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  • YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol.25 - Come SIN with Me and Dee

    DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER Watcha Weird'ohs I’m Mr A the Barber and welcome to 'Come Sin with Me', vol. 25 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE This month's theme is all about SIN, or to be exact the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. So for the next hour your gonna be hearing songs related to seven sins o...
  • YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol.24 - Bikini Beach Monster

    DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | FACEBOOK | TWITTERWatcha Weird'ohsI’m Mr A the Barberand welcome to vol. 24 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTEI guess most of you know how the show works by now, but for any listeners new to YOU GOT GOOD TASTE here's what it's all about.Each month after I've consumed a rich diet of ...
  • YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol.23 - I Got a New Car

    DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER Watcha Weirdos I’m Mr A the Barber and you're listening to vol. 23 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE. This month’s mix is 'I Gotta New Car', so for the next hour I'll be playing some of the best rockin'n'rollin tunes all about, yes you guessed it, CARS. Now do...
  • YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol.22 Violent City

    Watcha Weirdos I’m Mr A the Barber and you're listening to'Violent City' vol. 22 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE This month's show is a trashy mix of crime tunes set in the mean city streets of America, back in a time when bank robbing and killing were a way of life for some of America's most notorious und...

    Watcha Weirdos I’m Mr A the Barber and you're listening to vol.21 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE - BUGSThis month I got the BUG, so get ready with the insecticide, cos for the next hour your gonna be infested by a swarm of some of the most infectious BUG related rock’n’roll tunes.I’d like to send out a ...
  • YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol.20 Motorpsycho!

    Watcha Weirdos I’m Mr A the Barber and your listening to vol. 20 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE This month’s mix 'Motorpsycho!' screeches into your ears with one hour of rockin'n'rollin', rebel riding, motorbikin' tunes. So for all of you out there with the ‘too fast to live, to young to die’ mentality...

    Watcha Weirdos I'm Mr A the Barber and this is YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol. 19 "Bongo Madness' Something from the more exotic side of Rock'n'Roll this month with an hour long mix of latin flavoured dance numbers with special emphasis being given to the irresistable sound of the BONGOS. So if you too ...

        Watcha Weirdos Mr A the Barber here with vol 18 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE and it's time to get your dancin' shoes on cos Teenage Dance Party 2 is here to get you shakin'n'vibratin' to a whole load of wild'n'crazy dance tunes. So roll that carpet back and get ready DO THE 'Slosh', 'The Peanut Duck...
  • YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol.17 - Mr A the Barber's classic CUTS vol. 1

        Watcha Weirdos Mr A the Barber here with a New Show for the New Year! Any regular listeners will notice that this is NOT a themed show, thats because I've decided to relax the fomat a bit in order for me to play some of my favourite tunes that might not have ever seen the light of day. So tha...
  • YOU GOT GOOD TASTE vol. sixteen - 'The story of the man who didn't believe in SANTA'

    Merry Christmas Weirdos Mr A the Barber here bringing you vol. sixteen of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE and it's a special yule tide present just for you! 'The story of the man who didn't believe in SANTA' Inspired by 'Christmas Dragnet' by Stan Freberg I've put together a seasonal tale of a man who was an...