg.
      31. Karen Monster….Kill…from the Necessary Evil release from 1993 and a disciple of the Johnny Thunders school of cool.
      32. Etta James…..Tough Lover….from a Greatest Hits comp and originally released back in 1956.


      Out of time, but certainly not tunes! Big Thanx for all the emails, messages, texts, phone calls and Heys!!! That’s what makes it all worthwhile!

      Back again next week and the following week we’re doing an all Black show as this is Black History Month here in Canada.

    • February 3, 2019 10:14 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist February 1/2019


      1. Coaching For Sara…..Receive…..brand new recording we got earlier this week.
      2. Positively Stompin….Just A Little Bit….from their Junk Drawer release and a request. 2 of the member of this band were in UIC and another was an occasional member. They were inspired by…
      3. Stompin’ Tom Connors….Tillsonburg…..from a Boot single and a song that pretty well everyone from around this area knows.
      4. UIC…..Crop Dustin’….from the recently re-ished Our Garage release which is available locally.
      5. UIC….Green Lady….from the recently re-ished Like 90 release which is available locally.
      6. Dogmatics…..Gimme The Shakes….from a 1983 7” and a request from last week.
      7. Bath Salts…..Cool Like The Music…from the Mardi Gras release and they are playing tonight at the Richmond.
      8. The Mongrels….All Systems Go…..from their demo and they are playing Sunday at the Richmond for their monthly Rock’n’Roll Rent Party.
      9. Miesha and the Spanks…..Leather Jacket….from their Gods Of Love release from a couple years back.
      10. Shoobies…..JROL….from their recent Nevermind The Hardcore release and they played last night at the 765 Old East. Drove down and was going to go see them, but there were at least a dozen police cars and an ambulance or 2 all with lights flashing, down a couple doors. No idea what was going down, but I wasn’t sticking around to find out. Shoobies played unaware of the outside activities.
      11. The Thing From Outer Space…..Penetration….from their most recent download.
      12. The Stairs….Weed Bus…from the brand new re-ish of Mexican R’n’B release and this was a big fave of Rob Munro when it came out originally.
      13. Jon Spencer…..Trash Can….from the recent Spencer Sings The Hits release.
      14. Randall Pee Coltrane….Riptide…from their recent Fort Likkerdale release.
      15. UK Jefferson….Monday Morning…..from their recent self titled debut release.
      16. Thornetta Davis…Try To Remember….from her Sunday Morning Music release and features the recently departed Phil Durr on guitar.
      17. Blue Cheer….Summertime Blues…..from the Vincebus Eruptum release and goes out to drummer Paul Whaley who was their long time drummer.
      18. Blue Cheer…..Just A Little Bit….from a single. These guys were supposedly the loudest band around and helped bring us from the hippy/flower mania of the late 60’s into the heavier 70’s.
      19. Dustbin Flowers…..Just Like A Dream….from their recent Made To Last release…not sure if I played this here, or a little later on.
      20. River City Tanlines….Nothing Means Nothing….from their All 7 Inches Plus 2 More release…love the name of this one!
      21. Avengers….American In Me….start of an Avengers set for the recently departed James Calvin Wilsey who played bass for this combo. James was also the guy who played guitar on Chris Isaak’s first couple of releases and created the whole Chris Isaak sound of dreamy sonic guitar noise.
      22. Avengers…..We Are The One…. As above.
      23. Avengers….Car Crash…. As above.
      24. Avengers…..Corpus Christi… above.
      25. Avengers…..Paint It Black…. As above….Avengers were one of the very first punk combos from San Fran.
      26. Mr Airplane Man….C’mon DJ….from their C’mon DJ release on Sympathy For The Record Industry.
      27. Joan Jett….Roadrunner….from her Fit To Be Tied release.
      28. Sahara Hot Nights…..Walk On the Wire….from their 2004 Kiss And Tell release and from Sweden.
      29. Reverend Horton Heat…..Whole New Life…from the release of the same name and Bloodshot Bill announced he will be touring with these guys and playing with them as part of the tour! And Bloodshot Bill comes back to town on March 10th to Call The Office.
      30. Peter and the Wolves….Beatrice….from their recent Howlin’ and Prowlin’ release.
      31. The Bopcats….Caroline….from a 7” and we’re outta time…..


