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    • June 30, 2010 1:03 PM CDT
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      There´s a few occasions when i really tune in and turn blue when i find good junkyard trash television quality among all the taking themselves too friggin seriously mainstream shit. At eighties i loved SLEDGEHAMMER. Then came SON OF BEACH, the SIMPSONS, and more recently SOUTH PARK. Even nowadays i can watch and enjoy series like OFFICE u.k., GREEN WING, SPACED, and even MY NAME IS EARL(although it became very soon unwatchable because of Earls moron brother who is simply awful with his wet lip philosophy and pussyfaced sentimentality.) then of course last but not least Canadian prime time leftover goodies The TRAILER PARK BOYS.

      But none of the above has given me such a blast for its money than the RENO 911! cop reality show back from 2003 if not mistaken. For some reason it took seven years to reach these regions up north.

      The episodes hung between two thoughts:first  i cant belive this shit im watching, but soon it turn out to be a laugh riot you never expected or may never experienced.  The show look like total jerk of  an script wise, acting is beyond even for John Waters standards of cool. Watching it for shock value´s worth anytime, discovering a whole new ways to explore comedy, humiliation, cop humour and (self ) embarassiment, then after few episodes you need more and you fell in love with each caracter.

      You become addicted.

    • July 15, 2010 5:59 PM CDT
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      I think every episode had at least one good laugh. Sometimes it feels surreal to the point that you ask yourself if you should laugh or not. Not because it's not funny but it seems almost serious in a way, a weird way.
    • July 15, 2010 8:47 AM CDT
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      i kinda like that you dont know what you get when watching reno911! whater is it shit or blast off...there´s too much series that calcukates every inch of the script ho make sure everybody get it. Reno 911! is unbalanced, unstable but the show itself is always one possibility for laugh riot. Shane-O said:
      Reno 911 is hit or miss. Some episodes were really good, and some others were just....Meh.
      The Shield is a top ten show for me, it had me hooked from the beginning, and I havent seen the final season yet. Havent watched the Wire, but I have heard nothign but good things about it, so I will rent the series DVDS that are available and check it out.
    • July 8, 2010 4:26 PM CDT
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      Reno 911 is hit or miss. Some episodes were really good, and some others were just....Meh.
      The Shield is a top ten show for me, it had me hooked from the beginning, and I havent seen the final season yet. Havent watched the Wire, but I have heard nothign but good things about it, so I will rent the series DVDS that are available and check it out.
    • July 8, 2010 11:16 AM CDT
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      Dragnet beats them all.
    • July 2, 2010 8:46 PM CDT
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      I really liked the way that Reno 911 took the piss outta all the reality cop shows. Those reality cop shows are just awful, in fact basically the whole reality genre is awful. I used to love The Shield but not many people watched it over here so they pulled it.
    • July 2, 2010 6:13 PM CDT
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      It's hard to get into Reno 911 with just 1 or two episodes. I had to watch during a marathon otherwise I wasn't going to return to it probably but after five, I was totally hooked and thought it was hilarious.

      Burn Notice is a bit light. I probably sound like a wimp not really appreciating The Shield like most people, but comparing the two shows is almost like comparing the Mummies to the Dwarves (1990 to 1996 version). And you can probably guess which one I really love of those two groups.
    • July 2, 2010 2:37 PM CDT
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      Rockford Files! James Garner is the man! Haven't seen Burn Notice yet, and what I saw of Reno 911 looked OK, but that was only a couple episodes. Nothing drew me in at the time. Click the link I posted for The Wire, Rami. You can watch it there... Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      You mentioned Burn Notice. That's a little more up my alley. I guess I like my entertainment a little more light hearted. I'm also a big Rockford fan.

      Rami LTX said:
      you have many problems? it´s entertainment still...

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I love Reno 911. And personally, I really have a problem with the Shield. Just a bunch of back stabbers. Criminals posing as cops even if they originally joined the force with the best of intentions. I can see having mental breakdowns and proposing to yourself "should I step over the line this one time and will anyone notice?" but to actually cross the line and hope to get away with something just reeks of cowardness. Whatever you want to answer though, don't give away the ending. I didn't have cable at the time the series came to a close and they cancelled re-runs in the area I live so I'm going to have to rent it, so yeah, I did watch it. Just had a problem with it as well.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 1, 2010 9:54 PM CDT
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      You mentioned Burn Notice. That's a little more up my alley. I guess I like my entertainment a little more light hearted. I'm also a big Rockford fan. Rami LTX said:
      you have many problems? it´s entertainment still...

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I love Reno 911. And personally, I really have a problem with the Shield. Just a bunch of back stabbers. Criminals posing as cops even if they originally joined the force with the best of intentions. I can see having mental breakdowns and proposing to yourself "should I step over the line this one time and will anyone notice?" but to actually cross the line and hope to get away with something just reeks of cowardness. Whatever you want to answer though, don't give away the ending. I didn't have cable at the time the series came to a close and they cancelled re-runs in the area I live so I'm going to have to rent it, so yeah, I did watch it. Just had a problem with it as well.
    • July 1, 2010 9:32 AM CDT
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      you have many problems? it´s entertainment still... Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I love Reno 911. And personally, I really have a problem with the Shield. Just a bunch of back stabbers. Criminals posing as cops even if they originally joined the force with the best of intentions. I can see having mental breakdowns and proposing to yourself "should I step over the line this one time and will anyone notice?" but to actually cross the line and hope to get away with something just reeks of cowardness. Whatever you want to answer though, don't give away the ending. I didn't have cable at the time the series came to a close and they cancelled re-runs in the area I live so I'm going to have to rent it, so yeah, I did watch it. Just had a problem with it as well.
    • July 1, 2010 9:30 AM CDT
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      tv´s the real thing. they almost fucked up the Trailer Park Boys, when makin it as feature film. but only almost... ixnayray said:
      RENO has still not made it to UK TV yet... But I did see the movie and to be honest with you, NOT GOOD.
    • July 1, 2010 9:28 AM CDT
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      Kop. you dont dig reno911??? kopper said:
      I don't know, man... better than The Shield or The Wire? Seriously?
    • July 1, 2010 9:25 AM CDT
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      I love Shield man. It´s a bit different genre i´m talking about. Shield is A-class cop thriller. Maybe the best ever. What i am looking for my b-entertainment mood. Reno 911! does the job. Shield is up somewhere with the Burn notice. Serious cop thriller was something complitely different. NEVER HERAD OF THE WIRE????? kopper said:
      I don't know, man... better than The Shield or The Wire? Seriously?
    • June 30, 2010 10:44 PM CDT
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      Well yeah, everyone is absolutely correct that it is a good show and a great drama. But any character who had morals always ended up being a short lived character. I wouldn't be surprise if something did happen to Michael Chiklis at the end. ixnayray said:
      I see where you're coming from but it makes for great drama not to mention a pretty tense plot that stretches throughout the whole seven seasons. I think it's great that they chose to examine police corruption. It's a real shame though... BECAUSE THEY ALL DIE AT THE END!!!!!

      HA HA, just fuckin' with ya' Ron... I still have the last series to watch yet.

      I'm yet to see The Wire... but I bought them all on DVD and i'm just waiting for the right moment as i'm sure i'm gonna be completely hooked. It's all I hear people talking about. Can't wait.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I love Reno 911. And personally, I really have a problem with the Shield. Just a bunch of back stabbers. Criminals posing as cops even if they originally joined the force with the best of intentions. I can see having mental breakdowns and proposing to yourself "should I step over the line this one time and will anyone notice?" but to actually cross the line and hope to get away with something just reeks of cowardness. Whatever you want to answer though, don't give away the ending. I didn't have cable at the time the series came to a close and they cancelled re-runs in the area I live so I'm going to have to rent it, so yeah, I did watch it. Just had a problem with it as well.
    • June 30, 2010 8:16 PM CDT
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      I see where you're coming from but it makes for great drama not to mention a pretty tense plot that stretches throughout the whole seven seasons. I think it's great that they chose to examine police corruption. It's a real shame though... BECAUSE THEY ALL DIE AT THE END!!!!! HA HA, just fuckin' with ya' Ron... I still have the last series to watch yet. I'm yet to see The Wire... but I bought them all on DVD and i'm just waiting for the right moment as i'm sure i'm gonna be completely hooked. It's all I hear people talking about. Can't wait. Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I love Reno 911. And personally, I really have a problem with the Shield. Just a bunch of back stabbers. Criminals posing as cops even if they originally joined the force with the best of intentions. I can see having mental breakdowns and proposing to yourself "should I step over the line this one time and will anyone notice?" but to actually cross the line and hope to get away with something just reeks of cowardness. Whatever you want to answer though, don't give away the ending. I didn't have cable at the time the series came to a close and they cancelled re-runs in the area I live so I'm going to have to rent it, so yeah, I did watch it. Just had a problem with it as well.
    • June 30, 2010 6:31 PM CDT
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      I love Reno 911. And personally, I really have a problem with the Shield. Just a bunch of back stabbers. Criminals posing as cops even if they originally joined the force with the best of intentions. I can see having mental breakdowns and proposing to yourself "should I step over the line this one time and will anyone notice?" but to actually cross the line and hope to get away with something just reeks of cowardness. Whatever you want to answer though, don't give away the ending. I didn't have cable at the time the series came to a close and they cancelled re-runs in the area I live so I'm going to have to rent it, so yeah, I did watch it. Just had a problem with it as well.
    • June 30, 2010 2:25 PM CDT
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      I don't know, man... better than The Shield or The Wire? Seriously?

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 30, 2010 1:19 PM CDT
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      RENO has still not made it to UK TV yet... But I did see the movie and to be honest with you, NOT GOOD.

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