I live in Brighton, and spend most of my time wishing it was still the 1950s, I love watching old movies and listening to mostly 50s & 60s stuff, from the peppiest pop to the wildest garage.
Favorite Music
Anything from 1920's Jazz to 1970's mod revival, and plenty in-between.
Favorite Movies
I like modern-ish movies set in the 50s like Pleasantville & Crybaby, but also Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin and Bing & Bob stuff, and classics like High Society, It Happened One Night & Marilyn Monroe Films. Plus loadssss more too.
Other Hobbies/Interests
Movies & Reading, I'm a bit dull really lol
ohhhhh & obviously THE 1950s! but i'm not sure that counts as a hobby, might just be a weird obsession, but gee I sure think its swell =)