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    • October 23, 2011 12:09 PM CDT
    • Hey Ucra,

      Thanks for getting involved.

      No deadline, it's an open project.

      Looking forward to seeing your deluxe creation.

      Cheers, Coop.

    • October 23, 2011 11:51 AM CDT
    • Hey Mr. Craftsmen!!
      Gonna send you an illustration.
      What about the deadline?


    • October 22, 2011 4:04 AM CDT
    • Alright artists, I've had a project running for a couple of years and it's only just dawned on me to dip into the creative talent at The Hideout. The project is A Patchwork Of Flesh and it's a collection of artists and non-artists doing their interpretations of the Frankenstein Monster. All are 2.5 X 3.5 inches in size (standard trading card size) and I was hoping some of you talented garage punkers would like to send me some rock 'n' rolling Frankies for Halloween.

      Go to the blog to check out the gallery and for instructions on where to send them. Every single one I've received is in the gallery, there are some fab pieces of art.

      Check 'em out and then send me your take on the creature.

      Cheers, Coop.

    • October 22, 2011 7:44 PM CDT
    • It reminds me of the Matchbox cars I used to have when I was a kid, complete with track and catapults. How long was the track and how fast was the car going? It must be all the editing that made it seem faster than it was.

      If I had those launchers, track and Matchbox cars, I'd stick ten launchers in series, make ten stations, and make a track that goes from Blackheath Common to the O2 (most of the route is downhill).

    • October 21, 2011 5:44 AM CDT
    • caraca, animal!!!


    • October 20, 2011 3:24 PM CDT
    • My son (Liam) has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, so seeing someone do this in an effort to raise funds for combating the disease really warmed my heart. If you have a few bucks, be sure to send it the family at or donate to our own fundraising efforts to fight this terrible disease.

    • October 20, 2011 4:51 PM CDT
    • I can't believe I forgot to mention my favourite sci fi series ever:

      Blake's 7

    • October 22, 2011 1:39 PM CDT
    • PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE......a must :):)

    • October 21, 2011 6:14 PM CDT
    • Am I the only one who thought this was too artsy-fartsy and abstract?  Whne it comes to Warren Oates I gotta go for Race with the Devil.  THAT was a great flick!

    • October 20, 2011 11:23 PM CDT
    • You guys don't have to use the attachment feature when posting photos. Just use the little "Image" icon in the menu (second from the left) and you can embed the image right in the post. The attachment feature is really supposed to be for other types of files (PDFs, MP3s, etc.) that can't be embedded.

    • October 20, 2011 10:31 PM CDT
    • Now this is a cool ride....

    • October 20, 2011 9:03 PM CDT
    • Three of the most horrorshow cars I've seen in London this year.

    • October 21, 2011 2:02 PM CDT
    •  I forgot that there ever was a remake of "Shape of Things To Come". The original was very ambitious , but it kinda plods on and on , y'know , but , they WERE dealing with Wells' vision of a 100 years world war , part of which came true.

      I saw "Mephisto" , recently , which is about a German Opera singer who's patronized by Hitler's Prime Minister , and becomes the biggest singing star in 1930's Nazi Germany. He tries to remain politically neutral , and becomes more and more delusional in this attempt.... It's an excellent film , if you feel like watching a "Film" , as opposed to a "Movie" , sometimes.

      I'm now watching "The Mouse That Roared" , with Peter Sellers , and Peter Sellers , and ...Peter Sellers (He plays multiple roles , male and female.). It's very funny. It concerns the smallest , most thoroughly unrecognized , nation in the world , which goes bankrupt when  The U.S. stops buying their wine . To rectify this situation , they declare war on America , intending to lose , and recieve foreign aid. Instead , they steal the "Q" Bomb , for which only Russia has a counterpart , and , suddenly , the world is at their feet.  

    • October 20, 2011 8:54 PM CDT
    • TV -Honey West , Phil Silvers Show , Andy Griffith Show , Odd Couple , Sanford and Son , All in The Family , Elvira's new show (Til they %#@!!! TOOK IT OFF THE AIR.) , The Sopranos , Seinfeld , Square Pegs .

