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  • Topic: Spammers slipping in to the Hideout

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    • July 21, 2011 8:13 AM CDT
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      i got this msg from "Jeniffer Yak":


      My name is jeniffer, i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an e mail to my email address so , here is my e mail address( i believe we can move from here . I am waiting . (Remeber that distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) reply me with your email address .
      Thanks Yours in love,

      Dit you also got this msg?
      Then maybe we all can visit her!

      gr pieter
      The pignose willy's
    • July 28, 2011 7:35 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      Handy info, cheers!

      McVICKER said:

      this isn't spam... it's a 419 scam.

      these are proper criminals, i have a lot of dealings with them. i'm a member of 419eater, which is a group dedicated to wasting as much time and money of theirs as we can...anyone here also on my facebook can have a nose through my albums... (i like to make them do stupid stuff and send the pictures in lieu of fake western union transfers)

      you're best off just ignoring them...or? if you get them in your own email? reply to it using the original header and replace the first part of the mail up to "@" with "abuse" then informs their service provider and gets their mail shut down......anyone needs help with it you're more than welcome to drop me a line.

    • July 28, 2011 4:59 PM CDT
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      My name Peggy
    • July 28, 2011 4:18 PM CDT
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      Well, spammers or scammers... they're not getting in! Not if I can help it.


      McVICKER said:

      this isn't spam... it's a 419 scam.

      these are proper criminals, i have a lot of dealings with them. i'm a member of 419eater, which is a group dedicated to wasting as much time and money of theirs as we can...anyone here also on my facebook can have a nose through my albums... (i like to make them do stupid stuff and send the pictures in lieu of fake western union transfers)

      you're best off just ignoring them...or? if you get them in your own email? reply to it using the original header and replace the first part of the mail up to "@" with "abuse" then informs their service provider and gets their mail shut down......anyone needs help with it you're more than welcome to drop me a line.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 28, 2011 3:39 PM CDT
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      this isn't spam... it's a 419 scam.

      these are proper criminals, i have a lot of dealings with them. i'm a member of 419eater, which is a group dedicated to wasting as much time and money of theirs as we can...anyone here also on my facebook can have a nose through my albums... (i like to make them do stupid stuff and send the pictures in lieu of fake western union transfers)

      you're best off just ignoring them...or? if you get them in your own email? reply to it using the original header and replace the first part of the mail up to "@" with "abuse" then informs their service provider and gets their mail shut down......anyone needs help with it you're more than welcome to drop me a line.

    • July 28, 2011 9:59 AM CDT
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      Check this out. Click this Google search and see how many Ning networks are being hit by "LOVE NELLY." Unbelievable!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 28, 2011 9:44 AM CDT
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      We had another attempt by this same spammer to gain access to the network today. Check out the profile (click on the image for a larger view):

      As I mentioned last week, whoever is doing this is pretty crafty. They go into the Member directory here and copy biographical data from other members. Check out LOVE NELLY's favorite music, movies and other hobbies. It happens to be identical to this guy's.

      This one was pretty obvious to me because I've seen this "LOVE NELLY" name pop up multiple times in recent weeks. I decline them every time, but they keep coming back, trying to get in. Occasionally (as in the case of "Jeniffer Yak" above) they do succeed, only because they used a different name or weren't so obvious in their bio like this LOVE NELLY idiot ("I'm very easy-going, creative, woman who wants real love and can give lots of love," blah blah blah).

      Anyway, since I just saw this one I wanted to show you guys how they're going about their sneaky ways of trying to get in. Once they do, they then post comments on everyone's page like that one copied above. All I can do is keep trying to watch for them and deny access, but if one does sneak in somehow and starts sending out weird spam messages, keep your bullshit detectors on HIGH and be sure to let me know about it as soon as possible and I'll delete 'em.

      Thanks again.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 21, 2011 12:47 PM CDT
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      Those comments should disappear from your profiles after a while.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 21, 2011 11:58 AM CDT
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      i got the same one today too.
    • July 21, 2011 11:44 AM CDT
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      Yeah, sorry about this, guys. Spammers seem to be finding new and creative ways to bypass our membership screenings here. What they're doing now is actually going into our Member directory and copying biographical info from other profiles, including musical preferences, and pasting that info directly into their account profiles. This has happened several times over the past month or so. There's really no way of knowing if a potential member is a spammer or not when they do this. Usually there's some obvious red flag (like being from Dakar, having a user name like LOVE NELLY or putting something in their bio about being "a nice girl" or "i will tell u later"), but lately some have gotten in and starting posting crap like this, usually via the commenting system, by copying someone else's account details. All we can do is be really aware of what comments you're getting on your page and if you ever see something fishy (phishy?) or spammy, let me know and I'll take care of it.



      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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