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    • February 12, 2012 12:02 AM CST
    • I should have got the bastard on DVD . The second tape BROKE....BUT , THERE'S PLENTY OF CHANCES TO GET IT ON DVD....
      John Battles said:

      More highbrow stuff....I started watching a two - VCR "Godfather" set. Sure , I should get a nmovie like that on DVD , but it was two dollars ! The first tape has a short documentary , but , the second tape broke. Most cheap tapes I've bought , lately , work OK. EH , SO IT GOES.

    • February 10, 2012 10:02 PM CST
    • Just saw "Times Square" for , somehow , the first time , ever....It used to be on cable a lot , but , I always missed it , and video release has been next to nil since it came out in 1979.

      I expected a lot more humor , but got more of a sorta Punk Rock "Thelma and Louise", not that that's bad. Two patients at a minimum security mental hospital , one , the Daughter of a wealthy and influential man , the other , a tuff cookie from the streets , who does'nt seem to know where her family is (But , provides ALL the comic relief this movie can muster up.) , escape and quickly form their own group , The Sleaze Sisters (Aided by an all - male backing band , The Blondells). With the help of poetic and intuitive DJ , Tim Curry (Still trying to live down you - know - which role.), the two become an sensation , but , it's plain to see that street urchin , Robin Johnson , is the whole show. Johnson sang her own parts , and , in real life , was slated for bigger things. An appropro duet with David Johansen on the soundtrack notwithstanding , this was about as far as a singing career , or an acting career for she and her co-star , Trini Alvarado , ever got. I could be wrong. The movie , as I say , is a lot more serious than one has a right to expect (Tho' they elevate dropping TV sets from buildings to a higher art form than Keef once did....) , but , it's well made , and the still - teenaged Alvarado and Johnson turn in fine performances , as does the misunderstood Curry (Later accused of exploiting his proteges , though no product is ever released.). The movie is best remembered today for it's soundtrack (Featuring The Ramones , Suzi Quatro , The Ruts, Joe Jackson , Roxy Music , XTC (Whose "Take This Town" does'nt even seem to appear on any of their own releases.), and many others. Some of whom SUCK , but , hey.). Most of the songs (Barring "I Wanna Be Sedated" and Roxy's "The Same Old Scene".) go by so fast , you may not know them , even if you do. Ever see "Night on Earth"? Same as their use of Blue Cheer's "Summertime Blues" or Davie Allan's "Cycle - Delic". You get a glimpse of what Times Square used to be , though I can't help feeling that , having been there in 1984 , when sleaze was still king , that some scenes were just thrown together sets. The film takes place , almost entirely , in Times Square , but , maybe in true Punk fashion , they did'nt bother getting permits....

    • February 10, 2012 2:10 PM CST
    • Reform School Girls (with a 37 year old Wendy O Williams playing a teenager!)


      Combat Shock (or American Nightmares for the directors cut)

      2019 After the Fall of New York

      The Bronx Warriors

      Razorback, 'cause how can you go wrong with a film about a giant killer pig

    • February 6, 2012 11:59 PM CST
    • I just watched the original Japanese release of "Frankenstein Conquers The World" (Known in Japan as "Frankensein Vs. Baragon" and sometimes, "Frankenstein Vs. The Giant Devilfish").

      It's surely one of the strangest premises for a Frankenstein film , even for a Japanese Horror movie in general , and it's radically different from the better known American release.

      With Hitler's defeat , and eventual death , upon him , SS Officers steal the still - beating heart of the original Frankensten monster from an anti - Fascist German Scientist. The heart is transported , by submarine , to Japan . The bombing of Hiroshima soon follows . Amazingly , some children , left orphaned and homeless in the attack , not only live , but prove to possess a strong resistance to radiation. 15 years later , one boy , easily in his 20's , but only moderately affected by age , lives as a wild beast , eating dogs , cats , chickens , hogs , etc. He is captured by sympathetic Japanese and American Scientists , eager to study Frankenstein's heart. It's too late , the wild boy has eaten it (Though this is mentioned nowhere in the script.). He soon becomes more Frankenstein - like in appearance , and grows to staggering heights . Escaping from the enormous cell in which he was chained up , he terrorizes the beautiful mountainside . The photography , I might add , is also beautiful  (If you think Japanese Horror / Sci - Fi flicks had no production values , see this , Atragon , Dagora , Matango , The Mysterians ,  and other , more adult - oriented features....).

      In time , the giant Frankenstein monster takes on the appearance of a caveman ,with a flat head , black hair , and angular forehead , reminiscent of the classic Universal Studios prototype. The Army is out to destroy him , but , after fighting , and winning , against the strange , horned , luminescent giant reptile , Baragon , that can burrow his way under the ground , Frankenstein becomes , maybe for the first time , ever , a hero , but , his work is not yet done. A giant octopus appears , at the very end (For no good reason , I might add). Frankenstein succeeds in defeating the octopedian creature (Don't ask me why he appeared on mountainous terrain , but , like Ed Wood deduced , you got an octopus , you might as well use it. The monster - hero is left to go in peace , tiring of the destruction he's caused.

      Baragon would turn up , again , in "Destroy All Monsters " and "Gamera vs. Baragon" (Don't know how they pulled that one off , as Gamera was not a Toho Studios property.).

      A proposed sequel to this movie became "War of The Gargatus" , with no discernible connection to the Frankenstein legend, nor even the previous film. The King of Cool , Russ Tamblyn , plays one of his last serious roles for a LONG time.

    • February 6, 2012 6:57 AM CST
    • Bought Fists of Steel the other day under the title Hands of Steel, but I'll never call it that. Funny thing is I don't even remember liking it that much when I saw it before, but that was about 25 years ago. 

    • February 11, 2012 2:45 PM CST
    • That's a great idea, thanks!

      Bal said:

      Is there not a way of putting out a message to everyone affiliated with the graphic artists group?

    • February 11, 2012 11:40 AM CST
    • Is there not a way of putting out a message to everyone affiliated with the graphic artists group?

      I have endless ideas but 2 in a row would be greedy and boring for the punters

    • February 10, 2012 5:07 PM CST
    • Any ideas for Volume 8? I think we have enough good song submissions to do that one right after Vol. 7 without the need for another big push for submissions. Just need a name and artwork!


    • February 10, 2012 10:07 AM CST
    • Here's my newest one!

      BLACK, WHITE, RED. BARE BONES, PURE DRAMA. IT'S THE NEW JACKETS POSTER! Totally simplistic, reduced and straightforward, just like this great garage rock trio! Silkscreen prints available soon, go to their shows and buy one along with their new record! 

    • February 9, 2012 3:46 PM CST
    • Currently reading my sister's new novel, Shadow Kin. Urban Dark Romance - vamps, werewolves, and magic. :-)

      The cover art is v. kewl. Mel

    • February 9, 2012 3:20 PM CST
    • Yeah, the gloating is uncalled for. *smile* But hey, the race in the US is gettin' N.A.S.T.Y. early -- so much fun as a spectator sport -- soooo not fun there in America. You have my sympathies.

      Love 60's Punk. I'm @strandedinoz on Twitter -- I love Kopper's tweets -- excellent links.

      Mel, in Adelaide

    • February 9, 2012 12:15 PM CST
    • "Eat your heart out Yanks." Well, yeah! Kinda green w/ envy at the mo'

      Oh, yeah, you might like my blog, 60s Punk! and my twitterfeed is @sockolt

    • February 9, 2012 4:24 AM CST
    • Yeah, you can be fined if you don't vote. I love it.

      Even if you are overseas, you have to write in a ballot and send it. There are exceptions, but you have to apply ahead to get that accepted. Just as easy to do a postal vote.

      You can write in mickey mouse, but you have to rock up and vote your ass. We only have 26million. If you didn't have compulsory voting, no one would. Aussies aren't, by and large, into politics per se. We like football, the outdoors, having a laugh at a hotel over a drink a lot more.

      If a major politician gets up at a major event to speak or wave, they're liable to get boo'd. This alone made me fall in love with the place.

      I've worked on campaigns here and scrutinised elections. It's very low key. We use paper and pencil and 2 ballot papers. No fuss, no muss. And you can write Get Fucked on the ballot if you want. :)

      Short elections -- limited ads. Heaven. Besides, the campaign doesn't go well if it coincides with footy season. Pollys beware!

      Eat your heart out Yanks.

      dave said:

      Yah, RE: election, it's lose/lose. Wait, it's ILLEGAL in Oz not to vote?!

