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    • November 3, 2018 11:52 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist November 2nd 2018


      This was our last of the fundraising shows and Big Thanx to all that contributed during the show and at the London Record Show on Sunday!! Great to meet so many listeners with such positive comments!!

      1. Coaching For Sara….Tiff….brand new demo and probably the first time this has ever been broadcast on the radio!! We’ve had Coaching For Sara live to air twice, both shows received a lot of great feedback!
      2. John Catto and Lauri Shaw…..I Put A Spell On You….a demo that John recorded, put on facebook and we asked, and John gave us permission to air it on Radio WW!! Thanx John!! A number of years back we had 3 of the original Diodes and author Liz Worth on air to talk about the Treat Me Like Dirt Book that documents the Toronto and area early punk/new wave scene! And we had their manager Ralph Alfonso onair via a remote while he was walking around downtown London visiting the very first place The Diodes played in London! And coincidentally the place where the very first punk show happened in London….spring 1977 at Niederman’s loft.
      3. The Diodes….Tired Of Waking Up Tired….from the 2017 Rarites CD on Artofact Records. There’s vinyl and CD releases of this and available locally at Sunrise of all places!
      4. Carbonas….Walking Out On Love….from the brand new Your Moral Superiors release we have at the station. Atlanta based and I have one other release by this band that’s quite good! You all know this song from Paul Collins, another guy we’ve had on Radio WW over the years!
      5. He Who Cannot Be Named….The Good The Bad and the Brutal….brand new release on Beluga Records out of Sweden, and ya, it’s that guy from The Dwarves. You all remember back in the spring of 1991 when The Dwarves were playing Call The Office with Supersuckers as support and the singer from The Dwarves said someone tried to slash his throat while they played? Ya, sure, the singer waved his microphone over the crowd, smashed a beer bottle that was being held up high and the person who had their beer smashed, tossed it at the singer and it just happened to hit him in the throat! An ace shot that produced some blood and a visit to the hospital with a borrowed OHIP card. Supersuckers were making their very first visit here and won over quite a few new fans, myself included and managed to buy all the records they had for sale that night!
      6. Dee Dee Ramone….Nothin’….from the Hop Around CD from 2000. This one should probably be Canpunk as it has Roger Mayne on guitar (from the Ugly Ducklings and the guy responsible for The Viletones Look Back In Anger), mastered by Peter J Moore and that Jan Haust guy released it on his OPM label….and written/originally performed by The Ugly Ducklings….was talking to Robert The Village Idiot about this one last week….
      7. Frankie and Jimmy….Got My Mojo Working…from their Scream The Blues LP and they are in town tonight at the Richmond.
      8. Frankie and Jimmy….Babe What’s Wrong With You….from their latest, Blues On The Brain and as above…Tonight!
      9. Honey B and the T-Bones….Bumble Bee….from the Shake Your Shimmy CD from 1992 and goes out to Danny P, our local honey bee guy who makes amazing honey!!! Honey B used to play at a place called Leadbellys as well as the London Blues Fest where we saw them with the kids many years ago!
      10. Catl….I’m On….from their brand new Bide My Time Till I Die release and they were in town recently.
      11. Tony Joe White…..Rainy Night In Georgia….from the Continued Lp and from 1969. RIP to Tony, never got a chance to see him and this is the song that he probably earned some decent royalties from.
      12. Tony Joe White….Polk Salad Annie…from the Black And White LP from 1969 and the song that most of us know and was even recorded by Deja Voodoo about 30 years ago!
      13. Eugene Ripper….Peter Blacks Only Sun….from the brand new Fast Folk Underground 5 CD that Eugene sent us. Sounding a little like Tom Wilson on this one, Eugene was in the late 70’s/early 80’s combo Stark Naked and the Fleshtones that used to play around London.
      14. Stiv Bators….Ready Anytime….from the Disconnected LP on Bomp Records from 1980. This one features Frank Secich on bass, guitar and songwriting. And, we’re going to be talking to Frank on next week’s edition of Radio WW as Frank will be in town on November 14th at Call The Office. Frank Secich will be playing in his Blue Ash and Deadbeat Poets combos as part of a Brain Cancer Benefit show. Lots of details next week and plan accordingly to catch this Legend here in London Ontario!
      15. Stiff Little Fingers….Gate 49….from the Go For It Lp from 1981 and my fave SLF LP.
      16. Stiff Little Fingers….Silver Lining….as above. Right around this time, Jake Burns from Stiff Little Fingers called in and talked about SLF, the upcoming show at Rumrunners (Thursday November 8th), why you should go to this show and lots of history about the band!!! It was a really fun talk as Jake remembered everything we threw at him and more!!!
      17. Stiff Little Fingers….Tin Soldiers…from the Greatest Hits double Lp and a request.
      18. Stiff Little Fingers….Just Fade Away….from the Go For It Lp.
      19. Stiff Little Fingers…..Go For it….from the LP of the same name and such a great instrumental track!! If that ain’t reason enough to catch the band this Thursday, dunno what is as it is their very first time here in London!
      20. U.N.Jefferson….Testify….from the brand new release by this soul combo that has roots right here in London. Talked to the leader at the record show and we want to get a live to air with this combo happening….early next year it looks like!
      21. Black Joe Lewis….Salt Or Soul?....from the brand new The Difference Between Me And You release from this guy that was based in Montreal for a coupla years prior to moving back to Austin.
      22. Roxy And The Underground Sound…..Mistakes…from the Don’t You Know CD and from Halifax. Many years ago, the bass player did a live to air here on Radio WW in a previous combo called Bloody Diamonds.
      23. Jane Doe….There’s A Guy Works Down The Chipstore Swears He’s  Elvis….local collaboration 7” from the late 80’s from here in London.


      Huge Thanx to Jake Burns for taking the time to talk with us about Stiff Little Fingers and their upcoming show on Thursday November 8th at Rumrunners.

      And congrats to our ticket and meet and greet winners:

      Andrew Dice Muir and Reide Hornick!


      The phone went  insane when we announced the giveaways and we had to get our News/Sports Head John Urban to give the non-winners the bad news! John is a real pro at giving bad news…LOL.


      Some day soon, we’ll have an archived show here:

    • October 20, 2018 10:12 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist Oct 19/2018


