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    • November 28, 2007 8:11 AM CST
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      I just watched Death Proof and was pleasantly surprised. Better than I expected, even though I could have done without the old film effects and stuff, but overall I thought the story was pretty good. Could've used a little less dialog at times, but whatever. Made for a better story, I guess. And that chase scene at the end was superb. Planet Terror is next... looking forward to it, too.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 12, 2011 3:56 AM CDT
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      Sorry...Jen Tyers and I share the same studio computer, and I hadnt realised that she was still signed in from the day before... so that's my quote above re Death proof. Jen really liked the movie. Re "Zoe Bell was the trump card in Death Proof... the other gals were vain and inane, more like mannequins arranged in just the way that men who are brain-dull like them to be..."
    • August 11, 2011 7:27 PM CDT
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      Zoe Bell was the trump card in Death Proof... the other gals were vain and inane, more like mannequins arranged in just the way that men who are brain-dull like them to be...

    • April 12, 2009 8:51 AM CDT
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      sure ¡
      when i saw the film
      i tought it ok tarantino
      but definitely rodriguez planet terror will be better ¡
    • January 15, 2009 3:56 PM CST
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      There are werewolves in Ilsa? Do I own the same Ilsa films as everybody else(i have all of them including wicked warden, which isnt technically an Ilsa film)? arkive said:
      The Ilsa series is damn fine top notch grindhouse. Leave it to Sleazy Mike to bring up by far the greatest werewolf, Naziploitation, sex horror comedy ever made)
    • January 15, 2009 3:52 PM CST
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      I thought QT made the first bunch of girls unbearably bad because we were going to see them die and he wanted us to somehow enjoy it. Jungle Julia irritated the shit out of me so when her leg got ripped off, I didnt mind so much. Otherwise, the film was quite enjoyable(including another great soundtrack from QT per usual). Considering the slew of shitty car movies that have been enjoying a week in the spotlight before being forgotten(Fast and Furious w/ Vin Diesel, anything with Jason Statham, not to mention the slew of bad B-boy bikerz type movies all using hunks of plastic and chrome spinners to appeal to its audience, QT pulled it off just right, with a blend of retro styling(and rawkin') backdrops, the usual semi-obscure name-dropping(that I usually end up learning about something cool that I had never heard of before) and of course the classic cars tearin up the road instead of H3s or some crap with Will Smith. Id say it suits me just fine. JensLowcut said:
      Death Proof was horrible with inane dialogue, uncharismatic idiot girls, trite plot, hollow embarrassment, worst film I've seen all year. And I'm a QT fan. Good soundtrack though. Planet Terror was almost as bad, but not as boring. Both films have absolutely nothing to do with 'grindhouse' cinema and was only enjoyed by friends of mine who usually hate exploitation films of the 70s. Fodder for the clueless.
    • June 2, 2008 1:42 PM CDT
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      You guys know alot more about Grindhouse than me but I agree with Kopper. Death Proof was a great film and the car chase at the end is up there with Bullet. Loved it and we're gonna buy it to watch again in the coming months.
    • April 28, 2008 10:28 AM CDT
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      <<I think the scratchy film look and (purposeful) bad edits and all worked much better when you saw the 2 films in the theater in the "Grindhouse" version with all the fake trailers and junk.>>

      I agree. I thought the fake trailers were hillariious. And I love the tacky music from the old drive-in days. If that music wasn't authentic, they did a good job of faking it.

      I also preferred Death Proof, and agree that the double-feature concept was to the benefit of both parts. I liked seeing some of my favorite Austin haunts in Death Proof, such as the Texas Chili Parlor.
    • March 30, 2008 7:37 PM CDT
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      I have to say that as much as I love the exploitation genre, I've never been a fan of rape/revenge movies like Last House on the Left where innocent people are tortured and raped. I want to see people cut up with chainsaws by a person wearing human skin or watch people's heads get crushed in a vice or watch zombies devour someone's intestines. That's entertaining. Watching a young girl get raped and then shot in the back of the head by some crazy people is not entertaining.

      I also can't stand movies like Canibal Holocaust, Canibal Ferox, and there's at least a couple others which are almost exactly the same movie, where a bunch of people go into the rainforest looking for a lost news crew or whatever and kill a bunch of real animals for no reason. You have to wonder about the treatment of the indiginous peoples that play the canibals in these movies.
    • March 30, 2008 1:03 PM CDT
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      You know, this might be blasphemey, but I didn't like Gore Gore Girls. I dunno. I think the combination of nudity and gore just didn't work. In a way, it was almost too realistic. The joy of the gore trilogy and Wizard of Gore is that none of it is even remotely realistic.

      The "detective" in GG Girls is fuckin' classic though.

      I watched Don't Answer the Phone last night. Great 80's splatter. I think it's still a video nasty listed next to The Driller Killer, etc.

      And I just got my all time favorite shlock from Netflix...Frankenhooker. That shit is fucking classic.

