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  • I interviewed Tommy James

    Hello Garage Rockers! It's been over a year now since I interviewed Tommy James, but I just now added that podcast to My Music on here. It might be of interest to some of you. Especially those in a band - Tommy's story can be inspirational to people just starting out in the Music business. You can...
  • Liar Liar by The Castaways - rap?

    Liar Liar is one of the best, and most well known, 1960s Garage Rock tunes. Have you heard the new rap version of Liar Liar? You've gotta hear this! I have the video of the rap version, as well as the video of the original, on our GarageRockRadio blog:
  • Free Advertising!

    We're now accepting a limited number of Station IDs for our popular Garage podcasts. Each mini podcast gets over 100 plays a week. Record yourself saying something like, "Hi this is (name) from (your band/podcast/website/etc.) and you're listening to GarageRockRadio!" See this blog post for more det...
  • Hello from

    Hey kids, It's GarageBill from, checking in at the new cool place to be! If you like 1960s Garage Rock, please say hi. Check out for more 1960s music; podcasts too!