      1. The Subhumans…..I Got Religion….from the New Dark Age Parade CD and their last release which they toured London with. Yep, we’re gonna get political again…
      2. Hiroshima Hearts….Got Me Movin’…from their 7” that came out about a year ago. Now they’ve got a video of this one, with regular RWW listener The Cowboy dancing on it. And as we always say, if The Cowboy is at your event, then you’re at the best thing happening in these parts! And we were joined by Hiroshima Heart Michael DeeVee to talk about changes in the band and the big Itsafest 3 that Michael is putting on Saturday night at the Polish Hall on Hill St, right near Adelaide. Loads of bands including the final show of HH in their current lineup.
      3. Hiroshima Hearts….Spend Your Money….from the Bone Music CD and another tune that’s been made into a video.
      4. Forgotten Rebels….Poppies….from the self titled CD on OPM Records that came out in 1997. This particular track is a demo from 1980 featuring Chris Houston. The Rebels play Call The Office next Saturday night.
      5. Jesse James Medicine Show….I Just Lost My Mind….from a demo and this 2 piece is playing next Friday night at the Richmond, along with….
      6. Running From Daylight….Breathing Fyre….from the recent Elvis Ain’t Dead Yet CD and this one is about local sideshow/freakshow/crazy Fenyx Fyre who will also be performing on Friday at the Richmond…along with 63 Monroe.
      7. Atomic Tomb…..Satan America….sent to us by the band and they are from Toronto. Yep, it’s metal with a message and features the former drummer of Arson, who played the Cedar Lounge 40 years ago! That’s one tough drummer to be playing all those years later and with this intensity!!
      8. Catl….Superfly Girl….from their latest, Biding My Time Till I Die and they were at Call The Office a couple weeks back.
      9. Frankie and Jimmy….Shakemondown….from their latest, Blues On The Brain and they will be at the Richmond on November 3rd.
      10. Pack AD….Gold Rush….from the recently remastered and re-released Tintype LP that just came out. Once again, Pack AD were in town a few weeks back at Call The Office and alluded to they may not be coming back this way for some time. Way too many trips across Canada in a van.
      11. The Thing From Outer Space…Mai Tai…..their latest and they have an afternoon gig at the Richmond on November 10th.
      12. The Last Poets….Understand What Black Is….from their recent release of the same name. This is the same combo that started out in NYC in the late 60’s as the first Black militant rap combo.
      13. Gil Scott-Heron…..The Revolution Will Not Be Televised….from the CD of the same name and from 1970. The year may be different, but we’re going through a lot of the same shit we went through back then.
      14. Flying Squad…..Think For Yourself….from a mid 80’s demo and FS were from London Ontario. London’s only biker rock combo back then.
      15. Shark Graffitti…..Sheep Song….from a late 80’s demo from this Oshawa combo that probably played a show or few with Flying Squad. Back in the Key West days of London Ontario….
      16. Celibate Rifles…..Thank You America….from the self titled LP from 1984 on Hot Records out of Australia.
      17. The ARchies….Jingle Jangle….from a Greatest Hits CD and we move into our powerpop set.
      18. Dahlmanns….Get It Right….from a recent release with The Nomads on Beluga out of Sweden. And yes, I mean those Nomads!
      19. Tiger Bomb….Baby Come On….from an upcoming release on Dionysus Records and features former Brood Chris Horne on vocals and guitar.
      20. Blue Ash….The Boy Won’t Listen….from the Front Page News LP from 1977 on Playboy Records and they are coming to Call The Office on November 14th…. A Wednesday, so plan accordingly!
      21. The Zellots….Soldiers….from a 1981 demo and from London Ontario and played at the Cedar Lounge. Speaking of, the Cedar Lounge Exhibit is still on at the London Music Hall Of Fame, open Saturdays noon till 5PM.
      22. Mark Sultan…..Tragedy….from his recent Wasting Away release we have at the station.
      23. Dee Rangers….It Won’t Be Long….from the recent All You Need Tonight release and from Sweden.
      24. Dave Rave and the Governors…..Stick To Your Guns…from the recent All Night Raves CD and Dave was in town a few weeks back with Teenage Head.
      25. Peter and the Wolves….It Takes Time…from their Howlin’ and Prowlin’ CD and they are from Calgary. We had them on the radio a month or 2 ago, then they put on an absolutely fantastic show at the Richmond that evening!

      Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, messages, texts and Heys!!! That’s what makes it all worthwhile!  And big Thanx to Michael DeeVee for dropping around and yammering away about Itsafest 3 (tomorrow night) and the changes happening in Hiroshima Hearts!


      One day soon, we’ll have archives:

    • October 12, 2018 7:03 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist October 12/2018


      1. Bob Seger…Persecution Smith…from the recent  Heavy Music CD which collects the Cameo 66/67 singles onto one CD.
      2. 10 Heads….Fading Out….from the Swimming and Singing CD and 10 Heads are playing at the Richmond on Saturday night.
      3. The Screwed….Gettin’ Beat Up….from the Green Haired Girl CD from 2013 and features Steve Koch on guitar whom we talked to a couple weeks back.
      4. The Records….Starry Eyes…from the first LP from 1979 and goes out to John Wicks who passed away last week. John played guitar, sang and wrote many of The Records songs.
      5. The Records….Teen-A-Rama….from the Paying For The Summer Of Love LP on Skyclad Records and is 1978 demos.
      6. The Judys….Freedom 85….from their CD from last year and features former Londoner Pete Feend on the bass and we got to talk to Pete on the phone as he’s back in London visiting for a few days. Pete had lots to say about his current bands and some of the former venues here in London as he got his start here 45 years ago.
      7. Living Deadbeats….Lost….from their original Demo CD and is Pete on the bass. This band played London twice on a cross Canada tour back in 2012.
      8. The Finks….Can’t Say No….from a 1987 7” that again has Pete on bass and this one got lots of AM airplay here in London.
      9. Catl….Baby You All Wrong…..from the brand new Bide My Time Till I Die release.
      10. Pack AD…..This Terror….from the re-ished Tin Type LP.
      11. Westminster Park…..Come On Now….from a download demo.
      12. Fleshrag…..Revolution 69…from the brand new Inside Your Mind release and from Hamilton Ontario.
      13. Q65…. The Life I Live….from a Greatest Hits LP and this goes out to Joop  Roelofs who passed away last week. Q65 were from Holland, late 60’s/early 70’s garage/psych/blues combo who were a big influence on the mid 80’s garage punk revival scene.
      14. Q65….Cry In The Night….as above and a song The Gruesomes covered.
      15. Q65….I Despise You…. As above
      16. Q65…It Came To Me… as above.
      17. Dustbin Flowers…..I Don’t Mind….from the recent Made To Last release and coincidentally Tyler, who played bass on this track just happened to be at CHRW and popped by.
      18. Shoobies….All My Profs Are On Strike….from London and from their recent download.
      19. Long Day Journey…..The Creeper….from the recent Killed By Death CD.
      20. Go Go Loco…..Evil Woman….from a recent demo the band sent us…from the UK.

             And about this time, world renowned music photographer John Rowlands called in to talk about his      big show happening Saturday at the Palace Theatre. John has taken pics of everyone from The Beatles to Elvis to Jackson 5 to The Who and his most famous photo is the David Bowie Archer pic taken at Maple Leaf Gardens. John had lots of stories of his many decades in the biz.


      1. Mark Sultan….Other Two….from the recent Wasting Away release on Dirty Water Records.
      2. Jill Porter…..Easy On You…..from the self titled release from 2005 and from Newfoundland.
      3. Dave Rave and the Governors…..Everybody Happy Birthday….from the recent All Night Raves CD.
      4. The Legendary Tigerman…..Child Of Lust….from the recent Dirty Water release and from Portugal.
      5. Robbie Fulks and Linda Gail Lewis….Your Red Wagon…..from the recent Wild Wild Wild CD and on Bloodshot Records.

      Thanx to Pete Feend and John Rowlands for taking the time to call in and let the listeners know what is happening. Much appreciated!!

      Big thanx for all the phone calls, emails, messages, texts etc….that’s what fuels us!! Next week we’ve got Michael DeeVee dropping by to talk about the recent Hiroshima Hearts changes and his big Itsafest happening next weekend.


      At some point, we might have an archived show here:

    • September 30, 2018 6:13 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist September 28/2018. Cedar Lounge Special Part 1


      First part of a tribute to the Cedar Lounge, the first punk/new wave/whatever club here in London Ontario. Located at the north west corner of King and Talbot and now the home of the 3 giant concrete (ceramic or whatever) balls on the area surrounding the Budweiser Gardens. This show is comprised of the music of the bands that played there…

      1. The Demics….Heart Of The City…live recording from the Cedar from 1978 and a song that to me surmises the early punk scene here in London.  And one of the first songs I ever heard The Demics play live.
      2. The Demics….New York City….recorded live at the Cedar Lounge 10/18/1978. From the cassette compilation Domestic Animals put out by Peter Moore and Gerry Collins. These guys put out this cassette without asking the band’s permission, and many were not aware they were on a cassette until they heard their songs right here on CHRW. Peter was a DJ here on CHRW and went under the name Simon Less. He’s gone on to way grander things….like winning a Grammy Award a year or so ago for his work on the Bob Dylan re-issues!! And he’s mastered literally tons of recordings since his days recording live bands in London.
      3. The Demics….Oh Well…. As above and often followed NYC during live performances by The Demics.
      4. The Regulators…Vicious….live recording from the Cedar from 1979. NYC was written about singer/guitarist and his fixation on Lou Reed and NYC….or so says the rumour.
      5. The Regulators…..What Goes On… recording from the Polish Hall on Ann St 11/2/1979. This was a venue that was host to several punk/new wave bashes in the early years. NFG also played on this show, the infamous last show of their guitarist Larry Gifford and possibly Simon Lewis. More on this at a future date.
      6. Regulators…..What’s In The City….as above and this song was on their only record, a 7” on Ready Records.
      7. The Scenics….Waiting For My Man….from their How Does It Feel To Be Loved CD and is a live recording from the Cabana Room in Toronto 8/20/1980. This art trio played London and St Thomas many times along with The Demics and would trade Toronto gigs with The Demics. A few years after the Cedar years, guitarist/vocalist Andy had a record store at the south east corner of Queen and Clarence….think it’s a parking lot now.
      8. The Scenics….Oh Boy…..from the In The Summer CD and the first studio recording for this edition of Radio WW.
      9. Uranus….You’re So Square…..from a live recording in Toronto from 5/1980. Uranus were the first of the non-bluegrass bands to play this venue….it may have been Ricky McLagen Revue, which had a couple members of Uranus.  When they first played, the Cedar was under its previous name, The Blue Boot. Name changed on June 15/1978 when Foreplay played.
      10. Uranus….Lonesome Train….from the You’re So Square LP from 1980. You’re So Square was a top 10 hit on AM radio in Canada in May of 1980! And Uranus toured western Canada, appeared on CBC television twice, were about to head to the Maritimes and instead broke up!
      11. Bop Cats….I Can’t Help It….from a 7” and featured Londoner Cameron Marshman on bass. Bop Cats played the Cedar many times, one New Years Eve show they were joined onstage by Diode John Catto!
      12. Hi Fis….Look What You’ve Done….from their only 7” and this band evolved into Blue Rodeo a couple years later. Only remember seeing them once at the Cedar and they were a tight powerpop combo with some early Beatles overtones.
      13. Teenage Head……Picture My Face….from a live recording at the Spoke and Rim Tavern at Western University 2/18/1981. This was broadcast over the airwaves of CHRW and I managed the tape the show on my cassette recorder. The event was for students of Western only so I wasn’t able to go….and that guitarist on this track isn’t Gordie Lewis as he was recovering from an auto accident and it’s rumoured to be Jimmy Huff.
      14. Teenage Head….Those Things You Do…. As above. Teenage Head played the Cedar many times and they would always pack the house!
      15. The Shakers….Out The Door….from a 7” and they were from Hamilton. Dave Rave was guitarist/vocalist and is now vocalist for Teenage Head and he was a guest a couple weeks back here at Radio WW.
      16. The Sinners….No Brains Required….from a 7” they released. Paul Wootton was guitarist/vocalist in this combo and went on to….
      17. Spiral Scratch…..No Familiar Faces….from a live recording at the Cedar 10/9/1981.
      18. Spiral Scratch….Gonna Rock (this might not be the proper name of this song) and as above.
      19. Crash 80’s…..Thrills…..from their only 7”.
      20. Crash 80’s…..Nowhere To Hide……from the cassette compilation Domestic Animals and a live recording from Larry’s in Toronto.
      21. Crash 80’s…..Waiting For The Heat….from the above 7”
      22. The Stoves…..Jail…..from a 1979 live recording at the Cedar Lounge.
      23. NFG…..At The Boot…..from a demo recording with Simon Lewis on guitar. The Boot referred to the Blue Boot, which was the prior name of the Cedar Lounge.
      24. 63 Monroe…..Bad Boy……from a live recording at the Cedar Lounge Easter 1981 and was supposed to be the last ever show of NFG and 63 Monroe….or billed something like that as singer Scott gave away handfuls of the old NFG buttons.
      25. NFG….Hi-Jack Victim…from a live recording at the York Hotel, date unknown.
      26. First Date…..Good In Bed….from a live recording at the Cedar 10/15/1981. This was a short lived name of 63 Monroe as they reverted back to capitalize on the release of the 63 Monroe/NFG 12” EP, part of which was recorded live at the Cedar.
      27. B Girls……B Girls…..7” on Bomp records and this all female combo had local Marcy Saddy on the drums.  A current version of this band was in Japan recently on tour.
      28. Second Thoughts….Wound Up….from a 7” and features Mark Goodwin on guitar/vocals who is still active in Montreal.
      29. The Zellots….These Boots Are Made For Walking….from a live recording at the Kent Hotel in Guelph/Kitchener??  Recorded this one from the airwaves of CHRW, probably on the Simon Less radio show.
      30. The Zellots…..Let’s Play House….from a live recording at the Cedar August 1981 for Doug and Rose’s wedding party. Also on the bill of the show were Radio 4, Spiral Scratch and the first London appearance of Certain General. CG drove all day to get to London and walked into the bar, set up and started playing! Marcy Saddy was drummer for Certain General, hence the London Ontario connection.
      31. The Zellots…..Empty Victories….from a compilation called You Only Get One Shot At The Big Time released in Japan on the Wizzard in Vinyl imprint. This was a compilation CD of 5 bands from the late 70’s/early 80’s and features a booklet with pics of The Zellots playing here in London….Fryfogles and at a Dundas St East outdoor event from August 1980.
      32. The Zellots….Blades….as above.
      33. Radio 4….Is God A Man…..demo recording from this combo that morphed into Sheep Look Up, who I just found out, never played the Cedar but were in formation mode when the Cedar closed.
      34. Radio 4….4 Years….as above.
      35. Dead Rabbits…..Roadrunner….from a live recording at the Cedar 10/9/1981 with a slight lyric change when Wanda says ‘I’m in love with the Cedar Lounge’….so perfect for this show!
      36. The Enemas….Joe Wyatt….from the Animals Fight Back cassette and were from Guelph Ontario, except for bass player Brian Lambert who went on to Nach Dem Tode and he also did the Graphic Underground: London 1977-1990 Exhibit and show from 2012.


      That’s the end of Part 1 of the Cedar Lounge Story, Part 2 next week. And you can see the Cedar Lounge Exhibit on right now at the London Music Hall Of Fame, 182 Dundas St….open Saturdays Noon till 5PM.


      Thanx for the Tons of phone calls, texts, emails, FB messages and Heys!!!! That’s what makes it all worth while!


      At some point, we might have archived shows at this link:

    • September 23, 2018 8:30 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave September 21/2018 Playlist


      Before we start the playlist, have to mention that $741 was raised for My Sister’s Place at the Demics Reunion/tribute show last Friday that was put on by Nick Perry!!! Great turnout, lots of fun bands, lots of old yet familiar faces and a great time was had by all….and money raised for a great cause!!

      And Huge Thanx to all that came out to the London Music Hall Of Fame on the weekend for our Doors Open!! We had over 850 people through the doors!!! There was loads of amazing local talent on the stage, and even out in the street stopping traffic and passersby!  And lots of familiar faces were on hand to check out the Cedar Lounge display in our Rolex Room!! Pics are on the Cedar Lounge FB page of some of the veterans of that scene that came by! And if you didn’t get a chance to drop by, we’re open every Saturday from noon till 5PM, 182 Dundas St…in the heart of the city!


      1. Frank Ridsdale…..All You Fascists….from the Bread and Roses CD that Frank released a couple years back. Frank was one of the many local entertainers on our stage at the Museum on the weekend. First time I’d seen Frank on keys since the early days of Uranus….ie about 1979!
      2. The Rizdales….Here I Go….from the Radio Country CD from 2007 and vocalist/guitarist Tom Dunphy has his Classic Country show happening at the Richmond on Saturday around 4PM.
      3. Dustbin Flowers….Take Me On…from the brand new Made To Last release and from right here in London Ontario.
      4. Mark Sultan….Coffin Nails….from his brand new Wasting Away release and a little more poppier than what we usually get from this guy. Originally from Montreal, now based out of Germany.
      5. Catl….Resistance Place….from This Shakin’ House LP and they are in town next Saturday at Call The Office…..they always put on a great show and have a brand new LP just being released here in Canada, but out in Europe where they’ve been spending more and more time.
      6. Frankie and Jimmy….You Was Born To Die…from the recent Blues On The Brain release and they come back to London in a month or 2.
      7. Dee Rangers….It Won’t Be Long…..from the brand new All You Need Tonight release and from Sweden.
      8. Dave Rave and the Governors…..Passenger Seat….from the brand new All Night Raves CD and Dave was in town with Teenage Head a couple weeks back.
      9. Dany Laj and the Looks…..Left Right To One….from the 7” that we finally got from Dany when they were in town opening up for Teenage Head.
      10. Walter Lure….Take A Chance With Me….from the new Wacka Lacka Boom Bop A Loom Bam Boo release. Walter was a Heartbreaker along with Johnny Thunders and still has that rock’n’roll swagger from the lower depths of Manhattan.
      11. Crime….Hot Wire My Heart….from a 1976 7”  and goes out to Johnny Strike who passed away last week. Crime were the godfathers of San Fran punk and went in way different musical directions than the rest of the punk/new wave combos of the era. Crime were more of a noisy, brutal, out of tune attack on the senses, both aurally and visually. They wore police uniforms on stage and even had an early member of The Flamin’ Groovies in the band.
      12. 16 Eyes….Bad Old Days….from the recent Look release and from Phoenix. Orin Portnoy, a vet of the early 80’s NYC garage era is in this band. Hey Orin!!
      13. Lou Reed….Vicious…..from the Transformer LP from 1972.
      14. Lou Reed….NY Stars….from the Sally Can’t Dance LP from 1974 and mastered by Toronto’s George Semkiw, who recently passed away. Lou really liked George’s work on his previous release and requested him to do this. George was in Richie Knight and the Mid-Knights when they had their number 1 hit back in 1963 with Oh Charlena….There’s other Canucks on this Lou Reed records, Michael Fonfara (believe he resides in Hamilton now, and have seen him on stage at TAIH a couple of times), Prakash John and Whitey Glan….look those names up on google for way more info than you could imagine!
      15. Alabama Shakes….Hang Loose….from the Boys and Girls CD from 2012. Been playing the shit out of this CD in the car recently….just love the production and sound on this one!!
      16. The Pack AD….Snow….from the just re-mastered and re-issued Tintype LP. This was Pack AD’s first release and struck a deep one on me! We brought this duo to the Brunswick for a weeknight gig for their first ever trip to London. The bar was so impressed, they had them back a few days later! And they’ve been back dozens of times since!! They were at Call The Office Tuesday and as always put on a great show! Was talking to guitarist Becky prior to, and it looks like this could have been their last time here in quite a while. The band is burned out touring and criss crossing Canada in a van. They’ve been doing it for over 10 years now and they need a bit of a breather and want to do a bit of studio work and maybe some select gigs and festivals closer to home. All the best to these fine young ladies!
      17. Coaching For Sara….Comes In Waves….recorded live at Radio WW 11/10/17
      18. Coaching For Sara….These People….from their first CD.
      19. Coaching For Sara….Look Around…..from a live recording at Radio WW 2/10/17. About this time, vocalist Shane Sawyer called in to talk about Coaching For Sara’s show at Fitzrays tomorrow night (Saturday). This could be their last show for awhile as they are going on hiatus due to work, family and all those other essential things. Shane called from an LTC (local city bus) bus to do this interview….think that’s a first for us! No idea what the other passengers were thinking about Shane while he was yammering about Coaching For Sara….LOL
      20. Coaching For Sara….Sister Won’t ….from their first CD.
      21. Ginger St James….Salvation….from the Diesel and Peas CD from a couple years ago and from Hamilton.
      22. Bob Seger…..Eastside Story….from the brand new Heavy Music CD which collects all the Cameo singles Bob released back in the mid 60’s. Mono, remastered and sounding really punchy, these songs sound so good!!! My ears can even hear a bit of the original tape hiss on one of the tracks and that’s a good thing to my ears! If you’re a fan of Seger’s later stuff, after the old records fell off the shelf and hit him on the noggin’, then you gotta hear theses amazing early singles! This was even before Bob knew what 2 + 2 was….
      23. Robbie Fulks and Linda Gail Lewis……Boogie Woogie Country Gal….from the recent Wild Wild Wild release on Bloodshot Records. Linda Gail is the younger sister of The Killer, and you can hear some of his piano rumblings in her playing.
      24. Peter and The Wolves….Hot Foot Woman….from the recent Howlin’ and Prowlin’ CD and from Calgary. This trio was at the Richmond a couple weeks back and put on 3 sets of pure rock’n’roll sounds! So pure!!
      25. The King Bees….Sweet Sweet Girl….from their 1908 debut LP and they feature Jamie James, who went to highschool here in London Ontario.
      26. The Dropouts….. Monster Bash….from their debut CD from 2003 and from London Ontario.
      27. Evil Farm Children…Valley Justice….from their 2008 The Evilling CD. This Ottawa trio re-united for a one shot this past summer. They used to play London fairly regularly about 10 years or so ago.
      28. The Chickens…..Get It Right….from their 2000 Prepare To Plug In CD and are 80% of UIC! UIC opened up for Wayne Kramer’s MC50 the other night in Toronto and will be playing in Hamilton in late November…..
      29. The Action…..Hey Sah-Lo-Ney….from the recent re-ish of The Action’s full catalogue. The Action were a mod/soul/Motown combo from the UK that only release a few singles in their career, but were idolized by the late 70’s/early 80’s mod/soul scene. This particular track is from 1966 and is the flip side of….
      30. The Action…..I’ll Keep Holding On….as above.


      Ran outta time, but certainly not tunes. Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, messages, texts and Heys!!!And Thanx for all the kind words about last week’s Demics special.

      Next week, it’s a Cedar Lounge special, only bands that played at the Cedar Lounge….probably some unreleased live recordings. Here's the FB link for the event:


      Some day, there just might be an archived show here:

    • September 8, 2018 11:26 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist September 7th/2018


