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  • Topic: Garage Rockers who DON'T smoke

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    • August 27, 2012 6:43 PM CDT
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      What Kopper and THEE Reverend are saying is so true . But , as a lifelong nonsmoker (It was fashionable for centuries to smoke , but that does'nt put me above anyone who still does , or make me in ANY way trendy. I just never got into it.) who comes from a long line of smokers , the big truth is , quitting is easier for some than for others.

      But the miracle man , himself , Roky Erickson (Who resurrected his musical career when all bets were off , has toured the US and the world , whereas he'd previously only played Texas and California and maybe a handful of Southwestern gigs , got his first drivers license in decades , and is back with his ex-wife, Dana , after 30 years.) , is now an ex - smoker , and  , he smoked A LOT, for many , many years . I could think of others......

      I've seen enough friends and family members try to kick , many with success ,to know I would'nt advise going cold turkey , even tho' it may not sound like much coming from someone who never really smoked. Just be focused  , and , as Kopper said , set a goal date , and kick smoking's ass , one step at a time.

    • August 27, 2012 12:33 PM CDT
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      Thanks guys for the words of encouragement. I've already cut down from 10+ to about 2-3 a day over the past week. And I've never seriously tried or thought about quitting before.

      I think I'm ready to take the next step tomorrow and I have to say thinking about the money I could be saving is a helluva motivation! Soo many cool records and guitar stuff I could have bought haha!

    • August 27, 2012 11:11 AM CDT
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      I am not only a garage rocker who does not smoke anymore, but I am now a long distance runner. I do not care what others think about this because I quit smoking and started running for myself.  I learned a long time ago not to worry what others think of me.

      I never really had any problems quit smoking, but think how much money you save, which is a whole lot considering the increasing price of cigarettes plus paying for medical bills. In fact, I now absolutely hate the smell of cigarette smoke. 

      You will feel like a better man by not smoking anymore.

    • August 27, 2012 9:19 AM CDT
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      Good luck with it! Quitting is easy. I've done it a million times. ;)

      Seriously, I did attempt to quit several times, and finally succeeded in officially kicking the habit on New Year's Eve, 1999. So I've been smoke-free for 12+ years now. It can be done. The first, and most important thing in my mind, is you really have to convince yourself that you are going to quit. Set a target date, and don't quit cold turkey... that never worked for me. Ween yourself off cigarettes by reducing the number you smoke per day/week. I did that over the course of about three months, starting around October '99, and by the time New Year's Eve rolled around, I was down to just one or two smokes per day and was ready to just stop altogether. So it really wasn't that tough. Also, one thing that really helped me quit was I started eating David sunflower seeds (the ones in the shell). I'd buy a couple bags of those things to chew on while I drank beer or just watched TV at home, especially whenever I had cravings for a cigarette. I think chewing those sunflower seeds really helped because it keeps your mouth busy, shelling them and moving the seeds from your cheek to your teeth and all that. So give that a try.

      Also, don't worry about who else is quitting or doing anything because someone else does or whatever. Just do it for yourself and your long-term health. Your body will thank you.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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