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  • Topic: Rebuilding Budweiser's Bandwagon

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    • August 25, 2010 10:58 AM CDT
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      Please read this article (below) and comment... I realize Budweiser isn't the most popular brand among the young, tattooed, rock'n'roll crowd (which is the point of the article), but how can they make inroads into that crowd? Just looking for some honest thoughts, ideas, suggestions.

      I mean, seriously, what makes people like this drink beer like PBR, Stag or Miller High Life over a brand like Budweiser?

      Why this is important to me: The marketing company I work for works closely with Anheuser-Busch, so they are honestly looking for ideas. I thought I'd post this here to see what you guys thought. :)


      Article link w/ photos, comments


      Can Budweiser, the King of Beers, reign again?
      BY TODD C. FRANKEL • > 314-340-8110 | Posted: Friday, August 20, 2010 12:15 am

      ST. LOUIS • They don't serve Budweiser at the Bleeding Deacon. No need. Customers never ask for the King of Beers at this South City bar and restaurant, says owner Mike

      McLaughlin's place attracts a young, hip crowd. Tattoos are common. So are T-shirts from thrift stores. The menu is eclectic, ranging from veggie flatbread to homemade meatloaf. The music leans toward indie rock, like The Pixies song playing one recent night.

      It's not snobbery that keeps Budweiser off the bar's blackboard listing of 60 or so brews. Plenty of Miller High Life and Pabst Blue Ribbon moves. But the demand for Budweiser simply is not there.

      "Budweiser is not a bad beer," explains McLaughlin, 32, his arms heavily inked. "It's just not a very good brand."

      Anheuser-Busch knows it has a Budweiser problem. The beer's share of the U.S. market peaked in 1988 at 26 percent, sinking to 9.3 percent last year. Even more troubling for A-B is that Budweiser seems at risk of being forgotten by an entire generation. Four out of 10 people in their mid-20s have never even tried Budweiser — a rate 2.5 times higher than when it reigned supreme, according to the company.

      But A-B is betting big it can persuade young beer drinkers to once again order a Budweiser, and thus get inside the door of places like the Bleeding Deacon.

      "We've drawn a line in the sand," A-B President Dave Peacock said earlier this week during a talk at the KMOX/Business Owners Speakers Series.

      Peacock admitted he wakes up each morning nervous about his pledge to revive the Budweiser brand in its home market. "We have a big target on my back," he said, with a slight laugh.

      And yet, Budweiser consistently ranks as one of the most popular brands in the world. One of the main reasons Belgian-Brazilian brewer InBev wanted to buy A-B was Budweiser. And the merged Anheuser-Busch InBev brewery has found success selling Budweiser overseas, in places such as Great Britain and China. Last week, the company cheerfully reported that Budweiser sales were "essentially flat" in the second quarter, thanks to global sales that compensated for Budweiser's weak performance in the United States.

      But gaining traction at home has proven difficult. "We know we have a lot of work to do, especially in the United States," said A-B InBev chief marketing officer Chris Burggraeve during a recent analysts' conference call. "But I can assure you that we're energized and completely committed to stabilizing the brand in its home market."

      That task falls to Peacock, head of the A-B InBev's U.S. operations.

      Peacock, standing on stage at Maryville University, sounded indignant when a question from the audience cast doubt on how Budweiser could be saved. The questioner was a man who appeared to be in his 20s, his sideburns long and his eyeglasses fashionable dark frames — precisely the kind of drinker that Budweiser wants to win back. But the man said he doesn't see Budweiser being consumed when he's out. He sees craft beer.

      Peacock got passionate in his defense of Budweiser. It wins blind taste tests again and again, he said. "It is the perfect liquid," he said, allowing that to sink in, then adding, "I don't say that out of arrogance."

      The problem, according to Peacock, is the image. A-B has not effectively used the brand's best qualities to market the beer. Budweiser has been brewed with the same yeast strain since 1876. It is the only one that is beechwood-aged, which helps with fermentation.

      "We have just as good a story as they do," he said, referring to the craft brews that tend to harp on their craftsmanship and history. "We just have been remiss in explaining that."

      It's not like A-B forgot how to sell beer in America. The company continues to produce almost half the beer sales in the U.S., cultivating numerous successful brands  uch as Bud Light, which is now the country's best-selling beer. Budweiser, however, continues to be a befuddling exception.

      Peackock admitted the marketing gimmicks of the 1990s — the Budweiser frogs and ants — were a mistake, cheapening the brand's image. A new series of lighthearted, but not silly, Budweiser ads now running on TV are aimed at young male drinkers. One shows different ways to carry Budweiser bottles from the bar to the table. Another highlights the various ways young men say hello to each other.

      But Budweiser's considerable history — a strong selling point — also threatens to hold it back.

      Peacock mentioned company testing of changes to the iconic Budweiser label that found consumers strongly against doing anything, no matter how small. He said even consumers who hated Budweiser didn't want anyone to mess with the label. Peacock said he was moved to wonder, "Why don't you buy it if you're so passionate about it?"

      He also recalled that after the A-B InBev merger in 2008, he was approached by people upset that A-B and Budweiser were being bought by a foreign company. He sounded flummoxed. "If you bought more (Budweiser), it probably wouldn't have sold," he said he told them.

      Outside the company, there is doubt that Budweiser can be revived.

      Craig Hutson, beverage analyst with Gimme Credit, said he was "guarded" that A-B could pull it off. He would have the company focused on growing Budweiser in foreign markets.

      Tom Pirko, a veteran beverage industry consultant, said Budweiser's troubles were part of a trademark's natural life cycle. The brand is stale. "The brand is in the midst of an identity crisis. It is feeling the ravages of time," he said.

      Budweiser needs a major makeover, a way to convince a new generation that Budweiser has something to offer beyond contributions to history, Pirko said. "Their problem, I think, is a bravery question. Is there a willingness to take risks with an established brand?" he said.

      Peacock declined to share A-B's emerging strategy for Budweiser, citing competitive concerns.

      Maureen Ogle, author of "Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer," said she thinks a renewed emphasis on Budweiser's strong heritage would be effective: "Bud as the original craft beer." But, she added, the brewer has been undercutting its efforts with humorous messages.

      Back at the Bleeding Deacon, McLaughlin said he saw a way forward for Budweiser — A-B must sell the beer using its working class, traditionalist roots and stop "marketing it like it was fruit juice."

      And Budweiser has one thing on its side, he noted.

      "No one else has got a good beer that is over 130 years old."

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 21, 2011 5:09 PM CST
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      That's not AB marketing... that's some garment company that bought the rights to the logo to use on a shirt. There are lots of those out there, like the Schaefer and Stag beer shirts I saw at Target not too long ago. This happens all the time with brands like that.


      So are you telling me that I didn't help out A-B by buying a Bud sweater for each member of my family?

    • January 21, 2011 8:03 AM CST
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      That's not AB marketing... that's some garment company that bought the rights to the logo to use on a shirt. There are lots of those out there, like the Schaefer and Stag beer shirts I saw at Target not too long ago. This happens all the time with brands like that.


      Dan Electreau said:

      Well it looks like A-B is serious about promoting Bud among the hipsters - found this on the rack at Urban Outfitters...

      It isn't a cotton sweatshirt - it's an 80's style chunky knit acrylic sweater.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 20, 2011 3:45 PM CST
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      Well it looks like A-B is serious about promoting Bud among the hipsters - found this on the rack at Urban Outfitters...

      It isn't a cotton sweatshirt - it's an 80's style chunky knit acrylic sweater.

    • September 24, 2010 2:10 AM CDT
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      I'm 20 and I live in the United States. I drink whatever I can get my hands on.
    • September 2, 2010 11:32 PM CDT
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      I see the mistake I made...I should have said "and convince King Kahn that he wouldn't be selling out if you asked him to do a Budweiser ad". Sorry about that. I write like a moron sometimes. kopper said:
      Did King Khan do a Budweiser ad? Are you serious?

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I drink Pabst when I'm out because it's a dollar 50 cheaper. But since I've had to cut back and keep it to 2 or 3 beers at a show, I've switched back to Bud because it does taste better than Pabst. Except for Henry's and Labattes, I can't stand other beers. There's always an off taste to them. Miller and Rolling Rock in general. Like they add salt or something. Bud has a nice clean taste.

      YOu need more rock and roll and guys like Peacock in the ads. Emphasize the nice clean flavor and make it look sexy, like a chick wants to kiss a guy who drinks a nice clean beer with no after taste. And convince King Kahn that he's not selling out just because he's doing a Budweiser ad. ; )
    • September 2, 2010 11:03 PM CDT
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      No. I meant the company should ask King Kahn to do an ad to hippen its image. Maybe then (hopefully) the 21-28 year olds wouldn't think of it as a beer their dad drank. kopper said:
      Did King Khan do a Budweiser ad? Are you serious?

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I drink Pabst when I'm out because it's a dollar 50 cheaper. But since I've had to cut back and keep it to 2 or 3 beers at a show, I've switched back to Bud because it does taste better than Pabst. Except for Henry's and Labattes, I can't stand other beers. There's always an off taste to them. Miller and Rolling Rock in general. Like they add salt or something. Bud has a nice clean taste.

      YOu need more rock and roll and guys like Peacock in the ads. Emphasize the nice clean flavor and make it look sexy, like a chick wants to kiss a guy who drinks a nice clean beer with no after taste. And convince King Kahn that he's not selling out just because he's doing a Budweiser ad. ; )
    • September 2, 2010 3:34 PM CDT
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      I agree! And I totally think this would be the retro-look can to do it, too:

      doombilly said:
      I think you are right. If you could cut the price in bars and maybe "retro-up" the packaging, "BUD CLASSIC" kind of thing, skinny jeans wearing dipshits would all be swilling it.

      theeGrayson said:
      I may be getting out of the demographic at 39 but for me Budweiser is the drink of your dad if he is a redneck mechanic. The reason the kids are drinking PBR and High Life is because you can get it for a dollar at the local hipster hang out. If I'm going to pay more I am going to buy a local craft beer with flavor.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 2, 2010 3:29 PM CDT
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      Did King Khan do a Budweiser ad? Are you serious? Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I drink Pabst when I'm out because it's a dollar 50 cheaper. But since I've had to cut back and keep it to 2 or 3 beers at a show, I've switched back to Bud because it does taste better than Pabst. Except for Henry's and Labattes, I can't stand other beers. There's always an off taste to them. Miller and Rolling Rock in general. Like they add salt or something. Bud has a nice clean taste.

      YOu need more rock and roll and guys like Peacock in the ads. Emphasize the nice clean flavor and make it look sexy, like a chick wants to kiss a guy who drinks a nice clean beer with no after taste. And convince King Kahn that he's not selling out just because he's doing a Budweiser ad. ; )

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 27, 2010 11:26 AM CDT
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      I think you are right. If you could cut the price in bars and maybe "retro-up" the packaging, "BUD CLASSIC" kind of thing, skinny jeans wearing dipshits would all be swilling it. theeGrayson said:
      I may be getting out of the demographic at 39 but for me Budweiser is the drink of your dad if he is a redneck mechanic. The reason the kids are drinking PBR and High Life is because you can get it for a dollar at the local hipster hang out. If I'm going to pay more I am going to buy a local craft beer with flavor.
    • August 27, 2010 6:05 AM CDT
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      Someone comes over with a 12 pk of Bud..... right on ..thanks dude!!!!
    • August 26, 2010 11:55 PM CDT
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      Speaking as a man sporting long sideburns and thick, dark framed glasses, I'm skeptical that a new marketing campaign is going to make gains with the hipster crowd. When I think of bud I think of superbowl ads, racing car ads, rodeo, bud girls and that whole macho American world of bullshit that I've learned to tune out because of its aesthetic and social irrelevance to me.

      Speaking of irrelevance, perhaps that should be the new pitch... position it as the most completely absurd choice for hipsters - iconoclasm *beyond* iconoclasm. Whatever. It's a whole lot better and less achingly transparent than having the "new and improved" Bud Girls w/ their tattoos and their Betty Page meets American Apparel outfits turing up the local hipster roller derby rally/ fixed gear bike love-in / art show / poetry slam / knitting bee / spelling bee.

      A brief diversion... I live in the Texas of Canada (Alberta) and I used to wait tables at a beef 'n' beer style steakhouse and I've served a lot of Bud and Molson Canadian over the years. At one point, we started serving Czechvar - a Czech beer that is actually named Budweiser Budvar, but due to a trademark dispute, it is sold around the world as Czechvar. I've also heard that this beer provided the template for the Bud brewed in the USA - and regardless of whether or not it's true, I used to tell them this whenever anyone ordered a Bud, in attempt to get them to try it.

      I was amazed that while people liked the story, many were simply uninterested in trying it at all - and that in the end, just about everyone who tried one, wound up ordering a regular ol' Bud for their next one.

      I think that in a way, this is Bud's problem. I perceive Bud drinkers as conservative men ("traditional" might be a more charitable word that a veteran beverage industry consultant might prefer) in their tastes and lifestyles - and Bud drinkers likely perceive me as just another hipster doofus with a faggy beard who's stupid enough to pay twice as much for craft brewed beer made by commies and hippies. Why fuck with the magic?

      My final word on this is... if you were buying beer for you and a lady friend, would you buy Bud? I know I wouldn't.
    • August 25, 2010 11:49 PM CDT
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      in a Large tumbler.....
      2 Mickeys; small can of V-8; salt & pepper; worteshire; &tabasco= what i call..... a "Bloody Mickey"
      Great for a morning wake-up!!!!
    • August 25, 2010 11:11 PM CDT
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      Bud Man stickers, yeah. But Spuds? yeesh.
    • August 25, 2010 5:43 PM CDT
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      It's not that good, the company that owns them treats its workers poorly, and it's tied with the near monopoly of the big distributors. What's not to not like? If anyone wants to know more about beer in America, watch Beer Wars. It's conveniently streamable on Netflix.
    • August 25, 2010 4:48 PM CDT
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      Price? $2.00/$2.50 for a Lone Star or Pabst Tall Boy vs $3.00/$3.50 for a Budweiser. I mean theres the Texas Lone Star Beer regional loyalty thing, Pabst is just cheap, same for Miller High Life, but they are also 'retro'. Budweiser in modern times represents 'corporate beer'. My suggestion? Sponsor hipster events? The kids are lovin' their fixed gear bikes these days maybe sponsor one of their events or add them in the commercials, you know, acting cool and nerdy giving each other hi-fives, make bandanas, bring back the logo bucket hat, break out those neon colored Ray Bans, bring back Spuds or even Bud Man............................or just lower the price. Then theres this:
    • August 25, 2010 4:35 PM CDT
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      Of course it's 7 bucks. They can cahrge that at the New york Dolls or X, in Hollywood no less.

      But I don't buy that "I'm old" stuff. I was just talking about that on ****book and mentioned my friend who was still going to 5 buck shows in his 60s. But he drank pisswater. He didn't care. He only stopped going a month before he passed on.
    • August 25, 2010 4:10 PM CDT
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      i've got a 12 pk of pbr in the fridge... i just fininished off the miller high life!!!....Ice cold....there all good....
      when ther COLD!!
      at shows.... most beers cost......7 bucks.... Last show i was at was N.y. Dolls & X....Hollywood.......ahhhhhhhh!!!!!
      i only go to a special show an then.......... im older ... i sit back and Listen to old records...
      and grt a Lil drunk in the safty of my home!!!!
    • August 25, 2010 1:24 PM CDT
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      I drink Pabst when I'm out because it's a dollar 50 cheaper. But since I've had to cut back and keep it to 2 or 3 beers at a show, I've switched back to Bud because it does taste better than Pabst. Except for Henry's and Labattes, I can't stand other beers. There's always an off taste to them. Miller and Rolling Rock in general. Like they add salt or something. Bud has a nice clean taste.

      YOu need more rock and roll and guys like Peacock in the ads. Emphasize the nice clean flavor and make it look sexy, like a chick wants to kiss a guy who drinks a nice clean beer with no after taste. And convince King Kahn that he's not selling out just because he's doing a Budweiser ad. ; )
    • August 25, 2010 12:15 PM CDT
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      where i have Lived and worked... Bud has always been the beer of joice... w/ the Latino community!!!
      the mexican guys come in, after a hard days work and pick up a cold pk of Bud!
      my Mexican girlfriend says it gives her a headache.... she buys the more x-pensive stuff..(Stella).....
      i buy what evers on sale!!....
    • August 25, 2010 11:56 AM CDT
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      I may be getting out of the demographic at 39 but for me Budweiser is the drink of your dad if he is a redneck mechanic. The reason the kids are drinking PBR and High Life is because you can get it for a dollar at the local hipster hang out. If I'm going to pay more I am going to buy a local craft beer with flavor.
    • August 25, 2010 11:40 AM CDT
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      Budweiser is what normal, decent people drink (aka "hot" country music fans, Republicans, Baptists when there not in from of other Baptists, etc). It's seen as beer for the masses. What tatooed hipster wants to be a mass, another face in the crowd? They want to be individuals and stand apart (I'm reminded of the old Steve Martin routine: "Hey everybody, let's all take the non-conformist oath! All together now; "I promise to be different...").

      Why don't I drink Budweiser? If I want to drink tons, I'll get PBR, Stag, Old Milwaukee, etc that's noticably cheaper. If I want just a couple, I'll get a "real" beer; an import or micro/craft beer. To me, Bud (and the majority of A-B) is neither one thing or the other.

      Maybe it's just that "Budweiser taste." Even the fancypants beers like American Ale, etc that are ... ok, taste like Budweiser mixed with a "good beer."

      I also thin some people are alergic to Budweiser brands. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard someone say that A-B products give them an instant headache, I couldn't run and jump the stack of money.

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