Today I went downstairs to the NM state Capitol 1st floor snack bar to get me a Frito pie. A lady who works there -- she's gotta be older than me and let's just hust say she does not look like someone who would be into the music we like here -- told me, "Hey I read one of your music reviews in the paper. You were talking about Rat City? Something like that."
Indeed, I'd reviewed Jack Oblivian's latest album a few months ago. The snack bar is only open during legislative sessions, so I hadn't seen this lady in several months.
She continued: "My son found it for me on his computer. I listened to it. I like it. It was pretty good."
I thought that was pretty cool.
(Here's the review that snared a new Jack O fan: http://steveterrell.blogspot.com/2011/09/terrells-tuneup-rat-city-here-i-come.html )