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  • Topic: Love Parade 2010

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    • July 27, 2010 1:37 AM CDT
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      Don't know how many Germans are around here or if it caught the news much outside Europe but there was a techno festival in a nearby city here on Sunday where a stampeed killed 20 and injured more than 500.

      The videos are chilling and in my opinion this is murder or manslaughter as the organisers intended to cram 1.4 million people into a site that could hold 500,000 people and push them through a tunnel 20 meters wide, the same tunnel that people would leave the site by.

      Anyone know of any other similar organised events where the organisers were taken to court?

      In some of the press release videos the sponsor, McFit chairman blames the young people in the crowd for causing the mass panic. Just to make sure that insult is added to injury.
    • July 28, 2010 11:29 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      Fucking hippies, were they counting on people to just behave themselves? cause that just isn't gonna happen!

      You couldn't do an event, from where I am, with this sorta slack health and safety practice. They would nail you to the wall for trying. I would have thought there would be a million permits to get etc to put on an event of this size?
    • July 28, 2010 11:46 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      The crazy thing about the festival is that it was free and funded through sponsorship. So I can't imagine that anyone would have gained that much even if it were a success.

      But it was a guarantee that there would be more than 500,000 people there because the last two years saw attendences of 800,0000 and 1.2 million. Some work collegues went and told me that there was just one security guy on the door without even a radio.
    • July 28, 2010 4:28 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      I'm guessing the "love" was for the Euro or Deutschmark and not for human life.

      But yeah, I was a bit taken back by the size of the tunnel they were trying to squeeze everyone through. That tunnel was never gonna cope with half a million people let alone the 1.4 million that turned up. That was a king sized fuck up by the organisers.

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