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  • Topic: Christmas Pop Culture: Your Loves/Your Hates

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    • December 13, 2011 11:43 AM CST
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      Well, here's a new tradition that's started at my house, my daughter's early Christmas gift from her aunt and uncle, the "Elf On the Shelf." Kinda creepy, but my wife and I have to move him to a different location each night after my daughter has gone to bed. Apparently this makes him more "real"...

    • December 12, 2011 7:18 PM CST
    • Untitled

      I fucking hate those pop country Christmas songs, too..grrrr....

      trashman said:

      Dear Music Performer, particularly you the country performer,

           All of the xmas classics have been written and performed.  You will not create the next "must have" xmas song.  No matter how hard you try Ms. Faith Hill, Mr. Kenny Chesney, Mr Alan "Honky Tonk Christmas" Jackson your xmas music will dissapear into obscurity.  So please save the environment and stop printing your CDs with plastic covers, wasting gasoline to ship them to Wal Marts, and paper for the receipts customers receive when buying your useless xmas album.  Same goes for you Maria Carey and Vibeke Sausage (or whatever your name is); I don't need to have a jinglejangle christmas, I already have Bing Crosby.

    • December 12, 2011 11:30 AM CST
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      Dear Music Performer, particularly you the country performer,

           All of the xmas classics have been written and performed.  You will not create the next "must have" xmas song.  No matter how hard you try Ms. Faith Hill, Mr. Kenny Chesney, Mr Alan "Honky Tonk Christmas" Jackson your xmas music will dissapear into obscurity.  So please save the environment and stop printing your CDs with plastic covers, wasting gasoline to ship them to Wal Marts, and paper for the receipts customers receive when buying your useless xmas album.  Same goes for you Maria Carey and Vibeke Sausage (or whatever your name is); I don't need to have a jinglejangle christmas, I already have Bing Crosby.

    • December 12, 2011 7:27 AM CST
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      Well, I'm not sure I would call it a bash. My girlfriend says he might make some kinda public appearance. The Emperor's birthday is a national holiday by default. The current Emperor's birthday happens to fall on Dec.23, but I wouldn't say there's anything Christmas about it.

      I'm really disappointed with cable TV programming here. The only Xmasy kinds of movies have been the remake of Miracle on 34th Street, Cool Runnings (yes the Jamaican bobsled team movie with John Candy, haha) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the original, not the Tim Burton remake thank god!) oh and maybe Batman Returns! Everything else has been the Terminator series, Chinatown with Jack Nicholson, American Psycho and Pretty Baby (yeah the one with a very young Brooke Shields hanging out in a New Orleans brothel!) not very conducive to the holiday spirit! I'm lucky I have a VHS copy of Scrooged!

      Chris Henniker said:

      Lest we go on a tangent, The Emperor holds a birthday bash where the public can come and say "hello". That's what a Japanese friend tells me, but is this true?

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      You're welcome anytime, Joey! Getting to do the parties in Japan is a real treat. I don't feel like I completely miss out on the holidays and I try to make it educational for the kids that come out. Last year I organized a "secret Santa" where anybody who came with a wrapped gift got a ticket for a random gift from someone else. I couldn't swing going back home this year so I'm doing my best to keep busy and have a wild holiday!

      Thanks for the link Polyvinyl, can't wait for your holiday edition!

    • December 11, 2011 1:53 PM CST
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      Lest we go on a tangent, The Emperor holds a birthday bash where the public can come and say "hello". That's what a Japanese friend tells me, but is this true?

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      You're welcome anytime, Joey! Getting to do the parties in Japan is a real treat. I don't feel like I completely miss out on the holidays and I try to make it educational for the kids that come out. Last year I organized a "secret Santa" where anybody who came with a wrapped gift got a ticket for a random gift from someone else. I couldn't swing going back home this year so I'm doing my best to keep busy and have a wild holiday!

      Thanks for the link Polyvinyl, can't wait for your holiday edition!

      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • December 10, 2011 6:45 PM CST
    • Untitled

      Yeah, this is really cool...I had no idea, thanks Kopper!

      kopper said:

      Speaking of Christmas, check this out:

      What a great idea for a blog!

    • December 10, 2011 10:37 AM CST
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      Speaking of Christmas, check this out:

      What a great idea for a blog!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 9, 2011 10:40 AM CST
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      You're welcome anytime, Joey! Getting to do the parties in Japan is a real treat. I don't feel like I completely miss out on the holidays and I try to make it educational for the kids that come out. Last year I organized a "secret Santa" where anybody who came with a wrapped gift got a ticket for a random gift from someone else. I couldn't swing going back home this year so I'm doing my best to keep busy and have a wild holiday!

      Thanks for the link Polyvinyl, can't wait for your holiday edition!

    • December 9, 2011 9:12 AM CST
    • Untitled

      Damn Marty! I want to party with you this Christmas! Thanks for all these posts!
      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      Star Wars Holiday special boss!

      So many great comments here. I feel like I got a make a Santa like trip around the world! First stop, LA, I saw Lee Ving in Flashdance the other day, he's like an evil Bill Murry! LA to Mexico, or vice verse... You gotta dig El Vez's "Feliz Navidad" right?!

      Let's take a pit stop in North Carolina... Mojo Nixon's Christmas tunes are perfect for the grinches on this thread...

      While we're still in North Carolina, why not stop by K-mart for some Xmas shopping with Root Boy Slim...

      Let's hitch a ride to NYC for a very kosher Christmas with The Ramones, probably nothing new to anybody, but this vid is too good not to post...

      Let's hop across the pond to the UK and take a listen to one of my all-time favorites by The Kinks, and probably one of the best post-60's songs by the band in my opinion, Father Christmas!

      While we're in London, we gotta pick up a copy of The Yobs Christmas Album!

      Thru the Chunnel and onto France for a recod hop with Les Chaussettes Noires and "Le Twist du Pere Noel!"

      Next stop Italy, were at lest one mouse is stirring... Topo Gigio! Now, don't worry this isn't a Rankin/Bass production, which I have to say I quite like, but I can understand those that shun TV specials. I first saw the puppet mouse Topo Gigio on a Japanese made movie "Topo Gigio and the Missile War" which has nothing to do with Christmas and I highly. Here he is in Xmas short not sure from where since he's speaking English... (can't get the video to post, so you're just gonna have to click the link)


      Well, I'm gonna have to cut this trip short and head back to Japan. Like most adopted holidays in here, it's a commercialized shopping frenzy with not much real meaning, actually Xmas is a big date day for couples so it's more like Valentine's, but that's not to say there hasn't been anything hip to come out here, I recommend this GS/instro EP I recently got by The Blue Comets!

      I think I'm on the same level as most that posted on the thread, it's all about what you make it. Anyway, these are only some of the Xmas treasures I like to break out this time of the year. I'm very stoked cause I'll be DJ-ing at three Xmas parties later this month and I'm excited to show off my collection cause it's the only time I can spin these records!D

    • December 9, 2011 9:09 AM CST
    • Untitled

      Oh wow, I have a bootleg VHS copy of this...Can't believe they didn't do action figures of Chewie's family, along with Art Carney, Harvey Corman's characters, and Bea Arthur, haha...

      dino d said:

    • December 9, 2011 7:53 AM CST
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      Nice selection Marty but you forgot to stop off in Japan!

    • December 9, 2011 7:23 AM CST
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      Star Wars Holiday special boss!

      So many great comments here. I feel like I got a make a Santa like trip around the world! First stop, LA, I saw Lee Ving in Flashdance the other day, he's like an evil Bill Murry! LA to Mexico, or vice verse... You gotta dig El Vez's "Feliz Navidad" right?!

      Let's take a pit stop in North Carolina... Mojo Nixon's Christmas tunes are perfect for the grinches on this thread...

      While we're still in North Carolina, why not stop by K-mart for some Xmas shopping with Root Boy Slim...

      Let's hitch a ride to NYC for a very kosher Christmas with The Ramones, probably nothing new to anybody, but this vid is too good not to post...

      Let's hop across the pond to the UK and take a listen to one of my all-time favorites by The Kinks, and probably one of the best post-60's songs by the band in my opinion, Father Christmas!

      While we're in London, we gotta pick up a copy of The Yobs Christmas Album!

      Thru the Chunnel and onto France for a recod hop with Les Chaussettes Noires and "Le Twist du Pere Noel!"

      Next stop Italy, were at lest one mouse is stirring... Topo Gigio! Now, don't worry this isn't a Rankin/Bass production, which I have to say I quite like, but I can understand those that shun TV specials. I first saw the puppet mouse Topo Gigio on a Japanese made movie "Topo Gigio and the Missile War" which has nothing to do with Christmas and I highly. Here he is in Xmas short not sure from where since he's speaking English... (can't get the video to post, so you're just gonna have to click the link)


      Well, I'm gonna have to cut this trip short and head back to Japan. Like most adopted holidays in here, it's a commercialized shopping frenzy with not much real meaning, actually Xmas is a big date day for couples so it's more like Valentine's, but that's not to say there hasn't been anything hip to come out here, I recommend this GS/instro EP I recently got by The Blue Comets!

      I think I'm on the same level as most that posted on the thread, it's all about what you make it. Anyway, these are only some of the Xmas treasures I like to break out this time of the year. I'm very stoked cause I'll be DJ-ing at three Xmas parties later this month and I'm excited to show off my collection cause it's the only time I can spin these records!

    • December 8, 2011 7:59 PM CST
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    • December 6, 2011 11:54 AM CST
    • Untitled

      You guys didn't have a really bad experience watching these shows while on LSD did you?

      Weirdonia said:

      I just knew anything from them would suck if RANK ASS was in their name.

      Just burn it all... in hellish flame!!!!

      joey fuckup said:

      We don't have too much caroling going on in my city (at least I don't think we do)...As far as the claymation specials, are you referring to the Rankin/Bass stop-motion dolls?

      Weirdonia said:

      The choirs that sing the carols no one has ever heard before, or some garbage variation of a good one. 
      That's pretty much the only thing i dislike about Christmas, that and those stupid claymation christmas movies. I want every copy to burn in fiery hell 

    • December 6, 2011 9:57 AM CST
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      I just knew anything from them would suck if RANK ASS was in their name.

      Just burn it all... in hellish flame!!!!

      joey fuckup said:

      We don't have too much caroling going on in my city (at least I don't think we do)...As far as the claymation specials, are you referring to the Rankin/Bass stop-motion dolls?

      Weirdonia said:

      The choirs that sing the carols no one has ever heard before, or some garbage variation of a good one. 
      That's pretty much the only thing i dislike about Christmas, that and those stupid claymation christmas movies. I want every copy to burn in fiery hell 

    • December 5, 2011 5:35 PM CST
    • Untitled

      Crocodile would make for an interesting feast! I've never had it or any of the other animals you've just listed, ha! It used to be a tradition when I was growing up to have oyster stew for breakfast, which I believe is what the French do. Then when I reached the drinking age, me and Dad would do some oyster shooters...But my folks are divorced now, and that yuletide tradition died when they split.

      Chris Henniker said:

      It was a Pagan festival first, after all. The Christian Church hijacked it for their own ends, which means Christmas only dates back to 360-380 AD (I think). From what I heard, there's nothing in the Bible that says Jesus's birth should be celebrated. The religious aspect taken care of, what do I think are good Christmas/Winter Soltice traditions?


      • Christmas dinner: Has anyone noticed that it's a glorified Sunday roast, for the most part? I even try to get Mum & Dad to push the boat out and get Crocodile, Panda, Kangaroo, Tiger for the table.

      Polyvinyl Craftsmen said:

      I fuckin' love Xmas, specially cool Xmas songs which there are plenty of if you dig around. Only thing that winds me up is all the religious bollocks they seemed to haved tagged onto the festive season recently.

      Thee Polyvinyl Craftsmen will be recording an Xmas Friends and Family Special Podcast on the 18th.

      Look out for it here on the 19th it will feature plenty of those Xmas favourites and heaps of boozy festive cheer.

    • December 5, 2011 5:29 PM CST
    • Untitled

      Yeah, personally I think more people wouldn't have such a negative attitude towards the holiday if they made it what they wanted it to be. Sure I can understand what can turn you off about it all, but if all that was tuned out, I think they could enjoy it so much better.

      Looking forward to your Xmas themed show, I'll be sure to check it out. I had contemplated doing one, but December is a very full month for me, with lots on my plate, so it may be the beginning of January before I can throw out the next "40 Oz. Nonsense". We'll see, but I'm sure if it is in December it won't be 'til after Christmas, so it wouldn't make any sense to do a holiday-themed show.

      Polyvinyl Craftsmen said:

      I fuckin' love Xmas, specially cool Xmas songs which there are plenty of if you dig around. Only thing that winds me up is all the religious bollocks they seemed to haved tagged onto the festive season recently.

      Thee Polyvinyl Craftsmen will be recording an Xmas Friends and Family Special Podcast on the 18th.

      Look out for it here on the 19th it will feature plenty of those Xmas favourites and heaps of boozy festive cheer.

    • December 5, 2011 5:25 PM CST
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      It was a Pagan festival first, after all. The Christian Church hijacked it for their own ends, which means Christmas only dates back to 360-380 AD (I think). From what I heard, there's nothing in the Bible that says Jesus's birth should be celebrated. The religious aspect taken care of, what do I think are good Christmas/Winter Soltice traditions?


      • Christmas dinner: Has anyone noticed that it's a glorified Sunday roast, for the most part? I even try to get Mum & Dad to push the boat out and get Crocodile, Panda, Kangaroo, Tiger for the table.

      Polyvinyl Craftsmen said:

      I fuckin' love Xmas, specially cool Xmas songs which there are plenty of if you dig around. Only thing that winds me up is all the religious bollocks they seemed to haved tagged onto the festive season recently.

      Thee Polyvinyl Craftsmen will be recording an Xmas Friends and Family Special Podcast on the 18th.

      Look out for it here on the 19th it will feature plenty of those Xmas favourites and heaps of boozy festive cheer.

      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • December 5, 2011 1:34 PM CST
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      I fuckin' love Xmas, specially cool Xmas songs which there are plenty of if you dig around. Only thing that winds me up is all the religious bollocks they seemed to haved tagged onto the festive season recently.

      Thee Polyvinyl Craftsmen will be recording an Xmas Friends and Family Special Podcast on the 18th.

      Look out for it here on the 19th it will feature plenty of those Xmas favourites and heaps of boozy festive cheer.

    • December 4, 2011 10:29 AM CST
    • Untitled

      Yeah, it's a great movie, but I've watched it so many times that I just don't consider it a necessary tradition anymore. I remember when it came to the theater here back in the day, and it flopped. I guess people didn't think that the man behind the "Porky's" films was capable of delivering a true modern day classic. Luckily he lived long enough to see his beloved film become a cult favorite. It still gets a special showing on the big screen at one of the local movie theaters around here when it gets closer to Christmas.
      trashman said:

      Something that may seem annoying at first is actually a nice tradition - my sister used to force the TV to stay on the all day replays of "the Christmas Story" on xmas day.  I like the movie but thought it would kill it for me, but I actually like having it play all day now.  There is something always going on so its not like we pay attention to every second, in fact it takes 5 or 6 replays to even watch it once, if you know what I mean.

    • December 4, 2011 10:24 AM CST
    • Untitled

      There was a book written on Rankin/Bass, and I as I recall, it was quite detailed. I saw it in a Barnes & Noble some years back, but I'm sure if you search do a search on Amazon's website on them, something will come up.

      trashman said:

      Rankin/Bass are my heroes.  Rudolph has to be on TV soon, probably missed the first showing already.

      We used to go door to door choiring as kids in a large group to raise money for some effort.  Good intentions but looking back we must have been so annoying.  I can't imagine having to sit through a 2:30 version of a xmas song sung on your front porch.  

    • December 2, 2011 8:41 PM CST
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      Something that may seem annoying at first is actually a nice tradition - my sister used to force the TV to stay on the all day replays of "the Christmas Story" on xmas day.  I like the movie but thought it would kill it for me, but I actually like having it play all day now.  There is something always going on so its not like we pay attention to every second, in fact it takes 5 or 6 replays to even watch it once, if you know what I mean.

    • December 2, 2011 8:36 PM CST
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      Rankin/Bass are my heroes.  Rudolph has to be on TV soon, probably missed the first showing already.

      We used to go door to door choiring as kids in a large group to raise money for some effort.  Good intentions but looking back we must have been so annoying.  I can't imagine having to sit through a 2:30 version of a xmas song sung on your front porch.  

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