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    • October 25, 2007 9:38 AM CDT
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      Is GG Allin a legend or a dumbass?
    • October 31, 2007 4:38 PM CDT
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      of course he was a dumbass, but wasn't that the point?! I had the pleasure of seeing him live at that now infamous show at the Gas Station in NYC....but steered clear from the front of the stage & flying feces/cum/snot etc. He was actually kinda shy and quiet when I talked with him alone, away from his "fans"....but he was as sick as they come. But looking back and listening to him now...there are only a few songs that get me off nowadays...
    • October 30, 2007 7:28 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      Just watched some GG on YouTube. Sure is a dumbass, but a very legendary one.
      I remember when GG Oded, a few guys here in Oz being really upset, and yes one of them did set up a shrine, but he was from Geelong.
    • October 25, 2007 6:16 PM CDT
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      I must say, when I was much younger I thought this guy was hillarious. But then I started to think that a guy as old as he was still eating his own shit was kind of rediculous. I mean I grew out of the "eating my own shit" phase once I turned 16 or something.
    • October 25, 2007 10:58 AM CDT
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      Yep, legend for bein' a dumbass. I like a few of his early songs, but overall I was always unimpressed with his music, and even less impressed with his antics. Whatever...

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 25, 2007 10:29 AM CDT
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      Legendary entertainer. He made simple and catchy songs, almost primal rockabilly like "cock on the loose, hard candy cock and bite it you scum." To me they are pure rock and roll anthems. Love his work, not so much as person. Merle is cool though.
    • October 25, 2007 9:49 AM CDT
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      GG Allin is a legendary him always and forever.
    • March 30, 2014 1:19 PM CDT
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      He was so bad, he was good.
      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • April 4, 2014 1:10 PM CDT
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      Love the first Jabbers album. GG Plays drums a lot of those tracks. He was a great drummer and a cool punk singer in the beginning.
      He was nuts, but of course he was a legend. We wouldn't be discussing otherwise if he wasn't


    • April 6, 2014 5:18 PM CDT
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      GG Allin fucking rules. The Jabbers are obviously the best, but there are some incredible gems sprinkled throughout his career. 

    • April 8, 2014 5:51 PM CDT
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      Some of his early power pop material is very funny, in a snotty sort of way. Just listen to "Gimme Some Head", you'll laugh at the sublimely ridiculous line:

      "I used to sniff girls panty hose,
      But there's nothing like a girl sitting on your nose."

      Oh yeah, Wayne Kramer & Dennis Thompson of The mc5 play on it too.
      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • April 28, 2014 11:49 PM CDT
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      I would like GG Allin better if he hadn't taken himself so damn serious.  I think he was a funny guy.  I would see him if he were still around today.  But the whole "rock n' roll messiah" thing was kinda dorky in my opinion.


      Heavy, high-energy rock n' roll!

    • May 7, 2014 4:39 AM CDT
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      I think GG was fascinating in himself. He didn't seem like an outgoing person offstage, his lyrics were mostly downright dumb and his music was mostly average in my opinion, but there's something genuinely angry and innocent in all the crazy shit he did. I love "Bite it You Scum", it sounds so sincere...

    • May 7, 2014 5:58 PM CDT
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      Yeah, Bite it You Scum is a good song. I agree he was an interesting guy, but more for his personality than his music in my opinion.

      Personally, I'm a big fan of the Dwarves. I think they took the best of what GG had to offer, had some good tunes, and don't take themselves so seriously.

      Heavy, high-energy rock n' roll!

    • May 8, 2014 1:53 AM CDT
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      GG could be VERY outgoing . He genuinely liked to meet people , especially if they shared his passion for Rock'n'Roll......GG's TASTES WERE A LOT MORE VARIED THAN MIGHT BE EXPECTED.

      I'm not defending certain things he did , but , everyone that knew him , back then , agrees that he was just an enthusiatic rock and roller. He spoke of just doing a straight Rock show when he got out of Prison. Would people have NOT gone to his shows if there were suddenly no bodily fluids or violence , mostly self - inflicted , involved?

      I asked him how he got Wayne Kramer and Dennis Thompson to play with him. He said "You're the first person who ever asked me that !".He said , basically , Wayne was just jamming in clubs (Gang War had just split up and he was minus a band.) , and agreed to play. Then , he found a classified ad saying Dennis Thompson was looking for a band. Neither one had seen the other for years , so they were VERY happy about this surprise GG laid out for them  . HE DONE A MITZVAH !

