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    • May 19, 2010 11:49 AM CDT
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      Wow, a discussion group about drinkin', alright!


      Beer for me, i'm a sucker for IPA.

      I have a small grocery market down the street that stocks Lagunitas, their Maximus IPA is not too shabby. Reminds me of the stuff i used to brew.


      Been a while since i brewed anything, been inspired to brew my own batch of IPA or other hoppy variety, hopefully in the next week or so. Looking forward to getting back into it.



    • June 24, 2010 2:03 AM CDT
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      Man you should come to Germany, they'll kick your arse for ordering a kolsh in Dusseldorf. The two cities are about 30 minutes from each other! It's all about local identities here, which is silly but quaint at the same time. My favourite is Waggle Dance. That lurvely ale, then again anything that they sell at the Hobgoblin kopper said:
      My wife bought me some beer for Father's Day, and one of the bottles she picked up for me was worthy of me mentioning here: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale, an IPA out of Petaluma, California. I told a Michigan beer-bloggin' buddy of mine about it and he made some crack about it being proof of the "west coast getting jealous of the Great Lakes and trying to TASTE just like a much more quality Michigan IPA." Wow, talk about sour grapes. Since when is drinking good beer about creating regional divisions and rivalries? This isn't sports! Or fashion. Or fucking hip hop or something. Can't a brewer just make a good beer without being accused of (or rather, without its connected region being accused of) "being jealous" of some other region's beer? What a stoopid fuckin' thing to say.

      Anyway, this is damned fine beer and I highly recommend it. That is all.

      kopper said:
      I really love IPAs, too. In fact, it's probably my favorite beer style. I can't get enough of it. Sooo many good ones out there, too. I don't know how readily available this one is for folks outside of St. Louis, but it's one of my favorites: O'Fallon 5-Day IPA
    • June 22, 2010 8:40 AM CDT
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      My wife bought me some beer for Father's Day, and one of the bottles she picked up for me was worthy of me mentioning here: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale, an IPA out of Petaluma, California. I told a Michigan beer-bloggin' buddy of mine about it and he made some crack about it being proof of the "west coast getting jealous of the Great Lakes and trying to TASTE just like a much more quality Michigan IPA." Wow, talk about sour grapes. Since when is drinking good beer about creating regional divisions and rivalries? This isn't sports! Or fashion. Or fucking hip hop or something. Can't a brewer just make a good beer without being accused of (or rather, without its connected region being accused of) "being jealous" of some other region's beer? What a stoopid fuckin' thing to say. Anyway, this is damned fine beer and I highly recommend it. That is all. kopper said:
      I really love IPAs, too. In fact, it's probably my favorite beer style. I can't get enough of it. Sooo many good ones out there, too. I don't know how readily available this one is for folks outside of St. Louis, but it's one of my favorites: O'Fallon 5-Day IPA

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • May 19, 2010 11:06 PM CDT
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      Yeah the same thing happens here. I remember a few months ago when they started sending kegs of the younger to bars it would be blown in 20-30 minutes... insanity. People are IPA crazy in San Diego. euphorik6 said:
      oh man, hell yeah - pliny the elder. great stuff. hard to find up here - distribution is spotty, and whenever it arrives on the shelf - wherever it arrives on the shelf, it's usually gone within a couple of hours. great beer, though.
    • May 19, 2010 11:00 PM CDT
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      oh man, hell yeah - pliny the elder. great stuff. hard to find up here - distribution is spotty, and whenever it arrives on the shelf - wherever it arrives on the shelf, it's usually gone within a couple of hours. great beer, though.
    • May 19, 2010 11:00 PM CDT
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      Port Brewing and Pizza Port put out AMAZING beers... Hop 15 is great. They make this IPA called Hop Suey that they usually have on cask at the brewery that is probably one of the best beers I have ever had. euphorik6 said:
      i am also into IPAs, especially ultra-hoppy in-your-face west coast IPAs. i am in northwest washington state, most of my favorite beers are regional. this one doesn't distribute much further south than the tacoma area (i've never seen it past there, anyway), but if you're ever in northwest WA, be sure and track down sculler's IPA from skagit river brewing. another one i have been getting into lately is hale's supergoose IPA from hale's ales in seattle. i also really really like the IPAs coming out of port brewing in san diego - their wipeout IPA, and (especially) the ass-kicking hop-15 double IPA. stand the fuck back - to paraphrase van the man, four pints of that shit won't have you climbin up the walls - four pints of that shit will have you on the fucking FLOOR. all are in-your-face super-hoppy, good shit.

      i am also a big fan of stone IPA. just tried stone's sublimely self-righteous ale for the first time last month. fucking killer!
    • May 19, 2010 10:58 PM CDT
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      I haven't brewed in a couple years, I have all the equipment still but my apartment is too hit to ferment anything well. I like within bike riding distance of Stone Brewing Co. This is very dangerous... IPAs is one of my favorite styles. I like Ruination IPA from Stone, Pliny The Elder 9and Younger) from Russian River, Oskar Blues Gubna... so many
    • May 19, 2010 9:09 PM CDT
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      i am also into IPAs, especially ultra-hoppy in-your-face west coast IPAs. i am in northwest washington state, most of my favorite beers are regional. this one doesn't distribute much further south than the tacoma area (i've never seen it past there, anyway), but if you're ever in northwest WA, be sure and track down sculler's IPA from skagit river brewing. another one i have been getting into lately is hale's supergoose IPA from hale's ales in seattle. i also really really like the IPAs coming out of port brewing in san diego - their wipeout IPA, and (especially) the ass-kicking hop-15 double IPA. stand the fuck back - to paraphrase van the man, four pints of that shit won't have you climbin up the walls - four pints of that shit will have you on the fucking FLOOR. all are in-your-face super-hoppy, good shit.

      i am also a big fan of stone IPA. just tried stone's sublimely self-righteous ale for the first time last month. fucking killer!
    • May 19, 2010 8:38 PM CDT
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      This weekend is KC Beerfest, next weekend I'm brewing my first barleywine. It's mostly an Anchor Old Foghorn clone, but with a few tweaks
    • May 19, 2010 5:31 PM CDT
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      If Stone IPA or Pale Ale seems heavy after awhile, try Stone Levitation. It tastes good and the alcohol content is normal.
    • May 19, 2010 2:53 PM CDT
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      Just yesterday i was jonsin' big time to get back into brewing, IPA was the first thing that came to mind, should be fairly easy. After that if i could approximate Anchor Steam and Spaten Munich Dark (the Optimator!) i would be thrilled. I usally start of with Papazian's Joy of Home Brewing for recipes and tweak them a little with good results. I suppose Worm's Way is still the place for ingredients.
      Btw, agreed on the O'Fallon 5 Day, damn fine stuff whenever i've had it on tap.
    • May 19, 2010 2:46 PM CDT
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      Darn it, brewing rocks. I only drank on these occasions, never had a hand in making in though, but would love to do so.
      Since I'm not living in the green countryside anymore, I don't have no space to get equipment permanently and start it up. I might as well try one of these brewing events, where you can work using the brewery's equipment.

      Here for the stir

    • May 19, 2010 12:57 PM CDT
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      I need to get back into brewing. It's been over ten years since my last batch. Looking forward to seeing your recipes for an IPA. I'd love to try brewing that one myself.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • May 19, 2010 12:06 PM CDT
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      I did the Mr Beer bit last year. The two brews (Black Cat Ale and something "ator"; maybe dominator) came out ok. Perhaps I'll try it agin.
    • May 19, 2010 11:59 AM CDT
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      I really love IPAs, too. In fact, it's probably my favorite beer style. I can't get enough of it. Sooo many good ones out there, too. I don't know how readily available this one is for folks outside of St. Louis, but it's one of my favorites: O'Fallon 5-Day IPA

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • May 19, 2010 11:52 AM CDT
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      I love Lagunitas and Stone! Great Cali beers. I'm still working on talking my boyfriend into homebrewing. He'd be great at it.


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