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    • August 16, 2014 2:45 PM CDT
    • Playlist 08/16/14

      Clash Guns on the Roof
      Klark Kent Don't Care
      Wonderstuff Unbearable
      Heartbreakers Born to Lose
      Stiff Little Fingers I Just Care About Me
      Buzzcocks People Are Strange Machines
      7 Seconds Leave A Light On
      Ramones Born To Die In Berlin
      A Brood of Vipers Two Headed Dog (Red Temple Prayer)
      Snails Gypsy Woman
      Stupidity Go
      Cryptics Do The Trash
      Muffs I Get It
      Parquet Courts Ducking & Dodging
      99ers Skeeter Hop
      Cheats Sinners & Saints
      Shattered Faith Reagan in '81
      TSOL Nice Guys
      No Alternative Dead Men Tell No Lies
      Rhino 39 J Alfred
      Deathrays What It Means
      Safes The Wide Open Sky
      Bob Mould Tomorrow Morning
      dB's Neverland
      Long Ryders I Had A Dream
      GTVs Cry If You Want To
      Norvins All Is Forgiven
      Mystic Brew Don't You Want To Stay
      Quity and the Don'ts All of You
      Mysteios Cold Fusion
      Bad Beats It Breaks Me Down
      Banditos The Losing Game
      Thingz Down N Out
      Electric Frankenstein That's All I Need
      dragSTER Evil Craze
      Grandma's Boyfriend No Tyme
      Real Tears Turn Around
      Dirty Lungs I Suck In Bed
      Jello Biafra with D.O.A. We Gotta Get Out of This Place
      Godfathers Gone To Texas

    • August 16, 2014 8:54 AM CDT
    • The Jeff of the Future Radio Show will be on the air and the web on Saturday August 16th from 1:00-3:00PM EST. You can listen at 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or streaming live at

    • August 15, 2014 10:12 PM CDT
    • LOS YAKI (Mexico) "Diabla con vestido , con vestido , diabla con vestida azul !

      FEE FEE , FI FI FO FO FUM, Miran aeropuerto (Look at the airport?!) here she comes!"....

    • August 15, 2014 2:16 PM CDT
    • ....Of course , barring The Misfits , Flesheaters. and maybe a few others , I can't think of too much Late 70's - early 80's Punk or New Wave stuff that flirted with Satanic themes. If they did , it was usually tongue - in - cheek. The Satanic schtick was considered played out by Heavy Metal acts.....that is , until they started playing it out in a different way , later.....   And , yet , once the Christian Reich got a hold of Punk , they wrote it off quickly as an extension of Big Bad Devil Rock, without actually doing any research.

      Of course, not all Christians are as quick to make an uninformed assessment about music that will probably not affect them in the unforseeable future. You've got about every genre in Rock imaginable being done with a Xian theme , today.

      But people who have power , money and influence have read waaaaaaaaay too much into this alleged , or imagined , connection between Punk and Devil Worship.

      The Sound Warehouse chain in Dallas was bullied into removing all records that barely got their feet wet in the Black Arts. That might have been Larson's doing , but , I forget. Suddenly , the likes of Venom (Whose God was actually Lager.) , Mercyful Fate , Slayer and the like , were being pulled , alongside The Cramps' strictly for laffs "Aloha From Hell"......

      "I tell you about Punk Rock , it's a term that's based in contempt , elitism , fascism , satanism and everything that's rotten about Rock'n'Roll. It's a term that's used by dilietanntes and heartless manipulators to describe music that takes up the time and the hearts and the minds of young men who give everything they have to it....I don't know Johnny Rotten , but , I'm sure he puts as much blood and sweat into what he does as Sigmund Freud did...".    Iggy Pop.


    • August 15, 2014 1:46 PM CDT
    • ....In a weird way , he does , in one documentary I have. He talks about how enduring and anthemic certain hit songs are , then tells you why they are intrinsically satanic

      (Case in point: Did you know the chorus to "Another One Bites The Dust" really says "Start to smoke Marijuana". Or , ELO's "Eldorado" backwards says "He is the nasty one, Christ , you're infernal?".) . Larson claims most of this satanic backmasking is no mere studio trickery ( The kind in which you have to play the record backaward until it's fucked before you can hear what HE hears.) , but is actually spiritual intervention. WOOOOOO.

      I read his book , too , it's a laugh riot. But , look up Miss Melba on You Tube , and the Brother Russell site....THEIR HILARITY WILL BREAK THROUGH ANY POSSIBLE CULTURAL BARRIERS....I know you have people like this in England , too. You might as well have a laugh on them......

    • August 15, 2014 1:35 PM CDT
    • John Battles said:

      Chris , I haven't looked it over in a while , but, these people obviously did their research , and seem to be reversing stereotypes ala "A Modest Proposal" .

      IF YOU WANT A GOOD LAUGH , look up anti - Rock crusader , Bob Larson , from Dallas , on You TUBE.

      He's spent WAY too much time with his Rock records , trying to prove their direct connection to Satanism , to say he does'nt enjoy them. I was working at the Public Radio Station, KNON ,  in 1986 , when his people were trying to bump us off and steal our frequency to expand their own.....They resorted to cheap , PROBABLY ILLEGAL , damn sure ungodly tactics , but ,  KNON is still around. I think LARSON FINALLY HAD A GOOD SCANDAL(?) , NO MATTER ....Look up "Miss Melba Vs. Gay Day" , too. Larson gets religious prank calls.....

      Why doesn't Larson come clean and say he loves rock'n'roll? I love to see that.

    • August 15, 2014 1:27 PM CDT
    • Chris , I haven't looked it over in a while , but, these people obviously did their research , and seem to be reversing stereotypes ala "A Modest Proposal" .

      IF YOU WANT A GOOD LAUGH , look up anti - Rock crusader , Bob Larson , from Dallas , on You TUBE.

      He's spent WAY too much time with his Rock records , trying to prove their direct connection to Satanism , to say he does'nt enjoy them. I was working at the Public Radio Station, KNON ,  in 1986 , when his people were trying to bump us off and steal our frequency to expand their own.....They resorted to cheap , PROBABLY ILLEGAL , damn sure ungodly tactics , but ,  KNON is still around. I think LARSON FINALLY HAD A GOOD SCANDAL(?) , NO MATTER ....Look up "Miss Melba Vs. Gay Day" , too. Larson gets religious prank calls.....

    • August 15, 2014 5:47 AM CDT
    • I Walked With A Zombie

      Two Headed Dog

      White Faces (all by Roky Erikson)

      Fire (Arthur Brown)

      He's Waiting (The Sonics)

      Dig Up Her Bones (The Misfits)

      Has anyone noticed the website's implicitly racist message: That black and working class music is evil? Why haven't they attacked jazz on those pages, as that's where it all comes from?

    • August 15, 2014 12:50 AM CDT
    • .....Black To Comm , Bad Trip , Kicks , Outside/Inside , Galactic Zoodossier , Psychotronic Video , Vive Le Rock , Trouser Press , Rock Scene , Creem , Story of Pop/Rock , Here Tis , Gorilla Beat .  

    • August 14, 2014 7:33 PM CDT
    • Okay, it's done.  Here ya go

    • August 14, 2014 10:48 AM CDT
    • Yeah ! Great track that could have fitted perfectly in any GDAPR episode !

    • August 14, 2014 4:46 AM CDT
    • hmmmmm??  There is a band called The Locomotions, they have a single 'Tell Her

      I can't seem to upload it to here but if you wants I'll put it on my profile.

      I have 5 other releases from them.


    • August 13, 2014 3:02 AM CDT
    • Do you have a valid link where we could listen to this episode again ? I couldn't find one... 

      Anyway, you could ask the question to Brad directly, he may remember...or not ! ;)

      Cheers !!!

    • August 13, 2014 6:51 AM CDT
    • Here are the play lists for the last two podcasts/episodes of Revolution Rock


      August 2nd play list:

      1. The White Stripes - Stop Breaking Down
      2. Muddy Waters - The Blues Had A Baby And They Named It Rock and Roll (Number 2)
      3. Reigning Sound - My My
      4. Small Teeth - Party Shame
      5. Love - A Motel Is Not A House
      5. The Gruesomes - Cry In The Night
      6. The Ugly Beats - Throw Me A Line
      7. Richard Hell & the Voidoids - Liars Beware
      8. Mission Of Burma - The Enthusiast
      9. Army Navy - The Mistakes
      10. Kestrels - Eternal And Debased
      11. Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Surfer Joe And Moe The Sleaze
      12. The Mark Inside - The Coming Of Age At The End Of Days
      13. King Cobb Steelie - Time=Money & Money=Pizza ∴ Time=Pizza.
      14. The Velvet Underground - Foggy Notion
      15. Frog Eyes - Your Holiday Treat
      16. White Fence - Actor
      17. White Fence - Paranoid Bait
      18. Dead Ghosts - When It Comes To You
      19. The Survivors - Baby Come Back
      20. Iggy Pop - Tiny Girls
      21. Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks - Little Fang
      22. Devo - The Day My Baby Gave Me A Surprise

      Download/listen to the podcast here:

      Check out my blog post on White Fence's new album For The Recently Found Innocent here:


      August 9th play list:

      1. The Famines - Hi Hi Hi
      2. Scorpio Tube - Yellow Listen
      3. Steve & The Board - I Want
      4. Monomyth - (Theme From) Monomyth
      5. The Vondells - Dragstrip Courage
      6. The Vondells - Courage
      7. The Falcons - Shadow Land
      8. Jon & The Nightriders - Super Jet Rumble
      9. Stiv Bators - A Million Miles Away
      10. The Dead Boys - 3rd Generation Nation
      11. The Courtneys - Insuffient Funds
      12. The Wythces - Wire Frame Mattress
      13. Gang Of Four - Return The Gift
      14. 4/4 - Systematic
      15. The Blitzz - She’s So Free
      16. Sam Coffey And The Iron Lungs - Get Pumped Up
      17. Good Things - 500 Hands
      18. Alex Chilton - The Walking Dead
      19. Morrissey - The Bullfighter Dies
      20. Vic Godard & The Subway Sect - Keep Our Chains
      21. The Rainy Days - Nuclear Attack
      22. The Rock N Roll Machine - Rock ’n Roll Disease
      23. Dion Lunadon - Creature Of The Night
      24. The D4 Come On!
      25. Hater - Circles
      26. Thee Oh Sees - Camera (Queer Sound)
      27. Thee Deuces - You Gotta Try
      28. Northwest Company - Get Away From It All
      29. Parquet Courts - Black And White
      30. Parquet Courts - What Color
      31. The Modern Lovers - Old World
      32. Pow Wows - EIO (During The Flood)
      33. Black Lips - Dandelion Dust

      Download/listen to the pocast here:

      Check out my blog post on Pqrquet Courts (a garage/indie band) here:

    • August 10, 2014 2:48 PM CDT
    • When ? and The Mysterians played The Ponderosa Stomp (Preceded by Roky Erickson , Ronnie Spector , Mary Weiss , The Mighty Hannibal , and the unfortunately awful Greenfuz.), they went on at 2:00 or 3:00 am . They played for close to three hours  . Question Mark was in his glory , and no one took him to task when he proclaimed " Question Mark and The Mysterians are the greatest Rock'n'Roll band in the world , bay - bay !!!!".

      "Bay - bay , groov - ay , Ron - ay , that's Rock'n'Roll !! Anybody out there got some               MON - AY ?!!"

    • August 8, 2014 11:45 PM CDT
    • Susie ,   There IS a lot of stuff out there about the band that is merely rumor and exaggeration ,  no question about it. It's probable that not everything I mentioned is 100% accurate , most of it was from the two articles about the documentary that turned up online , not quoted verbatim , of course. But , if you'd like to clear the air on some things people may not know , or may think they know , but , they heard wrong , feel free. 

       I was'nt there when the band broke , but , I've known them for 18 ("8 - Teen") years . I interviewed Bobby about 20 years ago , then , met the band in Detroit , a couple of years later . Question Mark will confirm that I'm a friend , and longtime supporter , of his . 

      I just say "Q" , in print , when not referring to him as "Question Mark" or "?". It's good to have many names for an Artist , as it gets tiresome reading the same name , over and over. "Que" reads , to me , like " What " in Spanish , and , if "Que" reads like a question , I'm sure he thought that part out , too.....

      I hope the show in Bay City is a huge success , but , the fact that it's going to be a triumph is basically a given.... 

      Thanks , and here's wishing further success to you and the band.       John.


    • August 8, 2014 10:50 PM CDT
    • Uh, thanks for giving my boys some print but boy howdy theres a lot of stuff out there thats just not won't be offended if I set some of it right will ya?
      BTW I'm the new Publicist for ? and the Mysterians...Que (as he spells it cuz computers don't like ? as a name) didn't have to warn me about the tall tales as I am part of his original '60s fan base.
      I'll get on that debunking task later...gotta rest up for the Bay City show!

    • August 10, 2014 3:40 AM CDT
    • "It's Mighty Crazy" is such a great song. Beefheart did a version and a couple of years ago Barrence Whitfield & The Savages did a fine one.

    • August 10, 2014 12:46 AM CDT

    • August 10, 2014 12:45 AM CDT
    • Bon , c'est bon , bon bon , c'est bon , bon , bon c'est ba ba ba bon , bon......

      Was Dave Rave even IN Teenage Head ? I know he recorded with them......

      He played here , once , at the IPO as part of an all - Canadian revue , headlined by The Kings (Who always bring the rock , even tho' the biggest crowd I've seen 'em play to in Chicago was about 40 people. Yes , they had a big hit(s) in the states , which was a big party anthem for yonks , but , they can't get arrested here , and love playing , anyway.).

      Dave did'nt do much for me , sorry to say. First song was great , but , the rest of his set was...OK.


    • August 9, 2014 10:03 AM CDT
    • Radio What Wave Playlist Aug 7 2014


      This is our last show for a few weeks. The next couple of shows will be hosted by the infamous Ryan In The Red, former host of CHRW's In The Red and Rock City Madness and current host of Garagepunk Hideout podcast Rock City Madness. It cost big bucks to bring in this top notch radio host, so make sure you tune in as Ryan In The Red has a history of really good musical taste! And he's a good guy too!


      1. Dixy Blood....Goo Goo Muck...recorded live 2/22/14 at Kung Fu Necktie in Philly as part of the Lux Interior Tribute. It's been 5 years since Lux passed and he's still 5 years ahead of his time.

      2. Space Slave...Don't Want To Fall In Love....recorded live at APK 8/3/14 as part of our Rock'n'Roll Rent Party. This was the first band to play at our first RnRent Party and their first showing of  these songs. Next RnRent Party is Sunday Sept 7th.

      3. The Mongrels....7 and 7 Is?....recorded live at APK 8/3/14 as part of our RnRent Party. The Mongrels are the resident host band for the festivities.

      4. Simply Saucer...Reckless Agitation....from their brand new 12" Baby Nova record.

      5. The Ramones....Loudmouth....recorded live at CBGB's in 1976. This is the fired up jet aircraft in the hangar sound these guys perfected. Ramonsarama is happening this weekend at Call The Office in sleepy London Ontario Canada.

      6. The Ramones...Do You Wanna Dance?.... as above. Hopefully the answer is yes.

      7. The Noble Savages...The Music Will Kill You...from their debut CD. They were opening for Nashville Pussy on the night this show aired.

      8. Dustbin Flowers...Saturday's Ashes...from their II CD. Local combo who play out fairly often.

      9. Dave Rave...4th Of July...brand new demo from Dave Rave.  Dave has a brand new combo w/Gordie Lewis, which makes 2 former Teenage Heads in one band! They debuted a coupla weeks back but probably won't be playing often as Dave is constantly touring across North America and Europe.

      10. The Above...Dog Without A Bone...from the brand new Waterbury Street LP.

      11. RunPerryRun....Left In The Dark...Brantford Ontario combo who have been around for at least 15 years as i was informed while airing this show. Keep the calls and info coming in please!

      12. Frankie and Jimmy....Just Like A Woman....from the Scream The Blues LP. The copies of the LP have arrived at F&J's Chicken Shack and the records are starting to arrive in stores right now, so be sure to pick up a copy real soon!

      13. catl...Resistance Place...from the This Shakin' House LP.

      14. Chris Farlowe....Voodoo...from the Buzz With The Fuzz LP on Decal Records. This is Chris' 1963 to 65 recordings, some of which were unreleased as was this particular track. Chris is still alive and well and belting out the tunes to appreciative crowds in his native UK.

      15. Flight Reaction...The World Is Black...from their self titled debut LP. Swedish combo with Mans P Mannson of Crimson Shadows and Maggots fame.

      16. Marshmallow Overcoat....Groovy Little Trip...from their recent The Very Best Of double LP. Vocalist Timothy Gassen is on the verge of releasing his latest book, The Knights Of Fuzz, the complete encyclopedia of the 80's to current garage band music. The about to be released book is over 500 pages of info, pics, discographies and trivia for us garageband freaks. I've seen/proofread part of it and there's literally a TON of essential info all in one place. Ordering details real soon!

      17. Kumari...She Was Mine...from their latest single of Lost In Tyme Records from Greece.

      18. Young Rival...Black Is Good....from a recent CFMU download, the MacMaster University Radio station in Hamilton Ontario.

      19. Foot In Cold Water...Yalla Yae...from their self titled debut LP from the early 70's. This part of our show is on so called cheesy Canuck combos as there was a discussion of this on facebook recently. What i've done, is played the much better, non-cheesy tune that didn't get played on AM radio. Foot In Cold Water had a hit on Canadian radio called Make Me Do Anything You Want....wimpy poppy orchestrated cheese. Yalla Yae is more along the lines of Arthur Brown meets Deep Purple.

      20. The Guess Who....It's My Pride....from the self titled LP on Birchmount. The Guess Who released a lotta crap, but i like to blame it all on guitarist Domenic Troiano, the Canadian destroyer of James Gang and The Guess Who. He was a talented guitar player but as soon as he joined a band they quite often went down the tubes. My opinion only as others regard him highly.

      21. The Stampeders....Wild Eyes...early 70's single. These guys were on constant rotation on Canadian AM radio in the early 70's with Sweet City Woman. But they could rock out live as i remember catching them at the Western Fair here in sleepy London Ontario sometime in the 80's.

      22. Platinum Blonde...No Regrets...self released single from when they were a punk combo. From their they changed into a Police tribute band and finally into a hairspray and makeup pretty boy combo that pre-teen girls liked....maybe that was what the band was into. I remember seeing them a few times at the Cedar Lounge in the late 70's/early 80's and they were really good until they became Police clones.

      23. Ugly Ducklings...Just In Case You Wonder...1966 7" and did not get the airplay of their wimply ballad, Gaslight, which brought them some fame on AM radio. Avoid Gaslight and dig up their debut LP as it's a killer!! BTW Just In Case was one of the very first singles i bought as a kid and severely warped my musical taste of lack thereof.

      24. Chilliwack....Lonesome Mary....from their Segue LP. Dunno why these guys were linked with cheesy Canadian combos as they had a powerpop edge in the 70's. This and Fly At Night still rank as some of my fave pre-punk Canuck songs that got radio airplay. Had to cut this short as we ran outta time but certainly not tunes.

      Big thanx for all the phone ins during this show as we could barely keep up with the calls! And thanx for the emails, facebook messages and Heys!!
      Back in a few weeks as Ryan In The Red takes over.

      And here's a link to the archived show:

    • August 8, 2014 2:33 PM CDT
    • New post up on 'Trash, Garage Garbage and Other Delights'

      If someone can explain to me how to get the posts to appear normally in here ?  I'd be only too hapy to do so. As it is, each time I try to paste it in, it goes all freaky funky on me !  I feel rather technically challenged at present.