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  • Topic: Let's Talk About Amps!

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    • February 17, 2010 5:57 AM CST
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      I'm using a Fender Pro Jr. that is good for playin' at home,and I'm thinkin of changin' its speaker, now that Celestion starts to build the 10 inches version of various Greenback,Blue,Vintage30 etc.(I guess I'll check a "Gold")
      I often hear to talk about guitar models,or fuzz and stomp effects,but the amp is the other 50% of your sound.So I'd like to know some impressions about in your experience.

    • January 3, 2012 12:45 PM CST
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      Got board and reworked all my gear, amp wise now Im going between 3 different Marshalls.
      An AFD100 which gets the least use, a 50 watt Silver Jubilee which was the number 1 choice and a JCM800 2203KK which is the current favorite, especially with P90 equipped guitars
    • January 3, 2012 12:22 PM CST
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      I use to split the signal coming from my Telecaster into two amps: a Peavey Classic 30 and a vintage tube head n' cabinet. Mine is a trio and I need both attack and gain/sustain...

    • November 24, 2011 10:04 PM CST
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      I have a "Fender 30". Yes, that is the name of the amp. Great push-pull nobs, good crunch and very versatile. Lots of tube power and can plug into 8ohm cabs for bigger shows. Love it!

    • November 22, 2011 4:54 PM CST
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      I've always used a Carvin MTS3200 head live, but during recording we'll use everything from a fender bassman to boogie heads to a JCM800 (which sounds amazing when set up for for a 'clean' sound, by the way). 

      Then again I don't use pedals so I don't go for a lot of 'fuzz' I want straight up overdrive from the amp, the old MTS3200 sounded a lot like an overdriven plexi head. Unfortunately most people's experience with that amp comes from the shitty anniversary ones they produced or banged up versions in rehearsal studios. But It's really a solid amp. I've been using one for 10 years. 

    • November 20, 2011 10:35 PM CST
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      I use Gibson amps. I have a 120 watt bass amp I usually run my guitar through live. It gets that nitty rich low end distortion for Hendrix style songs we do. It sounds beautiful for the clean songs as well. It is from '72. I have a 60 watt Gibson guitar amp from '66 that I use for studio sounds. Both are great and I recommend Gibson amps if you are looking for your own sound as a guitarist, something very hard to do.


    • November 20, 2011 10:08 AM CST
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      I know where there's one for sale right now.

      kopper said:

      I used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. That thing was awesome. Wish I still had it!

    • October 8, 2011 5:44 AM CDT
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      sounds awsome


    • October 6, 2011 7:51 PM CDT
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      I play through an Aims Pa head from the seventies that i found in my uncles garage. I modified the tone circuitry on it, so channel 1 is a fender twin, channel two is 59 Marshall, channel 3 and 4 are still stock.  Also has the original reverb tank thats very dark. I love this thing, i just wish i had a better cab for it. For at home stuff i use a fender champ and it does just fine.
    • September 2, 2011 2:53 AM CDT
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      1bassmans are cool

      2ac15 would be more garage and nearly as loud but the ac30s better

      3would you recomend the hotrod caus i have reservations aount modern amps for such a vintage style

      Gonzo said:

      I'm currently switching between a 65RI Fender Twin Reverb & Hot Rod Deville. I use a Blues Junior for mostly home use. The Deville has a pretty sweet clean and the gain channel is decent, reverb is very sturdy too. I find my Twin takes pedals a lot better then the Deville, I've used a fuzz face reissue through all three and it sounds like a completely different beast through the Twin. I always prefered the NYC Big Muff but after plugging in that fuzz face holy shit. Obviously the Twin has the better reverb and the tremelo is nice but honestly, I don't think the cleans are THAT much better. Not for the price anyway. Luckily I got mine cheap and only ended up paying $500AUD more for the Twin. I'm contemplating buying a AC15/AC30 though for that invasion/60's garage type sound. Then I might buy a bassman, man you can never have too many amps !
    • August 11, 2011 4:37 PM CDT
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      i've got a vox valvetronix ,its not very garage but the vox ac30 and the varios fender models are immense ,ive set it up for  a fender tweed deluxe via a kikass dollop of 60s esq fuzz its an immense tone i call gutter fuzz:)
    • July 25, 2011 12:25 PM CDT
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      hey donovan,

      going to check out your music after i've read this topic. I also play in a 2 piece band, and would like to have a wider, more ballsy sound. I wonder, how do you get your signal from your main amp to your other amp?? I have a slave output on my amp, but that one sounds not too good.

      thank you!

      trashy regards,



      Dan Donovan said:

      I play through a fender deluxe/hot rod 40w 12 inch then take a line from pre-amp out into an old trace elliot 7 band graphic 15 inch. This gives me a fat dirty sound with loads of bottom end. We don't have a bass player and at live shows folks always say 'who's triggering the bass lines'. The answer is there's no bass lines being triggered it all comes from my guitar sound. I use no effects pedals, it's pure and simple. All our recordings are done with this set up, no overdubs just one performance. I play drop D tuning and set the graphic up real heavy on the Trace Elliot.
    • July 24, 2011 12:22 PM CDT
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      So, I might be able to get my hands on a Silvertone 1464.  I can't find a whole lot of info on them online; anybody had any experiences with using them, feel like offering me any feedback?
    • July 22, 2011 1:34 PM CDT
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      I normally play through one of these (picture stolen)


      but I when I play with a group, I use a Vox AC30 reissue that is part solid state and has one tube to make it sound real.  I love it.

    • July 21, 2011 12:30 PM CDT
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      I know it doesn't scream garage, but I just use a Les Paul with P90s or a 61 RI SG direct into a Mesa/Boogie Class V on the green channel, sometimes with a but of overdrive in between. Works great. I have a marshall coming from Fed Ex today that Im anxious to try. My other guitarist has an Epiphone semi-hollow into an old Bassman.

    • June 29, 2011 12:46 AM CDT
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      Although this is probably inappropriate, since I play bass, but... 

      I play through a Ampeg B-15R Portaflex. I paid a ton for TONE! I never ever thought that little amp would do me justice in a two 100+ Watt  guitar setup (Fender Twin Reverb '65 Reissue and an Ampeg ReverbRocket Reissue) live or recording - It did. Good tube amps are 100% worth the money seriously. In all honestly no matter what you play, no matter the watts. I think that probably 50% is your attitude and how you play it off, 45% your amp and 5% your instrument. Yeah, shitty instruments suck, but you can really get past that or weed out the ones that stink. A good amp with good tubes and speakers are key. You can dial in a killer sound on any instrument just out of the warmth.

      Honestly, I'm not trying to be a gear snob. I've played all sorts of cheap shit for years and loved it! With that said, I've never had as much ease at getting decent tone out of that Ampeg as I've ever tried on "real vintage" gear or cheap shit. Never ever had needed a pedal, compressor, etc. Just easier and I'm much happier for it. Whatever upgrades you're going to do to a tube amp will cost a lot of money, but seriously - it makes the dirty sound dirtier and the clean sound cleaner.

      I know that didn't help much with the decision, but invest in your amp! Even the small tube guys scream and cry for those who aren't wise!



    • June 9, 2011 4:53 PM CDT
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      1484s are awesome.  i've had two.  unfortunately amp techs in town are clueless and i couldn't get them correctly service.  so i traded them in.  i now use a early 60s bandmaster head with the 2 x 12 silvertone cab.  not the same at all, but great tone and control nonetheless.  

      Ryan Thomas LeGere said:
      I prefer my Silvertone 1484. The amp is from the 1960s and breaks up real nice. I went to Nashville some months back and on the way back I found her in a Cleveland guitar shop. Ever since I got her, my Fender Twin has been all by her lonesome.
    • May 31, 2011 12:31 PM CDT
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      I have a bunch of different amps, all different sizes. But the one I am really proud of: I just scored a good-condition 67 Fender Super Reverb from a music shop right down the street. I paid $400 cash plus about $200 worth of some other vintage stuff, so I feel like I scored the deal of a lifetime. I've wanted a Super since I was a kid. I never expected to get one, let alone one like that for such a rediculous price.

      Peavey also makes some great little tube amps. I have a tweed Delta Blues (30 watts, 15' speaker, tremelo & reverb). That thing is pretty awesome. If you search Craigslist, there is always one of those Peavey Classics on there. 


    • May 26, 2011 11:49 AM CDT
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      A Solton Turbo rotary for me - a lot cheaper than a lesley and louder too....

    • May 4, 2011 6:12 PM CDT
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      Yep, If yer outta town and borrowing amps then having pedals you know and trust is a godsend!

      Time For Tiffin said:

      I tend to try and get the cleanest sound poss. from my amp then add a Tonebender pedal.

      Been using an early 60's Fender Bandmaster head as piggyback on an early 60's Vox 2 x 12 cab for the last 15 yrs and it's never let me down.

      Using just the pedal also helps when you play abroad as you don't have to spend time searching for a killer tone on someone else's set up.

    • May 3, 2011 8:13 AM CDT
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      I tend to try and get the cleanest sound poss. from my amp then add a Tonebender pedal.

      Been using an early 60's Fender Bandmaster head as piggyback on an early 60's Vox 2 x 12 cab for the last 15 yrs and it's never let me down.

      Using just the pedal also helps when you play abroad as you don't have to spend time searching for a killer tone on someone else's set up.

    • April 29, 2011 2:36 PM CDT
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      For recording or playing at home or small shows i use an Alamo Dart. all tube rated at 40watts, but it's really pushing about 10.They have a very unique soung and break up great! You can still find them pretty cheap on ebay. i paid $50 at a music store for mine..

      When I need volume I have a Sovtek Mig 60 + 2x12 cab. I bought it in 1997 for $200 with the cab. That thing is a total beast..Its loud as hell, amazing distortion when tha pre-amp section is cranked up. If you can find one of these BUY IT!!! But only the mig 60.The 50 & 100 watt models arent nearly as good..

    • February 13, 2011 2:17 AM CST
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      Old Ampeg reverberocket is what I like. I tried a 90s one at a friends house as well as a more recent ampeg reverberocket headand. The newer ones didnt have the same raunch factor. This is with a junior lester as well. I like the fuzzrite in front of it, or seymour dunkie pickup booster set to the treble boost for more fenderish clean chime.

      ChazMatthews said:
      I'm gonna agree on this one. I too, used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. I was using a Gibson LP Jr at the time and it sounded amazing through this. I have an Epiphone Galaxie all tube from the mid 90s now, which is pretty close.

      kopper said:
      I used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. That thing was awesome. Wish I still had it!

    • February 7, 2011 8:34 AM CST
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      I'm gonna agree on this one. I too, used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. I was using a Gibson LP Jr at the time and it sounded amazing through this. I have an Epiphone Galaxie all tube from the mid 90s now, which is pretty close.

      kopper said:
      I used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. That thing was awesome. Wish I still had it!

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