I'll be at Genghis Con in Cleveland all day on November 30th. It's free admission if you want to swing by and say "hi." (It's free admission)

I'll be at Genghis Con in Cleveland all day on November 30th. It's free admission if you want to swing by and say "hi." (It's free admission)
as far as ohio goes, it seems like these underground cons are in cleveland and columbus, and yet cincinnati, where i am, will have 3 larger cons next year that all jockey for the same audience. as far as i know there is no small press con here.....
how is this one? have you been before?
I'd love to do a small press show in Cincinnati! I wonder if Shake It Records would sponsor something like that. (A good case of my favorite comic shop in a town being a record shop!)
I've tabled there the past three years, with the crowd slowly building over that time. They do a pretty good job of recruiting cool creators for the show... It's very open in that you get long time veterans like Derf or Mike Gustovich, but also kids doing photocopier minis. The most diverse except maybe for SPACE here in columbus.
Genghis Con is likely to be a little different this year because they are changing the venue (It was always at the Beachland Ballroom before) and this year they are asking vendors to pay for tables so that the event can be free admission to the public. I think those are both good choices, but may cause a dip in attendance the first year. We'll see!
that would be a step in a new direction for shake it, but i could see them taking up the challenge. that place is a fucking magical kingdom, and you will be pleased to know that i was just there today and bought 3 NIX comics quarterlies.
it's funny, when i read your initial post, i didn't make the NIX connection at first (i'm relatively new to this site). now it all makes sense.