I already have artists lined up to do the album cover art for all of the first five volumes of the Hideout comp series, and a couple of people in mind for Vol. 6, but nothing is decided yet on that one. If you would like to show off your stuff and throw your hat in the ring for consideration for future volumes (meaning Vol. 6 on), then post a message below with a link to some of your work so I can check it out.
Just like with the music for these comps, you're submitting your artwork for the (virtual) cover of one of our compilations. There are no terms (although since the entire comp is offered under a Creative Commons license, your artwork is basically included in that) and you are free to use this artwork elsewhere if you want, of course. You will get credit for designing the cover on the compilation page, naturally. So, while I can't offer you any actual MONEY for your artwork, I can tell you that these comps are getting some great exposure, though, and should therefore likewise bring your work some good exposure and hopefully lead to some actual paying work for you. :)
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy