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  • Suck it.

    My office suite is located on the ground floor. Double doors near our entrance open up onto the loading dock area. People used to go out there to smoke, but last year someone threw a cigarette in the dumpster and it caught on fire. Heheheh Unfortunately, despite the entertainment value of that inc...
  • These photos enrage me.

    NO. No, no, no, no, NO. Especially the one with the dog, because they look so fuckin' CHEERFUL. Meanwhile, the guy AND his mutt are about to traipse all over the goddamn records.And the one with the drinks...*sputter*...the sleeves, they're gonna get mmmmm I can't ...I can't handle... VINYL DOES N...
  • Yes, Little One, Yes.

    Okay, it's a little late for a Halloween story, but it's NEVER too late for Peter Lorre. Creepy old radio story introduced by the bug-eyed ol' M child killer and Man Who Knew Too Much. LOTS of great sound effects and voices.