      Big Thanx for all the phone calls, messages, emails, texts and Heys!!! That’s what fuels us!!

      Back again next week for more!!!

    • January 27, 2019 6:46 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist January 25/2019

      1. Krista D…..Landmine… from her recent Look At Me I’m… release and from Edmonton.
      2. Frankie and Jimmy….Lil Red Riding Hood….from their latest Blues On The Brain release. We did a short trib to F&J as their demise was announced in the last week or so. They had played London a few times and even recorded a live set here on Radio WW back in 7/9/15…
      3. Frankie and Jimmy….Smokestack Lightning….live on Radio WW on the above mentioned show.
      4. Frankie and Jimmy….Spread The News….as above.
      5. Pack AD….This Terror…..from their recent re-ish of Tintype and they started out in a blues mode somewhat similar to Frankie and Jimmy. Pack AD played Call The Office in the early fall and said it may be their last time in London for awhile.
      6. Better Known As….The Rising….brand new demo from a local duo in which bass player Cam Marshman was in The Bopcats in their early days.
      7. Go Betweens….People Say….from their The Pied Piper Followed Us release of 78/79 recordings and from Australia.
      8. Now Time Delegation….Nothing But A Heartache….from their Watch For Today release on In The Red Records. Features the mighty fine vocal stylings of Lisa Kekaula and the guitar manglings of long time vet Tim Kerr along with a host of others.
      9. Lee Fields and the Expressions…It Rains Love….from a recent release at the station.
      10. The Daktaris….Quiet Man Is A Dead Man….from the recent re-ish of Soul Explosion and several members of this combo went on to Antibalas (played them near the end of the show) and the whole Daptone sound/explosion in New York City.
      11. The Rizdales….One More Beer….from their recent Lucky Enough release and from London Ontario.
      12. Louvin Brothers….Satan Is Real….from their Satan Is Real release from 1959.
      13. Rusty and Doug Kershaw…Hey Mae….from their Cajun Country Rockers release on Bear Family Records from 1979. The Sci-Phonics used to cover this one as well as several others from this classic release! As you can hear from the last 2 tracks, sometimes brothers harmonize so well together!
      14. Jerry Lee Lewis….Rambin’ Rose….from the JLL Box Set on Charly and an out take from 1961/62. This could be where the MC5 found this little rocker that they took to the next level.
      15. Snake Rattlers…..Lose My Mind…from the about to be released All Heads Will Roll on the mighty Dirty Water label from the UK.
      16. Weird Omens….A Place I Want To Know….from a brand new 7” on the Dirty Water label.
      17. Jake Starr and the Delicious Features….All The Mess I’m In….brand new release on Beluga out of Sweden and fave band name of this week’s show!
      18. Reverberations…..So Strange….another brand new release from Sweden’s Beluga Records.
      19. Florida Razors….No More Time To Run….from the Half A Rock’n’Roll Record from the mid 80’s and features Tom Wilson on vocals and guitar.
      20. The Shakers…Baby It’s True….from the In Time release and features Dave Rave on vocals and guitar. Dave is back in Teenage Head and they are about to re-release their first album.
      21. King Biscuit Boy….Badly Bent…from the Official Music release from 1972.
      22. Kensington Hillbillies…..Guns Of Brixton….from The Crooked Beat release and the last 4 bands have all been from Hamilton.
      23. The Hypnotics…..Can’t Stand It….from their Modern Art Entertainment release and from Windsor Ontario. We had this trio on last summer doing a live to air.
      24. Oil Tasters…..That’s When The Brick Goes Through the Window…from their 1982 self titled debut album and from Milwaukee.
      25. Urban Verbs….Angry Young Men….from their 1980 self titled debut and from Washington DC.
      26. The Hookup…Go and Hide…from their Cruel Sounds release on Transistor 66 Records and when the band was based in Saskatoon. They’ve since moved back to Montreal.
      27. PJ Harvey…50 Foot Queenie…from the Rid Of Me release from 1993.
      28. Billy Rankin…Baby Come Back….from the Growin’ Up Too Fast release and features Ted McKenna on drums who passed away earlier this week. Ted was a Scottish drummer who recorded and played with many, including Rory Gallagher and…..
      29. Alex Harvey Band…..Gang Bang…from the Next…release.
      30. Funkadelic….Superstupid….from the Best Of Early Days release and we played Big Chief’s version of this one last week and had a request for the original.
      31. Antibalas…..The Ratcatcher….from their self titled release.


