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    • November 3, 2011 12:55 PM CDT
    • that is so rad!!!

      but 7" diameter? am i supposed to find one for my 8" head? i feel your big head pain, kopper

    • November 3, 2011 5:52 AM CDT
    • Yeah that's the story and it's still running !

      kopper said:

      The Four Slicks (from Paris) Ford Falcon:

      I think the story was, they bought the car in California (or somewhere out west) and drove it across the country. It had "N.Y. or Bust" painted on the back... I remember them having it when they stopped and played a gig in St. Louis a few years ago.

    • November 3, 2011 5:48 AM CDT
    • walter's son is gonna learn how to cook ! haha

      Clyde said:

      I thought the season finale was good, but I thought they should have left the audience with a "cliff-hanger", like past seasons.

      As for next season, my guess is that Jesse & Walt will have to start all over again with thier operation, since they destroyed the lab, killed off thier employer, and most of thier money seems to be gone.

      kopper said:

      So, what did you guys think of the season finale? Pretty cool, but where do they take the show from here?!

    • November 3, 2011 5:44 AM CDT
    • Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

      the bbc series in the 80's , not as fun as the books but more than the movie !


    • November 1, 2011 1:32 PM CDT

    • November 1, 2011 6:52 PM CDT
    • A friend in Nashville mentioned that her bank had suddenly dropped a $5 monthly fee on her debit card and she didn't know why. When I mentioned that I thought it was an indirect result of the Occupy movement, she said, "Oh, those hippies protesting in New York?" What can I say; she only watches the local news.

      After a 5 minute check of my browser history, I sent her a laundry list of links to news and videos about the Movement, then didn't hear from her for about 2 hours. When I did, she said she was going down to Occupy Nashville tomorrow, on her day off and taking 4 friends!!

      Let's hear it for social networking!!

    • October 31, 2011 10:09 AM CDT
    • The strangest thing happened yesterday; I live in Idaho, a tough, very conservative, religious state. I spoke to two business owners, both Republican and both had just switched their banking from major banks to credit unions. But both thought the Occupy movement was pointless...the irony fried me.

    • November 2, 2011 2:01 PM CDT
    • Is that real or are you pulling my chains?  I'll definetly get one; I missed out when originally up there.

      kopper said:

    • November 2, 2011 2:50 AM CDT
    • Good stuff, Brian S.

      Have had good results with the glue method too but it doesn't work with all makes of the stuff.  Best to try out on a couple of knackered records too.  On recommendation I have found that kids glue (as found in craftshops) appears to work the best.

      Regards, Col

    • November 1, 2011 5:23 AM CDT
    • I've had a 2 week trial with a Loricraft and it's very good but can honestly say the Okki Nokki machine gives the same service at a fraction of the cost.



    • October 31, 2011 10:24 AM CDT
    • Happy New Year ...& due to further deep research... the info here below has now been amended...

      1). Abrasive Licks > Cat's tongues are abrasive... in cynical trials, we recently found that catnip dust works really well on really dirty ol' 45's on tests... 8 out of 10 cats etc... and so on...[see pic]

      2). Neanderthal Clunks > Old stoneage handtools are of course a bit brutal, but they are good clean fun as well for chippin' off big chunks of burrito crud & calcified beer rings... [see pic]

      3). Groove Slides... Snails are real headbangers and really wig out to quality 45's on the dancefloor...  they also do a real good job at chewing crud off the surface of old 45's [see demonstration of snail 45rpm cleaning process in pic below ~ no snails were hurt in this process...] -

          We are also engaged in training local winkles, whelks and limpits [nice work if you can get it...] with our patent organic anchovy paste record cleaning gloop. We do this by spreading it onto piles of old 50's / 60's 45's which are then screwed onto the wooden breakwaters at low tide... Obviously the labels get all wet and chewed up as well... but hey... you can't have everything, and who spins the labels anyway >>>---> (der?)

      4). It's Our Bag... In terms of using glue outside of it's appropriate low-level social and punk rock party applications... we have also found that if a record is properly wrecked up, you can still get a good sound out of it by spreading wood glue all over it - and then sticking another non-wrecked record on top > Hey presto !!! ...yup - it'll play just fine... We recently manageried to get our copy 'Toes on the Nose' by Eddie and the Showmen to play Evergreen by Barbra Streisand by using this process and the results were excellent !!!

      But on a thoroughly boring note...  [although v. expensive & somewhat time consuming to use] ...We still think that the Loricraft PRC4 MK II is a dead kool machine if used with L'Art du Son fluid and de-mineralised water - This machine still works really well for us right now right across the board...

      In audiophile terms we have had 45's that have been previously cleaned on other machines and/or with other methods etc... and yet have still seriously improved the dynamic playback* by re-cleaning them on our Loricraft [ *...we are fussy and use a variety of decks from tecnics SL10 MK2's with eliptical needles / also Thorens etc with shure supertrack needles, BBC prototype studio monitors, stupid amps etc... ]

      Yet still for us at least ...the Loricraft has proved to be the best so far for us for cleaning all sorts of vinyl across the board ...e.g. from acetates & old 78's, styrene & vinyl 45's... right up to crystal clarity on U.S. 45rpm radio spots, jazz, classical & spoken word LP's... the advantage of this machine so far as we can work out is that it vacuums each groove as opposed to some form of nya ha ha ha ha ha ....wipe-out ... style suction pad trawling across the entire platter like a finger of fudge... hey ho




    • November 1, 2011 7:30 PM CDT
    • "The Comic Strip Presents" , for the Anglically challenged , was a TV and Movie collective comprised of cast members of "The Young Ones" , "French and Saunders" (Who started out on "The Young Ones".) and others. They did a great series of hour long Comedy films (Each one unrelated to the others.)...In the late 80's , much to their credit , MTV showed all or most of these films. The only one to get US video distribution (and I don't even know if it was shown on TV.) WAS (Drumroll, please...) BAD NEWS !!! A fictional two - part documentary series on a NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal - e.g. Saxon , early Priest , early Maiden , Girlschool , maybe , Motorhead , never.) band that goes from playing dives to a fluke hit record , a public breakup during a taping of "Top of The Pops", and an appearance at the "Monsters of Rock " festival , five years after the coup failed. Sounds familiar ? Well , it's funnier than "Spinal Tap" and the songs are better , too. Rhino released it on VHS , but it's long overdue release to DVD has'nt happened.

      Bryan Hovercraft said:

      Meet The Parents is  B-movie classic shot through the eyes & height of a 7 ? year old boy who gradually comes to the realisation that his parents are cannibals and that is why initially at the start of the movie he cannot work out why every day is yesterdays left overs... bad but brilliant..,

      3 other really appaling ones that are so bad that they are brilliant [also very funny ] i think are all related to the UK 'comic strip presents' production company. [?] 1. Eat The Rich [featuring a motorhead soundtrack ] 2. Churchill - the Hollywood Years ...& 3. Reign of Gargoyles  - we have so far failed to get a copy of this latter one which we absolutely love to bits  -(  sorry for not giving away any plots here ) the modern zombie horror - (in german) - Dead Snow - is also a must see for schlock horror Zombie fans featuring a whole battalion of zombie nazi's - the trailer is on you tube ... maybe try checkin  out "DEAD SNOW movie trailer ... "EIN ! SCHWEIN ! DIE " being the promo strapline ... well worth a peek  -or why not go the whole hog and try out 'Trail of the Screaming Forehead ' and the rob zombie classic '2001 maniacs' as a popcorn dbl feature - erm ... maybe not though - as i'd hate to take respponsibility for the brain damage that both of these films when viewed together may cause ... failing that just turn on the sy-fy channel at random and watch whatever they are showing ... maybe if i can convince her i may be able to get 'the lady' to add some titles here ... as she's the real junk movie addict round here  ; )

    • November 1, 2011 7:11 PM CDT
    • I'D HONESTLY FORGOTTEN THERE WERE TWO "FRITZ" FILMS , THEY'VE GOTTEN BURIED SO DEEP , AT THIS POINT. I'VE NEVER SEEN "COONSKIN" , BUT , I'VE READ ABOUT IT. Not many Underground Comix ever got the movie treatment. I know there was a Dirty Duck film , but , I HAVE'NT SPOKEN TO ANYONE WHO'S SEEN IT.    A Freak Bros. film is in the works (Almost 40 years after it was originally announced.) , but , they're depending on donations , so it may be a while.....

      joey fuckup said:

      Yeah, I knew Bakshi had done "Fritz the Cat" but he didn't want any part in the sequel. The sequel wasn't horrible, in my opinion, but it does pale in comparison to the first film. Crumb was so unhappy with the film treatment of his character that he killed Fritz off in his comics, figuring "out of sight, out of mind." But of course the sequel came, due in large part because his wife had some ownership in the character.

      Another favorite Bakshi film was the controversial "Coonskin" which I think was yanked from theatres after one week because of protests over it's depictions of minorities. When it was released on VHS years later, it was re-titled "Street Fight" (when I got my hands on it). It was rumored at one time that Blue Underground was going to release it on DVD, but this is still yet to happen.

      By the way, Ivan Reitman directed "Heavy Traffic", which is probably why a number of SCTV cast members provided voices.

      John Battles said:

          Bakshi had no involvement with "Fritz The Cat" ? I've never heard that before , he's always at the top of the credits , and it's always had the earmarks of one of his pictures ,  but , it's true , Crumb is'nt , because he demanded that he , the creator , have his name withdrawn from the credits. It could have been a different story if he'd chosen to be directly involved (Bakshi , probably after the rights to the character , arguably did'nt want that anymore than Crumb.) . "Heavy Traffic " and "Hey , Good Lookin'" are  better choices , if you're looking to get into Bakshi's back catalogue , but , I always liked "Fritz" all right. The more mainstream stuff , like "Wizards" , "Heavy Metal" and "American Pop" , which is better than it's rep would have you believe , you might want to watch , later. I have'nt seen his largely forgotten "Lord of The Rings" came out. I only started going back and watching his films , recently.   Bakshi did the "Spiderman" cartoons , too , but , on a much smaller budget , of course.

      "Fritz" also benefits from the use of "Bo Diddley" by Bo Diddley , who complained in the press about not being consulted over it's use. He should have been , but , he no longer owned the rights , so making him aware that his song was appearing in a movie was a formality , deemed unnecessary.

      Ben Simon said:

      A few days ago, I watched The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat, the sequel to Fritz the Cat that was made without the involvement of Ralph Bakshi or Robert Crumb. I can see why Crumb doesn't acknowledge its existence. Although the 70s funk soundtrack helped it a little.

    • November 1, 2011 7:01 PM CDT
    • No , I think the "Killer Tomatoes" theme is pretty funny. Trust me , I like a LOT of movies braver men would'nt touch , but , that one was too slow for me. If you're talking about the same film , "Parents" was the US title for "Meet The Parents". Randy Quaid , was it? , one of those guys in "The Hollywood Book of Right Boilers , curated by Harvey Keitel.",  played the dad.  I have it on VHS. I love those 80s Black Humor films , Parents , Eating Raoul , EAT THE RICH (Which I don't even consider a "Bad" movie. BTW , Lemmy has a small role , as do one or two of The Stranglers , and Motorhead puts in an appearance , too.), and the fucking INSANELY under - rated "Neighbors" , with Dan Akyroyd and John Belushi. It's NOTHING like anything either of 'em did , otherwise. Belushi , for once in his career , was the straight man , sheltered , conservative , in a word , nerdesque.... While Akyroyd plays the prank addict neighbor with a sadistic streak the length of the Gobi Desert. No one gets eaten , but it is DARK. Plus , Buck Henry's great in it. Seek it out ! When it came out , people at school told me "That was stupid ! "Arthur" is GREAT !!!". AH , YES , "ARTHUR". THE MOVIE THAT MADE MY COUNTRYMEN FORGET THAT DUDLEY MOORE WAS ONCE VERY FUNNY. I'll turn in a formal apology if Britain will apologize for Churchill's Art career.

      Bryan Hovercraft said:

      Meet The Parents is  B-movie classic shot through the eyes & height of a 7 ? year old boy who gradually comes to the realisation that his parents are cannibals and that is why initially at the start of the movie he cannot work out why every day is yesterdays left overs... bad but brilliant..,

      3 other really appaling ones that are so bad that they are brilliant [also very funny ] i think are all related to the UK 'comic strip presents' production company. [?] 1. Eat The Rich [featuring a motorhead soundtrack ] 2. Churchill - the Hollywood Years ...& 3. Reign of Gargoyles  - we have so far failed to get a copy of this latter one which we absolutely love to bits  -(  sorry for not giving away any plots here ) the modern zombie horror - (in german) - Dead Snow - is also a must see for schlock horror Zombie fans featuring a whole battalion of zombie nazi's - the trailer is on you tube ... maybe try checkin  out "DEAD SNOW movie trailer ... "EIN ! SCHWEIN ! DIE " being the promo strapline ... well worth a peek  -or why not go the whole hog and try out 'Trail of the Screaming Forehead ' and the rob zombie classic '2001 maniacs' as a popcorn dbl feature - erm ... maybe not though - as i'd hate to take respponsibility for the brain damage that both of these films when viewed together may cause ... failing that just turn on the sy-fy channel at random and watch whatever they are showing ... maybe if i can convince her i may be able to get 'the lady' to add some titles here ... as she's the real junk movie addict round here  ; )

    • November 1, 2011 5:30 PM CDT
    • You're so right. Sometimes , it IS fun to go over those DVD sets , though , and figure out which ones are your favorites....I found a Scottish version of "The Wolfman" from the 70's that I'd never heard of , and I spend WAY too much time reading about and watching these films. It's not bad ! But , I always concurred with the general public opinion that "They Saved Hitler's Brain" was ONE OF the worst , ever. It was seperately shot , over two periods of time , five years apart , no doubt, with different scripts , too , so the end result is incomprehensible. BUT , I found an edited version made for Television (Probably in the Late 60's) in one of those DVD sets , and it actually made sense , by comparison. Not only that , but Hitler's still - living noggin makes more appearances than the version I actually used to SEE on TV.... It's , at least , watchable , and  the (Unintentional) humor is intact.
      Atom Age Vampire I thought was....OK . Nothing special. But ,that's part of the game , sometimes you find a gem , and others , just a lump of coal.
      Soraia said:

      I was pretty disappointed by Atom Age Vampire, I had high hopes because of Balzac...

      I dig those cheap collections of old public domain horror flicks, but there's also a good percentage of unwatchable crap on them

    • November 1, 2011 5:26 PM CDT
    • Yeah, I knew Bakshi had done "Fritz the Cat" but he didn't want any part in the sequel. The sequel wasn't horrible, in my opinion, but it does pale in comparison to the first film. Crumb was so unhappy with the film treatment of his character that he killed Fritz off in his comics, figuring "out of sight, out of mind." But of course the sequel came, due in large part because his wife had some ownership in the character.

      Another favorite Bakshi film was the controversial "Coonskin" which I think was yanked from theatres after one week because of protests over it's depictions of minorities. When it was released on VHS years later, it was re-titled "Street Fight" (when I got my hands on it). It was rumored at one time that Blue Underground was going to release it on DVD, but this is still yet to happen.

      By the way, Ivan Reitman directed "Heavy Traffic", which is probably why a number of SCTV cast members provided voices.

      John Battles said:

          Bakshi had no involvement with "Fritz The Cat" ? I've never heard that before , he's always at the top of the credits , and it's always had the earmarks of one of his pictures ,  but , it's true , Crumb is'nt , because he demanded that he , the creator , have his name withdrawn from the credits. It could have been a different story if he'd chosen to be directly involved (Bakshi , probably after the rights to the character , arguably did'nt want that anymore than Crumb.) . "Heavy Traffic " and "Hey , Good Lookin'" are  better choices , if you're looking to get into Bakshi's back catalogue , but , I always liked "Fritz" all right. The more mainstream stuff , like "Wizards" , "Heavy Metal" and "American Pop" , which is better than it's rep would have you believe , you might want to watch , later. I have'nt seen his largely forgotten "Lord of The Rings" came out. I only started going back and watching his films , recently.   Bakshi did the "Spiderman" cartoons , too , but , on a much smaller budget , of course.

      "Fritz" also benefits from the use of "Bo Diddley" by Bo Diddley , who complained in the press about not being consulted over it's use. He should have been , but , he no longer owned the rights , so making him aware that his song was appearing in a movie was a formality , deemed unnecessary.

      Ben Simon said:

      A few days ago, I watched The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat, the sequel to Fritz the Cat that was made without the involvement of Ralph Bakshi or Robert Crumb. I can see why Crumb doesn't acknowledge its existence. Although the 70s funk soundtrack helped it a little.

    • November 1, 2011 5:16 PM CDT

    • Ha! I enjoyed "Attack Of the Killer Tomatoes", but then again, I've never claimed to have good taste in movies...You may not want to listen to my latest "40 Oz. Nonsense" then, because I played the theme song!
      John Battles said:

      How could I have forgotten "Attack of The Killer Tomatoes" ? It's so slow - moving , it does'nt even rate as Comedy. Lloyd Kaufman is always being cited as the world's worst Director (They've obviously never seen anything by Dave "The Rock" Nelson.), but , at least there's some laughs to be had , there. "Killer Tomatoes" REALLY went out of it's way to be barely watchable , and succeeded.

      John Battles said:

      I've seen SO many bad  films , without benefit of seeing many of the box office blockbusters of the last 15 years , it's hard to choose. I saw "Sgt. Pepper" recently for the first time since it came out,and , yes , it DOES live up to it's reputation as one of the worst movies , ever , and , yet , I was fascinated by how bad it truly was . A non - director put in charge of non - actors (For the most part. Donald Pleasance was a fine actor, but , it's amazing how bad he was , here. George Burns was still funny into his 80's....MOST of the time , but , not here.....) , in a "story" set to non - Beatle songs. Some people will argue there were a few salvageable musical bits - Earth , Wind and Fire's "Got To Get You Into My Life" , Aerosmith's "Come Together" (I'm decades over my interest in Aerosmith , but , like the former , they did it their way.) and /or Billy Preston's "Get Back" . Yes , Preston was on the original , but , it's interesting to note that even "The Rutles : All You Need is Cash" had stronger ties to The Beatles (And even The Stones !) than that. But , among many bummer career moves - Alice Cooper as The Reverend Sun.  Alice SHOULD have been Cousin Kevin in "Tommy". He should have left this non - movie alone.  John Mayall is mugging a LOT in the finale. Jim Dandy is also in the closer , but I could'nt spot him. He's hilarious after a few drinks.

      Not defending Robert Stigwood , here , but , a lot of people don't know that "Sgt. Pepper" had previously been an unsuccessful Broadway show with Ted ("Jesus Christ") Neely , so ,  apparently there WAS a template for this ...ummm....motion picture. Maybe the play did'nt have a script , either.

    • November 1, 2011 5:16 PM CDT
    • Well said. I just saw "Last Man on Earth" as part of a "Vincentennial" double feature. Victoria Price , Vincent's Daughter , gave a great lectuure and slide presentation on her Father.

      You can see , obviously , how this film influenced "Night of The Living Dead". The idea that it's the end of the world , and the walking dead have taken over , with a feeling of enclosure from the last man , and his still - living new lady friend. It's too late for them to repopulate the earth. A real pity , Uncle Vinnie.

      Frank N. Stroud said:

      The Will Smith "I Am Legend" is pure blasphemy unto the name of Richard Matheson. I'm so tired of seeing people that don't have a REAL love for Horror/Sci Fi churning out conjibulated mish mash remakes.

      I LOVE "Last Man On Earth and "Omega Man", either one of which is a gazillion times better than "Fresh Prince Of Zombietown".

    • November 1, 2011 5:07 PM CDT
    • Sir Raleigh and The Coupons , That's a GREAT name , I remember that....The Juveniles' version on "Wavy Gravy" kills...I hope that's not the one you mean , as Tim Warren had a tendency to change the artist's names on his comps.  But , yes , that song (?) is called "Puberty Love". Hey , if you've got it , ADD it !

      Bryan Hovercraft said:

      oh no 'Attack of the Killer' tomatoes reminds me check out whether there is a radio spot or actual 45 of the appaling song that repeatedly blurts out  throughout the film from the car 'puberty love' I think it is called - i am still deciding whether over time or not to add pics etc of our 'worst ever music 45's' - yes ... somewaht sadly we collect these too - there is one in my pics on ARZEE if my memory serves me well by Bobby Saver [ Count drac ] called 'The Trance' - the trance is pretty damn trashy and maybe not so good if you like good music ... but it is their version of 'Hey Bo diddly' on the other side that really deserves to be somewhere up there in the worlds worst hall of fame - it is actually so bad that it is brilliant  [sorry Bobby & the guys if you ever read this ... but we do actually love it !!!! ] although somewhere in my trash filled addled mind is a file that contains info: on Bobby Saver - I'm stuffed if i can currently remember anything more here ...  ; )  pals & ourselves have been running an ouch style toothache /bad 45 competion hunt for years - another that springs to mind is called 'something or other' by Sir Raleigh & the Cupons - can't off hand remember the label / date / early to mid 60's sound - a true classic...  'Lost' [a cricket in my ear ] by the Webs is also a real corker - but i seem to remember somewhere that it has been said by some to be a modern [ish] 45 track made to look & sound old - so don't quote me on that guys ... ; ) the a-side of the Webs 45 is a really excellent & cool version of the moody surf classic 'Blue skies'

      John Battles said:

      I've seen SO many bad  films , without benefit of seeing many of the box office blockbusters of the last 15 years , it's hard to choose. I saw "Sgt. Pepper" recently for the first time since it came out,and , yes , it DOES live up to it's reputation as one of the worst movies , ever , and , yet , I was fascinated by how bad it truly was . A non - director put in charge of non - actors (For the most part. Donald Pleasance was a fine actor, but , it's amazing how bad he was , here. George Burns was still funny into his 80's....MOST of the time , but , not here.....) , in a "story" set to non - Beatle songs. Some people will argue there were a few salvageable musical bits - Earth , Wind and Fire's "Got To Get You Into My Life" , Aerosmith's "Come Together" (I'm decades over my interest in Aerosmith , but , like the former , they did it their way.) and /or Billy Preston's "Get Back" . Yes , Preston was on the original , but , it's interesting to note that even "The Rutles : All You Need is Cash" had stronger ties to The Beatles (And even The Stones !) than that. But , among many bummer career moves - Alice Cooper as The Reverend Sun.  Alice SHOULD have been Cousin Kevin in "Tommy". He should have left this non - movie alone.  John Mayall is mugging a LOT in the finale. Jim Dandy is also in the closer , but I could'nt spot him. He's hilarious after a few drinks.

      Not defending Robert Stigwood , here , but , a lot of people don't know that "Sgt. Pepper" had previously been an unsuccessful Broadway show with Ted ("Jesus Christ") Neely , so ,  apparently there WAS a template for this ...ummm....motion picture. Maybe the play did'nt have a script , either.

