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    • December 26, 2011 9:45 PM CST
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      Who's going? (I am)

      Who's playing? (I've seen the list but it's really incomplete so far.) Any good bands in , say, the GaragePunk style?


    • May 19, 2013 2:40 PM CDT
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      "Well...If it is'nt my old friend , The Hamburger Pimp."

      "Man , you better watch who you fuckin' with. I'm so bad , I gotta kick my OWN ass twice a day !".

    • March 23, 2012 6:19 PM CDT
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      I didn't make it to Austin, but I spent some time listening to Burger's stream from their show last Friday night. The Resonars played at 2AM my time and killed it -- I found a little bit from their Trouble In Mind set the next day on YouTube.

    • March 22, 2012 9:42 AM CDT
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      Alright man!

      Thanks for the fotos & reports and all. Hope you get better soon and swing out of the hospital as soon as you can.

      swt said:

      I've been out of commission since I got back from SXSW (Had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. Still in the hospital. Sucks getting old!)

      But here's my daily blogs from the festival CLICK HERE  My photographic evidence is HERE. 

      Among the garagepunk types I saw: The Gories, Kid Congo Powers, Thee Oh Sees, The Spitz, The Hickoids, Glambilly, The Grannies ... 

      Kid Congo Powers


      Here for the stir

    • March 22, 2012 9:28 AM CDT
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      I've been out of commission since I got back from SXSW (Had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. Still in the hospital. Sucks getting old!)

      But here's my daily blogs from the festival CLICK HERE  My photographic evidence is HERE. 

      Among the garagepunk types I saw: The Gories, Kid Congo Powers, Thee Oh Sees, The Spitz, The Hickoids, Glambilly, The Grannies ... 

      Kid Congo Powers

    • March 9, 2012 10:13 AM CST
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      I saw Billy Gibbons play with Roky there 4 years ago. Great show.

      So much good stuff going on Friday during the day. Also the Bloodshot Records party at the YardDog and the Suastex/Farmageddon show at Opal Divines (with T. Tex Edwards!)

    • March 9, 2012 9:47 AM CST
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      Getting excited for SXSW. I will be at Roky Erickson's Ice Cream Social at Threadgill's on Friday 16th.  Wayne Kramer is also on the bill!  Roky usually has a surprise guest on stage with him - last year it was Billy Gibbons who joined him on 'You're Gonna Miss Me'.  Seeing Peter Case & Paul Collins on Saturday afternoon and Standells on Saturday night.  It's going to be fun.

    • March 9, 2012 9:00 AM CST
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      uuh....he was talkin about NEW ORLEANS, which is definitely "part of the South." actually, TX is, too. part of the confederacy = part of the South, friend. #justsayin :)

      John Battles said:

      HA HA HA, A lot of people don't consider Texas part of the South , anymore ! I lived there for 12 years , and found the Deep South a lot friendlier... New Orleans , of course , is ultra - touristy , now , but , it still  has it's charm. It's funny that they're trying to make Austin more tourist - friendly , when you can't even hail a cab. It'll probably be a long time until they announce the lineup for The Ponderosa Stomp. I thought it was kind of weak , last year , so , I did'nt go , but I've gone for several years in a row. There's nothing else like it.
      Shtbird said:

      Thanks to everyone who replied to my question. Awesome responses, super informative.

      I definitely think I'll try and make SXSW, bring my bike and crash in the bed of my truck. It's a helluva drive (2000 miles, one way = ~1000$ in gas round trip) Maybe with a carpool and a couple rideshares, it could be affordable. Still, it sounds like it'll be an awesome time, and I've always wanted to check out Austin.

      @ Battles - The Ponderosa Stomp sounds pretty rad too, if SXSW falls through. I've never been to New Orleans (or anywhere in the South, for that matter). Flying there and booking a hotel for a couple days would be far less expensive than trying to make it out to Austin for a week.

    • March 8, 2012 5:13 PM CST
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      Also, Thee Oh Sees are NOT to be missed!  THEE BEST!

