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  • Topic: hangover cures?

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    • April 17, 2011 8:45 AM CDT
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      Do you guys have special recipes for hangovers?I have a couple of methods like to have a tomato juice (bloody mary also works fine!), or eat some feta cheese, also have a big cup of yogurt.....

      Tell me some!

    • March 20, 2013 6:22 PM CDT
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      I'm quite skeptical as to whether there are really any true hangover cures.  I can't handle my booze like I used to, but I find that drinking lots of water while I'm getting drunk makes a HUGE difference the next day.  Waterlogging myself before I go to bed/pass out helps me a lot as well.  Be careful with the Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen.  While most people know that booze & acetaminophen is a recipe for liver failure, many don't realize that in combination with Ibuprofen there is a highly increased risk of renal failure.  Enjoy your parties, dudes & dudettes. :)

    • May 2, 2012 8:29 PM CDT
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      Yes! Highland Park is my go-to...

      John E. Midnight said:

      Drink Scotch. Not crappy blends like J&B, the real 12-to-18-year-old single malts. Once you get a taste for it you can get hammered like a railroad spike, then wake up feeling just fine. I swear to you, it's amazing.  Just DON'T mix with beer or other mixed drinks. Pick a decent brand and stick with it. Weekdays can be like weekends!

    • May 2, 2012 7:59 PM CDT
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      Drink Scotch. Not crappy blends like J&B, the real 12-to-18-year-old single malts. Once you get a taste for it you can get hammered like a railroad spike, then wake up feeling just fine. I swear to you, it's amazing.  Just DON'T mix with beer or other mixed drinks. Pick a decent brand and stick with it. Weekdays can be like weekends!

    • April 29, 2012 3:13 PM CDT
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      Chug a glass of water, shower, eat brekkie, lotsa OJ and coffee, keep drinking water.

      Music of choice helps, esp. if you have the day off. Then go out and catch some sun.

    • April 15, 2012 12:00 PM CDT
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      The Lusty Bloody Ben


      3 large stalks celery from the heart, including leaves, plus extra for serving

      36 ounces tomato juice (recommended: Sacramento)

      2 teaspoons Lusty Monk Original Sin

      1 teaspoon grated yellow onion

      1 lemon, juiced

      1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

      1/2 teaspoon celery salt

      1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

      1 1/2 cups vodka



      Cut the celery in large dice, including the leaves, and puree in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade. Process until finely minced. In a large pitcher, combine the rest of the ingredients except the vodka. With the food processor running, pour 1/4 of the tomato juice mixture into the food processor through the feed tube. Then pour the contents of the food processor into the pitcher with the remaining tomato juice mixture. Add the vodka and chill. Serve in tall glasses over ice with a stick of celery.

    • February 6, 2012 1:28 AM CST
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      The O2 isn't the trick, Saline Solution is.

      Think about it: You're dehydrated, and an Isotonic IV will directly replenish your shit. Too bad when you ask anyone at a hospital for Saline Solution and needles they figure you to be a junkie. Damn shame, I'm just trying to get prepped for the morning after. You will seriously be good to go in under 30 minutes. And starting an IV isn't too hard (although prepare to be stuck 3-4 times if your mates have never done an intravenous puncture before)

      Isotonic drinks ain't bad either, although much less effective. Coconut Water is fantastic.

      DammitDave said:

      I'm a big fan of Alka Seltzer.  A friend of mine was a paramedic.  He would inject himself with saline solution and suck on an oxygen mask.  I don't know about the I.V. but Granny won't miss a little Owill she?

    • January 5, 2012 10:57 AM CST
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      English b'fast tea,man--the English know best!...i tried all the rest,a good cp of black tea,milk and sugar will really cure your headache in no time!...still ''hair of the dog'' is #1,when it comes to wake up still drunk:)Cheers to u all

    • January 3, 2012 3:20 PM CST
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      A big bottle of Gatorade and two asprins before going to bed. Not sure if that is the best thing for your stomache or liver when you already have them overloaded though.

      And as gross as many people seem to think it is, a big bowl of menudo really does seem to help me the morning after. Lots of fattiness and spicyness. Oh and lots more water.

    • January 1, 2012 1:28 PM CST
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      How has nobody suggested that you just have a beer to get you to work? It doesn't matter if yer hangover comes back, you wouldn't want to be there anyway, but at least you made it & you'll make it through.

      If it's a weekend then just go back to the pub for a bit, go home & pass out... or stay out all day & do it again.

    • August 1, 2011 12:54 PM CDT
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      I take Alka-Seltzer because it has a pain reliever, caffeine, and antacid for the sour stomach.  Gatorade is a good chaser since helps replenish your precious bodily fluids.
    • July 20, 2011 4:01 PM CDT
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      When I suspect that I've drank too much and will have a hangover the next day, I always pop three ibuprofen tablets before I hit the sack. That usually prevents it. Works better than aspirin or Alka-Seltzer for me, anyway.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 9, 2011 1:19 PM CDT
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      Misery loves company, so contact your partners in grime from the night before.  Suggest Bowling, Margueritas & Mexican food!  Spicy food to wake up your senses; bowling to wipe your fear of noise, and to make sure your muscles still work.  Tequila has magical healing powers, just remember when to stop.
    • May 31, 2011 2:34 PM CDT
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      Bananas, they're your best friend during a hangover it replaces lost electrolytes like any food does, and replaces potassium lost due to boozes diuretic effect, kiwi fruit works too.
    • April 21, 2011 9:49 AM CDT
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      I second the Chaser pill though it doesn't help when you're actually hungover...

