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  • Topic: So who's gotten to attend Sleazefest?

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    • April 1, 2011 6:17 PM CDT
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      I've always wanted to hit Gonerfest...who played?
    • April 1, 2011 1:32 PM CDT
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      I never went either.  I never used to believe in regrets...  I went to my first Gonerfest this past year and I'm kicking myself for missing the earlier ones, especially since it's relatively close to me.  SXSW seems too overblown at this point but I'm sure there are plenty of great bands playing on the fringes.  I'm keeping my ear to the ground for stuff like Sleazefest.
    • March 30, 2011 9:04 PM CDT
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      Ha! The closest I would get to starting up something like that would be something locally, and it would just be a few punk bands around...I would have better luck in Norfolk, though...And that probably wouldn't be too hard...I do know enough people from such bands as the Strap Ons, the Villains, Trauma Dolls, Hydeouts, thee Apostles, Sleaze Stacks, and more... Hmmm....And if I was able to throw something together there, I would have plenty of help...And it wouldn't be that hard to get Larry May down, too...
    • March 30, 2011 2:14 PM CDT
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      Elvisfest? Haha!

      Never been to a Sleazefest, either. Although I know people here in St. Louis that went to a few. You should start it up again, Joey!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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