      "Do you wanna a sandwich?"
    • March 27, 2008 7:02 PM CDT
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      Add the Gore Gore Girls & Wizard of Gore to the list!
    • March 27, 2008 5:04 PM CDT
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      The Ilsa series is damn fine top notch grindhouse. Leave it to Sleazy Mike to bring up by far the greatest werewolf, Naziploitation, sex horror comedy ever made.

      No one should forget the godfather of grindhouse and gore- H.G. Lewis. I still rank 2000 Maniacs as one of the best out there.

      Cause we all know that Robert E. Lee broke his musket on his knee and a thousand pieces shattered on the ground...

      and cause you know the south's gonna rise again!

      Here's the quick capsule "Arkive's Favorite Trash/Grind Cinema List":

      -Thriller/They Call Her One Eye (the version without the needless porno inserts)
      -I Spit on Your Grave
      -The "Gore" Trilogy- Blood Feast, Color Me Blood Red, and 2000 Maniacs
      -The "Last House" films- Last House on Dead End Street (GREAT death scenes), The Last House of the Left (great early Craven), and The House on the Edge of the Park (another creepy ass David Hess film)
      -The Pinky Violence films and Lady Snowblood (Tarantino owes these movies money for Kill Bill)
      -Fulci's Zombi (Zombi 2) and The Beyond (masterpieces of horror)
      -the "giallo" films like The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
      -Women in Cages or Barbed Wire Dolls (because Jesus Franco directed it)
      -Black Caesar (for James Brown's AMAZING soundtrack)
      -Across 110th Street (great proto-blaxploitation with Yaphet Kotto)
    • March 23, 2008 8:46 PM CDT
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      Hear Hear!

      Go ahead on Jon!
      Couldn't agree more...dig.
      Oh and everyone has gots to check the ILSA series of exploitation/grindhouse sin-ema
    • March 23, 2008 5:32 PM CDT
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      Planet Terror represented so much that is wrong with cinema nowadays. Over the top CGI effects, too much emphasis on action scene after action scene, completely mindless but not in the mindless ways of grindhouse.

      Death Proof was made by someone who understood the pacing, style, and atmosphere of a real grindhouse film. There isn't a single vintage grindhouse film that is non-stop action. Most follow the "orgasm" rule: build up and build up and then BAM- you're coming with violence and/or sex. Just look at one of the best examples of true grindhouse- Cannibal Holocaust.

      Now, I'm not a huge fan of CH. The (very pointless) animal killing ruins what could be a classic. Yes, Bergman, Fellini, Godard, and other "artsy" directors were pretty careless when it came to animals, but CH uses animal killing for no reason. It's not even shock value. But the pacing of CH is perfect for a true grindhouse film- about an hour of slow moving dialogue with bits of violence all expolding in the final reel.

      All of those who thought Planet Terror was a "good grindhouse" film have never seen a real grindhouse film. The thought of having a machine-gun legged women propelling herself through a CGI created environment never entered into the mind of a real grindhouse director.

      I rank Planet Terror with the new Star Wars, 300, 10,000 BC, or any other shit CGI masturbation made for 12 year olds who understand nothing of the world.

      ...and if the thought of listening to women talk for 30 minutes turns you off, maybe getting past a perputual 12 year old middle school boy mentality might help you in your love life!

      Want to see real "women kick ass" films? Pinky Violence...Sex and Fury, Girl Boss Guerilla, etc. all starring the hot as fire Reiko Ike (who could actually act too). Just imagine- a super hot 70's Japanese sex goddess killing 30+ men with a sword...while naked...good stuff.
    • January 26, 2008 7:27 PM CST
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      i thought planet terror was much better than death proof but come on! the ending made the whole thing entirely worth it! tarantino got totally shown up in this "double feature", but nonetheless made a good movie overall.
    • January 13, 2008 1:40 PM CST
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      I agree completely with those who say that "Grindhouse" worked better in the theatres. The fake trailers were the best part of the show. On their own, the two films don't work as well as they do in the "Grindhouse" concept. My vote would go to "Planet Terror" as the better of the two films. It's cheesy and knows it and was never boring. "Death Proof" has that great car chase scene and the usual killer QT soundtrack, but the dialogue stretches were way too long. Plus, it was filled with things like text messaging that weren't even around in the 70s. That, and the trashed film effect completely disappears in the middle of the picture. So, "Death Proof" was the less accomplished of the two, IMHO.
    • January 10, 2008 11:33 PM CST
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      I saw Deathproof on a rainy afternoon in Birmingham, the chase scene at the end was excellent, unfortunately the remainder of the movie wasn't worth wading through to get to it!
    • January 2, 2008 9:58 PM CST
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      I agree, this movie had to be seen in the theatre, the fake trailers were great!
    • December 27, 2007 8:55 PM CST
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      Seeing the double feature definitely added to the experience. I wish the intermission had been longer though... I didn't even have time to take a piss.

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