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  • Topic: Worst Movies Ever

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    • June 27, 2010 4:44 PM CDT
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      Fuck, anything by M. Night Shamamalan, no matter how it's spelled he still blows. Sideways - The story of two ass hats that enjoy drinking wine. Paul Giamatti sucks. I actually liked wine, but this movie made me switch to port. My number one most hated movie...... Pirate Radio. I have never been more pissed off in my entire life. They left out so many good bands. Turned an awesome true story into a complete sap fest, complete with vomit inducing love story, ridiculously uncool characters, and one of the worst endings I have ever seen. Fuck you Pirate Radio! Fuck you and all those associated with your creation.
    • June 27, 2010 2:28 AM CDT
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      Anything with that turd actor La Beuff from Transformers. Titanic is an obvious one, and the Twilight saga too. But you generally know what you're getting into from the start when you watch any of that mainstream Hollywood drivel.
    • June 26, 2010 9:07 PM CDT
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      the strangers fucking sucked! So lame. I have been pondering many choices. I walked out of the "flowers in the attic" movie in 9th grade. I also despised "pret a porter" or "ready to wear" or whatever. And I think I turned off woody allen's "celebrity" in bitter disgust, and I usually like woody allen. I wrote a blog about how much i hated one of tinto brass's movies, haha, lemme find link... FREDDI said:
      Worse than worst (Average girlfriend's exhortations):

      Dancing with wolves-
      Almost everyone's Lars Von Trier-
      The Fountain-

      and recently:
      The Strangers-
      Gone baby gone-
    • June 26, 2010 7:29 PM CDT
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      I said earlier in this thread that David Lynch's movies were the worst, well I couldn't be more wrong!
      there's this french film... Amélie, which is ten times worse. It's like a cross between a puppy and an idiot...
    • June 26, 2010 7:05 PM CDT
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      Ehm...I guess you know it as "Life is beautiful" FREDDI said:
      When it came out I really liked it.
      Along the years I changed my mind,actually I think it sucks.
      Though it's about a not easy theme:

      La Bella Vita - Roberto Benigni
    • June 26, 2010 1:11 PM CDT
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      Some movies that really irritate me are:

      St. Elmo's Fire - a bunch of yuppies graduate college and we're supposed to care.

      Home Alone - I'll never understand why people think this is so funny. That kid drove me to want to kill him.

      Dirty Dancing - Another one that was inexplicably popular, but nauseating to me.

      Titanic (1997) - I had to sit through this with my family once. They zoomed past all the sex scenes for the little kids, but they let them see everyone freeze to death in the water. I tried to sleep through most of it.

      Bloodsucking Freaks - I'll probably get dinged but I just think this thing is the most repulsive movie I've ever seen and I did see the whole thing. It was just gore with no point to it.
    • June 26, 2010 11:22 AM CDT
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      ANY Adam Sandler movie (esp. Little fucking Nicky!) and except Punch Drunk luv....I liked it....meh. And...*sigh*.....Carrot Tops Chairman of the Board! YECH! FEH!! Thee most unfunniestest movie EVERRRRR!!!! The only....ONLY thing cool in that movie was the Rat Fink poster hangin' on their door. My 2 cents worf.
    • June 26, 2010 10:44 AM CDT
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      Worse than worst (Average girlfriend's exhortations):

      Dancing with wolves-
      Almost everyone's Lars Von Trier-
      The Fountain-

      and recently:
      The Strangers-
      Gone baby gone-
    • June 26, 2010 10:25 AM CDT
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      When it came out I really liked it.
      Along the years I changed my mind,actually I think it sucks.
      Though it's about a not easy theme:

      La Bella Vita - Roberto Benigni
    • June 25, 2010 10:14 PM CDT
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      I Heart Huckabees

      Where The Wild Things Are with those mopey monsters who whined and peed all over themselves. Bleh!
    • June 25, 2010 8:04 PM CDT
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      The one about the retarded family with Gwynneth Paltrow and Bill Murray and those ugly Wilson Brothers (Owen?).
      And that unfunny Adam Sandler movie, directed by the same guy. Punch Drunk Love. I want my $10 back.
    • June 25, 2010 7:57 PM CDT
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      I got stuck watching Titanic with my family once, one of the most awkward and uncomfortable times of my life. They were sitting there crying 'n' shit and I'm going what the fuck did you just put me through?? Needless to say I haven't been to a family gathering in over ten years.

      There is one movie in particular that I hated with a passion: Snakeskin.

      A local movie that tried really hard to be an american road movie, man it sucked, worst part was one of my best friends was in it and he was raving about it and all I could say was "I liked the part where your head took up the entire screen"

      I have a generalized hatred of musicals and period dramas, even though I collect the soundtracks to musicals for some reason.
    • June 25, 2010 3:46 PM CDT
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      I watched Magnolia and Mulholland Drive all the way through and was just as disappointed as anyone could be. Mulholland Drive didn't even have an ending. It's like they fired the writer of the first 90 minutes and hired a guy for the last 30 minutes but he din't read any of the previous scenes.

      I like watching a lot of the comedies that have come out since 1997 or 98 and movies that came out during the 70s and early 80s but can't stand anything inbetween them unless they have something going for them. Movies I hate? The Porky's series, Police Acadamy, all the American Pies that go straight to DVD.
    • June 25, 2010 11:22 AM CDT
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      ixnayray said:
      Kopper, it saddens me that you could'nt sit through Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man. It's a winner. I really mean that. Maybe you can find it in your heart to give it another try someday?
      No, I remember people recommending that movie to me way back when, so I rented it, started watching it, and my wife and I just looked at each other and were like, WTF?

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 25, 2010 10:35 AM CDT
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      It's a tie between "Beast With a Million Eyes" ((1955)) and "Magnolia" ((1999)).
    • June 25, 2010 10:13 AM CDT
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      The thing with me is that I can sit through practically anything BUT I really could'nt handle the TRANSFORMERS movie from a couple of years back. Never before have I been so bored with so much going on and so much money vomiting from the screen. And yet i'll sit through any Jess Franco movie.

      Kopper, it saddens me that you could'nt sit through Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man. It's a winner. I really mean that. Maybe you can find it in your heart to give it another try someday? I actually watched the "sequel/remake" to Gone In 60 Seconds", it was awful... but really, what did I expect?
    • June 25, 2010 10:04 AM CDT
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      I can't think of any David Lynch flicks that didn't make me physically sick... Haven't seen much though. But the worst gotta be Mulholland drive. Oh, and E.T. is pretty bad as well.

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