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  • Topic: Halloween Favorites

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    • October 22, 2009 4:52 AM CDT
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      I am trying to put together a playlist for Halloween, I already have a few but I need loads so if any one can through a few songs at me. They got'sta be something to do with halloween, sounds cheesy dont it.

      but a few i have already are:

      I was a teenage werewolf - The Cramps
      House on the hill - The Mummies
      Jack the ripper - The Horrors
      The Witch - The Sonics
      Night of the vampire - The Fuzztones

      hopefully you get the idea... please help me out.
    • October 21, 2011 4:40 PM CDT
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      Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats have a cool cover of Wicked Anabella worth checking out!

      The Blue Squares said:
      'Wicked Anabella' by The Kinks
    • October 21, 2011 4:38 PM CDT
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      Vampire Circus - Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats.

      Victims of the Vampire - Slaughter and the Dogs

    • October 21, 2011 3:14 PM CDT
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      I love digging up the old and new Halloween Specials from this site.  Thanks Mal.  and Podcasters in general should never think the Halloween special gets old; I think most people are waiting for those.  garage punk and Halloween go hand in hand.

      Mal Thursday said:
      I have a mess of 'em in THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW Halloween Special, but I left out a whole set of psycho killers: "Strangler of Boston Town" by Thee Headcoats, "Albert, Albert" by the Bugs, "Night of the Sadist" by Larry & the Bluenotes, "Richard Speck" by the Chesterfield Kings...
    • October 21, 2011 2:25 PM CDT
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      Of course , The Horror Rockin' Horror Rock King , Roky Erickson , and The British Prime Minister of The Sinister , Screaming Lord Sutch.

      The Fuzztones did a respectable "Night of The Vampire" , but , Roky Erickson's original version is one of the greatest non - Novelty Hallowe'en Hymns , ever.

    • October 21, 2011 1:48 PM CDT
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      3-D Invisibles , to my knowledge , are still around , but , only playing around Hallowe'en in Detroit (They used to sometimes play the odd Hallowe'en night in Chicago , as well , and opened for Rudi Protrudi , here , about 5 years ago.). bUT , GOOGLE 'EM OR CHECK THEIR MYSPACE OR FACEBOOK - YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO ORDER THEIR CDs , which are all great. They've been around since the early 80's. They refuse to grow up. THEY WON'T STAY DEAD.

      Fuzzmeister said:

      TeenFink said:

      any other modern or recent/current WHATEVER bands have some groovy Halloweenie kinda tunes??? Let's hear 'em!!

      My band Space Party have a tune that would fit the bill, it's called "The Creature". If any podcasters / broadcasters want a copy for their Halloween shows, please email me at

      You can listen to it here:

    • October 21, 2011 12:26 PM CDT
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      'Wicked Anabella' by The Kinks
    • October 21, 2011 11:14 AM CDT
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      id add the entire ghastly ones back catalog some damned stuff and some horrors


    • October 21, 2011 3:25 AM CDT
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      TeenFink said:

      any other modern or recent/current WHATEVER bands have some groovy Halloweenie kinda tunes??? Let's hear 'em!!

      My band Space Party have a tune that would fit the bill, it's called "The Creature". If any podcasters / broadcasters want a copy for their Halloween shows, please email me at

      You can listen to it here:

    • October 20, 2011 9:33 PM CDT
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       Dracula's Greatest Hits - Gene Moss as Lugosi and Karloff w/ music by Billy Lee Riley. Great Jack Davis artwork. It even came with Jack Davis Monster Cards , but , I've never seen 'em.

      Spike Jones in Stereo/Hi Fi.           Late 50's. Great novelty Horror songs with Lorre , Karloff , Vampira and Lugosi mimics (Very good , too , but , the best moment is "I Was a Teenage Brain Surgeon" by a guy who's voice is so impossibly low , I thought it was the singer from the original (And only ) "Grinch" , but it's not ).

    • October 20, 2011 9:13 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      Anything by Transylvania 500

      Rob Zombies Halloween Hootenanny

      Ghastly Ones et. al

      Anything by Murder Lane on the album Ghoul TV......if you can find a copy.

    • October 20, 2011 7:52 PM CDT
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      "Right , Vamp , you're messing with The Big Boys , now !" - Neil "The Young Ones".

      Once , I saw The Damned do "Nasty" , live.

      Dennis Guthrie said:

      Nasty- The Damned
      Halloween (Misfits cover)- Crimson Ghosts
    • October 19, 2011 9:21 PM CDT
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      Nasty- The Damned
      Halloween (Misfits cover)- Crimson Ghosts
    • October 11, 2011 10:41 PM CDT
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      Soory, don' have this stuff on MP3, but here's a few I do not believe were mentioned yet. Also attached a track from the VooDuo - "Diggin' You Up"



    • October 11, 2011 8:57 PM CDT
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      Gene Simmons (The REAL Gene Simmons.The one who did'nt sleep with thousands of women , but died with non - bongwater drenched hair , at least.) - Haunted House (Jerry Lee , Sam The Sham or Hasil's versions , too.).

      Bobby Bare - Vampira ,

      Stems - She's a Monster ,

       Roky Erickson - A zillion , but starting with Night of The Vampire , Creature With The Atom Brain ,  Bloody Hammer , I Walked With a Zombie , Stand For The Fire Demon......

      Flamin' Groovies - Teenage Head (Inspired by Kim Fowley and Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine.)

      The Archers (?) - The Vampire

      Igor and The Maniacs - The Big Green

      Kingsmen - Haunted Castle

      Freddie Fender - The Mummy (I don't even have THAT.)

      The Who- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

      Hollywood Flames - At The House of Frankenstein

      Ronnie Dawson - Rockin' in The Graveyard

      Jackie Morningstar - Rockin' in The Cemetary

      Bert Convy - The Gorilla

      Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Little Demon , Alligator Wine , There's Something Wrong With You , etc.

      Joe South - Purple People Eater Meets The Witch Doctor

      (And , of course....) Sheb Wooley - Purple People Eater   and  David Savile - The Witch Doctor

      Lavern Baker - Voodoo Voodoo

      David Bowie - Scary Monsters (Well....)

      Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London

      Dave Edmunds - Creature From The Black Lagoon

      Dickies - Killer Klowns From Outer Space , Infidel Zombie , Attack of The Molemen

      Ramones - Chainsaw , Apeman Hop , Pet Sematary

      Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein

      Zacherle - Dinner with Drac

      New York Dolls - Frankenstein

      Round Robin - I'm The Wolfman

      On the Lord Sutch "Hit " list - Monster Rock , Til The Following Night , Murder in The Graveyard , She's fallen in love With a Monster Man , AND , OF COURSE , jACK tHE rIPPER.

      Others. I forget...Some will come to me , later.

    • October 11, 2011 8:34 PM CDT
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      Yeah , you're right. I can't remember the name of the guy who did it , first , but , there were two early versions , one with a reference to "Coming home from The Beatles' concert". The Downliners Sect , of course , changed it to "A Downliners Sect  concert". Theirs is the version to go with .

      I'm not at home now but I remember a song by The Downliners Sect with a dark atmosphere maybe "I want my baby back"
      a story about a car crash and somebody came out a coffin.... I'll check that in a couple of hour.
      Anyway "Creepy thing" by Canadian band "The Worst".
    • October 11, 2011 10:42 AM CDT
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      Yep! Thee Cormans' Halloween Record with Sound Effects. This one just came out... it's on In The Red. They sold out of the glow-in-the-dark vinyl last month, though. :(

      I should also plug the Haunted Shack Theater podcast here on the GPPN. It's perfect for Halloween!

      TeenFink said:

      any other modern or recent/current WHATEVER bands have some groovy Halloweenie kinda tunes??? Let's hear 'em!!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 11, 2011 10:27 AM CDT
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      What? No one mentioned the HEX DISPENSERS? That means I get to!

      "Evil Eye" and "Channel 13 Is Haunted" are both great, but couldn't find vids for 'em. Here are two, though:

      Also, Demon's Claws from Montreal!

      any other modern or recent/current WHATEVER bands have some groovy Halloweenie kinda tunes??? Let's hear 'em!!

    • November 6, 2009 2:47 PM CST
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      Why not the the lonely streets by pirate love ? or flying mountai by aqua nebula oscillator ???


    • October 31, 2009 1:04 PM CDT
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      Here's our setlist from this past Thursday. HAPPY HALLOWEENIE EVERYBODY!

      11:56 PM- daniel johnston / casper the friendly ghost [yip jump] on the eternal yip label.
      11:52 PM- roky erickson / i walk with a zombie [you're gonna miss me] on the restless label.
      11:52 PM- the briefs / my girl (wants to be a zombie) [steal yer heart] on the byo label.
      11:48 PM- coffin lids / frankenstein ['round midnight] on the bomp label.
      11:48 PM- the mummies / i'm gonna kill my baby tonight [death by unga bunga] on the estrus label.
      11:45 PM- suicidal tendencies / i shot the devil [suicidal tendencies] on the frontier label.
      11:43 PM- makers / death of mr. monster [howl] on the estrus label.
      11:42 PM- sugar shack / my girl, the vampire [get out of my world] on the estrus label.
      11:39 PM- magnetic iv / tarantula [7"] on the tear it up label.
      11:36 PM- misfits / skulls [walk amoung us] on the ruby label.
      11:34 PM- groovie ghoulies / the beast with five hands [born in the basement] on the lookout label.
      11:33 PM- the husbands / monster party [there's nothing i'd like more than to see you dead] on the swami label.
      11:31 PM- mono men / monster [skin and tonic] on the estrus label.
      11:29 PM- the cramps / i was a teenage werewolf [songs the lord taught us] on the irs label.
      11:25 PM- scratch acid / monsters [the greatest gift] on the touch and go label.
      11:23 PM- screeching weasel / zombie [boogada] on the lookout label.
      11:22 PM- poison 13 / die for me [wine is red, poison is blue] on the sub pop label.
      11:21 PM- minutemen / joe mccarthy's ghost [paranoid time] on the sst label.
      11:18 PM- agent orange / bloodstains [living in darkness] on the posh boy label.
      11:16 PM- dead horse / mindless zombies [horsecore:] on the relapse label.
      11:12 PM- gun club / ghost on the highway [fire of love] on the new rose label.
      11:10 PM- lord high fixers / witch doctor [when the revolution comes] on the au-go-go label.
      11:09 PM- dead kennedys / halloween [halloween] on the alternative tentacles label.
      11:05 PM- dead roses / i death you to death [i hate it here i never want to leave] on the mustache label.
      11:03 PM- drags / dragsploitation . . . now! [dragsploitation . . . now!] on the estrus label.
      11:01 PM- butthole surfers / strangers die everyday [rembrandt pussyhorse] on the touch and go label.
      10:58 PM- los explosivos / miedo [the best mexican garage combo] on the slovenly label.
      10:53 PM- the fuzztones / i'm the wolfman [flashbacks] on the sundazed label.
      10:50 PM- pierced arrows / paranoia [7"] on the tombstone records label.
      10:46 PM- dead boys / son of sam [we have come for your children] on the sire label.
      10:44 PM- the ramones / i don't want to go down to the basement [ramones] on the sire label.
      10:41 PM- the mummies / die! [the mummies play their own records!] on the estrus label.
      10:36 PM- the dickies / infidel zombies [dawn of the dickies] on the a&m label.
      10:33 PM- esquerita / i'm batty over natty [esquerita!] on the norton label.
      10:31 PM- arthur brown / i put a spell on you [the crazy world of arthur brown] on the polydor label.
      10:27 PM- the sonics / the witch [introducing the sonics] on the beat rocket label.
      10:22 PM- dave edmonds / the creature from the black lagoon [the best of dave edmonds] on the swan song label.
      10:17 PM- new york dolls / frankenstein [new york dolls] on the mercury label.
      10:15 PM- bad brains / fearless vampire killers [bad brains] on the roir label.
      10:14 PM- night of the sadist / larry & the blue notes [v/a back from the grave volume 4] on the crypt label.
      10:10 PM- roky erickson and the explosions / don't shake me lucifer [halloween live 1979-1981] on the steadyboy records label.
      10:07 PM- the who / boris the spider [meaty beaty big and bouncy] on the decca label.
      10:04 PM- dead moon / evil eye [echoes of the past] on the sub pop label.
      10:02 PM- flamin' groovies / comin after me [flamingo] on the kama sutra label.
    • October 29, 2009 5:49 PM CDT
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      Any tune from the beastly album by Eric Stumpo's PLAN 9..."Dealing with the Dead":):) might as well stick the whole damn album into the list :):)

    • October 29, 2009 3:55 PM CDT
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      CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW In my earlier reply, I forgot to give the playlist: LON CHANEY JR.: The Maddest Story Ever Told (Theme from Spider Baby) THE FUZZTONES: Happy Halloween THE SWINGIN' NECKBREAKERS: No Costume, No Candy CAPTAIN CLEGG & THE NIGHT CREATURES: Zombie a Go Go THE TOMBSTONES: Black Cat THE OUTSIDERS: Haunted by Your Love THE MOONTREKKERS: Night of the Vampire (bed) ROKY ERICKSON & THE ALIENS: Creature with the Atom Brain THE CRAMPS: Creature from the Black Leather Lagoon RONNIE COOK & THE GAYLADS: Goo Goo Muck THE FRANTICS: Werewolf SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS: Werewolf THE FLAMIN' GROOVIES: Werewolves of London ROUND ROBIN: I'm the Wolf Man BO DIDDLEY: Bo Meets the Monster THE HOLLYWOOD FLAMES: Frankenstein's Den THE NEW YORK DOLLS: Frankenstein ELECTRIC FRANKENSTEIN: Coolest Little Monster THE KINGSMEN: Haunted Castle (bed) THE ROCKIN' CONTINENTALS: Count Dracula THE SONICS: The Witch THE LOLLIPOP SHOPPE: You Must Be a Witch THE CIRCUS: Burn, Witch, Burn THE MOVE: Night of Fear THE LAST WORD: Sleepy Hollow THE CORDS: Ghost Power
    • October 29, 2009 1:02 PM CDT
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      just a few of my favorites (cause this could go on for hours....): everything by the 3d invisibles!!! the fiends- zombies have feelings too gravedigger v- spooky, all black and hairy the hellgators- voodoo v.a- the 50s and 60s ultimate horror disc and- dont shoot me- cinema strange-catacomb kittens

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