      Also things with electrolytes and vitamins like Vitamin Water help me a bit, personally. And sleep and COFFEE. COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFFEEEEEE.

      Strangely enough, exercising also helps me as long as the hangover isn't TOO severe. You feel like you're going to die while you're doing it, but afterwards you feel pretty OK.
    • April 21, 2011 7:02 AM CDT
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      Or quoting the song "I'm gonna stay drunk til the next time I'm drunk..."


      Fuzzed, fucked up & forty...

    • April 20, 2011 7:29 AM CDT
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      I knew that was the right question!thanks for all!lots of useful info!

    • April 19, 2011 8:47 PM CDT
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      Yeah, speaking of charcoal, I heard that eating burnt toast is a good way to get charcoal in your system, which helps absorb/filter out toxins related to your hangover.
      Eat that combined with the mass fluids and vitamins you want pump back into your system.
    • April 19, 2011 5:22 PM CDT
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      I'm a big fan of Alka Seltzer.  A friend of mine was a paramedic.  He would inject himself with saline solution and suck on an oxygen mask.  I don't know about the I.V. but Granny won't miss a little Owill she?

    • April 19, 2011 4:38 PM CDT
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      I hate hangovers & have tried many recipes. This is the simplest, most reliable and available method I have been using for the past several years. I discovered something like this in Europe and found a similar product here that works.

      It's available at Walgreen's, CVS, Osco & some other drugstores too. It's called Chaser & you can buy a small pack or a larger bottle.  It's homeopathic, contains only natural herbs and ingredients.  Some of it is a big dose of B & C vitamins, which others have mentioned as helpful.  Some of it is calcium carbonate & charcoal, which absorb toxins and is what they give to people in the drunk tank to bring them down. Some of it is various herbs & extracts such as lobelia & nux vomica, to combat headache & nausea.

      It's best to take Chaser while you are starting to drink and not when you're already drunk, but if you realize you're getting too drunk or are about to, then you can still take it and it'll bring you down some.  If you're pretty drunk before you take any, then you should be sure to stay up a while after your last drink and before crashing & drink lots of water [you should do that regardless anyway when drinking; I try to have a glass of water, no ice, for every alcoholic drink.]   The only times it didn't work well were when people are already way drunk and maybe puking, didn't have much water or anything to eat, and then take it and pass out without staying up another hour or two till they felt better. 

      Unfortunately --It does NOT work the next morning when you're already hungover.  But it has saved me from dozens of hangovers, in fact I usually feel pretty damn good the next day. I don't even take as many pills as they say you need to.

      Here's a website about it for more info.  And no, I don't work for the company, nor do I own any stock in this stuff.  [Believe me, I tried to buy some stock after I tried it!]  It just works that well, as long as you heed my advice on how to use it.   I hope this helps some folks and let me know your experiences with it.  Usually costs about $24 for 40 pills, and you need 1-4 pills for a night of drinking....but it's so worth it, you know.  Sometimes I'd pay anything to kill that pain.

      I have to thank you for starting this discussion because now that I looked up that website I see where you can order it for only $14 a bottle there!  I'm ordering a couple right now!!!

      Peace & Parties,

      Rev. Velveteen

    • April 19, 2011 1:30 AM CDT
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      Just ride it out and remember, 'It ain't forever', and you know and i know that any thoughts of 'never again!',are BS. Have a listen to the Scotsmen's, Beer Bust Blues. Them boys got it right.
    • April 17, 2011 3:15 PM CDT
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      Good discussion topic. 

      If you Google this question, there are all kinds of different strategies out there. 

      One that I've used: buy a big bottle of those Vitamin B complex pills (you can get them pretty cheap if you buy the generic brand from Walmart or some other similar place). Take one of those before drinking and after drinking (before bed) and again when you wake up (part of the fun are all the bright colors the vitamins turn your pee). Combine that with lots of water and other vitamins and it helps a lot because one of the main types of vitamins that alcohol depletes from your body while drinking are those vitamins.

      Greasy (but not too greasy) helps. 

      And replace those electrolytes (buy a box of that EmergenC stuff). 

      Chugging some water every couple beers helps, too, to keep yourself hydrated.



    • April 17, 2011 1:50 PM CDT
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      I drink a large glass of water and three ibuprofens PRIOR to going to bed. If I forget this step, then it's usually something greasy to eat (diner breakfast with eggs/hash browns and bacon, cheeseburger, chicken fried steak), maybe some migas with rice and beans, drink lots of water, put on a good movie, get comfortable on the couch and do absolutely nothing - assuming you've puked after waking up, if you haven't try and get that out of the way ASAP.
    • April 17, 2011 12:09 PM CDT
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      Orange (or any fresh citrus) juice, home pressed. Combined with green tea in large amounts (supposedly helps liver & kidneys to cleanse) as a starter... common knowledge, lots of fluid.


      Then I have different remedies like russian root, ginger & herbals that are/feels refreshing. Since I tend to drink til like 6 in the morning I go thru' the day after dazed & mellow. While using the above & slowly come back, it's perfect to sleep it off at nite.


      And keeping busy, NOT laying around feeling sorry for one self is important (to me) so I rather try to have some stuff around to fix with. Well, not to brain-demanding chores that is!


      Cheers / Tobba Z /


      Fuzzed, fucked up & forty...

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