      GG claimed he almost got Thunders to play , as Gang War was'nt yet in rigor mortis , and Johnny seemed possibly opento playing with Wayne again. Who knows?

    • May 10, 2014 10:58 PM CDT
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      Lol, damn dude, is there anyone you haven't met?


      Heavy, high-energy rock n' roll!

    • May 11, 2014 2:27 AM CDT
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      Plenty. About 10 , 20 years ago , I HAD a "Bucket list" , but I did get to meet most of those people , like Lux Interior and Dickie Peterson , before their sad demise. I shook hands with Little Richard , Link Wray , and one Rolling Stone (Bill Wyman) , but never had a real conversation with either.

      Did'nt meet Muddy Waters , Chuck Berry or Jerry Lee Lewis (Maybe I'm better off not meeting the latter two). I met Dee Dee and Marky , but none of the other Ramones, Did'nt meet Johnny Thunders (Again , I may be better off.). tHERE'S A LOT OF PEOPLE i HAVE'NT MET , but would have liked to. THE KEY IS , GET THEIR TRUST AND DON'T CROWD THEM. Don't do a Chris Farley , and you might even become friends. But , I'M TRULY FORTUNATE IN THaT I'VE BEEN IN THe RIGHT PALCE AT TEH RIGHT TIME. Most of these people have been very cool.

      I like to tell these stories , because I THINK , AND i HOPE , PEOPLE WILL FIND THEM ENTERTAINING.

      I'm not out to "one up ' anyone or be a braggart. Honest. But , did I tell you about the time......

    • May 11, 2014 1:11 PM CDT
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      Nah man, I think that's awesome.  You decided you wanted to do something and went out and did it.  Sounds like you've had a lot of fun doing it, too.  I respect that.  I wouldn't mind hearing more of your stories some time.


      Heavy, high-energy rock n' roll!

    • May 11, 2014 2:37 PM CDT
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      YEAH , it has been fun. Sometimes , I meet someone I really admire , ostensibly to do an interview , and they just want to hang out and talk , instead. Sometimes , that's better.

    • May 29, 2014 8:34 AM CDT
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      John Battles said:

      GG could be VERY outgoing . He genuinely liked to meet people , especially if they shared his passion for Rock'n'Roll......GG's TASTES WERE A LOT MORE VARIED THAN MIGHT BE EXPECTED.

      I'm not defending certain things he did , but , everyone that knew him , back then , agrees that he was just an enthusiatic rock and roller. He spoke of just doing a straight Rock show when he got out of Prison. Would people have NOT gone to his shows if there were suddenly no bodily fluids or violence , mostly self - inflicted , involved?

      I asked him how he got Wayne Kramer and Dennis Thompson to play with him. He said "You're the first person who ever asked me that !".He said , basically , Wayne was just jamming in clubs (Gang War had just split up and he was minus a band.) , and agreed to play. Then , he found a classified ad saying Dennis Thompson was looking for a band. Neither one had seen the other for years , so they were VERY happy about this surprise GG laid out for them  . HE DONE A MITZVAH !

      GG claimed he almost got Thunders to play , as Gang War was'nt yet in rigor mortis , and Johnny seemed possibly opento playing with Wayne again. Who knows?

      He did two country albums, which aren't too shabby, but I'd love to have heard him do a blues album. I can easily imagine the spoken word album he was planning to do being something with innocent silliness, as opposed to the nihilism and misanthropy that was the norm.
      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • May 29, 2014 3:20 PM CDT
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      Never heard of  The COUNTRY ALBUMS. I know he did a Country EP. Of course "Scumfuc Tradition " was a rewriting of "Family Tradition by Bocephus Williams ( Sorry , in my book there is no Hank II OR III , even tho I found a CD by "III" for a dollar , and it's not bad , though his voice sounds like Dale Gribble.....I saw him , once , in the 90's,  and it was BEYOND godawful.)

      and "Outlaw Scumfuc" was a rewrite of "Longhaired RednecK" by David Allen Coe  , whose X-Rated albums probably influenced GG a lot...... 

      HE DID "sPOKEN WORD" PERFORMANCES AND RECORDINGS , clearly , the boy was'nt playing it  for laughs.

    • June 1, 2014 4:18 PM CDT
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      Go to the June, 29 2009 episode called "Planet GG" it's pretty hilarious. 

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