Radio What Wave Playlist November 2nd 2018
This was our last of the fundraising shows and Big Thanx to all that contributed during the show and at the London Record Show on Sunday!! Great to meet so many listeners with such positive comments!!
- Coaching For Sara….Tiff….brand new demo and probably the first time this has ever been broadcast on the radio!! We’ve had Coaching For Sara live to air twice, both shows received a lot of great feedback!
- John Catto and Lauri Shaw…..I Put A Spell On You….a demo that John recorded, put on facebook and we asked, and John gave us permission to air it on Radio WW!! Thanx John!! A number of years back we had 3 of the original Diodes and author Liz Worth on air to talk about the Treat Me Like Dirt Book that documents the Toronto and area early punk/new wave scene! And we had their manager Ralph Alfonso onair via a remote while he was walking around downtown London visiting the very first place The Diodes played in London! And coincidentally the place where the very first punk show happened in London….spring 1977 at Niederman’s loft.
- The Diodes….Tired Of Waking Up Tired….from the 2017 Rarites CD on Artofact Records. There’s vinyl and CD releases of this and available locally at Sunrise of all places!
- Carbonas….Walking Out On Love….from the brand new Your Moral Superiors release we have at the station. Atlanta based and I have one other release by this band that’s quite good! You all know this song from Paul Collins, another guy we’ve had on Radio WW over the years!
- He Who Cannot Be Named….The Good The Bad and the Brutal….brand new release on Beluga Records out of Sweden, and ya, it’s that guy from The Dwarves. You all remember back in the spring of 1991 when The Dwarves were playing Call The Office with Supersuckers as support and the singer from The Dwarves said someone tried to slash his throat while they played? Ya, sure, the singer waved his microphone over the crowd, smashed a beer bottle that was being held up high and the person who had their beer smashed, tossed it at the singer and it just happened to hit him in the throat! An ace shot that produced some blood and a visit to the hospital with a borrowed OHIP card. Supersuckers were making their very first visit here and won over quite a few new fans, myself included and managed to buy all the records they had for sale that night!
- Dee Dee Ramone….Nothin’….from the Hop Around CD from 2000. This one should probably be Canpunk as it has Roger Mayne on guitar (from the Ugly Ducklings and the guy responsible for The Viletones Look Back In Anger), mastered by Peter J Moore and that Jan Haust guy released it on his OPM label….and written/originally performed by The Ugly Ducklings….was talking to Robert The Village Idiot about this one last week….
- Frankie and Jimmy….Got My Mojo Working…from their Scream The Blues LP and they are in town tonight at the Richmond.
- Frankie and Jimmy….Babe What’s Wrong With You….from their latest, Blues On The Brain and as above…Tonight!
- Honey B and the T-Bones….Bumble Bee….from the Shake Your Shimmy CD from 1992 and goes out to Danny P, our local honey bee guy who makes amazing honey!!! Honey B used to play at a place called Leadbellys as well as the London Blues Fest where we saw them with the kids many years ago!
- Catl….I’m On….from their brand new Bide My Time Till I Die release and they were in town recently.
- Tony Joe White…..Rainy Night In Georgia….from the Continued Lp and from 1969. RIP to Tony, never got a chance to see him and this is the song that he probably earned some decent royalties from.
- Tony Joe White….Polk Salad Annie…from the Black And White LP from 1969 and the song that most of us know and was even recorded by Deja Voodoo about 30 years ago!
- Eugene Ripper….Peter Blacks Only Sun….from the brand new Fast Folk Underground 5 CD that Eugene sent us. Sounding a little like Tom Wilson on this one, Eugene was in the late 70’s/early 80’s combo Stark Naked and the Fleshtones that used to play around London.
- Stiv Bators….Ready Anytime….from the Disconnected LP on Bomp Records from 1980. This one features Frank Secich on bass, guitar and songwriting. And, we’re going to be talking to Frank on next week’s edition of Radio WW as Frank will be in town on November 14th at Call The Office. Frank Secich will be playing in his Blue Ash and Deadbeat Poets combos as part of a Brain Cancer Benefit show. Lots of details next week and plan accordingly to catch this Legend here in London Ontario!
- Stiff Little Fingers….Gate 49….from the Go For It Lp from 1981 and my fave SLF LP.
- Stiff Little Fingers….Silver Lining….as above. Right around this time, Jake Burns from Stiff Little Fingers called in and talked about SLF, the upcoming show at Rumrunners (Thursday November 8th), why you should go to this show and lots of history about the band!!! It was a really fun talk as Jake remembered everything we threw at him and more!!!
- Stiff Little Fingers….Tin Soldiers…from the Greatest Hits double Lp and a request.
- Stiff Little Fingers….Just Fade Away….from the Go For It Lp.
- Stiff Little Fingers…..Go For it….from the LP of the same name and such a great instrumental track!! If that ain’t reason enough to catch the band this Thursday, dunno what is as it is their very first time here in London!
- U.N.Jefferson….Testify….from the brand new release by this soul combo that has roots right here in London. Talked to the leader at the record show and we want to get a live to air with this combo happening….early next year it looks like!
- Black Joe Lewis….Salt Or Soul?....from the brand new The Difference Between Me And You release from this guy that was based in Montreal for a coupla years prior to moving back to Austin.
- Roxy And The Underground Sound…..Mistakes…from the Don’t You Know CD and from Halifax. Many years ago, the bass player did a live to air here on Radio WW in a previous combo called Bloody Diamonds.
- Jane Doe….There’s A Guy Works Down The Chipstore Swears He’s Elvis….local collaboration 7” from the late 80’s from here in London.
Huge Thanx to Jake Burns for taking the time to talk with us about Stiff Little Fingers and their upcoming show on Thursday November 8th at Rumrunners.
And congrats to our ticket and meet and greet winners:
Andrew Dice Muir and Reide Hornick!
The phone went insane when we announced the giveaways and we had to get our News/Sports Head John Urban to give the non-winners the bad news! John is a real pro at giving bad news…LOL.
Some day soon, we’ll have an archived show here: