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    • July 15, 2018 9:20 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist July 13/2018


      1. Twin Fin…..Jungle Room….from the Whiskey Wine and Venom CD and they are playing Saturday night at the Legion on Oakland Ave…early show, 3 sets!!
      2. Roger Zuraw…..Keep Your Mouth Shut….from a single and a timely reminder as the times are changing way faster than ever! And a request!
      3. Crass….Berkertrex Bribe….from the Penis Envy LP from 1981.
      4. Steve Earle…..Devil’s Right Hand….from the Copperhead Road CD from 1988 and Steve comes back to London Music Hall in September.
      5. DOA….Liar For Hire….from the War On 45 LP from 1982.
      6. 16 Eyes….Ride….from the brand new Look CD and from Pheonix. Orin Portnoy, vet of the early 80’s NYC scene is in this band.
      7. Brad Marino….On The Brink….from a new 7” on Beluga Records from Sweden and a solo effort from this Connection member.
      8. The Darts…Bullet….new 7” on Dirty Water Records out of the UK, but this all female combo is from the west coast of the US.
      9. Running From Daylight….Mary Jane….from the Elvis Ain’t Dead Yet CD and they are playing tonight at the Richmond here in London.
      10. Legendary Tigerman….Misfit….brand new on the Dirty Water label and from Portugal. This is the start of our biker set as Friday the 13th the bikers from this area all head down to Port Dover.
      11. The Ventures….Theme From Wild Angels….from their Guitar Freakout LP from 1967 and one of the first LP’s, if not the first I ever bought….50 years ago!
      12. The Gruesomes…Bikers From Hell….from the Gruesomology CD on Sundazed. The Gruesomes were the only 80’s garage band from Canada to have a release on Sundazed! And now,  all of their recordings are available on Ricochet Sound based in Montreal.
      13. Leather Boy…..I’m A Leather Boy….from Pebbles Volume 11 and a 60’s garage punk scorcher!
      14. UIC….Leave Me Alone….from Mr Garager’s Neighbourhood LP from 1989 and a request! Great way to end a biker set as guitarist Ted was a Harley rider.
      15. Super Elcados….Tambourine Party…..from a re-release of the 1966 Super Elcados Volume 2 LP from Nigeria.
      16. Lucky 7….Lucky 7….from a live recording 2/23/1989 at Call The Office. A carry over from last week’s edition and on accordion and keyboards was Kenny Margolis…former Mink Deville member, noted session man and former long time member of Cracker.
      17. Florida Razors….Memphis Connection…from the Beat Music CD and features Tom Wilson, who is coming to London next weekend as part of the Home County Festival in Victoria Park.
      18. The Shakers….Jump In My Car….from the In Time LP from 1981 and features Dave Rave on guitar and vocals. There’s a reunion set for next weekend at This Ain’t Hollywood in Hamilton to celebrate Gene Champagne’s Labatt Birthday!!
      19. 3 O’Clock Train….Stolen Thunder….from the Moon CD and 3 O’Clock Train will be in London on Saturday July 28th as part of Ribfest happening in Victoria Park. This will be a full band affair and the first time for a full band in London in many years! We’ve had 3 O’Clock head honcho Mack MacKenzie live on air a couple of times in the past couple of years.
      20. Harold Nix….Jimmy….from the Open Up The Sky CD from 1997 and from the west coast of Canada.
      21. Frankie And Jimmy…..You Was Born To Die…from the recent Blues On The Brain CD and from Hamilton.
      22. Lowdown Dirty Mojos…..Blow Wind Blow….brand new and from a coupla characters outta Hamilton, Stephen Foster and former Londoner Paul Wooten (Sinners, Spiral Scratch, Crawling Kingsnakes and others).
      23. Certain General….Bedpan….1981 demos that is part of the download with their latest 7” release. From NYC and had Londoner Marcy Saddy on the drums.
      24. Priors….Story Blind….from their self titled release and they are playing Call The Office on Saturday night.
      25. Shoobies…..Monkey Eat Sandwich….from their recent download and from London.
      26. Hit Bargain….Architect….from the Potential Maximizer release and from LA.
      27. Lucy and the Rats….Can’t Surf….from their full length on Dirty Water Records out of the UK.
      28. Knaves….Fashion Police….from their self titled release from 2007 and from London Ontario.
      29. The Job….Gun….from their self titled release from 2008 and from Toronto with a member from London.
      30. Invasions……Jewel….from a demo they gave us back in 2008 and from Toronto.
      31. Pretty Things….Cry To Me….from their 2nd LP, Get The Picture? From about 1966.
      32. The Small Faces….E Too D….from a Greatest Hits CD and from 1966.
      33. DT’s….Wrap It Up…..from a 7” from 2006
      34. DT’s…..Wet Cake Part 2….from a 7” from 2006.


      Big Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, facebook messages with information (Thanx Atomic Love Burrito Randall Riviera), texts and Heys!!!


      Soon for archived shows at this link:


    • June 29, 2018 7:57 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist June 29/2018  All Canada Edition


      1. Lee Harvey Osmond…..Love Everyone….from the Folk Sinner CD. Tom Wilson’s psych/folk project.
      2. Art Bergmann…The Junkie Don’t Care….from the Crawl With Me CD from 1988, produced by John Cale.
      3. Kensington Hillbillies….White Man In Hammersmith Palais….from The Crooked Beat CD from 2012 and features former Londoner Peter Lambert on the drums.
      4. Bradley Boy….Old 59….from the Salt Gun CD from 2011 and from Oshawa.
      5. Sugar Brown….What I Know…from his latest, Calling All Blues and from Toronto.
      6. Delta Stone…..Ain’t Got The Blues….from their 2 song CD and they are playing tonight at the Eastside.
      7. Osterberg….London Eats Its Own….from the 10” from 1993 and this song still rings true today.
      8. Flying Squad….I’m So Cool….from the Come and Play cassette from the mid 80’s and this one is about a CHRW DJ.
      9. 63 Monroe….At The Boot….from Slippery’s Club Hits, the cassette that came with WW#24. This song is about the Blue Boot/Cedar Lounge, about which we’ll be doing a radio special in a month or so.
      10. Randall Pee Coltrane…..Let Your Freak Flag Fly…..from the recent Atomic Love Burrito and Randall Pee played The Cedar Lounge many years ago with The Verge.
      11. Jerry Jerry…..Talk About My Dick….from The Sound and The Jerry CD from 1997 and from Edmonton. This is the same Jerry Jerry and the Sons Of Rhythm Orchestra from the mid 80’s.
      12. Matadors…..Pink Lincoln….from The Devil’s Music CD and from London Ontario.
      13. Maow….Wank….from the CD,  The Unforgiving Sounds Of…. from 1996 and Neko Case was in this band.
      14. The Gorgons…..Girl Gang….from the Corpse Whale CD on Transistor 66 Records and from Winnipeg.
      15. Miesha And The Spanks…..MMMMade For Me….from the CD of the same name and also on T66 Records. We had Miesha as a guest about a year ago here on Radio WW.
      16. Nash The Slash…..19th Nervous Breakdown…..from the Children Of The Night LP from 1981. Nash played as part of DOA a few years back and that was the last time we got to see him.
      17. Dany Laj and The Looks….Left Right To One….from the soon to be released 7” and they were at Call The Office a month or so ago.
      18. The Connexions…..Ridin’ On The Streetcar….form their Connect Four CD and from Newfoundland.
      19. Flashing Lights….High School….from the Where The Change Is CD from 1999. Singer Matt Murphy is in The Tuns, a super powerpop band with a Sloan and an Inbred.
      20. Coaching For Sara…..Show…..from their latest and from right here in London Ontario.
      21. Krista D……Run Jane Run….from the recent Look At Me I’m CD.
      22. Occasional Angels…..I Won’t Cry….from the recent Angels In Exile CD and from Ottawa.
      23. Jr Gone Wild…..God Is Not My Father…..from the Pull The Goalie CD from 1992 and these guys have gotten back together for a short tour across Canada.
      24. Harold Nix…..Tomorrow’s Another Day….from the Open Up The Sky CD from 1997 and from Vancouver.
      25. The Mods….Reaction….from the brand new Reaction LP on Ugly Pop Records. Late 70’s/early 80’s mod/powerpop/punk out of Toronto and they played here at The Cedar Lounge.
      26. Bon….Zig Zag….from the Static Electricity CD from 2011 on Boppa Do Down Records.
      27. Holy Microphone….Beatle Bob….from the Goodbye Television Girl CD and from Toronto. One Fried Robinson could be playing guitar on this song about a legend out of St Louis. London has its own dancer in the Cowboy. If the Cowboy is at the same show as you, you’re at the place to be.
      28. High Dials…..TV Mystic….from the A New Devotion CD from 2003 and from Montreal.
      29. 905s….What Are We Receiving….from the Shake Down CD from 2015 and from Brampton Ontario.
      30. The Del-Gators…Dynamite….from the Pound Down CD from 2001 and from Montreal.
      31. American Flamewhip……Ace Of Cups…..from the Activate CD and from Winnipeg and 2008 and we had to fade this one out.


