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  • Topic: Show-Me Blowout! St. Louis, Oct. 12th-13th

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    • August 30, 2007 10:27 AM CDT
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      TIRC Productions is proud to present... SHOW-ME BLOWOUT! 2-Day All-Missouri Garage/Rock'n'Roll Fest at Off Broadway Friday Oct. 12th & Saturday Oct. 13th, 2007 FRIDAY NIGHT (8 p.m.) at Off Broadway: The Cripplers (St. Louis) Pink Socks (Kansas City) The Rich Boys (Kansas City) The Modern Primitives (Joplin) Left Arm (St. Louis) SATURDAY AFTERNOON (1 p.m. 'til 5pm) FREE!! BBQ at Apop Records featuring these St. Louis bands: The Vultures The 75s The Vickroids The Mad Titans SATURDAY NIGHT (8 p.m.) at Off Broadway: The Geargrinders (St. Louis) Thee Fine Lines (Springfield) The Von Hodads (Kansas City) Monte Carlos (Columbia) The Nevermores (St. Louis) Tickets are on sale on CLICK HERE to purchase. $15 in advance for a two-day pass that'll guarantee you entrance both nights. Otherwise tickets at the door will be $10 each night. More info to come! Please help spread the word. Off Broadway 3509 Lemp Ave. St. Louis, MO 63118 314-773-3363 Apop Records 2831 Cherokee St. St. Louis, MO 63118 Lodging: The best thing to do is to go to and for a zip code type in St. Louis and then, after you search for hotels, look for the "name your price" link under "More Ways to Save" on the right side. Click that link, then on the next screen choose Downtown St. Louis, then either 3-Star or 2 1/2-Star Moderate-Plus. Then just put in $40 or $50 in the "Name Your Own Price" box and see what happens. You always end up at the Raddison, Ballpark Hilton, or the Sheraton. All nice hotels and downtown, which is cool. Also just 2 or 3 miles from the venue for all of them. Thanks, kopper TIRC Productions

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 25, 2007 11:16 AM CDT
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      Had a bunch of t-shirts left over from this thing. If anyone wants one, shoot me a message here. I'm blowing 'em out (ha) for just $8 plus postage. Otherwise they're just gonna rot in my basement.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 6, 2007 11:29 AM CDT
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      Craig Moore from '60s garage punk madmen GONN (Keokuk, Iowa) will be there Saturday night and will be joining both The Nevermores and The Geargrinders on stage for covers of Gonn classics "Doin' Me In" and "Blackout of Gretely"! DON'T MISS IT!! GONN on Myspace:

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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