Hi Kopper,
Is there still time to submit a song for possible inclussion for either the forthcoming comp or a later one?
Hi Kopper,
Is there still time to submit a song for possible inclussion for either the forthcoming comp or a later one?
I hope i did it right!
Awesome! That's what it's all about. Thanks for letting us know!
John Carlucci said:
I just wanted to say thanks again to Kopper for putting these comps together. They are getting noticed. I have songs on 2 of the comps with 2 different bands, and since they came out, both bands have received pretty cool offers to perform overseas.
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
I just wanted to say thanks again to Kopper for putting these comps together. They are getting noticed. I have songs on 2 of the comps with 2 different bands, and since they came out, both bands have received pretty cool offers to perform overseas.
Don't recall ever seeing one, Tex! Feel free to resubmit.
The Nervebreakers said:
Hello Kopper,
Was A Nervebreakers submission for this accepted? Haven't noticed it on any of the comps yet... Let me know if our submission got lost (or we submitted it wrong) and we will re-submit...
T. Edwards
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
Hello Kopper,
Was A Nervebreakers submission for this accepted? Haven't noticed it on any of the comps yet... Let me know if our submission got lost (or we submitted it wrong) and we will re-submit...
T. Edwards
It doesn't matter who is playing on the track as long as whomever holds the publishing rights agrees to the terms... IF I decide to use the track, that is.
Ghislaine Korb / THE PUSH-BACKS said:
Hi Kopper!i would love to submit one of the songs i've uploaded on my playlist,but as Rat Scabies(Damned)is drumming on them,i dunno if that'd be an''issue''....Can you tell me???also,those tunes will be played by the (new)Push-Backs,but those versions were recorded some time ago,is that a problem to feature on a Hideout comp???(even if they stay current on my project's list)??
Anyway i should record as a solo artist some newer shit soon-that is if you ''accept'' solo artist stuff that isnt yet in the process of being performed live(as i am re-recruting new members for my band at the moment)...Not wanting to sound un-proffessional,just wondering-thanks for aswering:)
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
with love from Jolly England! Featuring living British legend! drummer BRUCE BRAND! The Dustaphonics
I'm not too thrilled with the submissions this time around. I've downloaded about 50 songs, but am not too wowed by any of 'em (although some will definitely make Vol. 7), so I've decided to extend the deadline for submitting songs through the end of January. Note: If your band has already been included on a previous volume, please don't submit another song. I'm not looking to repeat bands on these just yet.
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
We´re workin on new songs.
Gonna send you in the next deadline.
Thanx for the comps.
I just started going through some of the songs that are being considered for a 7th volume, and 6 of the first 9 songs I checked are friggin' MP3s!! People aren't reading the submission instructions very closely. As it stands right now, I don't think I have enough for a 7th volume. We may just have to push this one back a while.
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
Oh boy, more fun.
wow another volume, are you planning on more volumes or taking it as it comes?
will submit a Branded song from our forthcoming LP on soundflat
Wanted to post a reminder for Hideout bands that the deadline for the next volume in this series is set for December 31, a little over a month away. Get your songs in now! Once again, click here for instructions on submitting a song:
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
Just an update: You can now find the Hideout Comp Series on Bandcamp! Click the link below:
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
OK, kids! Volume 6 (Noises From the Hideout) is now available! This will be the FINAL Hideout comp of 2011. That's right... IF there is to be a 7th volume (depends on the quantity and QUALITY of new submissions we get by Nov. 1), it won't come out until early 2012, anyway. So be sure and grab this one and tell all your friends!
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
Volume 5 (Hidden Tracks) is now available!!
Details: http://garagepunk.ning.com/page/hidden-tracks
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
I am officially closing off submissions for Vol. 6. Thanks to all the bands/musicians/labels here who have uploaded songs!
You might be wondering if there will be a Vol. 7... and that's a good question. I only received about a third the number of songs submitted for this round that I did for the first round. The reason I had to do five volumes last time was because there were so many great songs sent in. This time? Not so much. Definitely enough for one more volume (6), but doubtful for more. Bands can continue to upload tracks, though, so I'll take another look at what we've got left over later in the year (probably in November). So I'll set the next cut-off date for submissions for a possible Vol. 7 at Nov. 1, 2011.
Once again, if you haven't already joined, please send in your request to join the GRGPNK Records group here. As long as you're an active member of the site, we'll let you in. If you're not active, then it's time to get involved! ;)
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
The Creeping Ivies are my band and im a girl. I want to hear more girls too.
Becca Bomb x
I can only make an informed guess as to how much time and effort Kopper and all the bands and artists have put into this series based on how much effort I go to putting together YOU GOT GOOD TASTE, but what an effort amazing artwork and a collection of bands that really show how diverse Garage Punk can be. Big slap on the back to you all. Thanks.
PS I too want to hear some GIRL bands or at least GIRL singers, this would stretch the genre even more. C'mon where you all Hidin' ?My next show is part 2 of girls that rock the garage, any girl bands want to send me some tunes to feature on the show?
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
Hi Kopper,
Thanks for creating these opportunities for garage music lovers and creators of...
Formed in January 2011, Silver Sound Explosion are a three piece rock and roll band.
Ben plays guitar and the sings lead vocals, Kirsty plays two drums (floor tom & snare) with cymbals and sings backing vocals, Chris plays the bass guitar.
A single (two songs) were recorded in March 2011 with producer Fran Ashcroft (Happy Beat) at Whitby Studio's Ellesmere Port for release on iTunes on June 1st...(this date is yet to be confirmed)
We'd like to put forward the flipside track "Telephone Wired" as it best gives off the underlying garage flavour of our music, which is ultimately about stripping things back to the bone, embracing simplicity, and working with Fran was essential to capture that with his understanding of that simplicity.
Hope we may be considered for release for the Comp Series.
Have a great day,
Just heard this for the first time today (been away on vacation). This is such a great way to get taste of what is here at GPH. Thanks for all your hard work putting this thang together, Kopper. And thanks to all the bands and everyone else that helped making this series happen. Looking forward to Vol. 2.
Toot baby toot !!!
I guess Mr A. needs to be a bit tooted in order to help him regognize a girl from a boy !!!
Gringo Starr said:
YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:PS I too want to hear some GIRL bands or at least GIRL singers, this would stretch the genre even more. C'mon where you all Hidin' ?
My next show is part 2 of girls that rock the garage, any girl bands want to send me some tunes to feature on the show?
I know I'm tooting my own horn here but check out The Jackets (who will be included on Best of the Hideout Vol. 4) featuring Jack Torera ( a girl!!) on lead vocals and guitar -