      Big Thanx for the phone calls, emails, FB messages, texts and Heys!!! Next week we do a special on Call The Office, which has a GOFUNDME page set up. But as head Tony says, the best way to support CTO is to come down and have a couple of beers and watch a great band!!


      Someday there may be an archived show at this location:

    • June 23, 2018 9:49 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist June 22/2018


      We dedicated this one to Nick Knox, longtime Cramp drummer and a purveyor of many excellent beats! The Cramps will always be special to me. Upon first hearing their second release, Psychedelic Jungle, my mind was blown wide open as they were treading similar ground to what I was really digging….that being 60’s garagepunk/psych! And that fueled my non-ending obsession, looking for those wild, crazy and obscure sounds that lurked below the surface! Thanx to The Cramps I bought and continue to buy way too many records that conceal these required sounds. Thanx Nick, Lux, Kid (and of course Bryan) and lastly Ivy!


      1. 5 Years Ahead Of My Time…The Cramps....from the How To Make A Monster double CD of Cramps coolness. Still remember the first time I heard The Cramps do this one, on the bootleg The Cramps Totally Destroy Seattle! Had no idea it was in their songbook and had only heard the Third Bardo’s version prior.  And this song certainly summarizes The Cramps and their goals!
      2. Long Day Jouney….Curio Shoppe…from The Count Bonniwell Electric CD and these guys are certainly Cramps fans!!
      3. Shoobies….All My Profs Are On Strike….from a recent download and these guys are from right here in London Ontario!
      4. Burning Peppermints…..I Wanna Go Home….from the Glitter Vomit release and from Birmingham Alabama.
      5. Marc Ribot….Rawhide….from the recent Y R U Still Here release we have at the station.
      6. Martin and The E Chords….Possibilities….from a demo our pal Gary Pig Gold sent us many years ago. Punk taken to its primitive basics.
      7. Jim Ashby….Speed City….7” on Speed City Records and the story of our little town back in the late 60’s/early 70’s. My fave record to come out of this town.
      8. Crash 80’s….Waiting For The Heat….from a 1980 7” from right here in town. Ties in with the recent blog I posted about The Beginnings of Punk In London Ontario….it’s a 3 parter on Blogger and there’s links on the Radio WW FB page. And oddly, lead singer Peter Tangredi just commented on the blog pointing out a missing step….ie The New York Dolls playing here in London Ontario….Thanx Peter!
      9. Lithics….Dancing Guy….from the recent Mating Surfaces release here at the station. Modern post punk outta Portland Oregon.
      10. Julia P…..Killer Chicks….from  yet another recent addition to the CHRW library and a re-ish of an early 2000 release and from Holland.
      11. Archie and The Bunkers…..Bill’s Bad Day….from the recent Songs From The Lodge release and these 2 teenage brothers are from Cleveland. Didn’t know this till recently, but Nick Knox had been helping these kids out a bit! Kinda makes sense now!
      12. Archie and the Bunkers….You’re My Pacemaker….as above. There’s a video on youtube for this one.
      13. The Cramps….The Way I Walk…..from The Cramps boxset of singles on Munster Records out of Spain. It’s a 10 7” box set, picture sleeves, postcards and pristine sound!
      14. The Cramps….Domino…. as above.
      15. The Mods….Step Out Tonight….from the brand new Reactions LP on Ugly Pop Records. Limited edition, already sold out and the very first time The Mods have had a full length 12” record!  The Mods were based out of Toronto Canada, late 70’s/early 80’s mod/punk/powerpop and made a couple of appearances here in London at The Cedar Lounge. Drummer David remembered those shows well and gave me some further info about their visits here a number of years back. This particular song was one of my faves from Toronto combos of that era!
      16. The Mods….You Use Me… as above.
      17. Johnny Terrien and the Bad Lieutenants….Only Game In Town….from the recent Half Wits LP and they are playing tonight at the Richmond.
      18. BB Guns….Bang Bang….live recording from CIUT and Moondawg Ballroom from early 2013.
      19. Catl….Gotta Thing For You….from the Soon This Will All Be Gone release from a few years back. Catl have a new release that hasn’t been released in Canada yet.
      20. Bloody Diamonds….Lady Of The Night….from They’ve Got Secrets from 2012 and from Halifax. Around the time this was released, we did a live to air with Bloody Diamonds when they were in town for a show. Think that is still up on soundcloud.
      21. Buttertones….At The Dojo…from the Midnight IN A Moonless Dream release that arrived recently at the station. From LA.
      22. Subsonics….Johnny Left Hand….from the Flesh Colored Paint release on Slovenly Records and another recent addition here.
      23. Newport Electric….Dancing To The Beat Of Your Broken Heart….from the brand new Thin Wild Mercury release, and NE had their release party at Aeolian Hall on the day this show aired.
      24. Les Sympathics De Porto Novo….A Min We Vo Nou We….from the recent African Scream Contest Volume 2 that arrived here at CHRW. This is a compilation CD on the Analog Africa imprint, that has released a TON of cool stuff.
      25. Picoby Band D’Abomey…..Me Adomina….as above.
      26. Pat Thomas Introduces Marijata….Salvation….from the recent Mr Bongo re-ish of this 1976 classic. Yet another recent addition here at CHRW. From what I understand, Pat Thomas spent some time in Toronto after this, possibly doing something with the soul/reggae scene there, as some of the material on this release is similar sonically to what came out in Toronto not long after this…
      27. Dustbin Flowers….Plasticine Nicotine….from their II CD and they are playing Fitzrays tonight.
      28. Vypers….Mr Girl…from the recent Champion 100 release and from Toronto.
      29. The Hippies….Je Cherche….from the Animals Fight Back cassette from about 1984 and was all London Ontario based combos of the day. The Hippies released a 7” around this time.
      30. Gilbert Smith….Talking 1980… above, but Gilbert was in combos like Sheep Look Up and The Zellots back then.
      31. The Cramps….Don’t Eat Stuff Off The Sidewalk….from the Psychedelic Jungle Lp from 1981. Every day I tell Joey, our pooch this, and he never listens.
      32. The Cramps….Can’t Find My Mind….as above, but I don’t tell Joey this as he already knows.
      33. The Cramps….Jungle Hop….as above.


      Thanx for all the phoners, emails, texts and FB messages!!!


      Next week it’s an all Canadian show as we start the long weekend off waving the red maple leaf!!


      Soon to be archived at this link:

    • June 9, 2018 3:59 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist June 8/2018. Beginnings of Punk/New Wave in London Ontario

      This is a special on the origins, causes and beginning of the punk/new wave music/art scene here in London Ontario. I wasn’t there for all of it, and haven’t run across anyone who has as there were so many somewhat inclusive events that you had to be in the know, to know about…so here’s my 2 cents.


      1. Nihilist Spasm Band….This Is A Test….from a CD whose title is symbols. There’s no doubt that the NSB were the originators here, as they started playing at the York Hotel, now called Call The Office. They had a weekly residence that probably brought more complaints than compliments as these artists made their own instruments, played to their own beat and did just want they wanted. The originators of what was to be called Noise and they count amongst their admirers/fans Sonic Youth who have actually guested with the band.
      2. Roxy Music…..Editions Of You…..from their second LP and they played London Arena 2/8/1975 and many who were to become involved in the punk/new wave scene were in attendance. Only thing missing was Brian Eno, as he had left the band prior to this gig and many were disappointed by this.
      3. Rough Trade….Birds Of A Feather….from the 1976 Direct To Disc LP that Jack Richardson produced. RT made an appearance or 2 in London, long before they had their early 80’s Canadian hits and were a musical theatre troupe who were into bondage, S&M and many other so called perversions and eager to display this on the stage!
      4. Nihilist Spasm Band….Stop and Think Shitheads…..yet another ‘song’ from NSB and the same release as above.
      5. The Diodes…..Nothing Can Change The Shape Of Things To Come….from the Time/Damage Live 1978 LP and recorded at the El Mocambo Tavern In Toronto. Oddly, the same week a band called The Rolling Stones played the same venue! The Diodes were the first punk band to play London, May 1977 at Niederman’s loft in downtown London. This was also the very first gig here in which an 8.5 x 11 poster was made and put up around town. The police put a stop to that, the postering that is, but the gig went on for about 30 or so people. It was a deal made between Ralph Alfonso, manager of the Diodes and Mike Niederman, as Mike had published some of Ralph’s poetry and writing via Applegarth Follies. And part of the deal was to get a rehearsal spot in the basement of the Liberal Headquarters in Toronto, and turn this space into a club. The club became the Crash’n’Burn Club, the first punk club in Canada and lasted part of the summer of 1977.
      6. The Diodes….Time Damage….as above. This was the oldest Diodes live recording that I could find in my collection.
      7. Eddie And The Hot Rods…..Ignore Them….recorded live at Fryfogles, downtown London Ontario 11/7/1977 as the Rods did a few nights here. The very first of the UK punk/new wave (the band were actually pub rock or protopunk, but the press called them punk) combo to play here in London, and the proper folks were all in attendance. Some band called Red Rider opened up for the Rods.
      8. Eddie and The Hot Rods….The End…. As above. Poor sound quality, but what do you expect from a 40 year old cassette?
      9. The Curse…..Eat Me…..from a live recording at Forest City Gallery here in London, 11/25/1977 put on by artist Gerard Pas. The Ugly were supposed to play as well, but claimed transportation issues and never made it to the gig. Food was tossed, alcohol was consumed, insults flew both ways and everyone had fun. FCG continues to this day to have to occasional live music show, although they have moved several times since.
      10. The Curse….He’s My Boy….from the Teenage Meat CD on OPM Records, and recorded at the above show…this is the only track on the CD from the above show.
      11. Peter Tangredi….Life Is A Crazy Passion….from the Demics Covers CD and the summation of what it was like here in London (and many other places here in North America) back in 1977. Peter was in Crash 80’s, Idiot Savant, Suffer Machine and more.
      12. The Demics….Heart Of The City….from a live recording at the Blue Boot 1978.
      13. The Demics….Mystery Dance….as above.
      14. The Demics….New Rose….as above. When The Demics first started, they did lots of covers, many of them of 60’s garage bands….ie Music Machine, Electric Prunes, Love and more. And the Blue Boot became the Cedar Lounge in the summer of 1978, London’s exclusive punk/new wave club. We’ll be doing a full show special on this venue to mark the 40th anniversary this summer.
      15. Uranus….Route 66….from a live recording on CFNY out of Toronto. The first new wave/alternative/whatever radio station in this part of the country.
      16. Uranus….Cruisin’… as above.
      17. Uranus….Motorbikin’…. as above. Uranus were the band of choice of the bikers around here and they did this song just for them! Uranus were also the first rock’n’roll band to play the Blue Boot, and eventually got The Demics in there and started the whole mess rollin’.
      18. The Perks….McPig….from their only 7” from 1978 on the Awes Label. Awes was a downtown recording studio and also a short lived record label.
      19. The Perks… Escape…as above. The Perks were a highschool project, recorded this and broke up.
      20. Uranus…..53 Buick….from their first self released EP, and recorded at Awes Studio.
      21. Uranus….Tommy Get Your Gun…. as above.
      22. The Demics….Cowboys Are Fags….from the NYC CD on OPM label and recorded at Awes Studio.
      23. The Demics….Factories…. as above.
      24. The Demics….Oh Well….as above. The Demics released their first EP on Ready Records out of Toronto in 1979, the Awes recordings are from 1978.
      25. The Regulators….Brainless Wonder….recorded live at the Polish Hall in 1979. The Regulators released one 7” and the Polish Hall was the site of many all ages gigs here in town.
      26. The Stoves….Can’t Slow Down….recorded live at the Cedar in 1979.
      27. NFG….Cowboy Rock….from a live recording, probably 1979 and maybe at the York Hotel.
      28. NFG….Hyjack Victim….as above. NFG became 63 Monroe, then First Date for a short time, and then back to 63 Monroe and still play to this day.
      29. The Zellots….Holocaust…..from a live recording at the Kent Hotel in Kitchener and broadcast over the airwaves of CHRW by DJ Simon Less. Simon’s real name is Peter Moore, and he recorded loads of local bands and broadcast some of these shows over the airwaves of CHRW. He went on to win a Grammy a year or so back, for his work restoring some Dylan recordings.
      30. The Zellots….Object….as above. The Zellots story is told in an issue of Mongrel Zine out of Vancouver, and they were the local band that coulda and shoulda, but somehow didn’t!


      Thanx for all the phone calls, texts, emails, FB messages and Heys on this show as it was a load of fun putting it together and playing these tunes that mean so much to me! We might just play a few more tunes from that era next week!


      There could be an archived show here:

    • June 2, 2018 3:15 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist June 1/2018


      1. Teenage Head….Let’s Shake….from the recent Fun Comes Fast CD and drummer on this version is Marky Ramone.
      2. Wanda Jackson….Funnel Of Love…..recorded live at the Aeolian Hall 5/27/2005 and she had The Rizdales as her backing band. Rizdale Tom Dunphy has his Classic Country show at the Richmond at 4PM. And The Rizdales have a full band show at the Richmond on June 17th.
      3. The Rizdales….If You See My Baby….from the Bar and Lounge CD from 2004.
      4. The Dropouts….The Night The Caddy Died….from the After School Specials CD from 2005 and they were from London Ontario. Released 2 CD’s then relocated to Vancouver and broke up.
      5. Black Holes…..Super Freak….from a live recording at the Brunswick Hotel from 2002. Once in a blue moon the Black Holes surface.
      6. Black Holes….Miss Pearl….as above.
      7. Rockin’ Bobby Harris….Boppin’ The Blues….from a CD called With Two Dollar Bill and His Bad Pennies. Bobby is from Simcoe Ontario, and is an original rockabilly cat.
      8. Burnin’ Ethyl….Kittens In Lipstick….from the Rock’n’Roll Combustion CD from 2006 and from Hamilton Ontario.
      9. Dave Edmunds….Boys Talk….from a 1980 7”.
      10. Oberon Rose….No Stranger…from their recent Tell Me About It CD we just received at the station and from New England.
      11. Julia P….Killer Girls…..another new CD at the station, and this band is from Amsterdam.
      12. E…..Untie Me….from the Negative Work CD which just arrived at the station, and this combo is from Boston and features Thalia Zadek, who many years ago, performed in the next band….
      13. Dangerous Birds…..Alpha Romeo…..from a 1981 7” and from Boston.
      14. Lithics….Specs….from the Mating Surfaces CD that just arrived at CHRW, and from Portland Oregon.
      15. The Government….Paranoid Downtown Funk Part 2 and from the How Many Fingers Lp from 1981 and from Toronto. Part of the first wave of punk bands from Toronto, and The Government moved towards the funk sounds emanating from NYC in their last days.
      16. Bloodshot Bill….Gonna Get Gone….from his Guitar Boy Lp from 2016 and on Norton Records.
      17. Bloodshot Bill and Shannon….Honey Time….from a 7” on Slovenly Records.
      18. Bloodshot Bill….Honky Tonk Angels…..recorded live on CHRW 5/25/2007.
      19. Bloodshot Bill and Shannon…..True…..from a 7” on Slovenly Records.
      20. Bloodshot Bill….Wolf Call….from his So Blue CD from 2013.
      21. Bloodshot Bill….Don’t Wanna See You No More…..from his Guitar Boy LP and around this time we yammered with Bloodshot Bill as he had a show that evening at Call The Office.
      22. NIghtseeker….Don’t Let Go….from the 3069:Spacerock CD that arrived in the station recently.
      23. Lucy And The Rats….So Simple….from their recent self titled debut full length on Dirty Water Records.
      24. Angry Dragons….Got To Be You….from their self titled CD from 2009 and from Winnipeg.
      25. The Zellots….Let’s Play House….from the flexi of unreleased recordings from 1978.
      26. The Mongrels….Do It…..from a demo and they play Sunday at the Richmond as yet another of their Rock’n’Roll Eddie And The Hot Rods….Ignore Them….from a 1977 7” on Island Records and from the UK.
      27. Eddie and The Hot Rods….Horseplay….from a 1976 7” on Island Records.
      28. Hit Bargain…..Untying A Knot…..from their recent Potential Maximizer release that showed up at the station, and from LA.


      Big Thanx to Bloodshot Bill for taking the time to  yammer with us live on the radio! And Thanx for all the crazy phone calls, emails, FB messages and Heys!!!


      Next week we’re doing a special on the beginnings of the punk rock/new wave scene here in London Ontario. We’ll be playing some snippets of a few of the live shows that helped get things going and probably some records from that era as well!


      There might be an archived show here:

    • May 12, 2018 2:52 PM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist May 11/2018


      1. The Demics….New York City….recorded live somewhere in Toronto approx. 1980/1 as it has Steve Koch on the guitar. A request as one listener wanted to go to NYC.
      2. The Demics…..Oh Well….a segue into the next tune.
      3. Frankie and Jimmy….Shakemondown….from the about to be released Blues On The Brain LP and the record release party is set for June 21st at This Ain’t Hollywood. We’ve been promised F&J will have a 6 piece band for that show only….so make appropriate plans! And this is the same song that Fred McDowell and Johnny Woods do on the Memphis Swamp Jam double LP comp on Blue Thumb Records which slays me every listen. F&J do this song some mighty fine justice!
      4. Roger Zuraw….I Gotta Hunch…from his Feels Like Blues To Me CD from 2007 and this was our intro to Roger’s music.
      5. Schomberg Fair…..I Won’t Be Afraid…from the CD of the same name and from Toronto.
      6. Bath Salts….Cool Like The Music….from the Mardi Gras CD and these guys are playing Thursday night at Call The Office with Duotang and The Shanks.

      The Shanks called in around this time to let us know about their  alienation from the neighbouring village of Orangeville, sheep farming, pointy footwear, visiting London and how it’s one of their fave places to play, releasing records in Germany and Spain, previous European tours and the upcoming Spanish tour and the mysterious disappearance of Colonel Crankshaft and his abled bodied tub beater replacement Dr Thunderwall. As always, an enlightening and hilarious conversation with this duo that don’t play London often enough, so catch them Thursday at Call The Office.

      1. The Shanks…..Tenderizer….from the Skordalia CD
      2. The Shanks….Bridge Of Sighs….from the The Valley Of The Shadow Of CD
      3. The Dictators…..Master Race Rock….from the Go Girl Crazy LP from 1975 and goes out to drummer Stu Boy King who passed away last year. An essential album that helped trigger the musical/style shift that made the world a slightly better place artistically.
      4. The Dils….Tell Her You Love Her….from the I Hate The Rich Lp on Dionysus Records and goes out to bass player/singer Tony Kinman who passed away last week. They may have been considered an aggressive first wave punk combo, but just listen to those pop hooks and background vocals.
      5. Rank And File…..Rank And File….from the 1982 LP of the same name. When this came out, it turned a lot of ears sideways, blew a lot of minds, and started a whole musical movement that appreciated the better qualities of country and western music; jangly guitars, singers that actually could, tight harmony vocals, walking bass lines, subtle steel guitars and really good song writing!
      6. Jeremy Porter and the Tucos…..Walk Of Shame….from the recent Don’t Worry It’s Not Contagious CD and definitely inspired by the previous band on this list. Caught them a few weeks back at the Old 765 East and they were just amazing!!! A Detroit combo that seems to get overlooked by the masses.
      7. Dany Laj and the Looks….Left Right To One….from their recent split 7” and they will be in town on Friday May 18th at Call The Office. Montreal’s premier power pop combo!!
      8. Kirsta D….Black Eyed Susan….from the recent Look At Me I’m….CD. More Canadian powerpop.
      9. Lucy and The Rats…..Can’t Surf….from the brand new release on Dirty Water Records out of the UK and a current fave here!! Powerpop done without the power chords and relies on the powerful vocals of Lucy and the double rhythm guitars that weave in and out with enough hooks to wrap you into knots! Fun stuff and vocally reminds me a bit of Norway’s infamous (and best) powerpop combo The Dahlmanns. A righteous pedestal to apply!
      10. Dustbin Flowers…..Bayside Jenny….from their first CD and they are playing Wednesday at Fitzrays and part of Indie Night.
      11. Ginger St James…..Please Mr Driver…from the Diesel And Peas CD we have here at CHRW. Tonite at London Music Club…big room, big sound, fun times!!!
      12. The Common Cold….London Look….from the brand new Shut Up Yo Liberals! On Dirty Water Records and from the UK. Best band name in ages, and a song about London, so you can’t go wrong.
      13. Buttertones…..Midnight In A Moonless Dream…from the CD of the same name and from the LA area. Way big sound and they list a lot of OZ influences (Scientists and Birthday Party) as well as The Cramps. And with that on the pedigree, things will be just fine! Currently on tour, but nowhere near here.
      14. The Subsonics…Betty and Chita….from the brand new Flesh Coloured Paint on the Slovenly Label. These crazy cats from Atlanta have been staking the same sacred ground for about 30 years and have yet to see them! Solid early VU influences with glam overtones and that chugga chugga guitar gets me every time. Their 8th full length, and I have a stack of their singles from over the years.
      15. LKFFCT….Monkey Paw….from an EP that came to the station and from the NJ area.
      16. Long Day Journey….Kount 6…from their latest, The Count Bonniwell Electric CD. Kount 6 is probably an inside kudo to a certain Brockula fella that digs this kinda slop!
      17. The Nerves….One Way Ticket….from the LP of the same name on Alive Records and features Peter Case on guitar and vocals. Peter is coming to This Ain’t Hollywood on Tuesday, one of only 2 stops in Canada this tour. Peter was also in the Plimsouls, gods of power pop!!!
      18. Johnny Terrien and the Bad Lieutenants….Grey and the Black….from the recent Half Wits LP on Speed City Records and they played the Richmond last night.
      19. Supersuckers….Thing About That…from the Sacrilicious Sounds Of The Supersuckers LP from 1995 and they will be in town Tuesday May 22 at Call The Office.
      20. Zellots…On The Dole…from the flexi recorded in Vancouver late 70’s.
      21. Marijata…Mother Africa....from the recent Pat Thomas Introduces Marijata LP re-ish on Mr Bongo Records. Originally released in 1976 on Gapophone Records in Ghana. Great re-ish of this rare soul/afrobeat record.
      22. Femi Kuti….Dem Dom Come Again….from his latest, One People Of The World CD.


      Out of time, certainly not out of tunes. Big Thanx for all the phone calls, emails, FB messages, texts etc…..that’s what makes it all worth while.


      Back again next week with some Shoobies and an interview with Dany Laj and the Looks as they are at Call The Office next Friday.


      There might be an archived show here:

    • May 5, 2018 6:58 PM CDT
    •  What Wave Playlist May 4/2018. A show dedicated to the Victoria Tavern/SoHo/Bucket Of Blood which has a sign that says “Closed Until Further Notice” which is what we’ll call this episode. We’re playing only bands/artists that graced the ‘stage’ of the Victoria Tavern over the last 35 or so years.


      1. Uranus…..Around And Around….recorded at Kelly’s Boogie Parlour, another long gone London venue. Uranus played several times at the Victoria, with Ralph Dame on bass if I remember correctly.
      2. Uranus….Under My Thumb…. As above.
      3. Sci-Phonics….Play That Truck Drivin’ Tune….or something like that. Live recording from a long gone venue called The Road Apple, NE corner of York and Wellington 1/12/1986. The Sci-Phonics played the Victoria as a 3 piece and morphed into the long running 4 piece once John Charlton joined on the drums. Prior, stand up bass player Dave Zdryliuk banged on his bass a lot.
      4. Spiral Scratch….No Familiar Faces….from the Zulu Syndrome LP, and another band who morphed through a couple of lineup changes whilst doing gigs at The Victoria.
      5. The Hippies….Rock’n’Roll….live recording (1/16/1984) from another long gone venue, Fryfogles, which was on Dundas St right about where the library presently is. One of the posters for their gigs at the Victoria, had a show listed as a death date, presumably their final show.
      6. The Hippies….Neat Neat Neat… as above.
      7. Napalm Babys….Gun Control….from a live CD they released recorded in Ottawa. Lead singer Dave was supposedly involved in the alleged golden girl incident which actually made the local newspapers here…musta been a slow day and someone had a really good lawyer. If you were there, you know the truth.
      8. Dead Rabbits….I Don’t Care….from a live recording at the Cedar Lounge 2/9/1982, another venue that is long gone….we’ll be doing a special on The Cedar Lounge in August as it will be 40 years ago for the transformation from the Blue Boot Hotel, to the classier Cedar Lounge with its tacky cedar shingles on the walls.
      9. October Crisis…..Everyday….from a self titled CD from 1985 and these guys reform every now and again.
      10. 63 Monroe….Party Like A Rock Star…..from the Stunning CD and this band played the Victoria quite recently.
      11. Flying Squad….Fahrenheit 451….from their Come And Play cassette release and these guys played many a gig at the Victoria. I was informed that is not a cowbell on this recording, but a firebell and the drummer actually had 2 of them….firebells that is.
      12. Boy From Nowhere…Rack My Mind….from a live recording at the Town And Country (now 765 east) 10/5/2013. Boy From Nowhere did their first public appearance at the Victoria, after morphing from Blood Brothers and The Hippies.
      13. Ten Heads….Fading Out….from the Swimming and Singing CD and they played recently at the Victoria.
      14. The Mongrels….All Systems Go…..from a demo and the first time we saw this combo was at the Victoria many years ago.
      15. The Corndogs…..Lemon Head….from the Cliffhanger LP from 1987.
      16. Nosmo King Jr…..City Of Faith….from the CHRW London Underground compilation and according to bass player Lionel Lodge, the band was booked to play the Victoria and no showed!
      17. The Others….Ostrich Trick….from a split 7” with Dumb from 1995
      18. Deja Voodoo…. Big Scary Daddy….from a live recording at Key West, yet another long gone venue, from 10/22/1987. Deja Voodoo played downstairs at the Victoria twice. The first time 3 different parties (unbeknownst to each other) created posters for this gig. It worked, and people came out to see this band from Montreal. The second time through, they were staying at our place when we were offered What Wave zine from Al Cole and had to make the decision on whether to take it over or not. Tony and Gerard said to do it, and we did! There’s pics on FB of the band playing at the Victoria from that show and other pics outside our old apartment on Elmwood, with the band and the Edsel.
      19. Deja Voodoo….Swamp Of Love… as above. There are pics on FB of this gig at the Key West as well.
      20. Rockin’ Bobby Harris…..Yup Yup Boogie…..from the 2 Dollar Bill and The Pennies CD and Rockin’ Bobby is the real deal, an actualy late 50’s rockabilly guy who could still do it.
      21. Pink Cadillac Scat Cats…Half Way To Memphis….from the Rip It Up CD and one of the bands that  played one of our 5 Rockabilly Massacre Shows at the Victoria. Those were fun action packed nights in which we set some records at the bar.
      22. Duke Sedan and the Hi Tones……Real Cool Daddy….from their self titled and released CD.
      23. Nasty Rashes….Hot Rod Hearse….from a live to air recorded during a Radio WW many years ago.
      24. Bloodshot Bill….. Shick Shack….from the Git High Tonite CD on Transistor 66 Records.
      25. The Greasemarks….Greasemark Boogie….from a demo CD they sent us.
      26. Evil Farm Children…..Border Blaster….from the Evilling CD and from Ottawa.
      27. Running From Daylight…..Deadman’s Crossing….from the brand new Elvis Ain’t Dead Yet CD and they played the Victoria recently.
      28. Lonesome Ghost…..Haunted By God…..from a demo and they were part of my fave show ever at the Victoria….Along with Speaking Tongues and John Schooley, this was a triple bill that shoulda packed the joint. Unfortunately, it was raining like a son of a bitch that eve, and only the fortunate few ventured out to catch this killer bill. It was Schooley’s first ever show in Canada, and happened right here!
      29. Speaking Tongues….Run To My Door….from their self titled debut CD.
      30. John Schooley…..Drive You Faster….from his self titled LP on Voodoo Rhythm Records.
      31. Sheesham, Lotus and Son…..Darling Cora……from their Clear The Table CD. This was the last show we caught at the Victoria, earlier this year, and was the best show we’ve seen so far this year. 3 piece old timey band from the Kingston, Ontario area and they’ve got their act down just perfect, with lots of crowd interaction and fun times!


      There were lots more songs to play, some might get played next week. Huge thanx for the texts, emails, facebook messages, phone calls and Heys on this one!!! Another local venue bites the dust and we’ve all gotta get out there and support live bands and venues in this town!!


      Back again next week with more noise and loads of new material.


      You might be able to find an archived show here….I keep bugging management about the archives:  

    • May 5, 2018 6:58 PM CDT
    •  What Wave Playlist May 4/2018. A show dedicated to the Victoria Tavern/SoHo/Bucket Of Blood which has a sign that says “Closed Until Further Notice” which is what we’ll call this episode. We’re playing only bands/artists that graced the ‘stage’ of the Victoria Tavern over the last 35 or so years.


      1. Uranus…..Around And Around….recorded at Kelly’s Boogie Parlour, another long gone London venue. Uranus played several times at the Victoria, with Ralph Dame on bass if I remember correctly.
      2. Uranus….Under My Thumb…. As above.
      3. Sci-Phonics….Play That Truck Drivin’ Tune….or something like that. Live recording from a long gone venue called The Road Apple, NE corner of York and Wellington 1/12/1986. The Sci-Phonics played the Victoria as a 3 piece and morphed into the long running 4 piece once John Charlton joined on the drums. Prior, stand up bass player Dave Zdryliuk banged on his bass a lot.
      4. Spiral Scratch….No Familiar Faces….from the Zulu Syndrome LP, and another band who morphed through a couple of lineup changes whilst doing gigs at The Victoria.
      5. The Hippies….Rock’n’Roll….live recording (1/16/1984) from another long gone venue, Fryfogles, which was on Dundas St right about where the library presently is. One of the posters for their gigs at the Victoria, had a show listed as a death date, presumably their final show.
      6. The Hippies….Neat Neat Neat… as above.
      7. Napalm Babys….Gun Control….from a live CD they released recorded in Ottawa. Lead singer Dave was supposedly involved in the alleged golden girl incident which actually made the local newspapers here…musta been a slow day and someone had a really good lawyer. If you were there, you know the truth.
      8. Dead Rabbits….I Don’t Care….from a live recording at the Cedar Lounge 2/9/1982, another venue that is long gone….we’ll be doing a special on The Cedar Lounge in August as it will be 40 years ago for the transformation from the Blue Boot Hotel, to the classier Cedar Lounge with its tacky cedar shingles on the walls.
      9. October Crisis…..Everyday….from a self titled CD from 1985 and these guys reform every now and again.
      10. 63 Monroe….Party Like A Rock Star…..from the Stunning CD and this band played the Victoria quite recently.
      11. Flying Squad….Fahrenheit 451….from their Come And Play cassette release and these guys played many a gig at the Victoria. I was informed that is not a cowbell on this recording, but a firebell and the drummer actually had 2 of them….firebells that is.
      12. Boy From Nowhere…Rack My Mind….from a live recording at the Town And Country (now 765 east) 10/5/2013. Boy From Nowhere did their first public appearance at the Victoria, after morphing from Blood Brothers and The Hippies.
      13. Ten Heads….Fading Out….from the Swimming and Singing CD and they played recently at the Victoria.
      14. The Mongrels….All Systems Go…..from a demo and the first time we saw this combo was at the Victoria many years ago.
      15. The Corndogs…..Lemon Head….from the Cliffhanger LP from 1987.
      16. Nosmo King Jr…..City Of Faith….from the CHRW London Underground compilation and according to bass player Lionel Lodge, the band was booked to play the Victoria and no showed!
      17. The Others….Ostrich Trick….from a split 7” with Dumb from 1995
      18. Deja Voodoo…. Big Scary Daddy….from a live recording at Key West, yet another long gone venue, from 10/22/1987. Deja Voodoo played downstairs at the Victoria twice. The first time 3 different parties (unbeknownst to each other) created posters for this gig. It worked, and people came out to see this band from Montreal. The second time through, they were staying at our place when we were offered What Wave zine from Al Cole and had to make the decision on whether to take it over or not. Tony and Gerard said to do it, and we did! There’s pics on FB of the band playing at the Victoria from that show and other pics outside our old apartment on Elmwood, with the band and the Edsel.
      19. Deja Voodoo….Swamp Of Love… as above. There are pics on FB of this gig at the Key West as well.
      20. Rockin’ Bobby Harris…..Yup Yup Boogie…..from the 2 Dollar Bill and The Pennies CD and Rockin’ Bobby is the real deal, an actualy late 50’s rockabilly guy who could still do it.
      21. Pink Cadillac Scat Cats…Half Way To Memphis….from the Rip It Up CD and one of the bands that  played one of our 5 Rockabilly Massacre Shows at the Victoria. Those were fun action packed nights in which we set some records at the bar.
      22. Duke Sedan and the Hi Tones……Real Cool Daddy….from their self titled and released CD.
      23. Nasty Rashes….Hot Rod Hearse….from a live to air recorded during a Radio WW many years ago.
      24. Bloodshot Bill….. Shick Shack….from the Git High Tonite CD on Transistor 66 Records.
      25. The Greasemarks….Greasemark Boogie….from a demo CD they sent us.
      26. Evil Farm Children…..Border Blaster….from the Evilling CD and from Ottawa.
      27. Running From Daylight…..Deadman’s Crossing….from the brand new Elvis Ain’t Dead Yet CD and they played the Victoria recently.
      28. Lonesome Ghost…..Haunted By God…..from a demo and they were part of my fave show ever at the Victoria….Along with Speaking Tongues and John Schooley, this was a triple bill that shoulda packed the joint. Unfortunately, it was raining like a son of a bitch that eve, and only the fortunate few ventured out to catch this killer bill. It was Schooley’s first ever show in Canada, and happened right here!
      29. Speaking Tongues….Run To My Door….from their self titled debut CD.
      30. John Schooley…..Drive You Faster….from his self titled LP on Voodoo Rhythm Records.
      31. Sheesham, Lotus and Son…..Darling Cora……from their Clear The Table CD. This was the last show we caught at the Victoria, earlier this year, and was the best show we’ve seen so far this year. 3 piece old timey band from the Kingston, Ontario area and they’ve got their act down just perfect, with lots of crowd interaction and fun times!


      There were lots more songs to play, some might get played next week. Huge thanx for the texts, emails, facebook messages, phone calls and Heys on this one!!! Another local venue bites the dust and we’ve all gotta get out there and support live bands and venues in this town!!


      Back again next week with more noise and loads of new material.


      You might be able to find an archived show here….I keep bugging management about the archives:  

    • July 14, 2018 1:39 PM CDT
    • Playlist -7-14-18

      Vibrators - Into The Future
      Fabulous Miss Wendy - Love Song
      D Generation - Degenerated
      Backyard Babies - U.F.O.Romeo
      Healthy Junkies - No Control
      Katalina Kicks - We Don't Care
      Pet Needs - Punk
      dragSTER - United Decay
      Dead Boys - Son of Sam
      Fret Rattles - Rising Towards A Dollar
      Electric Frankenstein - My World
      Monster Magnet - Ejection
      Head Candy - Soul Grinder
      Damned - Procrastination
      Dean Landew - Romantic Dreamer
      Jet Buzz - I Believe In Miracles
      Golden Coats - Thoughts of A Madman
      Sound Explosion - In My Grave
      McFadden's Parachute - Good Girls
      Quatloos - Never Going Back To Georgia
      JK Historian - Digitized Night
      Klammer - Spiral Girl
      Elastica - Stutter
      X-Ray Spex - The Day The World Turned Dayglo
      Battlefield - On The Island
      Skurvi - Geezer
      Bleed - Duped
      Ultra Sect - Turn Up the Oi!
      No Robell - Sold Out & Wrote A Love Song
      Jet Reactions - More Reaction
      Idol Lips - Don't Need Your Love
      Trash Street - Books On Witchcraft
      Barrence Whitfield & The Savages - Pain
      Pandoras - You Burn Me Up and Down
      La Luz - Don't Leave Me On The Earth
      Agent Orange - A Cry For Help In A World Gone Mad
      Angry Samoans - I Lost My Mind
      Fastbacks - See Me Free
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas



    • July 14, 2018 7:13 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday July 14th from Noon-2:00PM EST. You will hear loads of new and old punk and garage tunes. Tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • June 30, 2018 1:43 PM CDT
    • Playlist 06-30-18

      Clash - Guns On The Roof
      Ramones - I'm Against It
      Dead Boys - Ain't Nothin' To Do
      Lemons - Come Ta Grips
      Dictators - Slow Death
      Bleed - Bombs Away
      Battlefield - Sell Our Soul
      dragSTER - Damned
      Exploited - Alternative
      Ace - Industrial Slit
      Damned - Devil In Disguise
      Dean Landew - Job
      Trash Street - World Without
      Golden Coats - I Am Not Alone
      McFadden's Parachute - Time
      Last - She Don't Know Why I'm Here
      Va-Va-Voodoos - Kill Ugly Radio
      Adolescents - Wrecking Crew
      Legal Weapon - No Sorrow
      Agent Orange - Bloodstains
      Manic Hispanic - Manic Hispanic
      No Robell - Sold Out & Wrote A Love Song
      Ultra Sect - Built To Last
      Skurvi - Better Way
      Katalina Kicks - We Don't Care
      Klammer - Spiral Girl
      JK Historian - Digitized Night
      New Math - Invocation
      Sugar Twins - For You
      Idol Lips - Outta Scene
      Duck & Cover - Live It Up
      Fret Rattles - Rat
      Vrid Upp - Vi Mot Dom
      Monster Magnet - Soul
      Morbs - Nothing Nothing Nothing
      Jet Reactions - I Hate The Scene
      Jet Buzz - To A Friend
      Weird Al Yankovic - Beat On The Brat
      Barrence Whitfield & The Savages - Adorable
      Inspiral Carpets - Out of Time
      Jello Biafra & D.O.A. - We Gotta Get Out of This Place


    • June 30, 2018 7:02 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday June 30th. I'll be playing loads of new punk tunes from England as well as many other garage-punk favorites. The fun runs from Noon-2:00PM EST. Just tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • June 30, 2018 7:01 AM CDT
    • Playlist 06-16-18

      Legal Weapon - Daddy's Gone Mad
      Saints - Lost and Found
      Teenage Head - Little Boxes
      dragSTER - United Decay
      Bleed - Duped
      Ultra Sect - Class Hate
      Monster Magnet - Ejection
      Fret Rattles - Shake My Brain
      Golden Coats - Thoughts of a Madman
      Damned - Procrastination
      McFadden's Parachute - Sunshine Shadow
      Harmonica Lewinski - Mango Mouth
      Vrid Upp - Vi Mot Dom
      Duck & Cover - Live It Up
      Morbs - This Town
      Jet Reactions - More Reaction
      Va-Va-Voodoos - Kill Ugly Radio
      Celibate Rifles - Dancing Barefoot
      Naked Raygun - The Promise
      Angry Samoans - Right Side of My Mind
      Dean Landew - After Work
      Kings - Switchin' To Glide
      Humans - I Live In The City
      Space Party - Girls Are My Thing
      Jet Buzz - To A Friend
      Trash Street - Missing Pieces
      Why Oh Whys - Hootchie
      Trousers - Dancer From The Dance
      Barrence Whitfield & The Savages - Pain
      David Harrison - Good Enough For Rock n Roll
      Strays - Richard Dreyfuss
      EMF - Search & Destroy
      Mighty Lemon Drops - Happy Head
      Wonder Stuff - A Wish Away
      Julian Cope - World Shut Your Mouth
      Cramps - Psychotic Reaction
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • June 2, 2018 1:45 PM CDT
    • Playlist 06-02-18


      Swingin' Neckbreakers - So Less
      D4 - Get Loose
      Makers - Little Piece of Action
      Morbs - Alan Alda
      Monster Magnet - Rocket Freak
      Trousers - Dancer From The Dance
      Veins - Fallout Shelter
      Giuda - Tartan Pants
      Golden Coats - I Don't Want You
      McFadden's Parachute - Time
      Pandoras - It Felt Alright
      Sound Explosion - Cause You Lie
      dragSTER - Damned
      Strays - Problematic
      Ambition Demolition - Neverland
      Slow Faction - Woody Guthrie
      Dirt Byrds - The Loner
      Misfits - Spinal Remains
      Adrenalin O.D. - Suburbia
      False Prophets - Good Clean Fun
      Bad Brains - At The Movies
      Damned - Standing At The Edge of Tomorrow
      Va-Va-Voodoos - Kill Ugly Radio
      Dean Landew - Romantic Dreamer
      Space Party - Girls Are My Thing
      Jet Buzz - To A Friend
      Jet Reaction - Post Tour Depression
      David Harrison - Good Enough For Rock n Roll
      Trash Street - Cuts So Deep
      Dag Nasty - Simple Minds
      Descendents - I'm Not A Punk
      Manic Hispanic - I Got A Right
      Zeros - Going Nowhere Fast
      Ultra Sect - Set Sail
      Swingin' Utters - All That I Can Give
      Mutants - Monster of Love
      William Shatner - Garbageman
      New York Dolls - Trash
      Ramones - In The Park
      Magazine - Shot By Both Sides
      Godfathers - Gone to Texas

    • June 2, 2018 7:21 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be broadcasting live on Saturday June 2nd from Noon-2:00PM EST. There will be loads of new and old garage-punk tunes for your listening pleasure. Tune your dial to 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it from the link at

    • May 19, 2018 1:47 PM CDT
    • Playlist 05-19-18

      Pylon - Cool
      Fleshtones - The Dreg
      Cramps - New Kind of Kick
      Mad Daddys - Stoned for the Rest of My Life
      Damned - Devil In Disguise
      Cynics - I Need More
      Hemmit - Friends
      Golden Coats - I Am Not Alone
      Morbs - This Town
      Dirty Babies - Dying Every Day
      Stranger Mayhem - City Lights
      Royal Dog - The Breaks
      Ultra Sect - Turn Up The Oi!
      McFadden's Parachute - Baby Tonight
      Pandoras - Dark November
      Trash Street - World Without
      Dean Landew - Job
      Awkwards - Being Awkward
      Chats - Smoko
      Lords of Gravity - Danger Girl
      English Guns - Guns Remain Silent
      Ambition Demolition - Where Does All The Time Go
      Strays - Richard Dreyfuss
      Why Oh Whys - Here She Comes
      Jet Buzz - To A Friend
      Lengthmen - Not Drinking Water
      David Harrison - Good Enough For Rock n Roll
      Trousers - Dancer From the Dance
      Peter118 - Break Em Out
      Funeral Oration - Never Die
      Sound Explosion - In My Grave
      Brood - Leave Me Alone
      Lyres - Help You Ann
      Hoodoo Gurus - In the Echo Chamber
      Joan Jett - Science Double Feature
      Wire - Ex Lion Tamer
      Toy Dolls - Dougy Giro
      101ers - Keys To Your Heart
      Uncle Floyd & Oogie - Shaving Cream
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas


    • May 19, 2018 7:34 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday May 19th. I will be playing garage-punk tunes powerful enough to knock a garage door off its tracks. If you do not believe me, attached is an ACTUAL PICTURE of my garage door. The festivities run from Noon-2:00PM EST at 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or stream it live from the link at

    • May 5, 2018 1:48 PM CDT
    • Playlist 05-05-18

      Ultra Sect - Built To Last
      UK Subs - Tomorrow's Girls
      US Chaos - Chaos
      William Shatner - Garbageman
      J.O.N. - Narcissitic
      Three From Above - Hail, Caesar
      Monsters - Happy People Make Me Sick
      Morbs - Nothing Nothing Nothing
      Splatterheads - Bein' Right There
      JJ & The Real Jerks - Split Decision
      Why Oh Whys - Big Mouth
      Strays - Problematic
      Hemmit - My Room
      Lengthmen - Not Drinking Water
      Klammer - Modern God
      David Harrison - Good Enough For Rock n Roll
      Trousers - Dancer From The Dance
      Peter118 - Break Em Out
      Weird Al Yankovic - Beat On The Brat
      Ambition Demolition - Treason
      Awkwards - Being Awkward
      English Guns - Guns Remain Silent
      Dirt Byrds - Dead Man's Blues
      Flesh Eaters - Miss Muerte
      X - Universal Corner
      Weirdos - Solitary Confinement
      Minutemen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
      Dils - Class War
      Dictators - Two Tub Man
      Electric Frankenstein - You're So Fake
      Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - Baby Talk
      Chats - Temperature
      Stooges - TV Eye
      Royal Dog - Crabbed
      Stranger Mayhem - City Lights
      Pandoras - It Felt Alright
      Echo & The Bunnymen - Do It Clean
      Shark Toys - That's How I Escaped My Perfect Fate
      Godfathers - Gone To Texas

    • June 7, 2018 11:18 AM CDT
    • It's been a while since i've posed here, but here are two recent episodes of my radio program Revolution Rock.  There's music from Iggy Pop, Forgotten Rebels, Gang of Four, Danny & The Darleans Tough Age, Captain Beefheart, Black Flag and The King Khan & BBQ Show.  One episode also features an interview and music from Bloodshot Bill.

      Show 724 Play List (An Interview with Bloodshot Bill): 

      1. The Forgotten Rebels - Hello, Hello (I'm Back Again) 
      2. Iggy Pop - New Values 
      3. Acid Tongue - Something In The Water 
      4. Paul The Tailor - Baked Potato 
      5. Masked Boy - Gritt Used Acid !! (Demo)
      6. Black Sabbath - N.I.B (Alternate Version) 
      7. The Ding Dongs - Weekend 
      8. Tandoori Knights - Big Belly Giants 
      9. Bloodshot Bill - I'm Telling You 


      10. Bloodshot Bill - Love me Twice
      11. Deja Voodoo - Skeleton At My party 
      12. Sonny Burgess - Red Headed Woman 
      13. Warren Smith - Rock And Roll Ruby 
      13. Otis Redding - Shake
      14. Them - Bring'em On In
      15. Parquet Courts - Tenderness 
      16. Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro
      17. The Stranglers - Something Better Change 
      18. Gang of Four - Glass
      19. Roxy Music - She Sells
      20. The Lounge Lizards - Incident On South Street 
      21. Chain & The Gang - Don't Scare The Ghosts Away
      22. Carbonas - Phone Booth
      23. The Mods - Step Out Tonight 
      24. Priors - Got in Me 
      25. Daniel - Hopital
      26. Danny & The Darleans - May-Ree Mack 

      Download/listen to this show here:

      Check out a post on my website about Bloodshot Bill here:

      Show 723 Play List (Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison 50th Anniversary):

      1. Carl Perkins - Blue Suede Shoes (Live At Folsom Prison)
      2. The Statler Brothers - This Ole House (Live At Folsom Prison)
      3. Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues (Live At Folsom Prison)
      4. Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues (Live At Folsom Prison)
      5. Buddy Selfish - Rip It Up 
      6. Frankie & Jimmy - Minglewood Blues
      7. Mark Malibu & The Wasagas - Hey Chiwawa
      8. The Barracudas - Barracuda Waver 
      9. Vamos - Outsiders 
      10. The Shiverettes - Obsessed
      11. Young Rival - Got What You Need 
      12. A Place To Bury Strangers - There's Only One of Us 
      13. Papermaps - Iron Stove 
      14. Tough Age - Snakes & Ladders 
      15. Paul Jacobs - How Did You Find Out?
      16. South River Slim - 40 Day Crawl 
      17. Chris Altman - Deadly Night Shade 
      18. Bloodshot Bill - Don't Bug Me Baby
      19. Danny Kroha - You Got To Move 
      20. Nap Eyes - It's Only Life (Feelies Cover)(Laginappe Session)
      21. Kevin Morby - Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (Bob Dylan Cover)(Laginappe Session)
      22. Bob Dylan - Sitting On Barb Wire Fence (Take 6) 
      23. Bob Dylan - Visions of Johanna (Take 5) 
      24. The King Khan & BBQ Show - Shake Real Low 
      25. The Wayouts - Red Rover
      26. Black Flag - Fix Me
      27. Captain Beefheart - Zig Zag Wanderer
      28. Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues (Second Show - Live At Folsom Prison) 
      29. Johnny Cash - Jackson (With June Carter)(Live At Folsom Prison)

      Sownload/listen to that episode here:

    • May 22, 2018 8:53 PM CDT
    • New Episode - 

      Radio Mutation No 30


      L7 – “Scrap”

      The Hardons – “Busted”

      Urge Overkill – “Effigy”

      Davie Allan &/the Arrows – “The Shape of Things to Come”

      The Jet Boys – “Time Bomb”

      The Vivian Girls – “I Heard You Say”

      The Lyres – “How Do You Know”

      PopDefect – “Cold Shoulder”

      Husker Du – “Love Is All Around”

      Game For Vultures – “Going My Way”

      The Dictators – “Who Will Save Rock N’ Roll”

      The Real Kids – “Now You Know”

      The Chemical People – “Black Throat”

      The Riverdales – “I Can’t Pretend”

      BUM – “Bullet”

      The A-Bones – “Wah-Hey”

      The Reigning Sound – “Black Sheep”

      Gentleman Jesse – “You’ve Got the Wrong Man”

      Purple Wizard – “I’ve Been Wrong”

      The Tough Shits – “Adult Fantasy”



    • May 17, 2018 5:31 PM CDT
    • Appreciate the encouraging words, John.

    • May 17, 2018 5:12 PM CDT
    • I've really dodged some bullets in my day , but , I see family and friends getting bogged down with illness and injury. It kind of makes me mad , but , they say you can come out of these things a stronger person , and I believe it's so. But , it helps to be strong for a start.

      I MEAN , YOU KNOW AT WHAT PACE YOU NEED TO FIGHT BACK. Some days will be harder , some not as hard. But you know how it feels when you're sick , even if it's a bad cold , and you come out of it all right . It's like the first day of Spring , even if you live somewhere like Chicago or The Southwest where Spring is like ......"Y'cain't get thar from hyar.".     John.

    • May 17, 2018 5:05 PM CDT
    • Thanks, John. I’m trying

    • May 17, 2018 4:55 PM CDT
    • Steve , OHHH DAMN ! Sorry to hear about that , but glad you're on the mend.    Get yourself together , you WILL have never had it better (Electric Prunes. ).BooooOOOOOwoooooWOOO (Same.).  John.



    • May 15, 2018 12:16 PM CDT
    • I was laid up in the hospital for nearly a month (actually, I DIDN'T get laid up in the hospital ...) so now I'm at home recovering from my surgeries. To help myself heal, I've slapped together this podcast MUSIC TO HEAL BY 2 , featuring the positive healing sounds of The Dirtbombs, Archie & The Bunkers, The Cramps, Johnny Dowd and more.

      (The original MUSIC TO HEAL BY episode can be found HERE)

      You can listen to it below:

      And what the heck, here's the older "Healing" show: