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    • February 28, 2008 8:38 PM CST
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      Hello poppets....

      I need your assistance to help eradicate the creeping fungus that is ' The Modern Hipster ' know the ones , straggly beards , BLAND generic clothing ,sad emo fuckers who have missappropriated what it actually means to be hip !

      Anyway, my Downtown L.A. club nite at the REDWOOD BAR & GRILL has far too many of these boring oiks hanging around the periphery spoiling the atmos , so i call upon the truly cool to come down & give em a good thrashing ...or at least prevent them from lurching onto the dancefloor in a 'ooh look at me i's so ironic' fashion ! So put on your wildest , sexy rock n roll garb & get your mojo workin' at the SATURDAY NITE FISH FRY !

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