one of Bowies finest!!!!!......in the early 70s...bowie wasnt quiite excepted yet in the states...it took awhile for the U.S. to Dig David...they didnt Like him till the Lets Dance thing...I myself felt a little let dwn with Younng americans!!!!....I wanted Ziggy to live forever!!.....well i was in Hollywood ..recently..
at Amoeba Records....its a Great Record store!....theres a Lil section w/ cassettes... Isnagged Pinups!!!........ok the review......
the cover....Fantastic!!!!!!.........Bowies dual colerd eyes!!!
the songs............wll each song is Bowie at his finest!!!!!.......See Emily Play...better than Pink Floyd!!......Shapes of things..Fuck!!!!!!! yea!!!!!
the Who songs .....aLil too slow...but its Bowie!!!
the added tracks....Bruce Springstine........Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!..........
port of amsterdam...Yes!!!...........this was Ziggys farwell!..........Love it!!