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  • Topic: Anyone watcing basketball?

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    • June 16, 2010 5:29 AM CDT
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      Did this group just start and that's why there are only 6 people or no one gives a shit about sports here?  What a humiliating game the Celtics played last nite and I think a lot of us thought that if they didn't do it in 6, they won't do it at all.  No one could do anything.  Fingers crossed for Thursday.
    • June 24, 2010 1:09 PM CDT
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      The Hawks moved to Atlanta in '68. That was unfortunate, because the owner didn't like them playing at Kiel or the Arena and wanted the city to build him a new venue, but the city said no, so they left. BTW, the Celtics and Hawks played several times against each other in the NBA finals. Hawks only won one of those, IIRC. The Spirits of St. Louis were around a couple years in the '70s ('74-'76), but they were an ABA team, and they didn't survive the ABA/NBA merger. I went to see them play at the Arena when I was a kid... them and the Harlem Globetrotters, ha. The owners of the Spirits are still collecting TV money from the NBA as a result of that deal... to the tune of millions a year! The NBA fucked themselves on that one, and the owners of the Spirits are (still) laughing all the way to the bank. Recordgrooves said:
      I went to HS in Oakland CA & played a lot of street ball myself, I had two uncles that played college ball. I have to admit that I'm still not use to the common mentality of how the Midwest generalizes NBA/Basketball, & I've been around here since 97'.
      I don't even know how long it has been since the Hawks were out here? At least I can still find a few cool peeps around here that know about great Rock N' Roll. Tim Doubledee said:
      I know what you mean about NBA. The last time I could even bring myself to get into it much was when I was in jr. high. After that, I got tired of seeing just about every shot go down, travelling not being called, palming the ball not being called (this was because I myself never got away with shit like that when I played--high school refs are much stricter), and just the overall seemingly easiness of the game for the athletes playing. I much prefer college ball, because the game doesn't seem so effortless for the guys (or gals) on the court. The atmosphere is much more authentic in the arena, as well.

      kopper said:
      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 21, 2010 5:29 AM CDT
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      I'm kind of a fair weather/playoff basketball fan so it's not like I'm all defending the sport. But to say you got bored in 5 min when it was such a down and dirty game seems weird. And to Tim Doubledee, nothing was coming easy that nite with Kobe missing everything, most of the Celtics not being able to buy a basket, not getting Lakers' rebounds, etc. Whatever, I only have a couple more months til football season starts. kopper said:
      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.
    • June 20, 2010 8:00 PM CDT
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      I went to HS in Oakland CA & played a lot of street ball myself, I had two uncles that played college ball. I have to admit that I'm still not use to the common mentality of how the Midwest generalizes NBA/Basketball, & I've been around here since 97'. I don't even know how long it has been since the Hawks were out here? At least I can still find a few cool peeps around here that know about great Rock N' Roll. Tim Doubledee said:
      I know what you mean about NBA. The last time I could even bring myself to get into it much was when I was in jr. high. After that, I got tired of seeing just about every shot go down, travelling not being called, palming the ball not being called (this was because I myself never got away with shit like that when I played--high school refs are much stricter), and just the overall seemingly easiness of the game for the athletes playing. I much prefer college ball, because the game doesn't seem so effortless for the guys (or gals) on the court. The atmosphere is much more authentic in the arena, as well.

      kopper said:
      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.
    • June 20, 2010 2:08 PM CDT
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      I know what you mean about NBA. The last time I could even bring myself to get into it much was when I was in jr. high. After that, I got tired of seeing just about every shot go down, travelling not being called, palming the ball not being called (this was because I myself never got away with shit like that when I played--high school refs are much stricter), and just the overall seemingly easiness of the game for the athletes playing. I much prefer college ball, because the game doesn't seem so effortless for the guys (or gals) on the court. The atmosphere is much more authentic in the arena, as well. kopper said:
      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.
    • June 20, 2010 1:32 PM CDT
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      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 18, 2010 6:56 PM CDT
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      I wanted Boston to win, and those guys have nothing to be ashamed of.
    • June 18, 2010 5:27 AM CDT
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      Well for those of us in Boston, it's a depressing morning. We let it slip away between Kobe sucking, letting the Lakers get all those offensive rebounds and missing a bunch of shots. If Ray had just made 1/3 of his attempts... It's almost as depressing as the Pats/Giants Superbowl. But yes, a good (if ugly) game 7 esp. for those with only a passing interest.
    • June 17, 2010 9:30 PM CDT
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      This game 7 is the best game I've seen since I was a kid, no room for show boating here, everyone is getting shutdown.

      Real Basketball.

      Rock On!
    • June 16, 2010 9:19 AM CDT
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      My guess is that real sports nuts (even rock n rollers) do all their posting on sites geared to sports, and that most of us here care more about music than sports.
      I caught a brief bit of an interview of Kobe Bryant on Sportscenter yesterday where a reporter asked him "Do you feel confident about these next two games in your home court?" or something along that line, and he just gave him a 30-second shit-eating grin with his face in his hand before saying "No, I don't feel confident at all about playing tonight" basically throwing the insipid question right back in the reporter's face. All sports press conferences have become a waste of time in this modern age, with nothing but predictable rote questions and predictable rote answers. An athlete would have to be falling-down drunk to give any kind of entertaining or brutally honest answer.
      And yes, Boston laid an egg. And will probably lose the final, as well. Unless Kobe really isn't confident. We saw how that played out last night!

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