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  • Topic: The Hideout is pretty cool so far...

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    • November 26, 2007 6:20 PM CST
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      I think I'm going to be addicted to the hideout! Fuck the sandy vags who say it loads too slowly blah blah blah...

      some plusses: That music player is great. Many cheers to the cat (?RAMI LTX ?)who has the Phantom's "love me" consistently at #1! It gets 5 stars from me every time.

      a huge minus=I can't use it from work. "Social networking/dating" is blocked. Although my productivity will increase (and I'll be following my employee handbook), some of my favorite moments at "work" were on the garagepunk forums. Now I'll neglect my children, so I can post at home.

      Some questions:
      -How does that music player work? Is it the higher rated songs stay on and the others get booted (duh?)? Does everyone in the hideout see the same player or is it individualized like a Pandora? Why haven't my uploaded songs been played, yet?

      -Will there be a Shakin' Street and New Breed group/forum? I assume that the general forum that is set up now will replace the Shakin' Street, but I'll miss the New Breed group....

      So far, so good...
    • January 25, 2011 10:25 AM CST
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      Oh man, this is old but gold.

      Anyway, the GP Hideout gives new meaning to the words: "YE HEARD IT HERE FIRST."


      Here for the stir

    • January 22, 2011 8:02 AM CST
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      Agreed. This site is like none other. Probably the coolest one out there. Love it so much!

    • January 21, 2011 7:53 PM CST
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      hell its the tits man !

      where else could you hear such music ?

      sure i heard the elevators and the seeds back in the 80s but these were rare and exotic things back then.

      the US is so huge and the music so diverse,

      the music this site offers is a real eye opener, i find all sorts of stuff  i never knew existed,

      the US soul scene is well served here in england many black artists who barely made  a dent on the us charts in the sixties are given almost god like status in uk soul club circles and rightly so.

      but the garage is still an unknown to most.

      i like my music raw.

      i like my music honest.

      i like my music groovy.  


    • January 21, 2011 5:41 PM CST
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      Because this is still going by links and actual pages (instead of that new fangled generated pages) and you have to click refresh to actually see something new that appeared in the last minute, this is actually the fastest website when it comes to loading on my computer.  And content is always a big plus.
    • January 21, 2011 4:51 AM CST
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      Haha yeah I agree; I love this site (:
    • November 28, 2007 5:17 AM CST
    • Untitled

      I just a poor dweeb who works in a kitchen so limited internet access at work.
      Do it all from home, usually with a beer in hand.
    • November 27, 2007 6:43 PM CST
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      Heck, I always thought Shakin' Street and the New Breed forums should be together anyway!

      I haven't tried to log onto the Hideout from work since Social Networking is blocked in most cases, but I've been too busy at work lately to worry about it.

      Even if I had an iPhone, I couldn't really check, though... School rules - I'm a teacher who believes that he should play by the same rules the kids have to play by - say no phones on in school. Besides, my contract w/Verizon isn't up till March.
    • November 27, 2007 12:22 AM CST
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      I didn't think we needed a separate forum for the New Breed bands. Most of that forum lately was just being used by labels pimping their new releases anyway. So I think the New Breed and Shakin' Street stuff can all be talked about in the same general Hideout forum here, don't you? It's not like there are a ton of discussions going on here yet, anyway. YET. If it becomes a dilemma later, then maybe we can think of either adding a New Breed group or creating a subcategory here on the main forum.

      iPhones are down to about $400 now, so you could always use your big corporate bonus to buy one, then there's nothing stopping you from browsing any site you want to while at work! ;) I don't know if you've ever played with one of those things or not, but they're pretty fuckin' cool. Stop by an Apple store sometime and check one out...

      Anyway, thanks for your comments, dumfuk.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • November 26, 2007 7:10 PM CST
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      I give it a thumbs up too. The GP Forums are fine and all, but pretty bland and I guess I like to have something that is visually interesting. Compared to other boards (old school) I find it fairly simple to use and its nice to rap with kats and kittens into similar music genres all in one place. It will be interesting to see how it pans out for band/label/venue etc. promotion and networking. Nice work Kopper.

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