    • November 1, 2011 5:02 PM CDT
    • The original , British , version of Raw Meat is actually very good , but , it was edited severely before being imported to these shores. I forget what the original working title was...

      Kc said:

      Worst for me is Raw Meat

       I was utterly fooled by the awesome sounding title. To finish this film was like pulling teeth- except my teeth were braincells and the dentist was a nimwit director. 


    • November 1, 2011 4:56 PM CDT
    •     Bakshi had no involvement with "Fritz The Cat" ? I've never heard that before , he's always at the top of the credits , and it's always had the earmarks of one of his pictures ,  but , it's true , Crumb is'nt , because he demanded that he , the creator , have his name withdrawn from the credits. It could have been a different story if he'd chosen to be directly involved (Bakshi , probably after the rights to the character , arguably did'nt want that anymore than Crumb.) . "Heavy Traffic " and "Hey , Good Lookin'" are  better choices , if you're looking to get into Bakshi's back catalogue , but , I always liked "Fritz" all right. The more mainstream stuff , like "Wizards" , "Heavy Metal" and "American Pop" , which is better than it's rep would have you believe , you might want to watch , later. I have'nt seen his largely forgotten "Lord of The Rings" came out. I only started going back and watching his films , recently.   Bakshi did the "Spiderman" cartoons , too , but , on a much smaller budget , of course.

      "Fritz" also benefits from the use of "Bo Diddley" by Bo Diddley , who complained in the press about not being consulted over it's use. He should have been , but , he no longer owned the rights , so making him aware that his song was appearing in a movie was a formality , deemed unnecessary.

      Ben Simon said:

      A few days ago, I watched The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat, the sequel to Fritz the Cat that was made without the involvement of Ralph Bakshi or Robert Crumb. I can see why Crumb doesn't acknowledge its existence. Although the 70s funk soundtrack helped it a little.

    • November 1, 2011 4:40 PM CDT
    • How could I have forgotten "Attack of The Killer Tomatoes" ? It's so slow - moving , it does'nt even rate as Comedy. Lloyd Kaufman is always being cited as the world's worst Director (They've obviously never seen anything by Dave "The Rock" Nelson.), but , at least there's some laughs to be had , there. "Killer Tomatoes" REALLY went out of it's way to be barely watchable , and succeeded.

      John Battles said:

      I've seen SO many bad  films , without benefit of seeing many of the box office blockbusters of the last 15 years , it's hard to choose. I saw "Sgt. Pepper" recently for the first time since it came out,and , yes , it DOES live up to it's reputation as one of the worst movies , ever , and , yet , I was fascinated by how bad it truly was . A non - director put in charge of non - actors (For the most part. Donald Pleasance was a fine actor, but , it's amazing how bad he was , here. George Burns was still funny into his 80's....MOST of the time , but , not here.....) , in a "story" set to non - Beatle songs. Some people will argue there were a few salvageable musical bits - Earth , Wind and Fire's "Got To Get You Into My Life" , Aerosmith's "Come Together" (I'm decades over my interest in Aerosmith , but , like the former , they did it their way.) and /or Billy Preston's "Get Back" . Yes , Preston was on the original , but , it's interesting to note that even "The Rutles : All You Need is Cash" had stronger ties to The Beatles (And even The Stones !) than that. But , among many bummer career moves - Alice Cooper as The Reverend Sun.  Alice SHOULD have been Cousin Kevin in "Tommy". He should have left this non - movie alone.  John Mayall is mugging a LOT in the finale. Jim Dandy is also in the closer , but I could'nt spot him. He's hilarious after a few drinks.

      Not defending Robert Stigwood , here , but , a lot of people don't know that "Sgt. Pepper" had previously been an unsuccessful Broadway show with Ted ("Jesus Christ") Neely , so ,  apparently there WAS a template for this ...ummm....motion picture. Maybe the play did'nt have a script , either.