      Ran outta time, certainly not material. Thanx Tons for all the emails, messages, texts, phone call and craziness!!!


      Back again next week with a whole pile of requests from this week

    • January 19, 2019 2:31 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist January 18/2019


      1. Budokan……The Right On Girl….from their Spin A Little Gold release from a few years back and from Victoria BC. Nice powerpop to open this edition.
      2. Twin Fin….City Of Sin….from their Whiskey Wine and Venom Love release and they are playing at Winks tonight here in London Ontario.
      3. Dustaphonics…..When You Gonna Learn….from their Party Girl release on Dirty Water Records from a coupla years ago. Meant to play a different track, but this one is just as good!
      4. Condition….Ghost Train….from It Came From Canada Volume 2, in a series of 5 releases put out by OG Records in the late 80’s. Defining cool Canadian indy combos! Condition were from Montreal, released at least 2 long players. Remember seeing them at Call The Office, and they set up all tables that night for this jazz/blues/trad combo.
      5. UN Jefferson….Testify…from their recent self titled debut release and we had singer Ajay on the phone a couple shows back.
      6. Kman and the 45’s….Piece Of The Action….from their recent self titled release and from Montreal.
      7. Shoobies….Flat….from their Nevermind The Hardcore release.
      8. Mack MacKenzie and Chip Kinman…It's Not Worth It...from their recent Cua Tro De Los Angeles release and all money from this goes to the recently passed Tony Kinman’s widow to help with expenses. Chip and Tony are infamous for their Dils and Rank & File combos.
      9. Eugene Ripper….Nothern Train….from the recent Fast Folk Underground 5 release and Eugene is a vet from the late 70’s with Stark Naked and The Fleshtones that used to play here in London.
      10. Jerry Jerry and the Sons Of Rhythm Orchestra….You’ve Lost That Radical Look….from the It Came From Canada Volume 1 release. JJ and the Sons were the hardest drinking band we ever came across and based in Edmonton.
      11. UIC….Nashville Dreamin’…from the recently re-ished Our Garage that is now out in all formats except 8 track and DAT.
      12. UIC….Lockjaw Bay….from the recently re-ished Live Like 90 live recording from Lee’s Palace. Like above and should be available at most record stores.
      13. UK Subs….CID….from the Another Kind Of Blues release from 1979 and went out to Mike to warm him up in his garage.
      14. Urban Dogs….Limo Life….from a 1983 7” that features the Subs Charlie Harper and Vibrators Knox amongst others. Sure sounds like the Subs to me!
      15. UK Subs….Tomorrow’s Girls….from the Another Kind Of Blues release and again for Mike.
      16. Big Chief….Brake Torque….from a 1989 7” and goes out to lead guitarist Phill Durr who passed away last week. These guys blew me away when I first heard them, punk meets funk meets super hard guitars courtesy of Phil.
      17. Big Chief….500 Reasons….from the Face release on Sub Pop and think this was the first long player from this combo.
      18. Big Chief….Superstupid….from the above 7” and my fave Big Chief song! The artwork on their releases is phenomenal and well worth checking out if you ever come across any.
      19. Panic….Can’t Cope….from their self released long player from 2013 and features Londoner Greg Sweetland on the thick strings.
      20. Peter and the Wolves….Hot Foot Woman….from their recent Howlin’ and Prowlin’ release and from Calgary.
      21. Catl….Baby You All Wrong….from their latest, Bide My Time Until I Die.
      22. DT’s….Don’t Mess With Cupid…from a 7” on Get Hip from 2008 and goes out to Danny Bee!
      23. Joe Strummer…..It’s A Rockin’ World…from the recent Joe Strummer 101 release that evolved due to some London Ontario connections that were mentioned last week.
      24. Teengenerate….Top Down…from the Oh Canaduh compilation on Lance Rock Records and our set dedicated to the recently passed Tom Guido who ran the Purple Onion club in SF. Tom played host (and other things) to all in the garage/punk and other related sub genres of music at his highly acclaimed club that ran most of the 90’s.
      25. Troublemakers….Please Don’t Touch Me There…from their self titled release on Screaming Apple Records and played the Purple Onion.
      26. Trashwomen….I’m Dangerous….from their Deep Space release and another combo that made a name for themselves (good or bad, that’s your choice) by playing at the Purple Onion.
      27. Invisible Surfers….Mucho Perico….from their recent Desert King release on Lost In Tyme Records out of Greece.
      28. Randall Pee Coltane…Fort Likkerdale…from the just arrived Fort Likkerdale release from these Hard Livers that have been exiled to  the Barrie Ontario area.
      29. Al Green….Love Ritual…..from The Absolute Best release and from 1975….Killer cut to end the show with.

      Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, messages, texts and Heys!!!! Back again next week with more tunes and yammerin’.


    • January 12, 2019 6:59 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist January 11/2019


      1. UIC….Shamrock Bang….from the recent Our Garage release, that has been remastered and is on the Like 90 Records label.
      2. Shoobies….Spy Kill Tito….from their recent Never Mind The Hardcore release and from London.
      3. Atomic 7…..Daddy’s Little World…from the En Hillbilly Caliente release on Mint Records from 2004.
      4. Thing From Outer Space….Penetration….from their latest download and they had a show last night at the Rec Room.
      5. Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet….Spy School Graduation Theme….from a 7” on Estrus Records from 1991.
      6. Man Or Astoman….Nitrous Burnout….from there Is It… release from 1993 and also on the Estrus Label.
      7. Johnny Guitar Watson….Space Guitar…from the compilation Loose Ends that came out on the Union Pacific label…non-legit boot.
      8. Huevos Racheros….Endsville….from a 7” from 1991 and also on the Estrus label.
      9. The Swanks….Ghost Train…from 1968 and the compilation The Madness Invasion and there was several volumes of this.  Probably my favourite insto track!
      10. The Mortals…. Disintegration……from a 1991 7” and also on the Estrus label…detecting a pattern here?
      11. The Rizdales…Honky Tonk Honeymoon….from their latest release Lucky Enough and they are playing today at the Richmond.
      12. Ginger St James…..Please Mr Driver….from the Diesel and Pease release and from Hamilton.
      13. Tami Neilson… Miss Jones…from her latest release Sassafrass.
      14. Charles Bradley….Victim Of Love….from his last release Black Velvet.
      15. Pursuit Of Happiness….I’m An Adult Now….from the 12” version and they were in town last night.
      16. The Odds….Someone Who’s Cool….from their 1996 Nest release and they were in town with Pursuit Of Happiness.
      17. Newport Electric….Dance To The Beat….from their latest release, Thin Wild Mercury and they are from London.
      18. Neverbetters……Devil In White….from their latest download and are also from London.
      19. John Jordan….London Girl….from a brand new download.
      20. The Only Ones…..Another Girl Another Planet…from their 1979 Special View release.
      21. XTC…..Radios In Motion….from their self titled release and a request from last week.
      22. Captain Beefheart…..Floppy Boot Stomp….from the Batchain Puller release.
      23. The Saints…..No Time….from their I’m Stranded release and from 1977.
      24. The Saints….Kissin’ Cousins…. As above.
      25. UIC….New Race…from the recently remastered Like 90 release and on the Like 90 Records label.
      26. The Chickens….White Squirrel Town….from their Prepare To Plug In release and from 2000.
      27. MC5….Shakin’ Street….from their High Time release from 1979.
      28. The Honey Combs…..Have I The Right….from a 10” EP and for Drummer Honey Lantree who passed away this week.
      29. The Hollies….Bus Stop….from a 7” and for Eric Haydock, long time bass player for The Hollies who passed away this week.
      30. The Hollies….Look Through Any Window….from their EP collection and as above.
      31. Joe Strummer…..Letsagetabitarockin’…..from the brand new Joe Strummer 001 release.
      32. Joe Strummer…..Keys To Your Heart….as above.
      33. Brown Hornets…..Drug Mule….from their self released release from 2007 and they were from Oshawa.



      Big Thanx for all the crazy phone calls, emails, messages and Heys!!! That’s what keeps us going….back again next week with a bunch of request, some Big Chief (for Phil Durr who passesd away) and some SF garagerock (for Tom Guido who passed away this week) and lots more!!


    • March 23, 2019 1:43 PM CDT
    • Playlist 03-23-19

      Beggar Belief - All of Our Known Devices
      Lane - Winnipeg
      Wipes - Why'd You Run
      Healthy Junkies - This Is Not A Suicide
      Suck - The Catfish
      1.4.5. - Can't Stop Movin'
      Wild Zeros - Nobody Can Tell Us
      Overjoyed - Broken Trampoline
      No More Idols - Godine
      Glue Ear - Hoax
      Slack Alices - Tasteful
      Screaming Dead - Pretty-Mess
      Hospital Food - Burning City
      Auto De-Fe - The Power Behind The Throne
      Swaktang - Your Leave
      Rollin Machine - Dirty Rock N Rolla
      Atomic Zeros - Smell of Napalm
      Trousers - Done For Good
      Stone Tape Theory - The Cracks
      Trophy Jump - Comfort Zone
      SLRB - Get Out of My Way
      Yeah You Rights - How 'Bout Now
      Va Va Voodoos - The Crusher
      Flesh Eaters - Cinderella
      Sybil - I Wanna Forget You (Just The Way You Are)
      Dick Dale - Miserlou
      Cayman Kings - Gore & Glory
      Uffe Lorenzen - Alting Er Et
      Tiger Bomb - Why Can't You Be Mine
      Mal Thursday Quintet - The Other Side of This Life
      Bob Mould - What Do You Want Me To Do
      Brad Marino - Broken Record
      Peter118 - Waiting
      Gentleman Jesse & His Men - Bryan
      Embrooks - I'm Coming Home
      Parsnip - Winter
      Woggles - Please Leave Me My Mind
      Squires of the Subterrain - Tequila And Gin
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • March 23, 2019 8:22 AM CDT
    • A boatload of new punk and garage tunes will be played on The Jeff of the Future Radio Show on Saturday March 23rd from Noon-2:00PM EST. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM or Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • March 9, 2019 1:42 PM CST
    • Playlist 03-09-19

      1.4.5. - Let's Groove
      Trousers - You Got Me Rollin'
      Stone Tape Theory - The Cracks
      Wild Zeros - Vampire Girl
      Suck - The Death Machine
      Trophy Jump - Comfort Zone
      Overjoyed - Broken Trampoline
      Glue Ear - Hoax
      Wipes - Way Too Slow
      Bob Mould - Western Sunset
      Peter118 - Waiting
      Brad Marino - Broken Record
      Healthy Junkies - This Is Not A Suicide
      Swaktang - Your Leave
      Screaming Dead - Resurrection
      Auto-De-Fe - Walk Away
      Nathan Seaton - Small Man In A Big World
      Uffe Lorenzen - Alting Er Et
      Flesh Eaters - Black Temptation
      Electric Mess - Girl With The Exploding Dress
      Harmonica Lewinski - Ghost Ride
      Parsnip - Winter
      Tiger Bomb - Scared of Heights
      Rollin Machine - No Invite
      40 Shillings on the Drum - Mean Streets (Born In The Same Gutter)
      SLRB - Camden
      Slack Alices - House of Windsor
      Cayman Kings - Mercy Kill
      Woggles - Paisley In Paradise
      Mal Thursday Quintet - Don't Want You Either
      Embrooks - You Can If You Want
      Atomic Zeros - I'm Not Cool
      No More Idols - Nepotreban
      Sybil - I Wanna Forget You (Just The Way You Are)
      Buzzcocks - Harmony In My Head
      Shattered Faith - Right Is Right
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • March 9, 2019 8:20 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday March 9th from Noon-2:00PM EST. There will be loads of new punk and garage tunes from around the world. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • February 23, 2019 1:54 PM CST
    • Playlist 02-23-19

      Minutemen - Corona
      Bomboras - Take A Chance
      Sweet - Ballroom Blitz
      Birthday Party - Mutiny In Heaven
      Wipes - In Your Mind
      Embrooks - Going Not Gone
      Mal Thursday Quintet - The Other Side of This Life
      Tiger Bomb - Can't Stop
      Flesh Eaters - She's Like Heroin To Me
      Bob Mould - I Fought
      No More Idols - Dalje
      Stone Tape Theory - The Cracks
      Rollin Machine - No Invite
      Auto-DE-FE - Land of Hope & Glory
      Slack Alices - LeBomb
      Secret Living Room Band - Cheap
      S.F.B. - Storm A Brewin'
      Wild Zeros - Teenage Lifestyle
      Screaming Dead - Pretty Mess
      Trousers - Spinning the Wheel
      Cayman Kings - Pink & Blue
      Woggles - Please Leave My Mind
      Harmonica Lewinski - Gringo Grind
      Dead Moon - Dead Moon Night
      Parsnip - Winter
      Jon Davies - You Know Who You Are
      Delevators - Split Milk
      Dirty Tales - Blackout Drinking
      40 Shillings on the Drum - Mean Streets (Born In The Same Gutter)
      Peter118 - Waiting
      Swaktang - Yeah Right
      Sue - Gotta Gotta Gotta
      Mighty Ions - Pedro Morales
      Steel Chains - Grey Area
      Atomic Zeros - Smelll of Napalm
      Les Thugs - Birthday (Why Didn't You Come For My)

    • February 23, 2019 8:18 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday February 23rd from Noon-2:00PM EST. There will be LOADS of new punk and garage tunes. Tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • February 9, 2019 1:50 PM CST
    • Playlist 02-09-19

      Toy Dolls - Dougy Giro
      Overjoyed - Broken Tramploline
      Steel Chains - I Know
      Wild Zeros - She Knows
      Neighborhood Brats - Dumpster Values
      Cramps - Goo Goo Muck
      Fadeaways - I'm Just A Mops
      Cayman Kings - Pink & Blue
      Bob Mould - Send Me A Postcard
      Screaming Dead - Pretty-Mess
      Auto-DE-FE - The Power Behind The Throne
      Underdogs - Nowhere To Hide
      Perjury - What's In Your Head Now
      Now - Into The 80's
      Vibrators - Into The Future
      X-Ray Spex - Identity
      Atomic Zeros - Baby I Don't Care
      Trousers - The Worst Is Yet To Come
      1.4.5. - Sorry Wrong Number
      Magnolias - She Cracked
      Jon Davies - You Know Who You Are
      Palmyra Delran and the Dopple Gang - Walk Away
      Muffs - Sad Tomorrow
      Hoodoo Gurus - I Don't Know Anything
      Rollin Machine - Dirty Rock N Rolla
      Secret Living Room Band - The City
      Professionals - 1-2-3
      Newtown Neurotics - Wake Up
      Embrooks - Have You Ever Loved Somebody
      Real Kids - Bad To Worse
      Testors - Time Is Mine
      Launderettes - Just Dropped In
      S.F.B. - Cyclone
      Harmonica Lewinski - Gringo Grind
      Routes - Driving Round In Circles
      Seasicks - One Step Closer
      Infrared Radiation Orchestra - Smoke & Blood

    • February 9, 2019 8:35 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday February 9th from Noon-2:00PM EST. Tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • January 26, 2019 1:52 PM CST
    • Playlist 01-26-19

      Members - Chelsea Nightclub
      Chron Gen - Outlaw
      Damned - 1 of the 2
      Partisans - 17 Years of Hell
      Fluid - Is It Day I'm Seeing
      Neighborhood Brats - Night Shift
      1.4.5 - Your Own World
      Atomic Zeros - Out of Control
      Palmyra Delran and the Dopplel Gang - Come Spy With Me
      Redd Kross - Citadel
      Connells - Scotty's Lament
      Scruffy The Cat - My Baby She's Allright
      Box of Rocks - The Only One
      False Positives - Good Enough For Rock 'n' Roll
      Real Kids - Let Me Convince You
      Jawbreaker - Lawn
      Embrooks - You Can If You Want
      Chesterfield Kings - I Can Only Give You Everything
      Ye Nuns - Nun Time
      Fuzztones - Heathen Set
      Dean Landew - Holiday Bash
      Trousers - Spinning Wheel
      S.F. B. - Storm A Brewin'
      Secret Livingroom Band - The City
      Perjury - Took Your Money
      Underdogs - Reality Reversing
      Rollin Machine - Bitter and Twisted
      Sham 69 - I Don't Wanna
      Detroit Cobras - Hey Sailor
      Mr. T Experience - Supersonic
      Queers - Mrs. Brown You've Got An Ugly Daughter
      Richies - Hell's Grannies
      Harmonica Lewinski - Ghost Ride
      Routes - Vendetta
      45 Spider - Send Me A Postcard
      Ar-Kaics - Don't Go With Him
      Cramps - Ultra Twist
      Infrared Radiation Orchestra - Pelican
      Dots on Dice - Modern Lover
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • January 26, 2019 8:36 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday January 26th from Noon-2:00PM EST. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • February 26, 2019 10:15 AM CST
    • Greetings fellow humans:

      Unless you are some kind of soulless android, you should love the latest episode of The Big Enchilada. 

      You'll hear songs by The Mekons, Rufus Thomas, Horror Deluxe, Alien Space Kitchen, Weird Omen and more.

      Play it below:


    • February 22, 2019 12:03 PM CST
    • Last week I did an entire episode focusing on the music of King Khan & BBQ Show and solo/related bands.  I also interviewed both King Khan & Mark Sultan/BBQ.

      The KK&BBQ Show Playlist:

      1. The King Khan & BBQ Show - Illuminations (Bad News Boys - In The Red Recordings - 2015)
      2. The King Khan & BBQ Show - I'll Never Belong (What's For Dinner? - In The Red Recordings - 2006)
      3. The King Khan & BBQ Show - Fish Fight (The King Khan & BBQ Show - Goner Records - 2005)
      4. The King Khan & BBQ Show - Animal Party (Invisible Girl - In The Red Recordings - 2009)
      5. The Spaceshits - 60 Nights of Boredom (Misbehavin' - Sympathy For The Record Industry - 1999)


      6. King Khan & His Sensational Shrines - Spread Your Love Like … Peanut Butter (Spread Your Love Like Peanut Butter - Sounds of Subterrania - 2000)
      7. King Khan & The Shrines - Land of the Freak (What Is?! - Vice Records - 2007)


      8. Mark Sultan - Believe Me (Let Me Out - Dirty Water Records - 2018)
      9. Mark Sultan - Axis Abraxas (Whatever I Want - In The Red Recordings - 2011)
      10. Les Sexareenos - Everybody Sexareeno! (Live In Bed - Sympathy For The Record Industry - 2000)
      11. The Ding-Dongs - Ding-Dong Party (The Ding-Dongs - Norton Records - 2010)
      12. The Tandoori Knights - Bucketful (Curry Up! It's The Tandoori Knights - Norton Records - 2010)
      13. The Almighty Defenders - All My Loving (The Almighty Defenders - Vice Records - 2009)
      14. The King Khan & BBQ Show - Hold me Tight (The King Khan & BBQ Show - Goner Records - 2005) 
      15. The King Khan & BBQ Show - What's For Dinner? (What's For Dinner? - In The Red Recordings - 2006)
      16. The King Khan & BBQ Show - Ocean of Love (Bad News Boys - In The Red Recordings - 2015)
      17. The King Khan & BBQ Show - Invisible Girl (Invisible Girl - In The Red Recordings - 2009)

      Download/stream this here:

    • February 15, 2019 8:57 PM CST
    • I did a program focusing on the music of Pete Shelley & Buzzcocks recently featuring solo material and selections from Buzzcocks catalogue.  

      Love Bites: The Music of Pete Shelly & Buzzcocks Playlist:

      1. Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (Live Lesser Free Trade Hall 7-21-1978) (Love Bites (Deluxe Edition) - EMI - 2010)
      2. Buzzcocks - Boredom (Spiral Scratch EP - New Hormones - 1977)
      3. Buzzcocks - Lester Sand (A Drop In The Ocean) (Time's Up - Voto - 1978)
      4. Buzzcocks - Don't Mess Me Around (Time's Up - Voto - 1978)
      5. Buzzcocks - Whatever Happened To (Demo) (Another Music In A Different Kitchen (Deluxe Edition) - EMI - 2010)
      6. Buzzcocks - Fast Cars (Peel Session 09-07-1977) (The Peel Sessions Album - Strange Fruit - 1989)
      7. Buzzcocks - Fiction Romance (Another Music In A Different Kitchen - United Artists Records - 1978)
      8. Buzzcocks - Love You More (Singles Going Steady - I.R.S. Records - 1979)
      9. Buzzcocks - Promises (Singles Going Steady - I.R.S. Records - 1979)
      10. Buzzcocks - Nostalgia (Love Bites - United Artists Records - 1978)
      11. Buzzcocks - Sixteen Again (Love Bites - United Artists Records - 1978)
      12. Buzzcocks - E.S.P. (Love Bites - United Artists Records - 1978)
      13. Buzzcocks - You Say You Don't Love Me (A Different Kind of Tension - United Artists Records - 1979)
      14. Buzzcocks - Hollow Inside (A Different Kind of Tension - United Artists Records - 1979)
      15. Pete Shelley - Homosapien (Homosapien - Genetic Records/Arista Records - 1981)
      16. Pete Shelley - Yesterday's Not Here (Homosapien - Genetic Records/Arista Records - 1981)
      17. Pete Shelley - Telephone Operator (XL1 - Genetic Records/Arista Records - 1983)
      18. Pete Shelley - XL1 (XL1 - Genetic Records/Arista Records - 1983)
      19. Pete Shelley - On Your Own (Heaven & The Sea - Mercury Records - 1986)
      20. ShelleyDevoto - Can You See Me Shining? (Buzzkunst - Cooking Vinyl - 2002)
      21. Buzzcocks - Morning After (Buzzcocks - Cherry Red/Merge Records - 2003)
      22. Buzzcocks - Flat-Pack Philosophy (Flat-Pack Philosophy - Cooking Vinyl - 2006)
      23. Buzzcocks - Everybody's Happy Nowadays (Singles Going Steady - I.R.S. Records - 1979)
      24. Buzzcocks - Noise Annoys (Peel Session 10-04-1978) (The Peel Sessions Album - Strange Fruit - 1989)
      25. Buzzcocks - What Do I Get? (Singles Going Steady - I.R.S. Records - 1979)
      26. Buzzcocks - I Look Alone (C81 - Rough Tapes - 1981)

      Check out my blog post on this program here:

      Download/listen to this episode here: