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  • Topic: The Things?

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    • January 30, 2012 8:41 AM CST
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      Anybody heard of a band called The Things 'Colored Heaven' album released in 1984? Great record and want to find out more about the band's other realeases.



    • January 30, 2012 12:41 PM CST
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      Thanks Gringo! What a Great band! I got turned on to them back in '85 and have listened to 'Colored Heaven' millions of times!I will search out a vinyl copy of all their records. I like Redd Kross also. I agree, the playing and songwriting is awesome! Trying to find some more on Youtube.

      Thanks again!

      Gringo Starr said:

      Saw them many times at the Cavern Club in Los Angeles in the '80s. These guys were really great players! I think they were from La Habra - I remember that because I have relatives from that city. The front man was called Steve Crabtree who wrote all the songs. The drummer, Roy McDonald went on to play with Redd Kross. Colored Heaven was there first record and I think it must have been on Voxx records. I believe they did two records after this one - 'Outside My Window' and then 'The Things'. I was always in awe of these guys because their musical ability/songwriting skills were leaps above lots of other bands on the scene.

    • January 30, 2012 9:23 AM CST
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      Saw them many times at the Cavern Club in Los Angeles in the '80s. These guys were really great players! I think they were from La Habra - I remember that because I have relatives from that city. The front man was called Steve Crabtree who wrote all the songs. The drummer, Roy McDonald went on to play with Redd Kross. Colored Heaven was there first record and I think it must have been on Voxx records. I believe they did two records after this one - 'Outside My Window' and then 'The Things'. I was always in awe of these guys because their musical ability/songwriting skills were leaps above lots of other bands on the scene.

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