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    • January 12, 2019 12:49 PM CST
    • Playlist 01-12-19

      Naked Raygun - Vanilla Blue
      Downbeat 5 - I Found Out
      Neighborhood Brats - Dear Angelo
      Atomic Zeros - Devil Inside
      Adverts - On Wheels
      Masshysteri - Masshysteri Del Två
      Lush - Demystification
      Embrooks - Nightmare
      Harmonica Lewinski - Night of the Ghouls
      Fadeaways - Midnight To Six Man
      Routes - Driving Round In Circles
      45 Spider - It's A Cryin' Shame
      dB's - Neverland
      Dumptruck - Going Nowhere

    • January 12, 2019 8:04 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday January 12th from Noon to 2:00PM EST. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • December 29, 2018 1:45 PM CST
    • Playlist 12-29-18

      Serious Drinking - Hangover
      Ramones - Somebody Put Something In My Drink
      Sweet Baby - Year After Year
      Spazzys - I Don't Want To Go To The Party
      Adrenalin O.D. - New Year's Eve
      Neighborhood Brats - One Way Friends
      X - Nausea
      Dead Boys - All The Way Down (Poison Lady)
      BellRays - One Big Party
      Monster Magnet - I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time
      Chelsea - No Escape
      Rollin Machine - Off The Clock
      Skafish - Disgracing The Family Name
      Damned - Drinking About My Baby
      Palmyra Delran and the Doppel Gang - (If You'd Like To Make A Call) Please Hang Up
      When Particles Collide - The Whiskey Always Wins
      Atomic Zeros - Devil Inside
      Supersuckers - A Good Night For Drinkin'
      Gotohells - Drink, Drank, Drunk
      Baby Bhang - 1 to Six
      Trousers - Done For Good
      False Positives - Good Enough For Rock 'n' Roll
      Dirty Looks - Let Go
      Dean Landew - Holiday Bash
      Fadeaways - Sorry
      Real Kids - Hot Dog
      45 Spider - Hurtin' Kind
      Ar-Kaics - What You Do
      UK Subs - Party In Paris
      Bleed - Wasted Nights
      Perjury - On the Run
      Underdogs - Hate Bomb
      Routes - Driving Round In Circles
      Mono Men - Scotch
      Chesterfield Kings - I Think I'm Down
      Infrared Radiation Orchestra - I'm Not Yer Dog
      Avengers - We Are The One
      Bob Mould - Sacrifice/Let There Be Peace
      Yobs - Auld Lang Syne
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • December 29, 2018 7:22 AM CST
    • In advance of New Year's Eve, The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be playing loads of songs about drinking, partying and the consequences of too much drinking and partying. The festivities will be from Noon-2:00PM on Saturday December 29th. Just tune in to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY. or stream it live from the link at

    • December 15, 2018 1:47 PM CST

    • Playlist 12-15-18

      Buzzcocks - Moving Away From The Pulsebeat
      Buzzcocks - You Say You Don't Love Me
      Buzzcocks - I Look Alone
      Buzzcocks - What Do I Get?
      TVTV$ - Daddy Drank Our Xmas Money
      Dean Landew - Holiday Bash
      Angry Snowmans - Egg Nog
      Emerald Aquarium - White Christmas
      Palmyra Delran and The Doppel Gang - Walk Away
      Real Kids - Let Me Convince You
      Chesterfield Kings - I Can Only Give You Everything
      Ye Nuns - Drunken Maria
      Atomic Zeros - I'm Not Cool
      Neighborhood Brats - Comfort Women
      Baby Bhang - Buy A Goat
      Rollin Machine - In Your Pocket
      Wild Billy Childish and The MBE's - Christmas Lights
      Andy Smash - Little Drummer Boy
      99ers - Merry Christmas Really Sucks
      Angry Snowmans - Slave To Saint Nick
      James McCann and the New Vindictives - Slippin'
      Husker Du - Keep Hanging On
      Hinkley - Let's Rot Together
      Wipes - All For You
      Underdogs - Nowhere To Hide
      Slow Faction - Antifascist
      Perjury - Took Your Money
      Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - London Is Burning
      Blue Hearts - Be Nice
      Wire - I Should Have Known Better
      Young Docktors In Lust - Today It's Christmas Day
      Yobs - Gloria
      Angry Snowmans - Richard Hung His Sock
      Angry Snowmans - You Drive My Sleigh (You Jolly Fella)
      Fadeaways - Nothin'
      Routes - Submit, Obey and Die
      Woolley Bushmen - Something New
      Dirty Contacts - The World's End
      45 Spider - Send Me A Postcard
      Ar-Kaics - Distemper
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • December 15, 2018 6:07 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday December 15th from Noon-2:00PM EST. In addition to many new and old garage-punk tunes, there will be a tribute to the late Pete Shelley of the Buzzcocks and a few sets of punk Christmas tunes. Some naughty, some nice. Mostly naughty. You can get your lumps of coal at 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • December 1, 2018 2:00 PM CST
    • Playlist 12-01-18

      Motorhead - Rock 'N' Roll
      Atomic Zeros - Smell of Napalm
      Baby Bhang - Buy A Goat
      Neighborhood Brats - Dear Angelo
      Slow Faction - Antifascist
      Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros - London Is Burning
      Rollin Machine - Bitter and Twisted
      Wormhead - Oblivious
      Palmyra Delran & The Doppel Gang - Come Spy with Me
      Every Mother's Son - Allison Dozer
      Ugly Beats - KO'd
      Fadeaways - I'm Just A Mops
      Redd Kross - Deuce
      Junk Monkeys - Wig Shop
      Smithereens - White Castle Blues
      Headcoats - Troubled Times
      Chesterfield Kings - I Think I'm Down
      Dirty Contacts - When You Stop Lovin' Me
      Badass Motherfuzzers - I Can't See
      Real Kids - The Girl Don't Get Me
      Angry Snowmans - Ebeneezer Uber Alles
      Angry Snowmans - Is There a Present For Me
      Angry Snowmans - Lights Up
      Angry Snowmans - Somebody's Gonna Get Their Hall Decked In
      Ye Nuns - Nun Time
      Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich - Hold Tight
      Plasticland - In My Black and White
      Routes - Driving Around In Circles
      Control Freaks - Hatelist
      Melisandre's Beaver - Charging Up!
      Quitman - I Want An Enemy
      Dahlmanns - Get It Right
      Goggs - Ruptured Line
      45 Spider - Leave My House
      Joan Jett - Fresh Start
      Ar-Kaics - What You Do
      Wipes - Gotta Leave
      Peter118 - Money and Lies
      Hinkley - Black Kite
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • December 1, 2018 8:01 AM CST
    • On Saturday December 1st The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be OOZING new garage-punk songs and bands. The fun lasts from Noon-2:00PM EST. Just tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • November 17, 2018 1:46 PM CST
    • Playlist 11-17-18

      Social Distortion - Indulgence
      Clash - Cheapskates
      Wipes - CPO
      Rollin Machine - Off The Clock
      GBH - Give Me Fire
      Exploited - Dead Cities
      Ejected - Have You Got 10p
      Shapes - Wots For Lunch Mum
      Hinkley - Let's Rot Together
      Pere Ubu - Heart of Darkness
      Mission of Burma - Peking Spring
      Mr. Airplane Man - C'Mon DJ
      Atomic Zeros - Baby I Don't Care
      Nomads - Better Off Dead
      Sinners - Only When She Lies
      Neighborhood Brats - Dumpster Values
      Dukes of Stratosphear - 25 O'Clock
      Sinceros - Take Me To Your Leader
      Saints - Simple Love
      Jesus and Mary Chain - In A Hole
      Only Ones - The Happy Pilgrim
      Magazine - Rhythm of Cruelty
      Nick Lowe - Heart of the City
      Television - See No Evil
      Peter118 - Money and Lies
      Blank Screen - Anti Anti
      Deadneck - Oriental, I
      Dahlmanns - Get It Right
      45 Spider - Blue Girl
      Ar-Kaics - What You Do
      Joan Jett - Fresh Start
      Kut - I Am Vain
      Control Freaks - I Hate Your Face
      Gulls - Bad Publicity
      Badass Motherfuzzers - Gonna Get You
      Quitman - I Want An Enemy
      SD5 - Evil Eye
      Woolly Bushmen - Something New
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • November 17, 2018 5:17 AM CST
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday November 17th from Noon-2:00PM EST. Punk and garage tunes will be aplenty. Just tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • November 3, 2018 1:42 PM CDT
    • Playlist 11-03-18

      13th Floor Elevators - Slip Inside This House
      Chesterfield Kings - Trip Through Tomorrow
      Shamen - Something About You
      Screaming Trees - Ash Gray Sunday
      Atomic Zeros - Out of Control
      Melisandre's Beaver - Rest In Pizza
      Control Freaks - I Hate Your Face
      Dahlmanns - Get It Right
      Legal Weapon - No Sorrow
      Legal Weapon - Interior Hearts
      Legal Weapon - Under Fire
      Legal Weapon - Caught in the Reign
      Hinkley - Let's Rot Together
      Greenhornes - Saying Goodbye
      Wipes - Gotta Leave
      Quitman - I Want An Enemy
      Records - Held Up High
      Stems - Jumping To Conclusions
      Cynics - Way It's Gonna Be
      Forbidden Dimension - Corpus Earthling
      Aardvarks - I'm Higher Than I'm Down
      Les Fleur de Lys - Mud In Your Eye
      Paul Revere & The Raiders - Hungry
      Ugly Ducklings - Nothin'
      Angry Samoans - Election Day
      Blank Screen - Tuesday's Child
      Dead Neck - Lifeline
      Wormhead - Oblivious
      Iggy Pop - I'm Sick of You
      MC5 - Poison
      Woolly Bushman - Something New
      Creation - Making Time
      Badass Mother Fuzzers - Gonna Get You
      Hypnolovewheel - Daylight Savings Time
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • January 5, 2019 12:21 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist January 4/2019


      The first show of 2019, and instead of playing a bunch of songs from 2018, we go back 40 years and play songs only from 1978 and yammer about those times.


      1. Sex Pistol…..Problems….from their Never Mind The Bollocks release, which technically came out at the end of 1977, but few heard it before 1978. And upon first listen, it was nothing like what the media was trying to shove down our throats. Guitars that crunch, snotty vocals that cut through, throbbing bass and loud drums all sonically mixed to perfection! Fuck what the media says, I want on this bandwagon!
      2. The Diodes….Tired Of Waking Up Tired….from the recent Rarities release and 40 years ago, The Diodes were fighting snowstorms in their futile attempt to tour the US. Chicago with The Ramones and The Runaways made up for the weather cancelled shows!
      3. The Ugly….One Foot In The Gutter….from the Disorder release on OPM records that collects unreleased recordings from this Toronto thug combo. When they were all out of jail, they made some righteous noise!
      4. The Viletones….Swastika Girl….from the A Taste Of Honey release on OPM Records and also on their second EP. Toronto’s other thug combo, and the more remembered one.
      5. The Secrets….Suzie Peroxide….from the Teenage Rampage release on OPM Records and this is The Viletones and Johnny Diode without Steven Leckie. A frat rock band that coulda and should gone far if drugs hadn’t intervened.
      6. The Mods….Step Out Tonight….from the Reactions release on Ugly Pop and a 7” that came out in 1978. These guys played the Cedar Lounge twice (second time they were re-named The News as there were other Mods out there) and were so much fun to see live! Singer Greg was always super animated and local photog Bob Gliddon was able to catch them live and on film.
      7. The Scenics….In The Summer….from their In The Summer release and singer guitar/bass player Andy had a record store here in London in the mid 80’s.
      8. The Cads….Do The Cadwalk….from a 7” EP and from Toronto.
      9. Cardboard Brains….Babies Run My World….from the Last Pogo LP and my fave song by this combo! The Last Pogo Jumps Again documentary is a great overview of the Toronto and area scene from this era.
      10. Simply Saucer….Bullet Proof Heart….from the Cyborgs Revisited release and took until 1989 for this to be released by The Mole in Hamilton. Once released, Simply Saucer finally got (and still does) get the recognition they deserved. Played this as Treat Me Like Dirt is the chorus (?) of this one, the name of the book by Liz Worth that documents the Toronto and area punk/new wave era.
      11. Simply Saucer….I Can Change My Mind….from their lone 7” on  Pig Records and for years was the only existence of this band on any media.
      12. Teenage Head….Top Down….the 1978 version of this song, what I refer to as the Beach Boys version due to the background harmony vocals and car/motorcycle noises in the intro. One of my fave records!
      13. The Demics….Talk’s Cheap….live recording from the Cedar Lounge in 1978. The Blue Boot was renamed the Cedar Lounge in June 1978 and kept that name until closing May 1 1982. It was London’s first exclusive punk/new wave/whatever music venue. Huge Thanx to Frank and Jack from Uranus for talking the owners into hosting rock’n’roll bands over the bluegrass that was playing there.
      14. The Demics….Possibilities…. as above.
      15. Elvis Costello….Radio Radio…from his This Year’s Model release and EC played Alumni Hall in October of 1978. I stupidly didn’t go as I didn’t think EC was punk enough for me….
      16. Elvis Costello….Miracle Man…from the Live at the El Mocambo and broadcast over CHUM FM in early 1978. The Diodes did a similar broadcast around the same time and there were some politics involved.
      17. Goddo….Kiss My Whip….from the Who Cares? Release and all about Carole Pope from Rough Trade. Goddo were taking a bit of a swipe at the Toronto punk scene as they were totally ignoring Goddo and considered them the dinosaurs of the era.  I rather like early Goddo and my buddy Derek and I caught them all 3 nights the first time they played at Ye Olde City Hall here in London. We even had Greg jump on our table to do a solo and we had to hold the table so he didn’t go flying off into the crowd. Think that was the third night when the place was filled with bikers and their women.
      18. Battered Wives…..Daredevil….from their first long player and they opened up for Elvis Costello at Alumni Hall. They weren’t really part of the punk scene, but got tossed into it for their name and attitude. Toronto premier tub thumper Cleave Anderson was in this band.
      19. X Ray Spex….Oh Bondage Up Yours…..a fave of just about everyone that was into this music back in 1978 and from a 7”.
      20. Venus and the  Razorblades…..I Wanna Be Where the Boys Are….from the Songs From The Sunshine Jungle release and this was a Kim Fowley project.
      21. Blondie….One Way Or Another….from the Parallel Lines release and one of those records that everyone owned back then. Clem Burke held down the beat on the tubs and is still playing to this day and one of the best!
      22. The Ramones….Something To Do….from the Road To Ruin release and this is the lineup that played Centennial Hall back in May 1980. Demics opened and the kids came out of the woodwork for this one!
      23. The Saints….Know Your Product….from the Eternally Yours release and the horns added so much power to the sound on this one! Their first long player is one of my fave albums from the era!
      24. Graham Parker…..Hey Lord Don’t Ask Me Questions….from the Parkerilla release and Nick Perry and I went to Hamilton last summer to catch Graham and Brinsley Schwarz, a great show!
      25. TRB….Grey Cortina…from the TRB2 release and a fave for its “8 track blazin’ Brucie Springsteen, bomber jacket dressed to kill” line! In North America we had the rednecks cruisin’ in Cameros filled with smoke and rolling down their windows to  yell out ‘ Hey Devo’ or ‘Hey faggot, nice leotards’ at us punk rockers. I was usually able to run pretty quick or they couldn’t be bothered bashing my head in as I was a skinny runt and not worth the effort.
      26. Devo….Uncontrollable Urge…from their first release and a real ear opener at the time. Radically different from everything else at the time, and a new form of art!
      27. Devo….Satisfaction…. as above and couldn’t resist spinning 2 by these guys.
      28. The Vibrators…..Into The Future….from the Pure Mania release, that actually came out in 1977, but this was one of my fave records to listen to in 1978. Fast and frantic guitars with hooks galore and quick to the point songs that begged for repeated listens! They finally came to London, 1992, The Electric Banana on Clarence St.
      29. Siouxsie and the Banshees……Hong Kong Garden….from The Scream release and another that got played way too many times! The guitar sounds on this blow me away every time!! And Siouxsie was every young punkers wet dream!
      30. The Curse….Killer Bees….from their only 7” and it came with 2 different sleeves. The Curse were also Toronto’s first all female punk combo. They played at Forest City Gallery here in London in the fall of 1977 and meat was tossed around.
      31. Pointed Sticks…..What Do You Want Me To Do….from a 7” and these guys played The Cedar for a weekend as well as opening for Teenage Head when they did their live to air on CHRW back in 1980. Does anyone know if the audio for Pointed Sticks aired? Or was recorded?
      32. The Real Kids…..Better Be Good….from a recent Crypt release and recorded live at The Rat in Boston back in 1978. Had to cut this one down as we ran outta time….


      HUGE Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, FB messages, texts and Heys!!! There was so much more music that coulda and shoulda been played as 1978 was the era that the doors opened and the crazies were able to make music and it got out to the masses! That era sure didn’t last long!


      Back again next week with a few requests and who knows what else.

    • December 29, 2018 10:01 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist December 28/2018


      A little bit of a look back at 2018 with some of the bands that came to  London Ontario and a few new releases from 2018. Definitely not a best of 2018, as I only know about the music I like and listen to.

      1. The Zellots….On The Dole….from the flexi from about a year ago and Vancouver sessions from 78/79 with original vocalist Heather Haley.
      2. Duotang…Nostalgia’s A Vice….from the New Occupation release from 2016. Duotang, The Shanks and Bath Salts played a very poorly attended show at Call The Office sometime this fall. All bands put on Excellent shows! This show was so poorly attended, I was the only one there (besides staff and band members) for the first 2 bands. Not the first time this has happened to me, probably not the last.
      3. Titus Turner…..Build A Bridge (Not A Wall)….from the Sound Off release on Bear Family Records and originally recorded back in 1961. Timely release for what’s going on right now and this was supposed to be the start of the show but somehow, we ended up starting early.
      4. UN Jefferson….Everything Is Alright….from their brand new self titled release and they are in town at Rumrunners tonight.
      5. UN Jefferson…..Testify…. as above.
      6. UN Jefferson….Shine On Me…. as above.
      7. UN Jefferson….Monday Morning….as above. Right around here Ajay from the band called in and after some technical issues, we had the interview with a few audio issues.
      8. UN Jefferson…Stand and Deliver…. As above.
      9. Marcellus Wallace….Movin’ On Up….from their only release and this band was Ajay’s project prior to UN Jefferson. As Ajay said, they’ll be playing some of the songs from this release.
      10. Tami Neilson…..Miss Jones….from the Sassafrass! release from this year. Tami did an Amazing show at the Aeolian Hall a few weeks back!
      11. Tami Neilson….Kitty Cat….as above. Tami is presently based in New Zealand, but she’s a Canadian native and as a youngster, was part of the Neilson Family band that toured across North America and had several hits. When in Canada, her younger brother plays bass and acts as the band leader.
      12. Charles Bradley….I Feel A Change….from his 2018 Black Velvet release. The Screaming Eagle of Soul passed away in 2017.
      13. Charles Bradley…Stay Away…. As above.
      14. Sheesham, Lotus and Son…..Swimming Blues….from The High Stepping Music Of…release. SL and Son played at the Victoria last January and put on a highly entertaining show; part superb musicianship and part comedy!  This was the last show we saw at the now defunct Victoria.
      15. Newport Electric….Shake Your Blues….from their recent Thin Wild Mercury release and from London Ontario.
      16. John Jordan….London Girl….brand new, and John was right on the money when he figured we’d dig this one! Kinda powerpoppy and definite local connection!!
      17. Cordcalling….Ransomed Felon….brand new single from this local duo.
      18. Reverend Horton Heat…..Viva Las Vegas….from the recent Whole New Life release, and they were in town a couple months back. Igor and the Red Elvises opened the show, and were the evening’s highlight for me!
      19. Dany Laj and the Looks….Left Right To One…..their latest single and there is now a video for this tune. Dany Laj and the Looks opened up for Teenage Head at Call The Office a few months back and put on another great show!
      20. The Mods….Step Out Tonight….from the Reactions LP on Ugly Pop Records which features late 70’s recordings from this band that was based in Toronto. Caught them twice at the Cedar Lounge many years ago.
      21. Kurt Baker…..Out Dancing….from a brand new release on Beluga Records out of Sweden.
      22. Shoobies…..Girl Or Gator….from the Never Mind The Hardcore download and they are from London Ontario.
      23. Jon Spencer….Time To Be Bad….from his recent Jon Spencer Sings The Hits release.
      24. Peter and the Wolves….Hot Foot Woman….from their recent Howlin’ and Prowlin’ release. They played the Richmond a few months back, 3 ultra long rockin’ sets that had the whole joint dancing and having fun!
      25. Peter and the Wolves….Drive All Night… as above.
      26. Catl….Superfly Lady….from their recent Bide My Time Until I Die release and they played Call The Office a few months back.
      27. Atomic Tomb…..Great Satan America….from Toronto and this song sums up what’s going on in the news right now!
      28. Chocolate Watchband….Trouble Every Day…from the soon to be released Time Is My Voice on Dirty Water Records and their first release in about 50 years!  Who’d a thought this band would return, get political, yet sound almost as good as their prime half a century ago!!!
      29. Chocolate Watchband…..Baby Blue…..from about 1966 and a long time fave!
      30. Chocolate Watchband….No Way Out…. As above.
      31. Chocolate Watchband….I’m Not Like Everybody Else… above.


      Thanx to Ajay Massey for taking the time to talk with us about UN Jefferson at Rumrunners tonight! And Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, facebook messages, texts and Heys!!!

      Back again in 2019 in the same time slot with a whole bunch more noise to annoy!! Our next show will look back at 1978....40 years later! Happy New Year!


      Someday, there could be an archived show here: (just about the time it rains money upon my noggin')

    • December 24, 2018 8:22 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist December 21/2018


      1. The Rooks….Christmas….from a 2 song promo CD from 1991 and this is the powerpop band that we all dig!
      2. MX80 Sound….Christmas With The Devil….from their We’re An American Band release from 2005. This is the same combo that has been around since the mid 70’s and are revered as proto punkers by many. Their first coupla LP’s are left field, 2 drummer, guitar noise, rant and roll!
      3. Plan 9….Merry Christmas….from a 7” on Midnight Records from 1984. This Rhode Island band of misfits played London at least 3, if not 4 times in the mid 80’s and each show was a different sound and band, but always progressing positively!
      4. Mack Rice….Santa Wants Some Lovin’….from a compilation called Trailer Trash Christmas.
      5. Paul James….Run Rudolph Run….from a 1986 7” and Paul is still out rockin’ as we saw about a year ago at the London Music Club.
      6. Mojo Nixon….Trim Yo Tree….from the Trailer Trash Christmas compilation.
      7. 63 Monroe…..White Christmas….from a mid 80’s 7” and these guys are playing Wednesday at Call The Office.
      8. Trailer Trash….Don’t Believe In Christmas….from the Trailer Trash compilation.
      9. Jack Scott….There’s Trouble Brewin’….from the Black Christmas compilation and Jack played at Victoria Park Bandshell here in London many a year ago.
      10. Youngsters….Christmas In Jail….from the above Black Christmas compilation.
      11. Washboard Pete….Christmas Blues… above.
      12. Roger Zuraw….I’m In Love And It’s Christmas….from his There’s Life, Then There’s A Song release from 2005.
      13. Shonen Knife….Space Christmas….from a 7” from 1991.
      14. Angel Corpus Christi…..Still Feels Like Christmas….from the Gulcher Christmas compilation and the finest accordion player around!
      15. Patsy Raye….Beatnik’s Christmas….from the Swing For A Crime compilation from the mid 80’s on GMG Records.
      16. Automatics….Merry Christmas….from the Gulcher Christmas compilation.
      17. The Gruesomes….Santa Claus….from the Gruesomania CD on Ricochet Sound.
      18. Mach Bell….C’mon Santa….from the Gulcher Christmas compilation….Mach was in Thundertrain, an early Boston punk/proto combo.
      19. The Turtles…..Santa and the Sidewalk Surfer….from the Happy Together Again release on Sire Records that collects many of their hits.
      20. Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet…..Xmas Medley…..from the CBC Tapes, which is a recording of a Christmas show they did on CBC back in the late 80’s.
      21. Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet…..Deck The Halls….as above.
      22. Deadbeat Poets….Christmas Time In Painesville….from A Deadbeat Christmas release that I got from the band when they were here a few weeks back. Deadbeat Poets put on a Killer show at Call The Office and would love to see this band again….tight guitar pop tunes with an edge!
      23. The Ramones….Merry Christmas….from the Brain Drain release.
      24. The Tryfles….Gloria….from a Midnight Christmess Volume 1, a compilation on the Midnight Records label. Midnight wasn’t just a label, but a store that we used to frequent many years ago.
      25. Das Furlines….O Tannenbaum….from the Midnight Christmess Volume 2 compilation. Das Furlines are my fave all female honk and holler combo!!!
      26. The Ravens….Blue Christmas….on the same compilation as above.
      27. The Fleshtones….Canadian Christmas……from the Stocking Stuffer release and features the Fleshtones Canadian Ken Fox!
      28. Right around here, The Legendary Stardust Cowboy called in with his annual Christmas message. Thanx Ledge!! And Thanx for that early morning serenade you did at our place about 30 or so years ago!
      29. The Fleshtones….Hooray For Santa Claus….from the Stocking Stuffer release.
      30. Snoopy’s Christmas….from an ARC Christmas Snoopy LP that features legendary 60’s garage combo The Quiet Jungle doing the music. This is the Canadian version of the Royal Guardsmen hit from the early 60’s.
      31. The Shanks….Christmas Star….from The Dark Richard Show release from 2010. The Shanks came to Call The Office along with Duotang a few months back.
      32. Urban Surf Kings….Jingle Bells….from a download and this combo is from the east coast.
      33. Thee Eviltones….It’s Christmas….from a download and they are from the UK.
      34. Tony Low….Merry Christmas….Tony sent us this one a couple years back, and he was the long time bass player for powerpop combo The Cheepskates.
      35. Lazy Cowgirls….Santa’s Got a Brand New Bag….from a 7” on  Bomp Records from 1986.
      36. CW Stoneking…..On A Christmas Day….from his King Hokum release from 2011 and from Australia.


      Thanx for all the phone calls as there were a lot this week!! And Thanx for all the emails, messages, texts, smoke signals and Heys!!!  Merry Christmas!


      Back next week with more noise to annoy.

    • December 15, 2018 5:03 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist December 15/2018


      1. Krista D….Crazy Bitch….latest demo and goes to you know who.
      2. The Thing From Outer Space….Penetration….their latest demo.
      3. Invisible Surfers…..Nice Try….from the recent Desert King release on Lost In Tyme Records from Greece.
      4. Shoobies….JROL….from their latest release, Nevermind the Hardcore, Here’s Shoobies.
      5. F105….Rebel Girl….from their latest release.
      6. Slugfest….Chicken On A Ball And Chain….from The Port CD from 2006 and Slugfest have their annual Christmas party tonight at the St Regis.
      7. Eugene Ripper….Northern Train….from his latest release, Fast Folk Underground 5
      8. Chocolate Watchband….Till The Daylight….from the soon to be released This Is My Voice and they actually get political on this one.
      9. Mack and Chip….or Mack MacKenzie and Chip Kinman doing Lucky Day from their recent Cuatro De Los Angeles EP. All proceeds from this one go to the family of Chip’s brother Tony’s family, as Tony passed recently and there’s still lots of medical bills that have to be paid.
      10. Dave Rave….Anne Marie….from a live to air on Radio WW 8/1/2013.
      11. Dany Laj and the Looks…..Left Right To One….from their latest 7” and a video has just been released for this song.
      12. Lene Lovich….Home….from her 1979 Stateless LP and goes out to Danny Bee!
      13. Cordcalling….When I Scream….from their first release back in 2008 and this duo has a brand new video just out.
      14. UN Jefferson…..Testify….from their self titled debut release and they play Rumrunners on 12/28. We’ll be talking to the leader of this band the day of the show.
      15. The Cramps….She Said….from a 1981 7” with Kid Congo on guitar and a request.
      16. Catl….Cocaine Blues….from their recent Bide My Time Till I Die release.
      17. The Mongrels….Do It….a demo and they play tonight at Eastside here in London.
      18. Newport Electric…..The Way Out Is In….from their debut release and they play the Richmond on Sunday.
      19. Magazine….I Love You, You Big Dummy….from the After The Fact release and originally released in 1978. Howard Devoto was the singer for this combo and he was the original lead singer of The Buzzcocks….
      20. The Buzzcocks….Breakdown….from the Spiral Scratch EP from 1977 and the rest of the show is dedicated to Pete Shelley who passed away last week.
      21. The Buzzcocks….Times Up…. As above.
      22. The Buzzcocks…..Can’t Control Myself….from the Times’s Up bootleg with Howard Devoto on vocals.
      23. The Buzzcocks…..Fast Cars….from their first full length release, Another Music In A Different Kitchen.
      24. The Buzzcocks…..I Don’t Mind…. As above.
      25. The Buzzcocks…..What Do I Get….from a 7” from around the same time as the first LP.
      26. The Buzzcocks…..Orgasm Addict….as above. One of my fave  Buzzcocks tunes!!
      27. The Buzzcocks…..Ever Fallen In Love….from the Love Bites release.
      28. The Buzzcocks….Promises….from a 7” from around the same time as the second LP.
      29. The Buzzcocks…Love You More…. As above.
      30. The Buzzcocks….You Say You Don’t Love Me…..from their third full length, A Different Kind Of Tension.
      31. The Buzzcocks…Harmony In My Head….from a 7” from around the same time as the third LP.
      32. The Buzzcocks….Something’s Gone Wrong Again…. As above.
      33. Pete Shelley…..Homosapien….from a 7” released not long after The Buzzcocks broke up and this one got loads of airplay on CHRW back then. Had to cut this one off as we ran out of time.


      Big Thanx for all the crazy phone calls we had during this one. Oddly the phone stopped ringing once The Buzzcocks took over the airwaves!! And Big Thanx for all the messages, emails, texts and Heys!!


      Back again next week, with an all Christmas show!

      Someday there will be an archived show at this link:

    • December 8, 2018 10:19 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist December 7/2018. All Female Voices.


      1. Ronnie Spector….I’d Much Rather Be With The Girls…from her 2016 English Heart release and a song to sum up the show! Ronnie of course was in The Ronettes  back in the mid 60’s.
      2. Hiroshima Hearts….14 Floors….from an 11/2014 demo and from London Ontario.
      3. Tami Neilson….Holy Moses….from her 2016 Don’t Be Afraid release and she was at Aeolian Hall a few weeks back and put on an Amazing show! Former member of the pop/country Neilson Family band that used to tour North America and now residing in New Zealand.
      4. Etta James….Tough Lover…..from a Greatest Hits package and originally released back in 1956.
      5. Wanda Jackson….Funnel Of Love….from the 2003 Heart Trouble release and The Cramps are backing Wanda up on this track! This came out just prior to her first London show at the Aeolian Hall! And a fabulous show it was as locals The Rizdales were her backup band.
      6. Aretha Franklin….Lee Cross…from the ulta suave Soul Gospel compilation on the Soul Jazz label out of the UK. This song is from 1965, right around the time Aretha joined Atlantic Records and went on to fame and fortune!
      7. Detroit Cobras….Hey Sah Lo Ney…sometimes called Hey Sailor and a live recording from Call The Office 3/7/2002. This was the only time I ever got to see the Detroit Cobras and remember guitarist Mary cutting one of her strumming fingers and there was some blood on stage. And that’s when we realized that this was the same Mary from the Vertical Pillows combo who had Rob Tyner helping them out.
      8. Hot Kid….Get On The Road….from the Got It To Give release from 2007 and they played one of our Battle Of The 2 Piece Bands at the Black Shire shows.
      9. White Lung….Breaking Bones….from a 7” from 2007 and when the band was all female.
      10. Stolen Minks….Boys On The Floor….from their debut CD from 2008 and from Halifax.
      11. Viv Sun and the Black Holes….Hobo….from a 1996 demo and this band became The Black Holes with Vince Braca taking over vocals/rhythm guitar. Tom Hilborn plays the wyld lead guitar.
      12. Zellots….Soldiers…from a 1981 demo and from London Ontario.
      13. Jane Doe…..Dance With Me Henry….from a 7” and is a collection of London Ontario musicians having some fun.
      14. The Hippies….A Peculiar Boy….from a live recording from 10/5/2013 at the Town and Country.
      15. Suzi Quatro…..48 Crash….from her 1974 release and from Detroit.
      16. Lady Dottie and The Diamonds…Have Love Will Travel….from their 2008 debut release and from the west coast.
      17. The Creamers….Stay With Me….1991 7” on the SFTRI label.
      18. American Flamewhip…..Kick It….from their 2006 Fingertight release on the Transistor 66 label.
      19. The Poles….CN Tower….from their 1977 7” and from the first wave of Toronto punk combos.
      20. Amy Rigby…..Dancing With Joey Ramone….from her Little Fugitive release from 2005.
      21. Shangri Las…..Sophisticated Boom Boom….from a Greatest Hits compilation.
      22. Mary Weiss….Cry About The Radio….from her 2007 Dangerous Game release on Norton Records. Mary was in the Shangri Las and has the killer line ‘kids don’t know shit these days’ that sums up life. Backing combo is Greg Cartwright’s Reigning Sound and the odd A Bone and makes for Great release!
      23. Shannon and the Clams….Heads Or Tales….from their Dreams In The Rat House release from 2013.
      24. Roxy and the Underground Soul Sound….Mistakes…from their 2014 Don’t You Know release and from Halifax. Bass player/music arranger/song writer Ian Bennett played guitar in….
      25. Bloody Diamonds….She Ain’t Pretty….from a live recording at CHRW 9/27/2012 and from Halifax.
      26. Sacred Miracle Cave….Summer Time….from a 1989 7” on SFTRI and features Betsy Palmer from Bomp Records.
      27. Pack AD….Don’t Have To….from a live recording at Call The Office 10/7/2011.
      28. The Slits….Typical Girls….from the 1979 Cut release and from the UK.
      29. Trash Kit….Gorey….from their 2010 debut release and from the UK.
      30. Mod-ettes…..Fandango…from their 1980 Story So Far release and also from the UK.
      31. Angela Prince….No Bother….1966 recording from the Studio One Women compilation on Soul Jazz Records and from Jamaica.
      32. Jerry Jones….There’s A Chance For Me….1967 recording and same as above.
      33. True Confessions…..Mating Games….from their 1980 debut album and only album. Some of the former Curse members and other members of the first wave Toronto punk scene. Had to fade this one out as we ran outta time, but certainly not tunes.


      Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, texts, FB messages and Heys!!!


      Back again next week with a Pete Shelley tribute and lots of requests from the last couple of weeks!


      Someday, there may be an archived show here:

    • December 1, 2018 11:21 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist November 30/2018


      1. Krista D….Crazy Bitch…..latest demo and still applicable.
      2. Shoobies….Girl Or Gator….from their latest download Nevermind The Hardcore Here’s The Shoobies. Local guitar instro combo.
      3. The Thing From Outer Space…Penetration….latest download from this London guitar instro combo. They are playing at the Toys For Tots show Sat December 8th at the London Music Hall Of Fame Ballroom. It’s a 2 till 8PM benefit for kids and many other London combos are playing; Boy From Nowhere, 10 Heads On 10, 63 Monroe and more!
      4. Link Protrudi and the Jaymen….Beaver Shot…from their 1992 Slow Grind LP and they are 3 members of The Fuzztones. They played Key West here in London back in 1987.
      5. The Sadies….The Horseshoe….from their Tales Of The Rat Fink release and The Sadies are in town tonight at Call The Office.
      6. The Sadies….Another Year….from their Darker Circles release from 2010 and this song always hits the spot with me. These guys have lived the lyrics and know what it’s like!
      7. John Doe and The Sadies…..Stop The World And Let Me Off….from their Country Club release from 2009. This lineup played Call The Office and it was a classic show!
      8. Mack MacKenzie and Chip Kinman….It’s Not Worth It…..from a brand new release Cuatro De Los Angeles EP. All funds raised from the sale of this EP go to the widow of Chip’s brother Tony, who passed away recently. Medical expenses aren’t cheap. Chip and Tony Kinman were in The Dils and Rank & File, two highly influential outfits. Mack is from 3 O’Clock Train from Montreal and has been on Radio WW a few times over the years, even doing a couple of live to airs. In future, I think we’re gonna refer to this combo as Mack and Chip….sounds like some kind of snack!
      9. The Rizdales….Honky Tonk Honeymoon….from the brand new Lucky Enough release and there’s a shoutout to the Richmond on this one! The Rizdales have their annual Christmas party at the Richmond on December 8th from4 till 7PM.
      10. Jon Spencer….Beetle Boots….from a brand new release called Spencer Sings The Hits.
      11. Pop Rivets….Beatle Boots…from their Fun In The UK release from 1985 on Jim’s Records. This is a late 70’s recording from the first combo of Billy Childish….who went on to fame in The Milkshakes, Mighty Caesars and so many more fine Chatham UK based combos.
      12. The Standells….Why Pick On Me….from a crappy re-ish and shoulda played the original from around 1967. Gotta stay away from these crappy vinyl re-ish and stick to the original or the re-mastered CD’s.
      13. Chocolate Watchband….Secret Rendevous….from the soon to be released This Is My Voice on Dirty Water Records out of the UK. 50 years later and they still sound great!
      14. Tami Neilson…..Walk…from the 2015 Dynamite! Release. Tami was in town just over a week ago, and put on a phenomenal show at the Aeolian Hall.
      15. Lady Dottie and the Diamonds….Livin’ It Up….from a 2015 release on Hi-Speed Soul Records. Dunno anything about this combo, but Lady Dottie appears to be much older than her young backup combo, but belts out some serious soul/rock on this, her only release that I’m aware of.
      16. UN Jefferson…..Everything Is Alright….from their brand new self titled release and we’ve got a date of December 28th for UN to join us in the studio. They’ve got a gig later on that eve here in London.
      17. Black Joe Lewis…..Nothing But A Cliché….from the recent The Difference Between Me and You release. Austin based combo that spent some time in Montreal a few years back.
      18. Catl…Baby You All Wrong….from the recent Bide My Time Till I Die release and from Toronto.
      19. Roger Zuraw….Schlepping Around The Chanukkah Bush….from the 2013 Whose Blues Is It Anyway release and Roger is from Toronto.
      20. Ugly Ducklings….Gaslight…..from their original single from 1967 and goes out to Dave, one of the volunteers at the London Music Hall Of Fame who got to see the Ugly Ducklings back in the 60’s.
      21. Ugly Ducklings….The Pain Is All Right…..from a 1979 single on Razor Records which was the imprint of the Village Idiot. Robert the Village Idiot can tell you some interesting info on this release.
      22. Ugly Ducklings….I Wish You Would….from the 1982 LP on Yorktown (ARC Records) that collects some unreleased tracks along with some LP tracks. The cymbal sound at the beginning of this track is just so perfect!
      23. The Mongrels….All Systems Go…..from their demo and they are doing their monthly Rock’n’Roll Rent Party on Sunday at the Richmond.
      24. Jackie Mittoo….Grand Funk….from the Jamaica to Toronto compilation on Light In The Attic. 1971 recording and Jackie is featured on a CBC taping from the early 70’s that was shown on CBC TV recently. Jackie was one of the originators of the reggae sounds in Jamaica in the early 60’s and moved to Toronto to help create the reggae scene there.
      25. Lloyd Delpratt….Together….from the same release as above. The Jamaica To Toronto compilation is highly recommended for any fans of the early Toronto reggae and soul scene as it collects impossible to find 7” record recordings along with other recordings from the late 60’s to mid 70’s.
      26. Matt Lucas….I’m Movin’ On….from a 7” on the Mercury label and a couple of Londoners used to play with Matt….Cameron Marshman and Jack Whiteside. Jack can tell you some wild stories of his time in Matt’s band!
      27. Sylvain Sylvain….14th Street…from the CD compilation New York’s A Go Go. Sylvain has played here in London at Call The Office a few times over the years, always putting on great shows!
      28. Andre Williams and The Sadies….America….from the Night and Day release on Yep Roc from 2012.
      29. Denise and Company….Take Me As I Am….from the first volume of Girls In The Garage, a series on Romulan Records that collects obscure girl combos from the 60’s playing garage/girl group sounds. This is also a preview of next week’s all female voices show.
      30. Whyte Boots…..Nightmare….from the second volume of Girls In The Garage.
      31. Jean and the Statesiders….Putty In Your Hands….from the third volume of Girls In The Garage and this track was released back in 1965, prior to The Yardbirds version.
      32. Southern Belles….Dum Dum Ditty….from the fourth volume of Girls In The Garage.
      33. Linda Gayle….Maggies Farm…..from the fifth volume of Girls In The Garage and this could be Jerry Lee Lewis’s younger sister.
      34. The Dropouts…..Sucker Punch…..from the 2005 After School Specials release and we faded this one out as time ran out…..


      Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, facebook messages, texts and Heys!!!

      Next week it’s an all female Voices show, as we commemorate the Montreal Massacre. CHRW will be doing an all day of female voices on Thursday December 6th.


      Someday there may be an archived show here:

    • November 24, 2018 4:16 PM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist November 23/2018


      1. Krista D….Crazy Bitch….brand new track in which Krista played all the instruments. Timely way to start the show as the title certainly sums up my recent dealings with an older relative.
      2. Hank And Frank….Walk Like A Zombie….from the Baloney Sandwich cassette that came out in 1990 and with What Wave zine #19. Hank is the vocalist/head honcho of Tuerto Loco who just happen to be playing tonight at the St Regis. Frank is a Stetson Brother and he plays Sunday at the Richmond. And coincidentally both have been live on Radio WW.
      3. Tuerto Loco….Nancy Sinatra….from a live recording on Radio WW 5/12/2011.  The song that everyone associates with this band.
      4. Tuerto Loco….Robert Q Public…. As above.
      5. The Thing From Outer Space…Penetration….brand new demo and they will be playing on Saturday Dec 8th as part of the Toys For Tots Show at the LMHF Ballroom. Lots more info on this one before the show.
      6. UIC…..Anything At All….from the Wiseman Sessions CD and they will be playing tonight at This Ain’t Hollywood. And Live Like 90 and Our Garage LP’s from the late 80’s are both now available on most formats. 8 tracks for the troglodytes available soon! If you’re near Hamilton, this is the place to be tonight!
      7. UIC….Our Garage… recording from 2017 at the Horseshoe in Toronto.
      8. Chocolate Watchband….Judgement Day….from the soon to be released This Is My Voice on Dirty Water Records.  There’s a video out for this one….seems kinda unreal that a band that hasn’t released anything in almost 50 years is back, releasing music and making videos!
      9. Chocolate Watchband….Bombay Pipeline….as above.
      10. Mark Sultan…Don’t Bother Me…from the recent Wasting Away release.
      11. UN Jefferson…..Shine On Me….from the brand new self titled release and this is Ajay’s latest combo. Hope to have them in the studio in the  new year once they set up their local shows.
      12. Tami Neilson….Diamond Ring….from the recent Sassafrass! Release and she was in town on Thursday at the Aeolian!!  Great show with a super backup band that included her younger brother on bass, both of whom were in the family band that used to tour across North America. Tami’s got one of those HUGE voices that just knocks you into the next room. Think Wanda Jackson meets mid 60’s soul meets trad country all rolled up into one crazy and entertaining package!!
      13. Invisible Surfers….Keep The Engine Running….from their brand new Desert King release on Lost In Tyme Records out of Greece.
      14. Poisoned Aeros…Social Taboo….from the 2003 Turbulence release and from Hamilton. Think the last time we saw this band was backing up Sylvain Sylvain at Call The Office.
      15. Stolen Minks….Viola Desmond….from the 2008 High Kicks CD and from Halifax. Timely as the new $10 features Viola Desmond and this song tells the story from 1946.
      16. Peter And The Wolves….Fakin’ It….from the recent Howlin’ and Prowlin’ release.
      17. The Rizdales…Here I Go….from the Radio Country release from 2007 and they have their CD release party at the Richmond this afternoon.
      18. The Cramps….Weekend On Mars….live recording from a 7” on New Rose Records.  Patrick Mathe of New Rose Records passed away earlier this week and from here on, we’re spinning New Rose records in his honour. So many great bands were on this label based in France.
      19. Alex Chilton….Underclass….from a double 7” called No Sex on New Rose.
      20. Panther Burns….Tina The Go Go Queen….from the 1985 Sugar Ditch Revisited release on New Rose. Had a ticket stub from the last Panther Burns show in this area….June 19 2013 at This Ain’t Hollywood.
      21. Panther Burns….Surfside Date….from the Return Of The Blue Panther release on New Rose Records from 1988.
      22. The Saints….Miss Wonderful….from the 1981 LP The Monkey Puzzle on New Rose. This is New Rose 001 and believe it’s Patrick’s first release!
      23. The Real Kids….Outta Place…from the All Kindsa Jerks Live release on New Rose where John Felice mentions to pick up their latest record on New Rose!
      24. The Real Kids….No Place Fast….from the Outta Place LP from 1982 on New Rose.
      25. The Real Kids….She….from the 1983 Hit Your Hard LP on New Rose. When others had given up on The Real Kids, Patrick was getting them to record, release records and play live in France where they were heroes to the French kids! Thanx to Patrick and his New Rose label for dealing with the bad habits of the band and keeping them active!
      26. The Real Kids….Hit You Hard….as above. Played 2 tunes from this one.
      27. Destroy All Monsters….November 22 1963….from the Singles and Rarites release. Timely play of this one. Was talking to Ron Asheton the last time DAM (or Dark Carnival as they were then known) played here, and he said that the Fan Club label (one of the many New Rose subsidiaries) was one of the few that actually paid artists and he was always happy to deal with them!
      28. The Kids….Solid Gold….from the recent The Real Kids 1974 Demos CD on Crypt Records. This is The Real Kids prior to taking the name and is a 1974 demo and gives you an idea of how the song changed over the years. And it Fucking Rocks!!! The genius that is John Felice comes through loud and proud.  A highly recommended release as the CD comes with a 200 page book with shitloads of Real Kids info!!!
      29. The Real Kids….Taxi Boys….from the above release and part of the 1977 demos.
      30. Mad Daddys…..So Macho….from the Music For Men release on New Rose and produced by Lux and Ivy.  So many Great releases on New Rose Records and we’ve run outta time….


      Big Thanx for all the phoners, emails, messages and Heys!!!  Back again next week with more noise to annoy.


      Eventually there will be an archived show here:

    • November 17, 2018 10:13 AM CST
    • Radio What Wave Playlist November 16/2018

      1. Castor Troys….Highway….from the 2015 release, Come  Hell Or High Water. CT were in town last night at  Norma Jeans.
      2. Chocolate Watchband….Take A Ride….from the brand new This Is My Voice release on Dirty Water Records. Long time archivist, compiler, musician, band member Alec Palao is playing bass on this and is most likely the impetus behind this project. Sonically not a lot has changed in the 50 years since CW’s last release.
      3. Chocolate Watchband….Can’t Seem To Make You Mine… as above and CW were known for covering Seeds tunes live back in the 60’s.
      4. Chocolate Watchband….Are You Gonna Be There….from the Ace/Big Beat double CD Melts In Your Brain ….Not On Your Wrist that came out in 2005. Alec Palao as mentioned above, was heavily involved in this project. And this one is highly recommended for any CW fans as some tracks have been altered/corrected to have the lead vocals of Dave Aguilar on them, as  opposed to the studio musician who was on the original songs. This is my go to Chocolate Watchband release.
      5. Dead Freddie….Cartoon Woman….brand new release in the station and they are from Chicago.
      6. Red Arms….Soviet Red…from a 7” on Yeah Right! Records and they are playing tonight at Call The Office, along with Bleeter and the James Clark Hangover to celebrate Jeff Baty’s Labatt’s 50th.
      7. F105….Rebel Girl…just got this one as a download and the band is from Toronto.
      8. Mott The Hoople….Drivin’ Sister…from the 1973 Mott Lp.
      9. Dustbin Flowers…Take Me On….from the recent Made To Last release and from London Ontario.
      10. Bob Seger….Heavy Music….from the recent release of the same name and collects all of Bob’s Cameo singles.
      11. Tami Neilson….Stay Outta My Business….from the recent Sassafrass! Release and Tami is coming to Aeolian Hall this Thursday. Tami presently resides in New Zealand, Canadian born and was part of the Neilson family band that had some AM radio hits a generation or so ago.
      12. Tami Neilson….Kitty Cat…as above.  She’s got that big voice and not afraid to tackle any genre so this should be a really good show on Thursday.
      13. Wanda Jackson….Tore Down….from the 2012 Unfinished Business release. Wanda’s been to London Ontario at least 3 times, one of which was at the Aeolian Hall…
      14. Robbie Fulks and Linda Gail Lewis….Wild Wild Wild…..from the recent release of the same name and on the Bloodshot imprint.
      15. Stolen Minks…Stop Talkin’….from the 2006 Family Boycott release and from Halifax.
      16. Twin Fin….Jungle Room….from the Whiskey Wine and Venom Love release and they are playing at Fitzrays tonight.
      17. Invisible Surfers….Nice Try….from the brand new Desert King release on the Lost In Tyme imprint and from Greece.
      18. Ron and Don…Beat Generation….from the Las Vegas Grind Volume 3 compilation. Sounds a little bit like a song The Heartbreakers did back in the 70’s.
      19. 24th Street Wailers….Don’t Make It Easy…from their first release a few years ago and had been searching for this one for quite some time. Found it while digging at the Village Idiot the other day…..lesson is keep digging at your local record stores as you never know what you might uncover! Singer/drummer Lindsay Beaver has just released her first solo release on Rounder Records.
      20. Marion Gaines….Grandma’s Hands…from the Soul Gospel compilation on Soul Jazz Records and this song came out in 1972 and is a cover of the Bill Withers hit. Found this at the recent London Record Show as Soul Jazz is a UK imprint and not easily found locally. They are also one of my current fave labels…
      21. King Biscuit Boy with Crowbar….Shout Bamalama ….from the 1972 Official Music release and picked this one up at the recent London Record Show.
      22. The Mods….Step Out Tonight….from the recent Reactions release on Ugly Pop Records. This came out as a single back in 1978 and has been stuck in my noggin’ ever since! This starts our section on early Toronto punk bands as the 40th anniversary of the Last Pogo quickly approaches.
      23. The Screwed….Last Pogo…from the 2013 Green Haired Girl release and all 4 members of this combo have been in countless bands.
      24. Battered Wives….I Want It All….from their 1978 debut release.
      25. The Secrets….All The Words…from the 1997 Teenage Rampage release and recorded back in 1978.
      26. Tyranna….Unfaithful….from the Italian Rave Up Records compilation that came out a few years ago. 2nd wave Toronto punk combo that was largely forgotten, even though Cleave Anderson served some time on the tubs.
      27. The Scenics….I’m Hurt….from the In The Summer release from 2015, which contains 77/78 studio recordings from this Toronto art combo. They played London many times, often with The Demics, whom they arranged Toronto gigs for.
      28. The Government….Acute Angle….from their 1980 Guest List release and from Toronto. Another largely forgotten combo from the early days of the Toronto punk scene.
      29. The Government…..Fumigators….from the 1979 Electric Eye soundtrack release. The Government never played London Ontario, so we had to venture to Toronto to catch them. Didn’t get to see them until late 1981 and they were long past their prime.
      30. Segarini…..Teenage Love….from the On The Radio release of a live to air on Q107 from November 10/1978, almost 40 years to the day.
      31. Segarini….When The Lights Are Out….from the 1978 Gotta Have Pop release.
      32. Flamin’ Groovies…..Way Over My Head….from the 1992 Rock Juice release. 
      33. American Jam Band….Jam Jam….from the Glitterbest compilation that collects some glam/powerpop sounds from the early to mid 70’s. All I know about this combo, is they are from the UK and released at least 2 7” records.
      34. Despair…..Sweet Heart….as above and this is one of Knox’s pre-Vibrators combos. Most of you will know this song from the Vibrators Pure Mania release from 1978, but this is the original version of the song.


      Big Thanx to all that took the time to phone in, email, facebook message, text etc…..Thanx Tons!!!

      And Thanx to all that came out to see the Deadbeat Poets and Blue Ash at Call The Office the other night! Had to leave prior to Blue Ash, but Deadbeat Poets were fucking amazing!!!! Tight hooks, loads of background vocals, guitars that interlocked, all of them took turns at lead vocals and near perfect sound!!! Absolutely love to see Deadbeat Poets again!!

      Back again next week with another trip through various genre’s/time periods and moods.


      Someday, there may be an archived show here:

    • November 17, 2018 10:09 AM CST
    • Saw Deadbeat Poets a coupla nights ago....super tight garage powerpop combo that features Frank Secich (Blue Ash, Stiv Bators band and many others). Great songwriting, all members did lead vocals and hooks galore!!


      Also saw Stiff Little Fingers for the first time last week. Great sounding and a lotta fun! Currently on a Canadian tour.

    • November 7, 2018 4:44 AM CST
    • The Sonics and then Jack White, both great gigs

    • November 4, 2018 8:51 PM CST
    • Barrence Whitfield and The Woggles destroyed , naturally. Black Oak Arkansas put the pedal to the metal and let it ROAR !! Haven't seen much else , lately. Little Steven is playing tomorrow at this beautiful old movie theatre from the 30's. Not a big fan of his or Springsteen's music ( I did see them together in 1980 , it was great . But , I lost interest in Springsteen not much later...never bought his records.), BUT i'M A FAN OF THE SOPRANOS AND THE UNDERGROUND GARAGE....Tho' I have'nt heard it in eons. I met Steven in 2001. He's VERY , VERY COOL.    Roky Erickson is playing on Friday , that's going to be the show of the year. But there's no "Buzz" about it.

    • November 12, 2018 12:43 AM CST
    • Greeting, my friends! Dig the all-new, all-nude, internet-only mutant offspring of the world's geatest radio station WFMU: Sheena's Jungle Room, now spewing a 24/7 stream of all manner of trashy rock n roll, from rockabilly to surf 'n' garage, to punk, maybe even the occasional psych, glam, and noisy psychosis thrown in. But wait, there's more! e.g.: bump 'n' grind jazz, raucous r'n'b, sleazy lounge, dirty blues, exotica, retarded thrift-store records, hillbillies, beatniks, mental-cases, clips from movies, tv shows, "blue" nightclub comedy, sound effects...Four live DJs (including the legendary Otis Fodder) are also on the schedule, with more to come. Just peek under "Listen Now" or "Listen" and clicky on "Sheena's Jungle Room":

      Check it out, it's WEIRD!


    • November 7, 2018 4:41 AM CST
    • Buy them.

      There is a reason studio engineers highly rate them; they're awesome reference sounding headphones..

      What signature are you looking for?

      How do you listen to your music?

      I have quite a few pairs, so if you give me a little bit more info I shall be able to recommend more

    • November 4, 2018 8:59 PM CST
    • Sweet came thru a few months ago on their 50th anniversary tour. Unfortunately , it was Steve Priest's US - based version of the band , whom I would'nt mind seeing , but , I'd hoped Andy Scott , the only other surviving original member , and Priest would tour together. They said they're planning to record together , tho'. It was at a beautiful theatre in ST. Charles , Ill. , The Arcadia, but ,  it's not accessible from Chicago without a car. AND it was like $65.