      1. Teenage Head…..Top Down….the 1978 version from the 7” with the background Beach Boy harmony vocals.
      2. Teenage Head….Let’s Shake….from the Fun Comes Fast CD and right around here Teenage Head vocalist Dave Rave called in right before a sound check to tell us all about what’s happening TH wise and plug the big show at Call The Office on Saturday night!! This guy never stops and this will only be their second time in London in many years!! Dany Laj and the Looks and TVD are the openers.
      3. Teenage Head….Picture My Face….as above.
      4. Peter and the Wolves…..Dance All Night….from the brand new Howlin’ and Prowlin’ CD. These guys hit the Richmond last Friday night, and proceeded to put on one of the best rock’n’roll shows we’ve seen in quite some time!! 3 super long sets that had the crowd up and dancing…even this old fart got up and did the shuffle!! Fun times and we hope to get them back again next year!
      5. PJ Soles….Rock’n’Roll Highschool….from the soundtrack LP of the same name and it’s that time of year again!
      6. Nikki and the Corvettes….Summer Time Fun….from the self titled LP on BOMP from 1980. Nikki is still active and is big in Japan and Europe where music like hers is loved!
      7. Uranus….Back To School Days….live recording from Call The Office 10/27/12 from our Graphic Underground show.
      8. Uranus….Highschool….live recording from the Embassy Hotel 3/22/1982 and aired over CHRW back then.
      9. The Ramones….Rock’n’Roll Highschool…..from the soundtrack LP of the same name.
      10. Coaching For Sara…..She Comes In Waves….from a live recording last November here at Radio WW. CFS have their last show coming up at the Richmond on 9/22. We’ll have vocalist/guitar player Shane in to talk about the show on 9/22 edition.
      11. Javier Escovedo….Don’t Tell Me Lies…..from a demo Javier sent to us last week. Former member of The Zeros, the so called Mexican Ramones from the late 70’s.
      12. The Zeros….Wimp….from the Don’t Push Me Around LP from 1991 on Bomp Records.
      13. The Heck….For Crying Out Loud…..brand new 7” on Dirty Water Records out of the UK and some more fine powerpop.
      14. Gogo Loco…..Go Go Twist….sent to us by the band and you might recognize some sounds from former bands The Mobbs and Dynamite Pussy Club. More UK based fun stuff!
      15. Steve Earle….Time Has Come Today….from the Sidetracks CD and Steve will be in town on Sunday at the London Music Hall.
      16. Steve Earle…..Back To The Wall….from the Copperhead Road LP from 1988.
      17. Low Down Dirty Mojos…..Blow Wind Blow….from their recent demo and features former Londoner Paul Wooten on guitar/vocals.
      18. Barstool Prophets…..Force Fed…..from the recent Grazie Governo release that arrived at the station. Really dig the background keyboard sounds on this release.
      19. TVD….I’d Kiss You Honey But You’re Standing On My Bottom Lip….from the Salvation Through Distraction CD and these guys are opening up for Teenage Head on Saturday night. These guys are veterans of the local scene….ie 63 Monroe, the Terminals, Generics etc….
      20. Long Day Journey….The Creeper….from the brand new Killed By Death CD from this Hamilton combo.
      21. Dany Laj and the Looks…..Left Right To One….from the soon to be released 7” and they are also opening up for Teenage Head on Saturday night.
      22. Dany Laj and the Looks….Sweet Pretender…from the Alive and Kicking release from last year.
      23. Dahlmanns…..American Heartbeat….from the brand new release on Beluga Records with The Nomads as the band!
      24. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds….Lay Me Low….from the Let Love In CD from 1994 and goes out to long time piano player Conway Savage who passed away earlier this week.
      25. Pack AD….Sirens….from the Unpersons LP from 2011 and Pack AD visit London 9/18 at Call The Office.


      Out of time but certainly not out of tunes. Big Thanx to Dave Rave for making the time to talk with us today, about tomorrow’s big Teenage Head show at Call The Office.

      Next week we’ll play some unreleased Demics tunes as next Friday is Talk’s Still Cheap, 40 Years Later at Call The Office, a tribute to The Demics and a 40th anniversary type party with bands covering Demics tunes.


      Also, we’re almost finished setting up the Cedar Lounge display/exhibit at London Music Hall Of Fame….drop on by some Saturday between noon and 5PM for a visit.


      Some day soon there will be an archived show here:

    • August 24, 2018 7:22 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist August 24/2018


      1. The Dahlmanns….Get It Right….from the brand new release on Beluga Records with The Nomads as the band. Powerpop meets guitar rock and we all win!
      2. The Dahlmanns….American Heartbeat….as above.
      3. The Nomads….The Way You Touch My Hand….from the Where The Wolf Bane Blooms , 1983, Closer Records and a fave from the moment I bought this one! The guitars just seer on this one and The Nomads version of 5 Years absolutely shreds!!
      4. Tiger Bomb….Baby Come On….from a soon to be released record on Dionysus Records. This is Chris Horne, guitar shredder and howler outta the long running all girl combo, The Brood. Based in Portland, the legendary Brood actually made it into London one night many years ago. The extent of the advertising was a hand written poster on the doors of CTO. Missed that one and didn’t find out about it till somewhat later.
      5. Dany Laj and the Looks…. Left Right To One….from a soon to be released 7” and these kids are coming to CTO on Saturday September 7th, opening for Teenage Head. You’ve been warned!
      6. Peter and the Wolves….Vera….from the Papa’s Goin’ Out Of Town CD from last year. These guys are coming to the Richmond on Friday August 31st, and next week we’ve got a live to air scheduled with the band! Not to be missed after last year’s absolute Killer show!
      7. Delta Stone and the War Dogs….Ain’t Got The Blues….from a recent release and these guys are playing the bluesfest here in London this weekend.
      8. Thundermug….Big City….from the 1974 Ta Daaa LP and guitarist Bill Durst will be playing live at the bluesfest.
      9. Foghat…..Mean Woman Blues….from the Before Foghat LP of 1969 recordings in which the band plays rockabilly and rock’n’roll tunes for their own enjoyment (actually for mine too!). They are also at the bluesfest, highly doubt they’ll sound like this.
      10. Blue Oyster Cult….Summer Of Love….from the 1976 Agents Of Fortune and they are also at bluesfest.
      11. Frankie and Jimmy…..Lil Red Riding Hood….from the recent Blues On The Brain CD and they are not playing at the bluesfest. Just saw a brand new video of this song with puppets and lots of cool effects that’ll get you laughing….
      12. The Ramones….Danny Says…..from the 1980 End Of The Century LP and it was right around the release of this one, The Ramones made their first appearance here in London, at Centennial Hall with The Demics opening.
      13. Talking Heads….Psycho Killer….from the Talking Heads 77 LP and goes out to Danny who requested this on.
      14. The Mods….Step Out Tonight….from the recent Reactions LP on Ugly Pop Records. Late 70’s/early 80’s recordings from this Toronto based combo. They played The Cedar once as The Mods, then later on under the name The News….same band, but they felt Mods was a name used by too many other combos.
      15. The Kards….Pipeline….from the Here’s The Deal CD from a few year ago, and The Kards are playing in Woodstock tomorrow.
      16. Randall Pee Coltrane…..Let Your Freak Flag Fly….from the recent Atomic Love Burrito CD and goes out to The Cowboy.
      17. Marcellus Wallace….Movin’ On Up….from their self titled CD from a couple years back.
      18. K Man and the 45’s…..Piece Of The Action….from their self titled release and a new arrival here at CHRW….Montreal based combo who were in town a few months back.
      19. Copper Crown…..Child’s Play….from the recent Walk With Fire release and they were at the Richmond a few weeks back.
      20. Legendary Tigerman…..Fix Of Rock’n’Roll…..from the recent Misfit release on Dirty Water Records and from Portugal.
      21. Jesse James Medicine Show…..I Just Lost My Mind… demo from this Hamilton based 2 piece who will be in London near the end of October….details closer to the time.
      22. Archie and the Bunkers…..Roaring 20’s…from the recent Songs From The Lodge CD and from Cleveland….2 teenage brothers who make a lot of noise!
      23. Sound Explosion…..Cause You Lie….from The Explosive Sounds Of… CD on Lost In Tyme Records out of Greece.
      24. Lucy and the Rats…..So Simple….from their recent self titled debut CD on Dirty Water Records and from the UK.
      25. Beasts Of Bourbon……Drop Out…..from the Axemans’s Jazz LP from 1985 and goes out to Spencer P Jones who passed away earlier this week. Spencer was a guitar player and song writer for this Australian combo. He played in many other fine bands, but this was probably not only the most influential, but the one he’s most associated with. Crampsian blues scronch songs about death and all things not so nice.
      26. The Johnnys…..Edge Of Death….from the 1986 Highlights Of A Dangerous Life and this one actually came out in Canada on Enigma Records….another Spencer P Jones combo.
      27. Beasts Of Bourbon….Save Me A Place….from the Axemans’s Jazz LP as above. RIP Spencer.
      28. Samantha Fish…..He Did It….from the Chills And Fever CD from last year. This one features some of the Detroit Cobras backing Samantha’s red hot guitar.
      29. The Reply….I’m A Man….live recording from the long gone Brennan’s here in London 11/5/2011. The Reply were based in Toronto, but had long time London resident James Bond on keys and sometimes vocals. A great rockin’ soul combo who should have gone on to bigger and better things! So glad I got to see them a few times over the years.
      30. Johnny And The Canadians….Say Yeah…..1965 single from London Ontario and this was played from one of those Wyld Canada compilation CD’s.
      31. Ray Charles….I Don’t Need No Doctor….from a Greatest Hits compilation and we had to fade this one out…….

      Big Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, messages, texts and Heys!!!! That’s what fuels the fire here at Radio What Wave!!


      Next week we’ve got a live to air with Peter and the Wolves, an amazing rockabilly/rock’n’roll combo from Calgary. Later in the eve, they play at the Richmond Hotel.


      There might be an archived show at this link soon:

    • August 18, 2018 4:07 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist August 17/2018


      1. The Thing From Outer Space….Mai Tai…..recent demo from this London Ontario based guitar instro combo.
      2. Fryd Chikin…..I Want Your Head….from the brand new release on Dirty Water Records. One man band from the UK, not to be confused with a similar, but slightly different spelling, one man band from the US South. Probable homage to the original one man psycho combo, Hasil Adkins.
      3. Tissues….Red Light….from the west coast and another new release here at CHRW.
      4. White Lung…Two Seen….from the 2010 release, It’s The Evil and from Vancouver.
      5. Simply Saucer….Nazi Apocalypse….from the Cyborgs Revisited LP from 1989 and originally recorded back in 1975. Simply Saucer’s former manager Rick Bissell passed away earlier this week and this goes out to him. Rick was responsible for getting the band into the Lanois home studio and getting these legendary recordings done. This was Bob and Dan Lanois long before they became world famous and at this point were still working in the family home.
      6. Simply Saucer….Low Profile….as above and my theme song.
      7. Joe Klassen….In My Town….from the Songs From The Gallows CD from a few years back. Joe was singer, guitar strangler in Lonesome Ghost, local 2 piece that played live on Radio WW and were the only local combo to appear on the legendary Garage Punk Hideout CD compilation series.
      8. Low Down Dirty Mojos….Blow Wind Blow….from their first demo and from Hamilton Ontario and feature former Londoner Paul Wooten (Sinners, Spiral Scratch, Crawling Kingsnakes etc).
      9. Tomas Nicolson….I’m Too Tired To Sleep…..from a recent 7” on Beluga Records out of Sweden.
      10. Aretha Franklin…..I Never Loved A Man…..from the Rhino/Atlantic double CD compilation of demos and outtakes. This particular recording was part of a demo that Atetha’s then husband sent to Jerry Wexler at Atlantic Records in an attempt to get Aretha signed to Atlantic. And it was successful!!!
      11. Aretha Franklin….Dr Feelgood….. as above.
      12. Aretha Franklin…..Chain Of Fools…from the Lady Soul LP on Atlantic Records from 1968.
      13. Aretha Franklin…..Money Won’t Change You… as above. RIP to Aretha.
      14. Twin Fin….City Of Sin….from the Whiskey Wine and Venom Love release and they are playing this afternoon at the Richmond Hotel here in London.
      15. Peter and the Wolves…..Hey Hey Veronica….from the Papa’s Goin’ Out Of Town CD. They will be doing a live to air on Friday August 31st on Radio What Wave and then playing later that evening at the Richmond Hotel here in London. If last visit is any indication, this is a band you DON’T want to miss!! There’s gonna be Cowboy’s galore at this show!!
      16. Jamie James….Night Rockin’….from his 1985 LP. The Big One on Quality Records. Jamie went to school right here in London Ontario and got his musical start here. He was also in the Kingbees, who actually got to play on American Bandstand!
      17. The Legendary Tigerman…..Holy Muse….from the recent Misfit release on Dirty Water Records. This cat is from Portugal and has shifted his musical direction from the blues to this jazz/retro/soul/psycho/beat noire kinda sound that really kicks in after a listen or two.
      18. Robbie Fulks and Linda Gail Lewis….Round Too Long….from the brand new Wild Wild Wild release on Bloodshot Records. Linda Gail is the younger sister of The Killer, and obviously listened to big brother pounding the 88’s! This is friggin demonic stuff and The Killer made his last appearance here in London 31 years ago on Thursday….connection? Maybe.
      19. Robbie Fulks and Linda Gail Lewis…..Boogie Woogie Country Gal….as above and again, demonic stuff!!
      20. The Blasters….Marie Marie….from the first Blasters LP from 1981 and goes out to Twin Fin as they played this last time we saw them live and I ended up doing the cowboy!
      21. Positively Stompin’…..Nashville Dreamin’…..from their Junk Drawer CD from 1993 and feature a couple of UIC’ers….ie Murray and Ted and a Legend Killer, Chris. UIC have a show opening up for Wayne Kramers MC50 next month in Toronto.
      22. DOA…..Communication Breakdown….from a 7” that came with a DOA compilation bootleg…this goes out to original bass player and high flying acrobat Randy Rampage who passed away earlier this week.
      23. DOA….Rich Bitch….from the Triumph Of The Ignoroids release from the late 70’s.
      24. DOA….Whatcha Gonna Do…..from the Something Better Change LP from about 1980.
      25. DOA….DOA….from Hardcore 81 LP. Last time we saw Randy Rampage he was back in DOA, and they were doing a tour with Nash The Slash, who joined DOA on stage for a few songs at the end of their set! Probably my fave time seeing DOA as both Nash and Randy were jumping around and now sadly, both are gone.
      26. Gun Club……She’s Like Heroin To Me….from the Fire Of Love LP from 1981 and not the song I meant to play….Danny phoned in, so hadda play the next song cause Danny Sez:
      27. Gun Club…..For The Love Of Ivy…..with the legendary line ‘All dressed up like an Elvis from Hell!!’ to commemorate the 41st anniversary of the passing of The King.
      28. Mightabins…..Back To The Factory….from the brand new Epee release from this band of misfits!
      29. Light Bulb Alley…..Bad Day….from The Sound Of Things CD on Ricochet Sound from Montreal.
      30. The Comos….Some Days Suck….from the Bandwidth CD from 2006 and from London Ontario.



      Ran outta time way before we ran outta tunes.   Thanx for all the crazy phone calls, emails, FB message and Heys!!! That’s what keeps us going and sane.


      Some day soon there will be archived shows at this link:

    • November 3, 2018 7:27 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show returns to the airwaves on Saturday November 3rd from Noon-2:00PM EST. You can satisfy your garage-punk fix by listening to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • October 6, 2018 1:48 PM CDT
    • Playlist 10-06-18

      Crass - Where Next Columbus
      Damned - Help
      Dag Nasty - Incinerate
      Dirty Babies - (I Freaked Out On) LSD
      Chesterfield Kings - Someday Girl
      Booby Traps - Going Nowhere
      Persian Claws - Warm Chills
      Q65 - Cry In the Night
      Dahlmanns - Get It Right
      Neighborhood Brats - Leaving Town
      DMZ - Mighty Idy
      Tiger Bomb - Baby Come On
      Wipes - CPO
      Embrooks - Emilia Burrows
      Jam - Bricks and Mortar
      Oh Sees - Crushed Grass
      Woolly Bushmen - Something New
      Missing Souls - Got To Have Your Lovin
      Fox Sisters - Busy Bee
      Grip Weeds - Don't You Believe It
      Au Pairs - Diet
      Gulls - No Altar
      Bishops - Free To Do What You Want
      XTC - Life Begins at the Hop
      Slow Faction - The Breitbart Boys
      Wormhead - Oblivious
      Dead Neck - Oriental, I
      Blank Screen - Drinking Up Time at The End of The World
      Stephen's Ruin - What You Gonna Do
      Dirty Contacts - When You Stop Loving Me
      Propeller - Girl Gone
      Wire - Outdoor Miner
      Primitives - Crash
      Buzzcocks - Do It
      Dickies - Rosemary
      Stiff Little Fingers - Suspect Device
      Blitz - Someone's Gonna Die
      Mighty Caesars - Give It To Me
      Joy Division - Transmission
      La Luz - Don't Leave Me On The Earth
      Richard Hell - Don't Die
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • October 6, 2018 7:42 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday October 6th from Noon-2:00PM EST. Listen to your new and old garage-punk favorites at 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • September 22, 2018 1:47 PM CDT
    • Playlist 09-22-18

      Devil Dogs - Back In The City
      Flesh Eaters - The Wedding Dice
      Lime Spiders - My Favourite Room
      Ed Gein's Car - Cream of Wheat
      Neighborhood Brats - Night Shift
      Idol Lips - Outta Scene
      Ramonas - Misdirected
      Tiger Bomb - Baby Come On
      Blank Screen - Anti Anti
      Wormhead - Lost Souls of Bedlam
      Slow Faction - The Breitbart Boys
      No Alternative - Dead Men Tell No Lies
      TSOL - Nice Guys
      Dead Kennedys - Winnebago Warrior
      Social Distortion - Anti-Fashion
      Wipes - Tune In
      Misson of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver
      Bevis Frond - Gemini Machine
      Silver Chalice - (I Wanna Hear Some) Lies
      Incredible Kidda Band - Fighting My Way Back
      Damned - Dozen Girls
      Barracudas - I Can't Pretend
      Joe Jackson - Got The Time
      Fox Sisters - Uum UUm UUm
      Gogo Loco - The Go Go Loco Twist
      Crushers - Wake Up
      Gulls - Bad Publicity
      Dead Neck - Lifeline
      Emnibis - Cut Me Down
      Vanity - As Expected
      Blind Shake - Apes Live A Life
      Th' Losin Streaks - Your Love, Now
      Mono Men - Hate Your Way
      Badass Mother Fuzzers - Gonna Get You
      Zeros - Wild Weekend
      Circle Jerks - Wonderful
      Bad Religion - We're Only Gonna Die
      Ramones - She's The One
      Godfathers - Gone to Texas

    • September 22, 2018 8:21 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air on Saturday September 22nd from Noon-2:00PM EST. Punk, Garage and New Wave tunes will be played for your listening pleasure. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • September 8, 2018 1:44 PM CDT
    • Playlist 09-08-18

      Rocket From the Crypt - French Guy
      Coyote Men - All Action Man
      Mortals - Coming Down
      Lazy Cowgirls - Drugs
      Nina Hagen - TV Glotzer
      Tonio K - Funky Western Civilization
      Plasmatics - Butcher Baby
      Black Randy & The Metro Squad - I Slept In An Arcade
      Tiger Bomb - Baby Come On
      Kiki - Crazy One
      Veruca Salt - Seether
      Edith Massey - Punks Get Off The Grass
      Wipes - Gotta Leave
      Emnibis - Cut Me Down
      Tio Rico - Newspeak
      Will & The Bushmen - Shake Some Action
      Soft Boys - He's A Reptile
      Cult Hero - I Dig You
      Generation X - The Invisible Man
      Feelies - Everybody's Got Something To Hide
      Plasticland - Alexander
      Long Ryders - I Had A Dream
      Cynics - Nothin'
      Golden Coats - Thoughts of a Madman
      Neighborhood Brats - Comfort Women
      Fret Rattles - In Too Deep
      Idol Lips - Don't Need Your Love
      Slowcoaches - Found Down
      Fox Sisters - Busy Bee
      Gogo Loco - The Gogo Loco Twist
      Real Kids - No Place Fast
      Turnback - This Could Be Our Year
      Crushers - Mirrors
      Fuzz Sluts - She
      Vanity - You Ain't Got No Choice
      Bullet LaVolta - Detroit Rock City
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas



    • September 8, 2018 7:07 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be broadcasting from Noon-2:00PM EST on Saturday September 8th. As usual, there will be new and old garagepunk tunes. So tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • August 25, 2018 1:58 PM CDT
    • Playlist 08-25-18

      Spacemen 3 - Revolution
      Stranglers - No More Heroes
      Newtown Neurotics - Kick Out The Tories
      999 - Nasty Nasty
      DOA - The Prisoner
      Black Flag - Gimme Gimme Gimme
      Sand In The Face - I Wanna Know
      Dee Dee King - The Crusher
      Wipes - CPO
      Tio Rico - Newspeak
      dragSTER - United Decay
      Idol Lips - Outta Scene
      dB's - Black and White
      Bongos - In The Congo
      Speedies - Let Me Take Your Photo
      Television - Ain't That Nothin'
      Fret Rattles - In Too Deep
      Neighborhood Brats - Leaving Town
      Slowcoaches - Found Down
      Vanity - As Expected
      Tiger Bomb - Baby Come On
      Golden Coats - I Am Not Alone
      Sound Explosion - In My Grave
      Crushers - Wake Up
      Anti-Nowhere League - Going Down
      Chelsea - The Loner
      Adverts - Gary Gilmore's Eyes
      Eater - Outside View
      Husker Du - Dead Set On Destruction
      Rooks - Love Said To Me
      Records - Teenarama
      Romantics - When I Look In Your Eyes
      Fox Sisters - Uum Uum Uum
      Mummies - Land of 1000 Dances
      Turnback - This Could Be Our Year
      Painted Willie - Monkey Mia
      New York Dolls - Vietnamese Baby
      Descendents - I'm Not A Punk
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas


    • August 25, 2018 6:58 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday August 25th from Noon-2:00PM EST. In addition to the usual loud and angry punk and garage tunes, I will be sneaking in a couple of sets of sugar-coated power-pop. Tune your radio dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • August 11, 2018 1:44 PM CDT
    • Playlist 08-11-18

      Monster Magnet - Crop Circle
      Gang of Four - What We All Want
      Devo - Smart Petrol/Mr. DNA
      Idol Lips - Feeling Blue
      dragSTER - United Decay
      Fret Rattles - Make It Through
      Ultra Sect - Class Hate
      Neighborhood Brats - Night Shift
      Slowcoaches - Found Down
      Avengers - The American In Me
      Josie Cotton - Maneaters (Get Off The Road)
      Iron Prostate - Bring Me The Head of Jerry Garcia
      Mad Daddys - Take Me Back To Woodstock
      Joan Jett - Science Fiction/Double Feature
      Pet Needs - Punk
      Vanity - Yeah, Sure, Why Not
      Radio Birdman - Aloha Steve and Danno
      Exploding White Mice - Enemies
      Meanies - Never
      Saints - Know Your Product
      Agent Orange - Somebody To Love
      Strawberry Zots - Get Me To World On Time
      16 Eyes - Don't You Know
      Shocking Blue - Send Me A Postcard
      World's Apart - Stop
      Mojomatics - Losin' Time
      Golden Coats - I Don't Want You
      Crushers - Mirror
      McFadden's Parachute - Phoenix Is Her Name
      Battlefield - On The Island
      Bleed - Duped
      Skurvi - Better Way
      Healthy Junkies - No Control
      Dictators - Who Will Save Rock and Roll?
      Curse - Superficial Jerk
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • August 11, 2018 6:13 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday August 11th from Noon-2:00PM EST. You can get your fix of punk and garage tunes by tuning your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • July 28, 2018 1:43 PM CDT
    • Playlist 07-28-18

      Drivin N Cryin - Turn It Up or Turn It Off
      MC5 - Tonight
      Social Distortion - I Wasn't Born To Follow
      Fret Rattles - Shake My Brain
      Slowcoaches - Found Down
      Rezillos - Flying Saucer Attack
      Healthy Junkies - No Control
      dragSTER - Damned
      Attack - Magic In The Air
      Vipers - Medication
      Golden Coats - One Fine Day
      Quatloos - Ju Ju Hand
      Monster Magnet - Rocket Freak
      Ultra Sect - Set Sail
      Idol Lips - Too Loud For The Crowd
      Katalina Kicks - We Don't Care
      Fiends - Die Bob Die
      Leaving Trains - Bob Hope
      Bleed - Nobody's Fool
      Battlefield - Sell Our Soul
      Skurvi - Till We Die
      No Robell - Sold Out & Wrote A Love Song
      Pet Needs - 2AM
      Dean Landew - Job
      Jet Buzz - I Believe in Miracles
      Vista Blue - My Bat, My Glove and You
      Klammer - Spiral Girl
      Jam - Smithers-Jones
      JK Historian - Digitized
      Trash Street - World Without
      McFadden's Parachute - Time
      Black Hollies - When You're Not There
      Lyres - Self Centered Girl
      Fuzztones - 1 2 5
      Agent Orange - Miserlou
      Nobody's Heros - Summertime Girls
      Velvet Underground - Foggy Notion
      Devil Dogs - Time Enough For Love
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas


    • July 28, 2018 7:27 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday July 28th from Noon-2:00PM EST. There will be the usual punk and garage tunes for your listening pleasure. Just tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • September 6, 2018 1:08 PM CDT
    • Recently, I spoke with Wire's Colin Newman and we talked about Wire's first three albums, his early career and solo career and the recent reissues.  I also did a show featuring some Wire music, rare and from the reissues.  

      Wire Play List:

      1. Wire - Prove Myself (Demo) (1976 Demo - 2010)
      2. Wire - After Midnight (Behind The Curtain - 1995)
      3. Wire - It's So Obvious (Live) (1977.04.02 - Live At The Roxy, London - April 1st & 2nd 1977 / Live At CBGB Theatre, New York - July 18th 1978 - 2006)

      Colin Newman Interview Part 1 

      4. Wire - Low Down (Pink Flag - 1977)
      5. Wire - Mannequin (Pink Flag - 1977)
      6. Wire - Ex Lion Tamer (Demo) (Pink Flag: Special Edition - 2018)
      7. Wire - 12XU (Pink Flag - 1977)
      8. Wire - Culture Vultures (1978 Peel Session) (The Peel Sessions Album - 1989)
      9. Wire - I Feel Mysterious Today (Chairs Missing - 1978)
      10. Wire - Two People In A Room (154 - 1979)

      Colin Newman Interview Part 2 

      11. Wire - Ignorance No Plea (I Should Have Known Better) (Demo) (154: The Special Edition - 2018)
      12. Wire - Once Is Enough (Demo) (154: The Special Edition - 2018)
      13. Wire - Outdoor Miner (Demo) (Chairs Missing: The Special Edition - 2018)
      14. Wire - French Film Blurred (Version 1) (Demo) (Chairs Missing: The Special Edition - 2018)
      15. Wire - On Returning (154 - 1979)
      16. Wire - Another The Letter (Live) (Wire On The Box: 1979 - 2004)
      17. Wire - The 15th (Live) (Wire On The Box: 1979 - 2004)
      18. Wire - I Am The Fly (Chairs Missing - 1978)

      Colin Newman Interview Part 3 

      19. Wire - Map Ref. 41°N 93°W (154 - 1979)
      20. Wire - The Other Window (154 - 1979)
      21. Wire - Our Swimmer (Notre Dame) (Live) (Document and Eyewitness - 1981)
      22. Wire - Song 1 (154 EP - 1979)
      23. Wire - No Romans (Demo) (Chairs Missing: The Special Edition - 2018)
      24. Wire - Love Ain't Polite (Demo) (Chairs Missing: The Special Edition - 2018)
      25. Wire - Sand In My Joints (Chairs Missing - 1978)
      26. Wire - Three Girl Rhumba (Pink Flag - 1977)
      27. Wire - Dot Dash (Dot Dash Single - 1978)
      28. Colin Newman - Alone (A-Z - 1980)

      Colin Newman Interview Part 4 

      29. Colin Newman - Not Me (A-Z - 1980)
      30. Wire - Read and Burn (Send - 2003)
      31. Wire - Stealth of a Stork (Change Becomes Us - 2013)
      32. Wire - Blogging (Wire - 2015)
      33. Wire - Short Elevated Period (Silver/Lead - 2017)

      Check out my blog to hear the interview on its own here:

      Or download/listen to the album here:

    • August 24, 2018 6:04 PM CDT
    • It's been a while since i've posted here, but check out this recent episode I did of Revolution Rock.  I got to speak with Richard Lloyd of Television and talk about key moments in Television's history, his early musical upbringings and his solo career.  

      Here's the Play List: 

      Richard Lloyd Radio Brain Drain Special:

      1. Television - Venus (Marquee Moon - 1977)
      2. Television - Ain't That Nothin' (Adventure - 1978)

      Richard Lloyd Interview Part 1

      3. Richard Lloyd - Blue and Grey (Alchemy - 1979)
      4. Richard Lloyd - Watch Yourself (Field of Fire - 1986)
      5. Richard Lloyd - Summer Rain Alchemy (Alchemy - 1979)

      Richard Lloyd Interview Part 2 

      6. Richard Lloyd - Should Have Known Better (Alchemy - 1979)
      7. Television - Horizontal Ascension (1974 Ork Rehearsal) (Poor Circulation - 1998)
      8. Television - Double Exposure (Demo) (Double Exposure - 1988)
      9. Richard Lloyd - (I Thought) You Wanted To Know (New York New York: Ork Records Box Set - 2015)
      10. Richard Lloyd - Connection (Get Off My Cloud/Connection - 1981)
      11. Television - The Fire (Adventure - 1978)
      12. Television - See No Evil (Marquee Moon - 1977)

      Richard Lloyd Interview Part 3 

      12. Matthew Sweet - Sick of Myself (100% Fun - 1995)
      13. Richard Lloyd - Fire Engine (Real Time - 1987)
      14. Television - Little Johnny Jewel (Little Johnny Jewel - 1975)
      15. Richard Lloyd - Wait Till Tomorrow (The Jamie Neverts Story - 2009)
      16. Television - Marquee Moon (Marquee Moon - 1977)

      Check out my blog post to hear the full interview on its own here:

      Or Download/listen to this episode here:

    • July 30, 2018 7:43 PM CDT

      It's a brand new Big Enchilada featuring songs from The Fleshtones, Ludella Black, The Mystery Lights, Rev. Beat-Man & Izobel Garcia, Nekromantix, Tony Joe White  and more.

      Download HERE

      Subscribe on iTunes

      Play it below

      Now go take on the day!

    • July 23, 2018 6:57 PM CDT
    • Hey everyone! Just signed up here. My name's Alex Flamsteed, I'm the drummer of Speedlab. We have reuntited after 7 years. I recently moved back to Australia from the US where I was playing drums for Guttermouth and Bam Margera to reform Speedlab. We have just put out an EP 'ILL MIND TANK'. Would love your thoughts! We have an album written which we're recording in October/November. Our plan is to get our tunes out to as many people as possible so we can get on the road! 

      Here is links to our Spotify and Band Camp:
