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  • Topic: Is Garage Trendy?

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    • October 14, 2011 2:16 AM CDT
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      Yep and that's fine with me, the local garagescene here is living loudly, it's good to see people check in and try out that kind of sound. I guess it's also not as approachable to people and kids who expect a Strokes kind of show, but then seeing someone gargle some kind of green stuff wearing a hat off underwear and while moving round the stage in dynamo fashion. Or a surf band "that wouldn't sing for the whole night." Maybe they come back, maybe not.


      I remember when King Kahn and the Shrines or Jon and the Night Riders would play in our modest town some ten years ago and the place was half full at best - people would just drop in occasionally when a band was on, a lot of great bands only had a slim crowd to stare at the them.


      The shirt thing wasn't about the fashion - that's too easy to adapt to, just get it at a thirft store cause you liked the look or whatever, without any relation to the band or ever having heard their music. It was just a good thing seeing someone fly their Punkrock flag with a bit of taste at a otherwise more uninteresting show.


      + That pure Rockabilly ideoligy thing always irked me too, we had a pretty large "Pychobilly" movement here (that being the Meteors and Demented are go idea of psychobilly...) those folks had a hardcore kind of mentality when it came to their music. Like you said, the Sonics were ok to them, possibly because they were kind of big and have their standout place that even ignorant numbskulls will get (sorry for the ranting there). But the fact that there was 60's garage explosion left them cold. Also they dug that clean kind of Rockabilly band that was in for a while in the 90's. Safe to say they had no interest for the 80s Garage scene or the 90's Scumbag Rock'n'roll like New Bomb Turks or the 70's US punk movement.

      It's kind of weird when they love the Sonics but not the Wailers, or Carl Perkins but not Charlie Feathers, you know.


      John Battles said:

      You know , There's always been people who've come and gone with this stuff , and they'll skip really good shows because their hearts are'nt in it , or  they're going thru personal changes.... Maybe "Garage" is too broad a term , and , maybe , it's not broad enough. But , I don't think it should be about fashion. We went thru that in the 80's .Though , unless you lived on the East or West Coasts , you could be forgiven for not knowing there was a "Garage Scene" at the time.

      IDON MINE said:

      I know that feeling... just for quicks, I saw someone with a Cute Lepers bag at a garage punk un-related show and felt like I had to jump them out of joy.

      It's weird though... Local monthly clubs like Voodoo Hop or any other "event" put up half way regularly by DJ's draws quite the crowd here. Places are always packed, but I can't seem to see any faces I know - except for the 3 same weirdos I always meet around.

      John Battles said:

      Liking Garage Rock has always been a pretty lonely existence...  'Maybe in Barcelona , you could walk down the street and see a Cynics , Electric Prunes or Los Saicos T-shirt on a regular basis. Not here. Maybe not even in a year's time. That does'nt mean people whose tastes you might disagree with should'nt be allowed into "The Club" if they're interested in this kind of music.


      WHAT WAS A JOKE? THAT YOU PLAY SURF MUSIC? we must be too stupid for this discussion. very little here makes any sense. what will everybody do if they decide that garage is trendy? send angry tweets to the twats who would dare to enjoy "our" music for all the wrong reasons? tried very hard not to judge the sheer ridiculousness of the entire "discussion" but this is really about as pointless as it gets. not to mention the use of a word like "trendy". if you only want "pure" listeners then you better shut it down because it will get pretty lonely pretty quick. even if somebody likes this stuff for a short time and then moves on to post post post electro fucko it will still be good for the scene because they will bring someone else here who may become a lasting fan. don't ever make fun of other people for attempting to share your interests.



      Here for the stir

    • October 13, 2011 8:06 PM CDT
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      our show is FRIDAY NIGHT. tomorrow. we go on first. we hit the stage at 9:30. we have songs on our page. a click will get you a blast in the face with BEAT DOWN!

      John Battles said:

      Depravos De La Mour ,

      Non , VOUS est playing musique Saturday at Le Rouge Line Tap , Oui ? Non mois. Not that I would'nt play there , I just don't think they're ready for me. In fact , it's a pretty safe bet they are'nt. I played at The Heartland Cafe , once , in 1989. What a colossal mistake THAT was , but , I think it was my first paying gig in Chicago . The Heartland did'nt pay me . My friend , the late Stu Coy of Oncoming Traffic , did. 

      I think it's more than fair to say we all have different definitions of what is and what is'nt "Garage". That does'nt necessarily mean one party is right and the other is wrong. But , I don't think I'll be able to make it to your show , that night , as I've already made plans to go to the Music Box Massacre Horror Film Fest , and to a Girlie Calendar party , and , if I don't run out of steam , the Dreamerz reunion.

      But , thank you for asking. If you have any songs on your page , I'll check 'em out , and try to see your band another time.

      Chicago , of course , is legendary for it's back history of Garage bands , but , I've lived here almost 25 years , and I could count all the local bands I've seen , that filled the bill , on both hands , and still have a few fingers left over , even if I included The New Colony Six's one - shot All Garage set , last year. I knew a lot more people who were into this stuff back when Wax Trax (The Record store , NOT the label.) ruled , and the clubs were'nt spread so far apart. It's still "Indie Uber Alles" around here , even moreso than in the days when Dreamerz was the only game in Wicker Park , and Billy Corgan was still working in a crappy used record store on Broadway.

    • October 13, 2011 7:39 PM CDT
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      P.S. The one drawback of The Sonics' rise from obscurity is , you'll get people that will accept The Sonics , but nothing else directly related ,like the bands on "Back From The Grave". The Rockabilly crowd , it seems , found out about The Sonics at the Rockabilly fests in Europe.Like , they could'nt have found out about 'em , here.  Now , they love The Sonics , but , with few exceptions , don't want to check out any other Garage music. I don't understand that at all .  To me , liking Rockabilly and not Garage is like liking your Dad , but , not your Mom. If you like one more than the other , that , I can understand. But , if it's good music , what difference does it make?

      John Battles said:
      I think...Really , sometimes I do....If you present this stuff in the right manner , people will respond to it , favorably , even if they don't have any prior knowledge of it. I used to just play those great records to ANYBODY , Back From The Grave , Wavy Gravy , Sin Alley , etc. , when they came out. I think the only person who took offense happened to be from Germany . This does'nt speak poorly of German people , but of people who are neurotic , as this woman was.    BUT , when you are DJing , sometimes it IS very difficult to show people what they've been missing. We all get idiot requests ( I did a Glam night , recently , and was asked to play Bruce Sprigsteen AND Don Henley!), and people who just don't get it , but for all the complaining I've done , recently ,  I know that people who DO get it are out there. It's a gamble.Sometimes you might have to warm people up a little bit by playing a few well - known songs that still happen to be great. But , if you believe in what you're doing , you can't let the clueless creeps get you down - John.

      Captain Galaxy said:

      When i spin records here in north germany, i can count the people who dig it on one hand. Most know the Sonics, but if i come with 'Back from the Grave' Stuff and others they never hearded before they are not that interested.

      I think it's just lots of people do not know how to handle new impressions and are simply not interested to change because it is much easier to be as you where.

      I actually try forcing them to listen to that kind of music because it's me who's the DJ :D But seriously i don't stop to spread Garage as i understand it till i'm rid of it! A man on a mission UAhhhhh!

      ...ah, jep i think it's not trendy around here :)

    • October 13, 2011 7:30 PM CDT
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      I think...Really , sometimes I do....If you present this stuff in the right manner , people will respond to it , favorably , even if they don't have any prior knowledge of it. I used to just play those great records to ANYBODY , Back From The Grave , Wavy Gravy , Sin Alley , etc. , when they came out. I think the only person who took offense happened to be from Germany . This does'nt speak poorly of German people , but of people who are neurotic , as this woman was.    BUT , when you are DJing , sometimes it IS very difficult to show people what they've been missing. We all get idiot requests ( I did a Glam night , recently , and was asked to play Bruce Sprigsteen AND Don Henley!), and people who just don't get it , but for all the complaining I've done , recently ,  I know that people who DO get it are out there. It's a gamble.Sometimes you might have to warm people up a little bit by playing a few well - known songs that still happen to be great. But , if you believe in what you're doing , you can't let the clueless creeps get you down - John.

      Captain Galaxy said:

      When i spin records here in north germany, i can count the people who dig it on one hand. Most know the Sonics, but if i come with 'Back from the Grave' Stuff and others they never hearded before they are not that interested.

      I think it's just lots of people do not know how to handle new impressions and are simply not interested to change because it is much easier to be as you where.

      I actually try forcing them to listen to that kind of music because it's me who's the DJ :D But seriously i don't stop to spread Garage as i understand it till i'm rid of it! A man on a mission UAhhhhh!

      ...ah, jep i think it's not trendy around here :)

    • October 13, 2011 7:02 PM CDT
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      Depravos De La Mour ,

      Non , VOUS est playing musique Saturday at Le Rouge Line Tap , Oui ? Non mois. Not that I would'nt play there , I just don't think they're ready for me. In fact , it's a pretty safe bet they are'nt. I played at The Heartland Cafe , once , in 1989. What a colossal mistake THAT was , but , I think it was my first paying gig in Chicago . The Heartland did'nt pay me . My friend , the late Stu Coy of Oncoming Traffic , did. 

      I think it's more than fair to say we all have different definitions of what is and what is'nt "Garage". That does'nt necessarily mean one party is right and the other is wrong. But , I don't think I'll be able to make it to your show , that night , as I've already made plans to go to the Music Box Massacre Horror Film Fest , and to a Girlie Calendar party , and , if I don't run out of steam , the Dreamerz reunion.

      But , thank you for asking. If you have any songs on your page , I'll check 'em out , and try to see your band another time.

      Chicago , of course , is legendary for it's back history of Garage bands , but , I've lived here almost 25 years , and I could count all the local bands I've seen , that filled the bill , on both hands , and still have a few fingers left over , even if I included The New Colony Six's one - shot All Garage set , last year. I knew a lot more people who were into this stuff back when Wax Trax (The Record store , NOT the label.) ruled , and the clubs were'nt spread so far apart. It's still "Indie Uber Alles" around here , even moreso than in the days when Dreamerz was the only game in Wicker Park , and Billy Corgan was still working in a crappy used record store on Broadway.

    • October 13, 2011 4:02 PM CDT
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      You know , There's always been people who've come and gone with this stuff , and they'll skip really good shows because their hearts are'nt in it , or  they're going thru personal changes.... Maybe "Garage" is too broad a term , and , maybe , it's not broad enough. But , I don't think it should be about fashion. We went thru that in the 80's .Though , unless you lived on the East or West Coasts , you could be forgiven for not knowing there was a "Garage Scene" at the time.

      IDON MINE said:

      I know that feeling... just for quicks, I saw someone with a Cute Lepers bag at a garage punk un-related show and felt like I had to jump them out of joy.

      It's weird though... Local monthly clubs like Voodoo Hop or any other "event" put up half way regularly by DJ's draws quite the crowd here. Places are always packed, but I can't seem to see any faces I know - except for the 3 same weirdos I always meet around.

      John Battles said:

      Liking Garage Rock has always been a pretty lonely existence...  'Maybe in Barcelona , you could walk down the street and see a Cynics , Electric Prunes or Los Saicos T-shirt on a regular basis. Not here. Maybe not even in a year's time. That does'nt mean people whose tastes you might disagree with should'nt be allowed into "The Club" if they're interested in this kind of music.


      WHAT WAS A JOKE? THAT YOU PLAY SURF MUSIC? we must be too stupid for this discussion. very little here makes any sense. what will everybody do if they decide that garage is trendy? send angry tweets to the twats who would dare to enjoy "our" music for all the wrong reasons? tried very hard not to judge the sheer ridiculousness of the entire "discussion" but this is really about as pointless as it gets. not to mention the use of a word like "trendy". if you only want "pure" listeners then you better shut it down because it will get pretty lonely pretty quick. even if somebody likes this stuff for a short time and then moves on to post post post electro fucko it will still be good for the scene because they will bring someone else here who may become a lasting fan. don't ever make fun of other people for attempting to share your interests.


    • October 12, 2011 6:38 PM CDT
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      I know that feeling... just for quicks, I saw someone with a Cute Lepers bag at a garage punk un-related show and felt like I had to jump them out of joy.

      It's weird though... Local monthly clubs like Voodoo Hop or any other "event" put up half way regularly by DJ's draws quite the crowd here. Places are always packed, but I can't seem to see any faces I know - except for the 3 same weirdos I always meet around.

      John Battles said:

      Liking Garage Rock has always been a pretty lonely existence...  'Maybe in Barcelona , you could walk down the street and see a Cynics , Electric Prunes or Los Saicos T-shirt on a regular basis. Not here. Maybe not even in a year's time. That does'nt mean people whose tastes you might disagree with should'nt be allowed into "The Club" if they're interested in this kind of music.


      WHAT WAS A JOKE? THAT YOU PLAY SURF MUSIC? we must be too stupid for this discussion. very little here makes any sense. what will everybody do if they decide that garage is trendy? send angry tweets to the twats who would dare to enjoy "our" music for all the wrong reasons? tried very hard not to judge the sheer ridiculousness of the entire "discussion" but this is really about as pointless as it gets. not to mention the use of a word like "trendy". if you only want "pure" listeners then you better shut it down because it will get pretty lonely pretty quick. even if somebody likes this stuff for a short time and then moves on to post post post electro fucko it will still be good for the scene because they will bring someone else here who may become a lasting fan. don't ever make fun of other people for attempting to share your interests.



      Here for the stir

    • October 12, 2011 4:01 PM CDT
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      john i believe we live in the same major city. we like to call it chicago. we are playing at the red line tap on friday. come see us. it would be good to get an opinion as to whether we qualify as garage or what.
      John Battles said:
      Liking Garage Rock has always been a pretty lonely existence. It's nice to find out there are so many people who like a lot , or some , of the same things I like , but , I live in a major city , and I don't meet or see that many people who'd pay $10 for the "Nuggets " box sets , much less something rare.  'Maybe in Barcelona , you could walk down the street and see a Cynics , Electric Prunes or Los Saicos T-shirt on a regular basis. Not here. Maybe not even in a year's time. That does'nt mean people whose tastes you might disagree with should'nt be allowed into "The Club" if they're interested in this kind of music.


      WHAT WAS A JOKE? THAT YOU PLAY SURF MUSIC? we must be too stupid for this discussion. very little here makes any sense. what will everybody do if they decide that garage is trendy? send angry tweets to the twats who would dare to enjoy "our" music for all the wrong reasons? tried very hard not to judge the sheer ridiculousness of the entire "discussion" but this is really about as pointless as it gets. not to mention the use of a word like "trendy". if you only want "pure" listeners then you better shut it down because it will get pretty lonely pretty quick. even if somebody likes this stuff for a short time and then moves on to post post post electro fucko it will still be good for the scene because they will bring someone else here who may become a lasting fan. don't ever make fun of other people for attempting to share your interests.


    • October 12, 2011 3:42 PM CDT
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      Liking Garage Rock has always been a pretty lonely existence. It's nice to find out there are so many people who like a lot , or some , of the same things I like , but , I live in a major city , and I don't meet or see that many people who'd pay $10 for the "Nuggets " box sets , much less something rare.  'Maybe in Barcelona , you could walk down the street and see a Cynics , Electric Prunes or Los Saicos T-shirt on a regular basis. Not here. Maybe not even in a year's time. That does'nt mean people whose tastes you might disagree with should'nt be allowed into "The Club" if they're interested in this kind of music.


      WHAT WAS A JOKE? THAT YOU PLAY SURF MUSIC? we must be too stupid for this discussion. very little here makes any sense. what will everybody do if they decide that garage is trendy? send angry tweets to the twats who would dare to enjoy "our" music for all the wrong reasons? tried very hard not to judge the sheer ridiculousness of the entire "discussion" but this is really about as pointless as it gets. not to mention the use of a word like "trendy". if you only want "pure" listeners then you better shut it down because it will get pretty lonely pretty quick. even if somebody likes this stuff for a short time and then moves on to post post post electro fucko it will still be good for the scene because they will bring someone else here who may become a lasting fan. don't ever make fun of other people for attempting to share your interests.


    • October 12, 2011 3:21 PM CDT
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      Hey, Todd. It's true , but I think that's been going on since at least the early 60's , When it was practically mandatory to include a LOT of Instrumentals in your repertoirre , if your band aimed to work , prior to The Beatles and Stones ' arrival. But , then as now , not ALL Instros WERE "Surf Music". Even The Ventures did'nt do very much of it. The word "Surf" got thrown around a lot.

      But , in the 90's , when people were talking about the less lucrative "Garage Revival" of the day  , spearheaded by labels like Estrus , Surf - oriented bands , like The Volcanos , Huevos Rancheros , Man or Astroman? , Jackie and The Cedrics , Exotics and not purely Surf acts like Los Straitjackets were still accepted as part of the overall "Garage Scene".   

      todd killings said:

      I beg to differ...... people are just as quick to toss around the "surf" label these days as "garage"..... read some reviews of indie rock bands like the Wavves, Best Coast, Surfer Blood, Sundelles, Beach Fossils..... just cuz a band uses reverb and has tunes about the beach doesn't make it "surf" music. ugh.

      TeenFink said:

      by the way, i totally get the joke about playing surf music. good one! it's ironic how garage & surf were so connected or intertwined and almost interchangeable 10-20 years ago, but now you rarely ever hear anyone talking about surf in the "garage scene" or whatever. surf got left out.

    • October 12, 2011 9:49 AM CDT
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      I beg to differ...... people are just as quick to toss around the "surf" label these days as "garage"..... read some reviews of indie rock bands like the Wavves, Best Coast, Surfer Blood, Sundelles, Beach Fossils..... just cuz a band uses reverb and has tunes about the beach doesn't make it "surf" music. ugh.

      TeenFink said:

      by the way, i totally get the joke about playing surf music. good one! it's ironic how garage & surf were so connected or intertwined and almost interchangeable 10-20 years ago, but now you rarely ever hear anyone talking about surf in the "garage scene" or whatever. surf got left out.

    • October 12, 2011 9:38 AM CDT
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      thank you for explaining the joke. this is beginning to feel like an episode of THE BIG GARAGE THEORY.

      TeenFink said:

      "garage rock" starting becoming trendy about 10 years ago with bands like The Hives and The Strokes hitting the mainstream. Then we had The Black Keys and The White Stripes. After that, The Black Lips, and to a lesser extent, King Khan, Mark Sultan/BBQ, The (UK) Horrors, and others. and no one's mentioned Little Steven's Underground Garage, which also helped make the genre suddenly a LOT more accessible. suddenly you saw the words "garage rock" everywhere, whether bands using the term actually fit the traditional definitions of the genre or not (ahem, The Strokes!). all of this contributed to it. that doesn't mean that a lot of it hasn't remained underground... it has. but this scene has changed considerably over the last decade than where it was at in the '90s. that's obvious.

      by the way, i totally get the joke about playing surf music. good one! it's ironic how garage & surf were so connected or intertwined and almost interchangeable 10-20 years ago, but now you rarely ever hear anyone talking about surf in the "garage scene" or whatever. surf got left out.

    • October 12, 2011 9:26 AM CDT
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      "garage rock" starting becoming trendy about 10 years ago with bands like The Hives and The Strokes hitting the mainstream. Then we had The Black Keys and The White Stripes. After that, The Black Lips, and to a lesser extent, King Khan, Mark Sultan/BBQ, The (UK) Horrors, and others. and no one's mentioned Little Steven's Underground Garage, which also helped make the genre suddenly a LOT more accessible. suddenly you saw the words "garage rock" everywhere, whether bands using the term actually fit the traditional definitions of the genre or not (ahem, The Strokes!). all of this contributed to it. that doesn't mean that a lot of it hasn't remained underground... it has. but this scene has changed considerably over the last decade than where it was at in the '90s. that's obvious.

      by the way, i totally get the joke about playing surf music. good one! it's ironic how garage & surf were so connected or intertwined and almost interchangeable 10-20 years ago, but now you rarely ever hear anyone talking about surf in the "garage scene" or whatever. surf got left out.

    • October 12, 2011 9:11 AM CDT
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      explain the joke please. why would it be a joke to play surf music? yes i am not kidding. how is that a joke?

      kopper said:
      Uh, yeah, that's what he just said, and I quote, "it was a joke..."



    • October 12, 2011 9:06 AM CDT
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      Uh, yeah, that's what he just said, and I quote, "it was a joke..."




      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 12, 2011 8:54 AM CDT
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      WHAT WAS A JOKE? THAT YOU PLAY SURF MUSIC? we must be too stupid for this discussion. very little here makes any sense. what will everybody do if they decide that garage is trendy? send angry tweets to the twats who would dare to enjoy "our" music for all the wrong reasons? tried very hard not to judge the sheer ridiculousness of the entire "discussion" but this is really about as pointless as it gets. not to mention the use of a word like "trendy". if you only want "pure" listeners then you better shut it down because it will get pretty lonely pretty quick. even if somebody likes this stuff for a short time and then moves on to post post post electro fucko it will still be good for the scene because they will bring someone else here who may become a lasting fan. don't ever make fun of other people for attempting to share your interests.


    • October 12, 2011 6:26 AM CDT
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      it was a joke...

      it must be wonderful to know what you play. we have no idea what we are doing. that is why we are also on the TUVIAN THROAT SINGING HIDEOUT.
      Pat said:
      I don't care i play "Surf" !
    • October 11, 2011 1:23 PM CDT
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      I Sure agree with that , Old School Hero. People still think , if it does'nt have a drum machine , you can't dance to it. Even people who LIKE Gararge Punk from the 60's , 70's Punk , Rockabilly , stuff like that , will argue that it is'nt danceable , or that you can only dance a certain , choreographed way to it.

      Now , I like Soul music , too , but , I've always had a short attention span for it. Unless you're talking James Browns' Double LPs from the early 70's , but , it's becoming politically incorrect to play James Brown , if you're DJing.... The softer the rhythms , the more danceable people seem to find it.....But , not always. 

      I first got into Punk , and , yes , New Wave (WHICH HAD YET TO BE CO - OPTED BY THE MASS MEDIA , AND TURNED INTO THE HORRID 80'S DANCE HITS THAT ARE NOW SO POPULAR AMONG THE PEOPLE THAT DID'NT HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT ON A DAILY BASIS.) because for people who were awkward trying to dance to the popular stuff , and did'nt have the attention span for dance lessons , Punk was easy to dance to. Plus , there were'nt so many attitudes. You  could just ask someone to dance , or they'd ask you , and , just like that , you were dancing to Rock'n'Roll , for a change. I've been told , Bass is everything. I don't discount it's importance , but , I always followed Guitar and Drums , which is why I still find The Sonics AND The Ramones , and the zillion , now easily obtainable (For the most part ), bands in between  , far more danceable that what is considered hip. 
      I did a Glam Rock set at a club , here , recently . People went nuts.   I had'nt seen so much enthusiasm since the yearly "O'Banion's " and "La Mere" nights (Those were the first two Punk clubs in Chicago. Every year , there's a night dedicated to either or both , and people ( ulp !) dance to Rock'n'Roll . ).John

      "It's not Punk Rock , it's New wAVE. It's a totally different head !" - Johnny Slash , Our Fearless Leader.
      John Battles said:

      John , You reminded me of a funny story. In my 20's , I'd already been into Garage and Rockabilly for a few years , but , that was in the 80's , when we had to find and buy our own shit .  I had a small income for records , not much. Now  people can obtain really rare stuff for free , but , regardless of age , they tend to glom on to three or four bands and leave it at that. Anyway , I used to know a woman about my age , she was into this stuff that was already dead , The Cure , The Smiths and so forth . I was'nt very enlightened back then . If I did'nt like something ,I would'nt shut the Hell up about it . But , she asked me "OK , If The Cramps became a big group tomorrow , and were all over MTV , would you no longer LIKE them?". I said , "That's a good question. I really don't see how they could become big , unless they turned themselves around completely , and started to sound like U2....which I don't think is possible. But , if that happened , I think I'd still like their old records , just not whatever could have made them big."

      There are people in Micronesia  who know The Cramps were Garage before the GARAGE TREND of a few years ago 
      , but , that was because they took all their favorite , yet unpopular, trash culture sounds , and added "The junkiest element of them all: Themselves". The thing was , this young lady got tired of my criticisms (She had a right to. Did'nt mean she had very good taste in music.) , and told me to play something I like , for HER to evaluate. So , I put on a tape that I had with me . She said "This just sounds like what everybody else is doing!" . I told her "This album is (was) about 20 years old!". It was The 13th Floor Elevators' "Easter Everywhere". 
      John Carlucci said:

      I totally agree with this part of your post. I've always hated labels. I feel that having preconceived notions and rules in any specific genre stifles creativity. Think about it, if the 13th Floor Elevators were a new band starting out today, how many people would say, "You can't have a jug player in a Garage Band!" lol!

      Old School Hero said:.

      On a side note: I do think it could go big in a real and honest way. I think this because there are a ton of people who can't stand rap or techno..and that's all you have a choice to dance to these days. I find that pure Rock 'n Roll is quite dancable and could make a huge comeback if done by the right bands, with the right DJ's, and the right people starting it.
    • October 11, 2011 4:50 AM CDT
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      it must be wonderful to know what you play. we have no idea what we are doing. that is why we are also on the TUVIAN THROAT SINGING HIDEOUT.
      Pat said:
      I don't care i play "Surf" !
    • October 11, 2011 4:37 AM CDT
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      I don't care i play "Surf" !
    • October 11, 2011 4:21 AM CDT
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      "garage" is not "Rock'n'Roll"? it is a distinct music and should not be confused with "Rock'n'Roll"?

      Pat said:

      So for some people the term "music" itself is being lost... We all should listen to troubadour songs !


      Sean Law said:

      Much like the term 'Jazz' or 'Rock'n'Roll' itself, the actual definition is currently in danger of being lost. The only way to combat this is to champion the real stuff.
    • October 11, 2011 3:40 AM CDT
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      So for some people the term "music" itself is being lost... We all should listen to troubadour songs !


      Sean Law said:

      Much like the term 'Jazz' or 'Rock'n'Roll' itself, the actual definition is currently in danger of being lost. The only way to combat this is to champion the real stuff.
    • October 11, 2011 3:12 AM CDT
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      garage not being "personally trendy" is amazing.

      Sean Law said:

      Spare us the pseudo-intellectual bullshit please. Those 'Urban Dictionary' (humorous) definitions of 'mainstream' were in fact quite accurate, and I'd hazard a guess that they reflect the opinion of 90% of the people using this site.

      Let's get back to the actual question: Is Garage trendy? Tough call. Depends what your definition of 'Garage' is. For me personally, No it's not. A lot of bands currently playing under the 'Garage' umbrella aren't really floating my boat (because they're not really 'Garage'), and they're also not making waves in a big way culturally.

      As a side note: did any of you notice the inclusion of The Sonics version of 'Keep A'Knockin' in the debut episode of 'Pan Am'? While I thought that was kinda cool, it also irked me somewhat as it was anachronistic: the story takes place 2 or 3 years before the song was released.

    • October 11, 2011 2:09 AM CDT
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      Spare us the pseudo-intellectual bullshit please. Those 'Urban Dictionary' (humorous) definitions of 'mainstream' were in fact quite accurate, and I'd hazard a guess that they reflect the opinion of 90% of the people using this site.

      Let's get back to the actual question: Is Garage trendy? Tough call. Depends what your definition of 'Garage' is. For me personally, No it's not. A lot of bands currently playing under the 'Garage' umbrella aren't really floating my boat (because they're not really 'Garage'), and they're also not making waves in a big way culturally.

      As a side note: did any of you notice the inclusion of The Sonics version of 'Keep A'Knockin' in the debut episode of 'Pan Am'? While I thought that was kinda cool, it also irked me somewhat as it was anachronistic: the story takes place 2 or 3 years before the song was released.

    • October 10, 2011 2:07 PM CDT
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      kopper, that is not really an explaination. it is an opinionated definition written by "hipsters?". words are precious.  we misuse/overuse them so often they become worthless. one person's "mainstream" very often bears no relation to another person's "mainstream". please do not think that we are saying we are not guilty of this horrible crime. we are trying to  understand what people are saying. good luck on figuring out what we just said.

      kopper said:



      can somebub please explain "MAINSTREAM"? we don't know what that means.

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