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  • Topic: What's the worst video you've ever seen?

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    • January 5, 2012 9:08 AM CST
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      Ugh, tell me about it...I was going to say pretty much ANY video that gets shown on CMT is pretty damn bad...

      SarahJayne said:

      This one is pretty bad. Text book definition of suck.

    • January 5, 2012 8:19 AM CST
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      This one is pretty bad. Text book definition of suck.

    • January 4, 2012 7:14 PM CST
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      Hey, did these guys submit this song for the latest Hideout comp?  :P

    • January 4, 2012 3:12 PM CST
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      This is hilarious ! I can only take a few minutes of it , but , still. It looks like a High School project. Or just some kids that snuck into a garage with maybe two digital cameras (If it was shot on video , at least , it might have LOOKED cool.). The Goblins (Masked superhero Joke Rock BAND.) did a thing like this . Short story long : They'd staged an imaginary disagreement between themselves and the insanely overrated Tortoise , on "Chic - A - Go Go" . One program was interrupted by an animated Ninja Turtle (Representing "Tortoise " , get it? ) telling viewers he had unreleased footage of "Your precious Goblins" - Then we see handheld footage of a VERY bad High School Rock band (Only arguably better than this , because it does'nt sound like prison rape or Ministry , Jr.), doing off kilter versions of "Paranoid" and "Anarchy in The U.K.", in a gymnasium !

      That is'nt worse , but ,in the meantime , may I suggest Alan Gillette ? 

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