      Movies - The World's Greatest Sinner (And one of The World's greatest Rock 'n'Roll movies .) , North Dallas Forty ( I had'nt seen it since it came out , and found the DVD for 50 cents. Parts ofit are hilarious.), The Sore Losers (One of the greatest Rock'n'Roll movies of our time.) , War of The Gargantuas (Japanese language version - with subtitles - and the King of Cool , Russ Tamblyn , dubbed in Japanese. Very different from the Americanized version.) , Tickle Me (Lesser known Elvis movie. Very good soundtrack , his only film with an underlying Horror theme (It is'nt the central focus of the film , but you do see Elvis fighting a werewolf hybrid.), and one of his most beautiful leading ladies. , Elvis Meets Nixon (Not nearly as silly as I remember it being. If there was an award for "Best Performance by an Actor as Elvis" , this guy would at least be on the ballot with Kurt Russell. ).......

    • October 21, 2011 11:16 AM CDT
    • a zombie always goes down well or a vamp but with that it musnt be cheesy same with the werewolf

    • October 21, 2011 4:25 AM CDT
    • So I might be going to the Crowbar this year on Halloween, there will be two bands playing


















      I don't know what I will wear.. Are any of you guys going to a Halloween party? If so what costumes shall you wear?


      I dressed up like this in 2009


    • October 20, 2011 8:26 PM CDT
    • I've seen SO many bad  films , without benefit of seeing many of the box office blockbusters of the last 15 years , it's hard to choose. I saw "Sgt. Pepper" recently for the first time since it came out,and , yes , it DOES live up to it's reputation as one of the worst movies , ever , and , yet , I was fascinated by how bad it truly was . A non - director put in charge of non - actors (For the most part. Donald Pleasance was a fine actor, but , it's amazing how bad he was , here. George Burns was still funny into his 80's....MOST of the time , but , not here.....) , in a "story" set to non - Beatle songs. Some people will argue there were a few salvageable musical bits - Earth , Wind and Fire's "Got To Get You Into My Life" , Aerosmith's "Come Together" (I'm decades over my interest in Aerosmith , but , like the former , they did it their way.) and /or Billy Preston's "Get Back" . Yes , Preston was on the original , but , it's interesting to note that even "The Rutles : All You Need is Cash" had stronger ties to The Beatles (And even The Stones !) than that. But , among many bummer career moves - Alice Cooper as The Reverend Sun.  Alice SHOULD have been Cousin Kevin in "Tommy". He should have left this non - movie alone.  John Mayall is mugging a LOT in the finale. Jim Dandy is also in the closer , but I could'nt spot him. He's hilarious after a few drinks.

      Not defending Robert Stigwood , here , but , a lot of people don't know that "Sgt. Pepper" had previously been an unsuccessful Broadway show with Ted ("Jesus Christ") Neely , so ,  apparently there WAS a template for this ...ummm....motion picture. Maybe the play did'nt have a script , either.

    • October 20, 2011 8:06 PM CDT
    • Ruby , Not to play Devil's Advocate , but , "Planet of The Vampires" has a very slow buildup to dealing with the actual vampires. But , you know that , already. I saw it about a year ago , for the first time in a long time, and I'd forgotten how slow it was.  I'm a great fan of Mario Bava , I've seen very few of his films that I did'nt enjoy a great deal. If "Black Sunday" had been his only film , his rep would still be solid as a rock.

      Ruby Soleil said:

      I've watched plenty of really bad movies, and I have a high tolerance, but here is a list of those I couldn't watch all the way through:
      Planet of the Vampires-There should be an official rule that if a movie has the word vampire in the title then the movie should lead with vampires. I watched almost an hour of this turkey and still not one vampire.
      Eraser head
      Buckaroo Bonzai
      Some weird japanese movie where this guy slowly turns himself into a cyborg by inserting machine parts into himself and replacing his limbs with robotic ones.
      Ichii the Killer-the anime`, this one wasn't a bad movie, it's just the subject matter was too brutal to sit through.
      Memoirs of a Geisha, and I love Michelle Yeoh too.

    • October 19, 2011 5:41 PM CDT
    • Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black.

      V              H       o  K       B

      Mina said:

      which band is that? vhokh?

    • October 19, 2011 2:10 PM CDT
    • The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black.

      Mina said:

      I can't come up with any female examples...

    • October 19, 2011 2:06 PM CDT
    • I am always looking for a good party or show to wear the Fez to. I like lounge jackets and sequence jackets.  Dressing up is fun and helps one to not take things so seriously.  I love it when bands wear costumes, and I love it even more when the audience participates.