      ...Strange Boys,...Magnetix

    • March 8, 2012 4:44 PM CST
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      Great show, great cause:

      There's also this day show on Friday with T. Tex Edwards (Nervebreakers), Jesse Sublett and Jon Dee Graham (The Skunks), Hans Frank El Gallo (Glambilly), and Stevie Tombstone:

      Uncle Billy's is also a bad-ass microbrewery.

    • March 5, 2012 1:12 PM CST
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      Just saw this posted on the Get Bent site... looks like a pretty good list of shows!

      MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2012

      BURGER CITY KICK OFF PARTY // The Grand 9:30 PM // FREE // 21+
      Bare Wires, Bad Lovers, Hector’s Pets

      TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012

      TRASH CAN CITY TAPES // Break It Down 2 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Nightmare Boyzzz, Hector’s Pets, Unknown Relatives, Niall, Pantyliners

      WHITE MYSTERY ROCK N ROLL RIVERBOAT // Lonestar Riverboat 4:30 PM // $18 // ALL AGES
      White Mystery, and more 

      HOOPENANNY // Trailer Space 6 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      A Giant Dog, Dikes in Holland, Elvis, Grape St., Coma in Algiers, Marriage, Church Shoes, Stuffies, Teenage News, Dahling, Ichi Ni San Shi, Randall Holt

      PANACHE PREVIEW PARTY // The Scoot Inn 7 PM // FREE // 21+
      Thee Oh Sees, White Fence, Dirty Ghosts, Grave Babies, Turbo Fruits, Bare Wires, K-Holes, Bleached, Natural Child, Chapter 24, Xray Eyeballs, Magnetix, Habibi, Terrible Twos

      MONOFONUS PRESS // Beerland 7:30 PM // $7 // 21+
      Cloudland Canyon, Psychedelic Horseshit, John Wesley Coleman, Wet Hair, Black Gum, Chapter 24, Stormshelter, SPECIAL GUEST

      WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2012

      BURGERSTOCK // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Thee Oh Sees, Night Beats, Mean Jeans, Tough Shits, Tiger High, Audacity, Pangea, Natural Child, Gap Dream, Sam Flax, Tomorrow’s Tulips, Salsa Chips, John Wesley Coleman, White Mystery, Forever Baby, The Zoltars, Haunted Tiger, Habibi

      CAN’T STOP THE BLEEDING // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      Puffy Areolas, Unholy Two, Bare Wires, Mannequin Men, Obnox, Cruddy, G.Green, Apache Dropout (patio)

      Missing Monuments, Dead Ghosts, FIDLAR, Cosmonauts, Mannequin Men, The Amoebas, Mouthbreathers, Las Ardillas, Audacity, Ketamines, The Band in Heaven, Heavy Times, Mujeres, Fungi Girls, The Lovely Bad Things, Allah-Las, Bare Wires, Guantanamo Baywatch, Puffy Areolas, Natural Child, Turbo Fruits, Habibi, Summer Twins, Psychic Palms, Brown Brogues, Public Dims, Crooked Bangs, Dikes of Holland, Rayon Beach, Nightmare Boyzzz, Lola Cola, Hector’s Pets, and more

      SiiickXSW with CMRTYZ&PL and HOZAC // Cheer Up Charlies 6 PM // FREE // 21+
      Las Ardillas, Heavy Times, Ketamines, The Band in Heaven, Shark Toys, Sweet Tooth, Tropical Punk, Football, These Are Words

      SUPER SECRET, TWISTWORTHY, and SICK THOUGHT // Beerland 7 PM // FREE // 21+
      Flesh Lights, The Best, Nazi Gold, Serious Tracers, Manikin, Come and Take It, Ichi Ni San Shi

      BXBM HOUSE PARTY // Boss Mountain 8 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      TRMRS, Tomorrow’s Tulips, The Act Rights, The Mallard, Guantanamo Baywatch, Nightmare Boyzzz, Grave Babies, Ketamines, Pow Wows

      THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012

      CQ RECORDS // Austin Java 11 AM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Broncho, The Wrong Words, Los Vigilantes, Mystery Twins, Los Headaches, The Ultra S/C, Love Collector, The French Inhales, Shitty Awesome, Bottle Service, Smithers

      COLONEL SANDERS // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Strange Boys, White Fence, Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, The Mallard, Natural Child, Spectrals, Habibi, SPECIAL GUEST

      CAPTCHA RECORDS // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      Puffy Areolas, Supersonic Piss, Heavy Times, Weird Words, Purling Hiss, Lorelle Meets the Obsolete, Charles Albright, Cosmonauts

      SiiickXSW with CMRYTZ and CASTLEFACE // Warehouse 2 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Guantanamo Baywatch, Xray Eyeballs, Fresh and Onlys, Thee Oh Sees, Bare Wires, The Mallard, K-Holes, Gardens, Blasted Canyons, Coasting, Magnetix, Detective Agency, Chains of Love, Dead Ghosts, Grave Babies, Habibi, Manic Attracts

      HOUSE PARTY // Dikes House 2 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Puffy Areolas, Obnox, Icepick (SPECIAL GUEST), Mouthbreathers, Elvis, Shitty/Awesome, Apache Dropout, The Blind Shake, The Lovely Bad Things, Dikes of Holland, The Zoltars, Spray Paint, Modern Convenience, Cussins, Palit

      CAKE SHOP & DAED PIZZA // Trailer Space 7 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Traveling Dingleberrys (SPECIAL GUEST), Las Ardillas, The Wrong Words, Diarrhea Planet, Heavy Cream, Mannequin Men

      BURGER CITY ROCK N ROLL PARTY // The Liberty 8:30 PM // FREE // 21+
      Missing Monuments, Barreracudas, Dead Ghosts, Hector’s Pets, The Wolf, Eric and the Happy Thoughts, Burnt Ones

      FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012

      AND SO… SXSW PARTY // Spider House 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Thee Oh Sees, The Strange Boys, Kid Congo Powers, Sleepy Sun, Mikal Cronin, Bare Wires, Football, Blind Shake, Dirty Ghosts, Grave Babies, K-Holes, Aaron Blount, Ketamines, Chapter 24, Magnetix, Habibi, Blasted Canyons, Burnt Ones, Terrible Twos, Xray Eyeballs, Young Prisms, Laura Gibson, The Darcys, Mean Jeans, Carnivores, Los Headaches, The Wrong Words, Throwing Up, Chains of Love, The Mallard, Lily Taylor, Shimmering Stars, Gardens, Far Out Fangtooth, Dead Ships, Guantanamo Baywatch, Carletta Sue Kay, and more

      MONOFONUS PRESS // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Modern Convenience, Puffy Areolas, Same Sack, Shit and Shine, Dikes of Holland, Spray Paint, Heavy Times, Dope Body

      JOLLY DREAM and TIC TAC TOTALLY // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      OBN III’s, Destruction Unit, Useless Eaters, Creamers, A Giant Dog, Terrible Twos, Party Bat, Wiccans (patio)

      AYE AYE AYE TAPES // Eastside Bikini Company 3 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Twerps, Turbo Fruits, Modern Convenience, Xray Eyeballs, Heavy Cream, Holy Wave, Low Times, Destruction Unit, Rayon Beach, Natural Child, Eets Feats, Cop Warmth, Ovary Action, Milli Mars, SPECIAL GUESTS

      GET BENT // Trailer Space 6 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      The Spirituals (SPECIAL GUEST), TRMRS, Heavy Cream, Useless Eaters, Pangea, Outer Minds, Blasted Canyons, Burning Itch

      SiiickXSW with CMRTYZ // Cheer Up Charlies 6 PM // FREE // 21+
      G. Green, Fungi Girls, Tacocat, Far Out Fangtooth, Mujeres, Pharmacy, Ziskis, Bosco Delrey, SPECIAL GUESTS

      GONER RECORDS // Beerland 8 PM // $10 // 21+
      Mikal Cronin, JWC III, Ex Cult, Manatees, White Fence, Toxie

      IN THE RED RECORDS // Emo’s East 9 PM // FREE w RSVP // ALL AGES 
      The Gories, The Spits, Cheap Time, Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, Thee Oh Sees

      SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 2012

      BURGERMANIA // Spider House 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      6 STAGES, 73 BANDS including Jack Oblivian, Paul Collins and Peter Case of The Nerves, Las Ardillas, The Bad Lovers, Bare Wires, The Resonars, White Crime, Cosmonauts, Barreracudas, Missing Monuments, Useless Eaters, Heavy Cream, John Wesley Coleman, Audacity, The Tough Shits, Crystal Antlers, White Mystery, Apache, Terrible Twos, Pangea, Flesh Lights, Dikes of Holland, and more

      TROUBLE IN MIND // Trailer Space 12 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Night Beats, Apache Dropout, Mikal Cronin, The Resonars, The Wrong Words, Mean Jeans, Wheels on Fire, Hex Dispensers

      GET BENT and RUBBERNECK // Beerland 12 PM // FREE // 21+
      Bass Drum of Death, Terrible Twos, Video, Ex Cult, Flesh Lights, White Mystery, Los Vigilantes, Diarrhea Planet, Bad Sports (patio)

      12XU RECORDS // Trailer Space 7 PM // FREE // ALL AGES
      Terrible Twos, James Arthur’s Manhunt, Ex Cult, Unholy Two, G.Green, SPECIAL GUEST

      WFMU RADIO // Beerland 7 PM // $10 // 21+
      Death of Samantha, Supreme Dicks, SPECIAL GUESTS

      HOZAC RECORDS // The Liberty 8:30 PM // FREE // 21+
      Puffy Areolas, Obnox, Rayon Beach, Heavy Times, Nones, Far Out Fangtooth, Bleeding Rainbow, Ketamines, The Band in Heaven, Eric and the Happy Thoughts

      DIRTNAP RECORDS // Valhalla 9 PM // $CHEAP // 21+
      Mind Spiders, Mean Jeans, Bad Sports, Something Fierce, Steve Admayk Band, Sonic Avenues

      SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 2012

      PANACHE HANGOVER PARTY, Beerland, 11:30 PM, FREE, 21+
      Thee Oh Sees, Dikes of Holland, Gardens, Crooked Bangs, Terrible Twos, Foreign Mothers, Burnt Skull, OBN III’s, When Dinos Rules the Earth, Vockah Redu, Flesh Lights, Idiot Glee, Each Other, The Twerps, Royal Baths, Magnetix, Xray Eyeballs, PUJOL, Mikal Cronin, Black Belles, Janka Nabay and the Bubu Gang, Happy New Year, Carletta Sue Kay, Onleyville Sound System, Coasting

      SiiickXSW DRAG PARTY with CMRTYZ and BURGER RECORDS, Iron Bear, 6PM, FREE, 21+
      Vomettes, Audacity, Pangea, Chapter 24, Vockah Redu, Carletta Sue Kay, Blue Jungle, SPECIAL GUEST


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • March 1, 2012 9:41 AM CST
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      I'm goin and wingin it... can't wait! been rsvping for these free parties like a mad woman.

    • March 1, 2012 8:39 AM CST
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      Hi there...We're playing Paisley Umbrella's 4th Annual International Psychout. We're talking a fantastic mini-festival of local, national, and international Garage, Psych, and Guitar Pop bands. The venue is Tom's Tabooley - 2928 Guadalupe Street Austin. Our slot is at 3pm Thursday, March 15th. It's a FREE Non-SXSW gig. We'll be giving away copies of our come on down ! Cheers, Wig

    • February 14, 2012 4:40 PM CST
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      CQ Records proudly presents...Javacalypse Now! free day show at Austin Java (1206 Parkway) Thursday March 15th!  Here's the lineup...

      CQ Records proudly presents...
      Smithers (ATX)
      Bottle Service (ATX)
      Shitty Awesome (Norman, OK)
      The French Inhales (ATX)
      Love Collector (ATX)
      The Ultra S/C (Nashville, ex-Quadrajets, Immortal Lee Co. Killers, Soledad Brothers, Be Your Own Pet)
      Los Headaches (Mexico City)
      Mystery Twins (Nashville, featuring members of The Clutters)
      Los Vigilantes (Puerto Rico, Courtesy of Slovenly/Norton Records)
      The Wrong Words (Oakland, Courtesy of Trouble In Mind Records)
      Broncho (Tulsa)

    • February 14, 2012 11:22 AM CST
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      Just saw that THE STANDELLS are playing sxsw

       Sat Mar 17 2012 at 08:00 pm

       Venue : SXSW @ Buffalo Billiards, 201 E. 6th St.

      "The Standells are scheduled to perform at the SXSW Festival on Saturday, March 17th. The group is currently working on their new album, and several of their new songs will be performed on stage for the first time. We can tell you that the group is really excited about the new material, and judging by the reaction from those who have heard one of the songs, you’ll be every bit as excited!!!"

    • January 16, 2012 8:53 AM CST
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      HA HA HA, A lot of people don't consider Texas part of the South , anymore ! I lived there for 12 years , and found the Deep South a lot friendlier... New Orleans , of course , is ultra - touristy , now , but , it still  has it's charm. It's funny that they're trying to make Austin more tourist - friendly , when you can't even hail a cab. It'll probably be a long time until they announce the lineup for The Ponderosa Stomp. I thought it was kind of weak , last year , so , I did'nt go , but I've gone for several years in a row. There's nothing else like it.
      Shtbird said:

      Thanks to everyone who replied to my question. Awesome responses, super informative.

      I definitely think I'll try and make SXSW, bring my bike and crash in the bed of my truck. It's a helluva drive (2000 miles, one way = ~1000$ in gas round trip) Maybe with a carpool and a couple rideshares, it could be affordable. Still, it sounds like it'll be an awesome time, and I've always wanted to check out Austin.

      @ Battles - The Ponderosa Stomp sounds pretty rad too, if SXSW falls through. I've never been to New Orleans (or anywhere in the South, for that matter). Flying there and booking a hotel for a couple days would be far less expensive than trying to make it out to Austin for a week.

    • January 14, 2012 7:16 PM CST
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      A cheap place to stay - again, off the radar:

      Check/post on the Austin Craigslist, some folks rent out their apts./spare bedroom/houses for sxsw.

      Shtbird said:

      Thanks to everyone who replied to my question. Awesome responses, super informative.

      I definitely think I'll try and make SXSW, bring my bike and crash in the bed of my truck. It's a helluva drive (2000 miles, one way = ~1000$ in gas round trip) Maybe with a carpool and a couple rideshares, it could be affordable. Still, it sounds like it'll be an awesome time, and I've always wanted to check out Austin.

      @ Battles - The Ponderosa Stomp sounds pretty rad too, if SXSW falls through. I've never been to New Orleans (or anywhere in the South, for that matter). Flying there and booking a hotel for a couple days would be far less expensive than trying to make it out to Austin for a week.

    • January 14, 2012 5:31 PM CST
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      Thanks to everyone who replied to my question. Awesome responses, super informative.

      I definitely think I'll try and make SXSW, bring my bike and crash in the bed of my truck. It's a helluva drive (2000 miles, one way = ~1000$ in gas round trip) Maybe with a carpool and a couple rideshares, it could be affordable. Still, it sounds like it'll be an awesome time, and I've always wanted to check out Austin.

      @ Battles - The Ponderosa Stomp sounds pretty rad too, if SXSW falls through. I've never been to New Orleans (or anywhere in the South, for that matter). Flying there and booking a hotel for a couple days would be far less expensive than trying to make it out to Austin for a week.

    • January 14, 2012 2:46 PM CST
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      $675 ?!  THAT'S INSANE. When I went , yes , it was almost 20 years ago , but it was about $80 , so , I guessed , today , it'd be more like $200 or just over. They still have free events , but , I don't know who's taking cash , at the door , if anybody...

      The only way to do this , on the cheap - er , would be to stay with a friend , and I know a lot of people can't do that. I CALL IT $X$W , NOW. I KNOW THEY'RE COUGHING UP THE MAJOR ACTS , BUT THEY'RE THERE TO PROMOTE THEMSELVES and their labels. Nothing wrong with that , but I'd never pay that kind of money , and certainly not when I know it's a gamble that I'll even get to see the shows I'd really want to.... At least , with festivals like the late , great , Green Bay Rockin' 50's Fest or The Ponderosa Stomp , you're guaranteed you can see anyone on the bill , and some fests , like The Stomp , have affordable hotel rooms nearby , as part of a promotional tie - in.....I'd say , save your money and wait for The Stomp , depending on where your tastes are at.
      Shtbird said:

      So I checked out the website (Never attended a music festival of any sort). Lineup looks pretty fun, I've seen a handful of them on little west coast tours.

      But 675 for a Music Badge?

      and Hotel Rooms at 150+ a night?

      We're talking at least 1500 (including travel, food, drinks, etc.) I don't know about you guys, but I'm dirt poor working class. I can't afford that shit.

      Does anyone know of a cheaper way to do this?

    • January 12, 2012 7:48 PM CST
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      Austin Showlist has most of the free/punk/garage sxsw shows listed. Me? I stick to the 'eastside' (east of I-35/east of downtown) - everything is free, off the radar to the 'douche badges', walk or bike to most of the venues, no lines to get in or to get a beer. If a band is playing an 'official sxsw thing' odds are they're playing free on the eastside on another day.

    • January 12, 2012 1:35 PM CST
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      I think you don't need a Music Badge. If the show you want see is not sold out by Music Badgers you normally can pay at the door. And there are many many shows that are unofficial. You wouldn't get in there with a badge.

      Shtbird said:

      So I checked out the website (Never attended a music festival of any sort). Lineup looks pretty fun, I've seen a handful of them on little west coast tours.

      But 675 for a Music Badge?

      and Hotel Rooms at 150+ a night?

      We're talking at least 1500 (including travel, food, drinks, etc.) I don't know about you guys, but I'm dirt poor working class. I can't afford that shit.

      Does anyone know of a cheaper way to do this?

    • January 12, 2012 12:37 PM CST
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      Sure. It's on Thursday March 15th and it's a day party with free bbq, booze and awesome bands. It's at the Elysium. We'll have one stage with more loud rockin' stuff and we'll have another small stage with stuff like James Leg, Joe Purdy and acts like that. Show is 21+ definitely. 

      swt said:

      Elel, Lemme know details of your showcase

      Elle Diabla said:

      I have a showcase down there again this year. I'll be doing it at The Elysium. One of the awesome bands I'll be having on is the Riverboat Gamblers!! I'm so excited for it. We're gonna have a pig roast and free beer. This year though I'm taking the nanny. I'm a mama and it's tough dragging a baby all over SXSW!

      My fave shows are house shows or outdoor BBQ's and stuff. Maybe I'm just old but watching 1000 wasted kids run around isn't so fun anymore. 

      If anyone knows of any killer bands looking for a showcase, send them my way! I'm taking submissions now and making decisions at the end of them month. 

    • January 12, 2012 12:34 PM CST
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      Elel, Lemme know details of your showcase

      Elle Diabla said:

      I have a showcase down there again this year. I'll be doing it at The Elysium. One of the awesome bands I'll be having on is the Riverboat Gamblers!! I'm so excited for it. We're gonna have a pig roast and free beer. This year though I'm taking the nanny. I'm a mama and it's tough dragging a baby all over SXSW!

      My fave shows are house shows or outdoor BBQ's and stuff. Maybe I'm just old but watching 1000 wasted kids run around isn't so fun anymore. 

      If anyone knows of any killer bands looking for a showcase, send them my way! I'm taking submissions now and making decisions at the end of them month. 

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