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Recent Entries

  • Pondering thoughts

    It's been some time since I have posted. So I have been thinking, what are some of your favorite garage bands? How did everyone get into the music? IF you listen via the internet what are some of your favorite shows and blogs? I hope that people respond. I think that it is good if we pass on some go...
  • Holy Crap Batman!

    Well it sure has been some time since I have done anything here. hopefully in the next day or so I will put up a new show from August. I could say that I have been busy, but I've just been a bit lazy. Hope that your summa is going okay.
  • Posting of my radio show

    I'm going to try and post my radio show from time to time. It's 2 hours of freeform music that covers 60 years worth of stuff that's been released, not released and stuff that probably should not have been released. Let me know what you think of the show. You can also check out my My Space page that...