    • February 8, 2012 6:16 PM CST
    • Yah, RE: election, it's lose/lose. Wait, it's ILLEGAL in Oz not to vote?!

    • February 8, 2012 5:32 PM CST
    • Seriously Dave: How can your president, cuz he ain't mine, and uh, I got no room for criticism, cuz we have, like, a fucking MONARCH as our head of state.

      Nevertheless, I'll bite: how can the use of drones be justified and at the same time, Obama was quoted he liked the tv show Homeland? Is he that so unaware of what he says, vs what he does?

      Or is he like Ronald Reagan, controlled by the Pentagon and has no idea what the military is actually doing in the name of the American people?

      The media there has done an excellent job of not showing the effects of drone attacks. The Hague may be very very busy in the future. I can only hope so.

      Don't worry, the Aussies are well in there doing their bit, thanks to our right wing LABOUR PM.

      I've been talking about moving to New Zealand, which is an entirely nuclear free country -- doesn't even like boats with nuclear material in their harbours. Yup, that place is lookin'  really good to me. 

      My sympathies to all Americans at this time -- electioning is a full-time business there. Can't be any fun.  Regardless of the type of politics you hold dear. By law, our elections can't go longer than I believe 6 weeks. Something like that. It's illegal not to vote in Oz btw.


      dave said:

      Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola

      83% of Americans approve of Obama Administration's drone use or killing of terror suspects w/o due process Here. Ai Yiyi...

    • February 8, 2012 3:35 PM CST
    • Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola

      83% of Americans approve of Obama Administration's drone use or killing of terror suspects w/o due process Here. Ai Yiyi...

    • February 7, 2012 6:33 PM CST
    • Well, that video summed it up really well. Ask an African-American who's been to Oz for a visit? They won't come back.

      It is a white country. I get told off for saying that. And Pauline Hanson and her friends have plenty of company. But we are more multi-cultural every year. And at LEAST we are having the conversation, you know?

      The issue of illegal immigration in Oz is as heated as in the US, but for different reasons. Our last 3 gov'ts have been shameful on the subject. I can't get started on that of I'll go on for hrs.

      Yup, we have huge problems here. But we have health care, a pension system, and a system to help people find work. It's no picnic anywhere.

      I live in one of the most conservative parts of the country. And even here, it's still better than living overseas.

      Big However -- if the Liberals win the next electon (our Conservative party) I will seriously consider relocating to New Zealand. I have friends in the US considering it -- they have a young family and I tell them, do it now -- it's easier when they're kidlettes.

      Looks like none of us are immune from the effects of global giants. Mel

      dave said:

      Fuck yeah! Socialism mixed w/ a bit of Capitalism is the way to go. EVERYONE should get free medical care, free Uni education and decent high schools. This Greedhead thing has gone too far! When there are enough old folk, they'll vote better health care in (they *vote* after all, lol!).

      Finally, here is Australia Day, the Juice Rap News skit to make ya laugh Essssential.

      Australia - Yeah C**t

    • February 7, 2012 6:00 PM CST
    • Fuck yeah! Socialism mixed w/ a bit of Capitalism is the way to go. EVERYONE should get free medical care, free Uni education and decent high schools. This Greedhead thing has gone too far! When there are enough old folk, they'll vote better health care in (they *vote* after all, lol!).

      Finally, here is Australia Day, the Juice Rap News skit to make ya laugh Essssential.

      Australia - Yeah C**t

    • February 7, 2012 5:00 PM CST
    • If there ever were a time when we needed George Carlin, it would be NOW. NOW NOW NOW. I adore him. Whenever I get to feeling like I'm the ONLY ONE ranting, I get on YouTube and watch some of his routines. Still fresh, still caustic. Still get a YES from me in the audience.

      Oh, I'll add another log to the fire: when people say, you don't have to bribe doctors for treatment in the US? Yeah, really?

      My parents (elderly, pushin' 80) got a letter from their doctor's office saying that if they wanted the bestest, fastest treatment, they had to pay a retainer every year. So, if you have money, you get the speed dial to the doc, quicker appointments.

      I was visiting when they got the letter. And I can't really describe my anger as someone who lives in a universal health care system. It was Off. The. Charts.

      Imagine, shaking down elderly people for money that way? It beggars belief. Needless to say, the practice got a caustic letter. They didn't care. People were scared -- they PAID IT. That sort of thing should get a doctor's license pulled. DIS-GUSTING.

      And all perfectly legal in the Land of the Free. No thank you.

      By the way, I have health care, not just health insurance. People want health care. Treatment. Not insurance. Sooooo American. Soooo wrong. 

    • February 7, 2012 4:35 PM CST
    • Hi Mel, thanks for replying, I was afraid almost no-one else wanted to. Yes to everything you said, plus the base(s?) that we're building in Australia, drones (domestic and abroad), soo much more. I'm trying to emulate George Carlin and take a few steps back emotionally. No ulcers so far ;)

    • February 6, 2012 7:23 PM CST
    • hey Dave --- wow -- this is such a loaded question for me. I'm American by birth, and Australian by choice. When I read stories about teachers in the USA packing food and putting it in students' backpacks (so they have something to eat after school), when I read that there were 17,000 foreclosures in Cook County, IL, when I read about the number of people sick and dying unable to afford healthcare, yeah, I wonder the same thing.

      Are Americans in denial? Minimal corruption? What do you call what happens in Wall Street in connection to 'K' street in Washington? What are all those people in Occupy talking about?

      Minimal corruption? What about the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and major hospital corporations? Insurance companies and doctor's groups?

      I live in a country where health care is considered a human right, not the right of only the affluent. 

      How about the cozy relationships among promoters, record companies, agents, and lawyers in an industry based primarily in the USA?

      I'll stop now. But food for thought.

      Mel, who's re-listening to Give 'Em Enough Rope for a reason

    • February 6, 2012 1:28 AM CST
    • The O2 isn't the trick, Saline Solution is.

      Think about it: You're dehydrated, and an Isotonic IV will directly replenish your shit. Too bad when you ask anyone at a hospital for Saline Solution and needles they figure you to be a junkie. Damn shame, I'm just trying to get prepped for the morning after. You will seriously be good to go in under 30 minutes. And starting an IV isn't too hard (although prepare to be stuck 3-4 times if your mates have never done an intravenous puncture before)

      Isotonic drinks ain't bad either, although much less effective. Coconut Water is fantastic.

      DammitDave said:

      I'm a big fan of Alka Seltzer.  A friend of mine was a paramedic.  He would inject himself with saline solution and suck on an oxygen mask.  I don't know about the I.V. but Granny won't miss a little Owill she?

    • February 5, 2012 11:51 PM CST
    • BTW , Dan told me that my suspicions were correct , that his "Divisible Man " (The only superhero I remember from "Lloyd Llewellyn" apart from the drug - ravaged "Battlin' American") was based on the incredibly bad , but , still incredible ,
       unauthorized "Captain Marvel" character from the mid - 60's (No relation to Fawcett/DC or Marvel's CMs.), who could disassemble his body parts at will.  Yeah.
      John Battles said:

      " I don't believe in solutions for my characters , unless they're organic".

      Clowes will be the first to tell you , he was influenced by Superhero comics , in ways that are less obvious....When he started out , with "Lloyd Llewellyn" , in the 80's , Independent Comics were on the move , but , barring Clowes , Bagge , The Brothers Hernandez and Friedman , and scant few others, IT WAS ALL ABOUT FUCKING SUPERHEROES...

      And , if you were'nt around then , Brothers and Sisters , it was a major pain in the ass trying to find any of 'em. I was , however , lucky enough to live near what'd go on to be the last truly sleazy comic book store in Chicago , Larry's. Ask Dan about it , if you meet him. He'll tell you how great it was. 

    • February 5, 2012 4:43 PM CST
    • " I don't believe in solutions for my characters , unless they're organic".

      Clowes will be the first to tell you , he was influenced by Superhero comics , in ways that are less obvious....When he started out , with "Lloyd Llewellyn" , in the 80's , Independent Comics were on the move , but , barring Clowes , Bagge , The Brothers Hernandez and Friedman , and scant few others, IT WAS ALL ABOUT FUCKING SUPERHEROES...

      And , if you were'nt around then , Brothers and Sisters , it was a major pain in the ass trying to find any of 'em. I was , however , lucky enough to live near what'd go on to be the last truly sleazy comic book store in Chicago , Larry's. Ask Dan about it , if you meet him. He'll tell you how great it was.